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1、人教版五年级上册英语unit3全考点解析unit3:What would you like?第三单元:你想要什么?1、Whats your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么?Salad.沙拉The sandwich is delicious.三明治是美味的。Zoom:Very sweet.Yum!祖姆:非常甜。Zip:Dont eat too much!吉普:不要吃太多!Whats your favourite food/drink/season?你最喜欢的食物/饮料/季节是什么?建议不要做什么用dont例:Dont go straight.不要直走。Chen Jie:Wha

2、t would you like to eat?陈洁:你想吃点什么?Mike:Salad. Its healthy.迈克:沙拉。它是健康的。Chen Jie:Id like some noodles.Its my birthday today.我想要面条。今天是我的生日!Mike:Happy birthday!迈克:生日快乐!Chen Jie:Thank you.陈洁:谢谢。Id=I would 我想要.例:Id like some pears.我想要一些梨。Part A部分2、Lets try让我们试试Sarah is hungry. What would she like to eat?

3、Listen and fill in the blanks.萨拉饿了。她想吃什么?听并填空。bread面包、noodles面条、chicken鸡肉She would like somebreadandchicken.她想要面包和鸡肉。3、Lets talk让我们讨论Father: Im hungry.爸爸:我饿了。Mother: What would you like to eat?妈妈:你想吃什么?Father: A sandwich, please.爸爸:一个三明治,谢谢。Mother: OK.妈妈:好的。Sarah: What would you like to drink?萨拉:你想喝

4、什么?Father: Id like some water. Im thirsty!爸爸:我想喝水,我渴了!Sarah: Here you are.萨拉:给你。Father: Thanks.爸爸:谢谢。4、Ask and answer.问并回答chicken and bread鸡肉和面包rice and vegetables米饭和蔬菜water水 orange橙汁 juice果汁Beef牛肉 noodles面条 tea茶Amy:What would you like to eat?艾米:你想要什么吃的?Oliver:What would you like to drink?奥利弗:你想要什么喝

5、的?5、Lets try让我们试试Zhang Peng and Sarah are thirsty. Listen and match.张鹏和萨拉渴了,听并连线。milkSarah牛奶萨拉grape juiceZhang Peng葡萄汁张鹏6、Lets talk让我们讨论Todays Menu今天的菜单Food:食物:beef noodles牛肉面条fish sandwich鱼肉三明治Drink:milk喝的:牛奶Sarah: Whats your favourite food?萨拉:你最喜欢的食物是什么?Zhang Peng: Noodles. I love beef noodles. Th

6、eyre delicious.Whats your favourite food?张鹏:面条,我喜欢牛肉面,它们很美味,你最喜欢的食物是什么?Sarah: Fish.萨拉:鱼肉。Zhang Peng: Well, lets see. We have beef noodles and fish sandwiches today.张鹏:很好,让我看看,今天我们有牛肉面和鱼肉三明治。Sarah: Great!萨拉:太好了!Sarahs favourite food is fish. Her favourite drink is milk.萨拉最喜欢的食物是鱼肉,她最喜欢喝的是牛奶。7、Lets le

7、arn让我们学习fresh新鲜的 healthy健康的 delicious美味的 hot辣的 sweet甜的Whats your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么?Ice cream.Its sweet!冰淇凌,它是甜的!8、Look, write and say看、听和说They arehot.它们是辣的。They arefresh.它们是新鲜的。It is verydelicious.它非常美味。They aresweet.它们是甜的。I love ice cream. Its sweet.What about you?我喜欢冰淇凌,它是甜的,你呢?What about

8、you?=How about you?你呢?/你怎么样?9、Read and write读并写出Robin will cook today罗宾今天将做饭Dear Robin,亲爱的罗宾My favourite food is ice cream.It is sweet. I dont like beef but chicken is OK. Onions are my favourite vegetable. I like salad very much.我最喜欢的食物是冰淇凌,它是甜的,我不喜欢牛肉但是鸡肉还可以,洋葱是我最喜欢的蔬菜,我非常喜欢沙拉。Thank you!谢谢你!Yifan一

9、凡Dear Robin,亲爱的罗宾My favourite food is chicken. It is delicious.I like vegetables but not carrots.我最喜欢的食物是鸡肉,它是美味的,我喜欢蔬菜但不喜欢胡萝卜。Thanks.谢谢Grandpa爷爷Robin:Here you are!Chicken ice cream!罗宾:给你,鸡肉冰淇凌!Wu Yifan:Oh, no!吴一凡:奥,不!but但是、不是.而是,表示转折I dont like onions but carrots is OK.我不喜欢洋葱,但是红萝卜还可以。What can they

10、 both eat? Read and tick.(1)(V)、(2)、(3)What would you like to eat? Write to Robin, please.Dear Robin,亲爱的罗宾My favourite food isnoodles.It isvery delicious.I dont likecarrots.but I likepotatoes.我最喜欢的食物是面条,它非常美味。我不喜欢胡萝卜,但是我喜欢土豆。Thank you!谢谢你Amy艾米10、Lets check让我们检查What would Amy like? Listen and tick.艾米

