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1、 牛津7B Unit 1重点词组归纳Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit (P. 67)1dream homes梦想家园2would like to do sth 想要做某事3live in a palace 住在宫殿里4next to a restaurant在一家饭馆隔壁5in town 在镇上6the biggest one 最大的一个7in Fifth Street 在5号大街8be from Japan 来自日本9learn about homes in different countries 了解不同国家的家 10Mount Fuji富士山11the

2、White House白宫12the Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔13the CN Tower加拿大国家塔14Big Ben 大本钟15Red Square 红场16the capital of Japan 日本的首都Reading (P. 810)1homes around the world世界各地的家2live in a town 15 miles from London 住在离伦敦15英里的镇上3my favourite room我最喜欢的房间4sit there坐在那儿5my family and I我和我的家人6enjoy a cup of tea品一杯茶7have a be

3、autiful garden有个漂亮的花园8live in a flat 住在公寓里9have fun with my dog和我的狗一起玩得开心10in the centre of Moscow在莫斯科市中心11on the seventh floor在第7层12a living room一个客厅13after dinner晚饭后14like to watch TV and chat there喜欢在那儿看电视和聊天15share a bedroom with my sister和我的姐姐合住一间卧室16listen to music in bed在床上听音乐17live in a larg

4、e house住在大房子里18have my own bedroom 有我自己的卧室19like the balcony best最喜欢阳台20love to sit there喜欢坐在那儿21look out at the beach and the sea向外眺望海滩和大海22look out of the window向窗外看23wash my face 洗我的脸24the best place to chat and watch TV聊天和看电视最好的地方25cook meals做饭26live near the sea住在大海附近Grammar (P. 1112)1six hundr

5、ed/thousand/million students六百/千/百万学生2hundreds/thousands/millions of students成百的学生/成千的学生/数百万的学生3people from about 180 countries and areas来自约180个国家和地区的人们41815 feet tall高1815 英尺5about 91,000 square metres in size/area 面积约9万1千平方米6have an area of over 260,000 square miles 面积超过26万平方英里7There are about 8,0

6、00,000 people living in London.有大约八百万人住在伦敦。8Womens Day妇女节9on the eighth of March在三月八日10the first to come to school 第一个到学校Integrated Skills (P. 1314)1make a video of his house制作他房子的录像2Thanks for your video. 谢谢你的录像。3be different from the flats here和这儿的公寓不同4be full of flowers满是花5look big and comfortabl

7、e 看上去大而且舒适6have a bedroom of my own有我自己的卧室7hope to visit your house 希望能去你家拜访 8some day 有一天9May I speak to Daniel, please? 我可以和丹尼尔通电话吗?10Yes, speaking./Sorry, hes not at home. 我就是。/对不起,他不在家。11Whos speaking/calling/that, please?请问你是谁?12call from my new house从我的新房子打电话13ask sb. (not) to do请某人(不要)做某事14ta

8、ke a message 捎个口信15call me back 回我的电话16my new telephone number我的新电话号码17double eight两个8Task (P. 1617)1homes in different countries不同国家的家2what kind of home 哪种类型的家3washing machine 洗衣机4at the foot of a hill在山脚下5football field 足球场6behind my house在我房子的后面7a swimming pool 一个游泳池8a home cinema一个家庭影院9There is

9、always more than enough food there.那儿总是有许多许多的食物。10two large rooms两个大的房间11invite my friends to watch films with me邀请我的朋友和我看电影12each room每一个房间13all the beds 所有的床14stay here呆在这儿15have parties there 在那儿开晚会16be great fun很有趣的事牛津7B Unit 2 重点词组归纳Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit (P. 1819)1Where are you goin

10、g? 你要去哪儿?2visit our new neighbours 拜访我们的新邻居3meet them 见见他们4Im afraid 恐怕5be afraid to do sth/be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事6welcome visitors like you 欢迎像你一样的拜访者7in Ninth Street 在九号大街8most of them 他们中的大多数人 9around your neighbourhood 在你的街区四周10live in a neighbourhood like that 住在像那样的街区里 Reading (P. 2022)1

11、What are your neighbours like? 你的邻居们怎么样?2Theyre kind and helpful. 他们友好又乐于助人。3some of them 他们中的一些人4meet at the community centre 在社区中心见面5share their different skills 分享他们的不同技能6help us with all kinds of problems 帮助我们解决各种的问题7have a “helping hands” meeting 举行“援助之手”见面会8There is something wrong with my com

