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1、上海中考英语一模杨浦区考试(含答案) 作者: 日期:2012年上海中考英语一模试题及答案(杨浦区)Part 1 Listening I. Listening Comprehension(共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture:(6分)1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(10分)7.A) Cloudy B) Windy C) Rainy D) Sunny8.A) By bu

2、s B) On foot C) By car D) By bike9.A) Jerry B) Peggy C) John D) Alice10.A) 5:00 B) 5:10. C)7:00 D) 7:1511.A) At a hospital B) At a barbecueC) At a food store D) At home12. A) Going for a walk B) Going to the libraryC) Reading some books D) Playing in the park13.A) 1,000 yuan B) 2,000yuan C) 3,000 yu

3、an D) 4,000yuan14. A) Her sisters B) Her brothers.C) Her parents D) The womans.15. A) Husband and wife. B) Taxi driver and passenger.C) Customer and waitress. D) Teacher and student.16. A) The woman can get the CD this weekend.B) The woman enjoys the songs on the CD.C) The woman bought a CD two days

4、 ago.D) The woman can have the CD for a month.C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(7分)17.Melissa keeps a pet and his name is Eric.18. Eric has been with Melissa for more than six years.19. Eric is a strange dog because he is able to talk like a human.20

5、. Every week Melissa buys lots of mice for Eric.21. Melissa bought Eric a house because he did not always like to be with others.22.Eric is too small to drink milk or eat fish.23. Eric was angry because Melissa loved him the Wrong way.D.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks(7分)24. Bob Bradley

6、 flew in a hot air balloon aloneforthe first time on_ 4th. 2011.25.The flight made Bob the _ air balloon pilot in the world.26.Bob took off in the morning from an_ field in his hometown27.Bobs family and friends gathered to _him and see the historic event.28.Bob landed the balloon on a dirty_success

7、fully according to plan,29.Bob is an experienced hot air balloon pilot because he started at the age of _30. Hot air ballooning runs in Bobs family, so his achievement is not _Part 2 Vocabulary and GrammarII.Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)( )31. Please take_short shower and dont waste water

8、.A) a B)an C) the D)7( )32. The performance of Class A studentis muchbetter than_ of Class B students.A)one B) that C) those D) this( )33. We should never be satisfied with_ book knowledge. We also need practicalexperience.A) few B) little C) a few D) a little( )34. The NBA is in a lockout (停摆)becau

9、se players and owners failed to reach a new deal July 1stA)In B) on C) at D) since( )35. Many people post photos of _ on Facebook. They get to know each other on Facebook.A) them B) theirs C) themselves D) ourselves( )36. Professor Lee gave us much _ on how to live a low carbon life in big cities.A)

10、 tip B) suggestion C) advice D) idea( )37.The earthquake in that country left_people homeless.A) thousand B) thousands C) thousand of D) thousands of( )38 Jenny likes the new neighborhood because people here are_A) friendly B) softly C) politely D) nicely( )39 Do you know of all the words we used in

11、 2011 hold became _ in ChinaA) hot B) hotter C) hottest D) the hottest( )40.Christy has had three jobs since college, and she still_ decide what she wants to do.A) neednt B) cant C) mustnt D) shouldnt( )41._ long queue it was outside the department store! Do you know why?-The shop was offering a big

12、 sale around midnight.A) What a B) What an C) How D) How a( )42.Wheres Jack? Our teacher_ him now.A) looks for B) looked for C) will look for D) is looking for( )43. Kathy was delighted to find that her daughter_ the room by herself.A) had cleaned B) has cleaned C) will clean D) cleaned( )44.If all

13、businesses go paperless, at least one million tons of paper_A) will save B) is saved C) will be saved D) saves( )45 I decided not to buy frozen dumplings_ the government said they were safe.A) because B) though C) since D) or( )46 Inthat school, teachers made students_ green scarf if they made troub

14、le.A) wear B) to wear C) wearing D) wore( )47 Its very good of you to keep_ the old in the neighborhood nursing home.A) to serve B) serve C) serving D) served( )48 I wonder_ .A) when the university campus in China opens to the publicB) when will the university campus in China open to the publicC) wh

15、en would open the university campus in China to the publicD) when the university campus in China will open to the public( )49 The musical Notre Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院)is being staged in the theater. Shall we book two tickets for the show?-_A) Never mind B) My pleasureC) Thats agoodidea D) It doesnt ma

16、tter( )50 -John was seriously injured in the school bus accident.-_A) Take it easy B) Im sorry to hear thatC) Not at all D) Its too dangerousIII.Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each one can only be used once.(8分)A.angryB.at nightC.think aboutD.give upE.bestF.much

17、G.limitedH.chosenI.priceI was poor when I was young. But when I was 16, I was the 51 player on the football field. My high school coach (教练)was Ollie Jarvis, who not only believed in me but also taught me how to believe in myself. One incident (事件)with Coach Jarvis changed my life forever.It was dur

18、ing the summer vacation, and there was a chance to get a summer job and earnsomemoney that I wanted very much. Then I realized I would have to52summer football camp toearn the money. When I told Coach Jarvis, he was as 53 as I expected him to be. You haveyour whole life to work, he said. Your playin

19、g days are 54You cant afford to waste them. I stood before him with my head hanging. How much are you going to make from thisjob? he asked. $3.25 an hour, Ireplied. Well, he asked, is $3.25 an hour the 55_ of adream? That question made me56the difference between wanting something right now andhaving

20、 a goal. I spent the whole summer training on the football field, and within the year I was 57by one of the best teams in the state.I finally achieved my goal in life because I followed my dream. The point is that no matterwho you are and no matter where you are, you should always have a dream. And