11、想要什么?听并判断。(1)(V)、(2)、(3)What is Amys favourite drink? Fill in the blank.艾米最喜欢喝什么?填空。Her favourite drink istea.她最喜欢喝的是茶。11、Lets wrap it upone banana一个香蕉two bananas两个香蕉one sandwich一个三明治two sandwiches两个三明治Fill in the table.填写Add-SBanana(单数)bananas(复数)香蕉pear(单数)pears(复数)梨carrot(单数)carrots(复数)胡萝卜noodle(单

12、数)noodles(复数)面条hamburger(单数)hamburgers(复数)汉堡包onion(单数)onions(复数)洋葱Add -essandwich(单数)sandwiches(复数)三明治potato(单数)potatoes(复数)土豆tomato(单数)tomatoes(复数)西红柿dress(单数)dresses(复数)裙子box(单数)boxes(复数)箱子class(单数)classes(复数)课an和a用在单数名词前面,都表示一个a用在以辅音字母开头,或以读做辅音的元音字母开头的单词前面。an用在以元音字母a, e ,i, 0, u开头,或以不发音的h字母开头的单词前

13、面。例:an apple一个苹果an egg一个鸡蛋an idea一个主意an useful book一本有用的书an orange一个橙子an hour一个小时12、Story time故事时间Zoom: Im hungry.祖姆:我饿了。Zip: What would you like to eat?吉普:你想吃什么?Zoom: Id like a salad.祖姆:我想要沙拉。Zip: No problem. I have tomatoes, carrots,and onions.吉普:没问他,我有西红柿、胡萝卜和洋葱。Zip: The vegetables are so fresh!吉

14、普:蔬菜真是太新鲜了!Zoom: Theyre delicious,too.祖姆:它们也是美味的。Zip: Please clean the vegetables.吉普:请洗一下蔬菜。Zoom: OK.祖姆:好的。Zoom: Be careful!祖姆:小心!Zip: I will. Thank you.吉普:我会的,谢谢。Zoom: It looks nice!祖姆:看起来很好!Zip: Its healthy, too.吉普:它也是健康的。Zip: Heres some fresh milk.吉普:给你新鲜的牛奶。Zoom: Thank you.Dinner at the farm is

15、great!祖姆:谢谢你,在农场吃晚餐很棒!Be careful小心Be careful.Dont turn left.小心,不要左转。Look out 小心例:I should Look out.我会小心的。13、Recycle 1Chen Jie at Willow Primary School陈洁在柳树小学Chen Jie is visiting Willow Primary School in the UK.陈洁正在英国柳树小学参观。David is a student in the school. Look at the pictures.大卫在学校是一名学生。看这张图片。Talk

16、about the teachers with your partner.和你的伙伴讨论老师。Ms Brown布朗女士English teacher英语老师Mr Smith史密斯先生PE teacher体育老师Ms Zhang张女士maths teacher数学老师Mr Reed里德先生computer teacher计算机老师Mr White怀特先生music teacher音乐老师Mr Kelly凯利先生art teacher美术老师David: These are my teachers.大卫:这些是我们的老师。Chen Jie: Whos your Chinese teacher?陈洁

17、:谁是你的语文老师?David: Look at that picture. Thats Ms Zhang,our Chinese teacher.大卫:看那张图片,那是张女士,我们的语文老师。Chen Jie: Whats she like? Is she kind?陈洁:她怎么样?她慈祥吗?David: Yes. Shes very kind, but shes strictsometimes.大卫:是的,她非常慈祥,但是有时候她是严厉的。14、Chen Jie meets some new friends at Willow PrimarySchool. Listen to the di

18、alogues and fill in the table.陈洁在柳树学校遇见一些新的朋友。听对话并填写。Monday星期一Morning上午:English英语、science科学、computer class计算机课、maths数学Afternoon下午:PE体育、reading阅读Tuesday星期二Morning上午:maths数学、English英语、science科学、computer class计算机课Afternoon下午:music音乐、art美术Wednesday星期三Morning上午:science科学、PE体育、maths数学、English英语Afternoon下午

19、:science科学Thursday星期四Morning上午:English英语、computer class计算机课、music音乐、maths数学Afternoon下午:science科学、Chinese语文FridayMorning上午:reading阅读、maths数学、music音乐、reading阅读Afternoon下午:art美术、English英语Listen to the dialogues again. Circle the right answers.再次听对话,选择正确的答案。1. What is Davids favourite class?大卫最喜欢的课是什么?A

20、. English.英语B. Chinese.语文2. What is Jeans favourite class?基恩最喜欢的课是什么?A. Music.音乐B. Art.美术3. What is Deans favourite class?迪安最喜欢的课是什么?A. Computer class.计算机课B. PE.体育Look at the schedule above. Tick or cross.看上面的课程表,判断对错。1. (X) Students have science, maths and art on Wednesdays.学生在星期三有科学、数学和美术。2. (V) D