12、puter. 我的电脑出毛病了。9ask sb. (not) to do 要某人(不要)做某事10ask a computer engineer to check it 请一个电脑工程师检查它11ask someone to fix it 请某人修理它12My cousin Annies bicycle is broken. 我表妹安妮的自行车坏了。13Can you find anyone to help you with your homework?你能找到任何人帮你解决作业问题吗?14some college students 一些大学生15be ready to help 乐意帮忙16

13、really nice 真好17help visit the old people 帮助看望老人18do some shopping for them 为他们购物19help the old people clean their flats 帮助老人打扫他们的公寓20help the boy with his homework 帮助这个男孩做家庭作业21check the computer 检查电脑22fix things like broken bicycles 修理像坏了的自行车那样的物品23need help with ones problem 某人遇到问题需要帮助24get help

14、with ones homework 某人作业得到帮助25among the volunteers 在志愿者中26People here are like a big family. 这儿的人们像个大家庭。Grammar (P. 2324)1this afternoon/evening 今天下午/今天晚上2take an umbrella with me 带把伞在我身边3ask for help 寻求帮助4call him first 首先打电话给他5wait for us to cal! back 等我们回电话6Its so cloudy. 天这么阴沉。7I think its going

15、to rain. 我认为天要下雨。8plan a day out 计划外出一天9the day after tomorrow 后天10make a fire 取火11buy some plates and forks 买些盘子和叉儿12bring some water 带些水来13cook some food 做一些吃的Integrated Skills (P. 2526)1an office worker 一个办公室工作人员2her elder brother/ her elder sister 她的哥哥/她的姐姐3work in a police station/post office/r

16、estaurant 在警察局/邮局/饭店工作4There are five people in Wendy family. 温迪家里有五个人。5in the town centre = in the centre of the town 在镇中心6work at night 在夜里工作7be busy with sth / be busy doing sth 忙于某事/做某事8go to work by bike/by train 骑自行车/乘火车上班9love his job 热爱他的工作10work for a company far away from her home 在离他家很远的公

17、司工作11in the future 在将来12a computer engineer 一个电脑工程师13Im sure. 我确信。14be good at drawing 擅长画画儿15That sounds like a good idea. 那听起来像个好主意。16help sick people 帮助病人17an artist 一个画家18a football player 一个足球运动员Task (P. 2829)1help each other 互相帮助2on the afternoon of 5 March 在五月五日下午3have problems with./have pro

18、blems doing 有问题/做某事有问题4look at the information below 看下面的信息5feel well 感觉好6these days 这些天7There are good doctors and nurses here. 这儿有好的医生和护士。8make you feel better 使你感觉更好9health centre 健康中心10worry about sth = be worried about sth 担心某事11be here to help with your problems 在这儿帮你们解决问题 12a group of student

19、s 一群学生13be happy to do 很高兴做某事14give you some ideas 给你一些看法15Is there anything wrong with your fridge? 你的冰箱坏了吗?16all our group members 我们所有的小组成员17have some artists to help 有一些艺术家来帮忙18know a lot about styles and colours 对样式和颜色懂很多19know what to wear to a party 知道穿什么去参加聚会牛津7B Unit 3 重点词组归纳Comic Strip & W

20、elcome to the unit (P. 3031)1welcome to Sunshine Town 欢迎到阳光镇来2an old friend of mine 我的一个老朋友3come to see me 来看我4There is nothing in the fridge. 冰箱里没有东西了。5go to the supermarket 去超市6wait a minute 等一会儿7We only have 5 yuan. 我们只有五元。8be enough for 对足够9a tin of dog food 一听狗食10of course not 当然不11order a pizz

21、a 点一块比萨12things to do in Sunshine Town 在阳光镇要做的事13exchange students from the UK 来自英国的留学生14enjoy Chinese food 喜欢中国食物15love playing football/watching films 喜爱踢足球/看电影16watch some wonderful films 看一些精彩的电影17take them to the cinema/shopping mall 带他们去电影院/购物中心18Shopping is fun. 购物很有趣。19our schools football f

22、ield 我们学校的足球场20invite them to have dinner with us 邀请他们和我们共进晚餐21try some Chinese food 尝一些中国食物22a good idea 一个好主意Reading (P. 3234)1a video about Sunshine Town 一盘关于阳光镇的录像2There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town.在阳光镇有许多事情可以做。3stay in a quiet town 呆在一个安静的镇上 4fresh air 新鲜的空气5green hills 绿色的小山6loca