21、this dream will show you your direction like a beacon(灯塔)to a ship at sea 58IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(8分)51_52_53_54_55_56_57_58_59. After six_ in prison, the famous music producer and director was set free, (month)60. At this years American Music Awards, T

22、aylor Swift took home_ trophies, includingthe top honour, Artist of the Year, (third)61.You know Mikes hobby is playing football, but_is collecting stamps. (I)62.All your suggestions will be discussed_ before we come to a decision, (careful)63. With the_ of economy, our life is getting better and be

23、tter, (develop)64. These factories are trying their best not to_ the river any longer, (pollution)65. With the help of the police, Tim was_ enough to get back his lost bike, (luck)66. It was_ for such old people to dance Swan Lake in China Got Talent, (usual)V.Rewrite the following sentences as requ

24、ired.(14分)67.The Red Cross provided some medica services to the victims in danger.(改为一般疑问句)The Red Cross provide_ medical services to the victims in danger?68.Two pandas from China will stay in a British zoo for ten years.(对划线部分提问)Will two pandas from China stay in a British zoo?69.Micro-blogging se

25、rvice helps to improve students writing skills.(改为反意疑问句)Micro-blogging service helps to improve students writing skills,_ ?70.People call the man Wolf Dad because of his cruel way of parenting.(改为被动语态)The man_ stWolf Dad because of his cruel way of parenting.71.Fresh water is limited. We cant waste

26、it any more.(合并为一句)Fresh water is_ limited_ we cant waste it any more.72.Please tell us what we should do to protect our environment.(改为简单句)Please tell us_ do to protect our environment.73.Work harder, or youll not succeed in your new job.(保持句意基本不变)_work harder, youll not succeed in your new job.Par

27、t 3 Reading and WritingVI.Reading Comprehension(共50分)A) Choose the best answer(12分)The Library CartMartin Murrilos green and yellow library cart is well-known in the narrow streets of Bolivar, in Colombia (波利瓦尔省,哥伦比亚).Every day he pushes a heavy cart of books around the city. He invites people to bo

28、rrow books for free. There are about 160 books in the cart, but he has got over 1000 books. Most of his books are donated by people who support his work.Two years ago, he used to earn a living by selling water in the street. As he was waiting for the customers, he sat there and read. One day a repor

29、ter saw him and offered him some books from his office. That is how the library cart started. People from all walks of life are welcome to pick up a book from his cart and read. He doesnt keep a record of who borrows which book. He trusts (信任) people to return the books after reading them. Every Fri

30、day he introduces his cart at a culture event where he talks to the children about the importance of reading and of the books he likes most. He often reads passages of his favorite books there. He hopes more young people can find the magic of reading.With the cart, he wants to encourage the people t

31、o form good reading habits. People in Europe read an average of 4 books a month but in Colombia people read an average of 1.5 books a year. To the people in Colombia, books are expensive and few can afford to buy them. Besides, people do everything on computers nowadays and many have forgotten the j

32、oy of reading. ,Martin only went to the fifth grade because his family had no money: He often had only one meal a day. He remembered once saying to his mom, Im too hungry to study. Whatever you learn, it is like saving for the future, said his mother.Martin is proud of his work. He thinks that the l

33、ibrary cart can prepare children for a better future with knowledge and technology.74. Martin didnt have much education because_ .A) he didnt like to learn B) his family was too poorC) he was too hungry to learn D) he got tired of learning75. How many books on average do people in Europe read a year

34、?A) 48 B)4 C) 1.5 D) 16076 If people want to read Martins books, they_ .A) need to write down their names B) must keep a record of the booksC) just come and read them D) have to attend a culture event77. Where can this library cart probably be seen in Columbia?A) On the computer. B) In the school li

35、brary.C) Inside the office building. D) In the city streets.78 Who are likely to be the audience (听众)at the culture event?A)Newspaper reporters.B)Business peopleC)School children. D)Bookstore owners79 Martin hopes that the library cart can_ .A) offer books at lower prices B) make him better knownC)

36、enable people to buy more books D) spread the joy of readinghsB) Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage(12分)Ten years later, I can remember my time in seventh grade like yesterday. The thing I remember most about is my English teacher, Mr. Mabry. He was, by far, the best teacher in

37、the world. First of all, he didnt use80 method of teaching. Instead, he used his theater background to make learning English grammar fun for the whole class. When we studied Shakespeare, we 81 acted out the parts, so that we really had a good understanding of Shakespeares works.He also did many othe

38、r things for us. He encouraged his students to ask questions about anything and everything and then, he would82 to give us an honest answer. He taught us how to trust one another by playing games with us. He would make one person83 backward while another person stood behind and caught him. As well,

39、he used to let us have parties every week at school. If we wanted to have a party, he would give us our homework for the day of the party and we would do it at home. Then he would check our work and we would be84 to have a party if everyone had done the homework and understood it.Some of the kids in

40、 the school had problems at home. Mr. Mabry acted as a parent for these children. He 85 them patiently and listened to their complaint. He encouraged them to do things that they really liked. Being the best teacher in the world is the greatest honour for any teacher, and Mr. Mabry certainly deserves

41、 it.( )80 A) funny B) traditional C) successful D) early( )81 A) actually B) hardly C) possibly D) immediately( )82 A) make his decision B) do his bestC) do a favor D) take a look( )83. A) fly B)jump C) lie D)fall( )84. A) allowed B) advised C) invited D) guided( )85,A) depended on B) communicated w

42、ith C) shook hands with D) searched forC) Read the passage and fill the blanks with proper words(14分)I didnt cry when I learned I was the parent of a disabled (残疾的)child.Go ahead and cry, the doctor advised kindly, but I couldnt cry then, nor during the days that followed.When Jenny was old enough, I sent her to a kindergarten. On the first morning, Jenny spent hours playing by herself. It seemed that she felt very1 86 .H


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