21、avid and Jean have two reading classes on Fridays.大卫和基恩在星期五有两节阅读。3. (X) They dont have maths on Mondays.他们在星期一没有数学。4. (V)Jean and Dean have music classes on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.基恩和迪安在星期二、星期四和星期五有音乐课。15、Today is Monday. It is time for lunch. Chen Jie is in the lunch room. Look at the menu

22、. Then read the dialogueand fill in the blanks.今天星期一,午饭时间到了,陈洁在餐厅,看菜单,然后读对话并填空。Monday:bananas、potatoes、beef、sandwiches、milk星期一:香蕉、土豆、牛肉、三明治、牛奶Tuesday:salad、hamburgers、chicken、pears、orange juice星期二:沙拉、汉堡包、鸡肉、梨、橙汁Wednesday:carrots、fish、oranges、rice、tea星期三:红萝卜、鱼肉、橙子、米饭、茶Thursday:eggs、cake、grapes、bread、

23、apple juice星期四:鸡蛋、蛋糕、葡萄、面包、苹果汁Friday:green beans、tomatoes、noodles、ice cream、water星期五:豆角、西红柿、面条、冰淇淋、水Cook: Hi. Welcome! What would you like to eat?厨师:嗨,欢迎!你想吃什么?Chen Jie: A sandwich, please. Its myfavouritefood.Thanks.陈洁:一个三明治,它是我最喜欢的食物,谢谢。Cook: What would you like todrink?厨师:你想喝什么饮料?Chen Jie: Tea, p

24、lease.陈洁:茶,谢谢。Cook: Oh, we dont have tea today. We have teaonWednesdaysand we havemilk.厨师:噢,今天我们没有茶,我们星期三有茶,今天有牛奶。Chen Jie: Thats fine. Ill have milk.陈洁:那好,我要牛奶。Role-play with your partner. Draw your food on the plate.和你的伙伴角色扮演,把食物放在盘子里。What would you like to eat?你想吃什么?A hamburger, please.一个汉堡包,谢谢。A

25、. School学校B. Class课C. Food食物D. Friends and Teachers朋友和老师Monday星期一(A)It is sunny today. I am at Willow Primary School.It is so pretty. There are many yellow flowers.今天是星期日,我在柳树学校,它非常漂亮,那有许多黄色的花。(D)David is my new friend. He is clever and hard-working. He is funny, too. His favourite class is English.

26、 The teacher, Ms Brown, is very helpful.大卫是我的新朋友,他是聪明的和辛勤的,他也是有趣的,他最喜欢的课是英语,老师布朗女士是非常有帮助的。(C)Teachers and students often eat lunch at school. Some of them have beef and drink tea.Some love green beans and ice cream. The food is delicious!老师和学生经常在学校吃午饭,一些人吃牛肉和喝茶,一些人喜欢豆角和冰淇淋,食物是美味的。(B)After lunch, we

27、have a reading class with Mr Reed. What a friendly school!午饭过后,我们会里德先生有一节阅读课,多么友好的学校啊!16、Find friends for the words in the diary.在日记里找朋友。sunny:pretty、funny、Primary、very、friendly、many晴朗的:漂亮的、初级、非常、友好的、许多beef:green、Reed牛肉:绿色、里德yellow:Willow黄色:柳树eat:teacher、reading、beans、cream、tea吃:老师、阅读、豆角、奶油、茶flower:

28、Brown花:布朗17、Rearrange the words. Write down the sentences.重新排列单词,写句子。1.you watch TV often on the weekendDo you often watch TV on the weekend?你经常在周末看电视吗?2. often on Saturdays do homeworkThey often do homework on Saturdays.他们经常在星期六写作业。3. read books often on SundaysWe often read books on Sundays.我们经常在星

29、期日读书。18、Wordsandwich/snw/ 三明治salad/sld/ 蔬菜色拉;混合色拉hamburger/hmb:g/ 汉堡包ice cream/as/ /kri:m/ 冰淇淋tea/ti:/ 茶;茶水fresh/fre/ 新鲜的;刚摘的healthy/heli/ 健康的delicious/dls/ 美味的;可口的hot/ht/ 辣的;辛辣的sweet/swi:t/ 含糖的;甜的drink /drk/ 喝;饮thirsty /:sti/ 渴的;口渴的favourite /fevrt/ 特别喜爱的food /fu:d/ 食物Dear /d/ 亲爱的onion /njn/ 洋葱;葱头19、Sentence句子What would you like to eat?你想吃什么?A sandwich, please.请给我一个三明治。What would you like to drink?你想喝什么?Id like some water.我想喝点水。Whats your favourite food?你最喜欢吃什么食物?Noodles. Theyre delicious.面条。面条很好吃。20、Proverbs谚语An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一个苹果,医生远离我。


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