23、l people 当地人7like jogging in the park 喜欢在公园里慢走8far from the centre of Beijing 远离北京市中心9It takes only 40 minutes by underground. 乘地铁只要40分钟。10lots of nice shops 许多好商店11most things 大部分东西12buy wonderful presents for sb 为某人买精美的礼物13eat Chinese food 吃中餐14be famous for 因而出名 15There are many Chinese restauran

24、ts here. 这儿有许多中餐馆。16Beijing Duck 北京烤鸭 17some Western restaurants 一些西餐馆18Why not visit our local theatre and enjoy Beijing opera?为什么不参观我们当地的剧院,欣赏京剧呢?19learn more about Chinese art 更多地了解中国艺术20miss the opera show 错过这场戏剧表演21look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事22the things in the shops 店里的东西23learn how to sin

25、g Beijing opera 学习如何唱京剧24Whos speaking? 请问你是谁?(电话用语)25Whats the food like there? 那儿的食物怎么样?26watch Beijing opera 看京剧Grammar (P. 3536)1the exchange students homes 交换留学生的家2Neils mother 尼尔的母亲3the teachers desk 讲台4the teachers office 教师办公室5Childrens Day 儿童节6their toys 他们的玩具7whose books 谁的书8all over the p

26、lace 到处都是9Here is Millies bike. 米莉的自行车在这儿。10next to 在隔壁11pencil case 铅笔袋Integrated Skills (P. 3738)1a day at the Palace Museum 在故宫的一天2There are many things to see here. 这儿有许多东西可看。3works of art 艺术品4golden throne 金銮宝座5Chinese paintings 中国画6many more 更多的东西7learn all about Chinas history 全盘了解中国历史 8at th

27、e museum 在博物馆9row a boat on the lake 在湖上划船10What time shall we meet? 我们几点钟相遇呢?11in front of your hotel 在你的旅馆的前面12at 8:30 tomorrow morning 在明天早上八点半13how far/how long/how soon 多远/多长时间/过多久14Its about 40 minutes by bus. 坐汽车约40分钟。15own a four-bedroom flat 拥有一个四卧室的公寓16talk about watching TV 谈论看电视17Theres

28、something wrong with my pen. 我的钢笔坏了。18Your computer is broken. 你的电脑坏了。Task (P. 4041)1 raise cows 饲养奶牛2 grow wheat/rice/flowers 种小麦/大米/花儿3 know each other 互相了解4 be friendly to sb 对某人友好5 smell the flowers 闻花香6 hear the birds sing 听鸟儿唱歌7 show you around my hometown 带领你参观我的家乡8. most people here 这儿的大多数人9

29、 live in houses like this 住在像这样的房子里10 There are many flowers and trees around my house. 我房子四周有许多花和树。11 There are buses to the town centre every day. 每天有去镇中心的公共汽车。12 about one hundred families 大约100个家庭14 go shopping in the town centre 在镇中心购物15 Some,others. 一些人 其他人 16on a farm 在农场上17drive us there to

30、do the shopping 开车送我们去购物18enjoy our life here 享受我们这儿的生活19I think it is a wonderful place to live. 我认为它是居住的好地方。20I hope you can come and visit soon. 我希望你不久能来参观。牛津7B Unit 4 重点词组归纳Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit (P. 4243)1find your way 找到你的路2follow me/come with me 跟我来3be sure 确信4be afraid 害怕、恐怕5There

31、s a path between the hills. 山之间有条小径。6go up/go down 上去/下来7have to 不得不8go on a trip/have a trip 进行一次旅行9be east/west/south/north of 在东/西/南/北部10be far away from 远离11about 3 kilometres away 约3公里远12get there by bus/take the bus there 坐汽车到那儿13go to for the class trip 去某地班级旅行Reading (P. 4446)1a trip to the

32、zoo 去动物园的旅行2Here we are. 我们到了。3in front of South Gate 在南大门的前面4Go straight on ,and youll find the Panda House. 直走,你就会找到熊猫馆。5like to eat bamboo 喜欢吃竹子6lie down all day long 整天躺着7Every year, lots of visitors come here to see them. 每年,许多游客来这儿看他们。8walk along the road 沿着这条马路走 9To the north of the Panda House, youll find the lions. 在熊猫馆的北边,你会看到狮子。 10Lions are the kings of the animal world. 狮子是动物世界之王。11Remember that +句子. 记住。 12be dangerous 是危险的13Its dangerous (for sb) to do sth. (对某人来说)做某事是危险的。14Never go near them. 不要靠近它们。15Birds make beaut


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