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1、2014年春七年级下册英语3月调研测试考试试卷和答案【江苏靖江市】 听对话回答问题(10分)听下面10段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有5秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。5. When does Mary usually leave homeA. At about 6:25.B. At about 6:45.C. At about 7:05.6. Which floor is the boy on nowA. On the fourth floorB. On the second floorC. On the

2、sixth floor.7. What will the girl do tomorrow A. Go campingB. Do homework C. Do housework 8. Why are they going to have a party? A. Because Peter is leaving B. Because its Peters birthday C. Because Peter is coming.9.Whats Miss Greens mobile phone numberA.95433278B.95346678C.9534627810. Where does t

3、he boy have lunchA. In the restaurantB. At homeC. At school. 听对话和短文答题(10分) 听下面1段对话和2篇短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和短文前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话和短文读两遍。听第1段材料,回答第11、12题。11. What club is the boy inA. In the dancing clubB. In the drawing club C. In the singing club.12. How

4、 often does the boygo to the clubA. Every day B. Twice a week C. Three times a week.听第一篇短文,回答第13-15题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 A Day outWhen and where to go They will have a trip to Sunshine Park 13 How to go They will go there by14. What to do They will15 in the morning and boat in the lake in the af

5、ternoon. They will have a picnic lunch in the park.13. A. this Sunday B. next SundayC. next Saturday14. A. bike B. busC. car15. A. go swimmingB. play volleyballC. fly kites听第二篇短文,回答1620小题。 16. Where does Jim live A. In New YorkB. In Paris C. In London.17. How many people are there in Jims family A.

6、ThreeB. Four C. Five.18. How does Jims father go to workA. On foot B. By bike C. By bus.19. Where do Jims parents talk with their friends A. In the living room B. On the balcony C. In the garden.20. What do you know about Jims flatA. Its in the centre of the city B. It is big with two bedroomsC. Its

7、 small with no gardens 第二部分 笔试部分(共80分)单项选择 从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(10分)1. A. balconyB. favouriteC. palace D. Canada2. A. notice B. over C. zeroD. worry3. - Where does your uncle work - He works in Paris, the capital of _ A. the USA B. France C. ThailandD. Japan4. The boy standing Tina is too tall ,so

8、she cant see the picture on the wall. A. behind B. next to C. besideD. in front of5. Is there _ about the event of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane马来西亚飞机失踪事件 in todays newspaper? A. something new B. new somethingC. anything newD. new anything 6. How do you say 15,079? A. Fifteen thousands, sevent

9、y-nineB. Fifteen thousands and seventy-nine C. Fifteen thousand, seventy-nineD. Fifteen thousand and seventy-nine完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(10分)Many parents want their children to be famous著名的 one day. But do children have the same1 ?A new 2 , Hi, Keai, is on at Beijing Childrens Art Theatre剧

10、院. It tells the story of a boy called Keai. His parents would like him to become a painter画家 or a 3 one day. So they teach him to 4 and to play the violin, but Keai doesnt enjoy these activities. Then one day Keais parents see Mo Yan won an award 奖for his works, and they want him to be a writer, too

11、“ 5 do they want me to be someone else?” Keai asks and says, “I6want to be myself.”The play话剧 shows us that it is7for parents to learn to understand their children. It helps parents to8 what kids really want to be in the future.Young audiences(观众)enjoy the story, and also the 9 in the play话剧. There

12、are two songs in the play. One of them, Keais Song, is very easy to learn, so the audiences can sing the song on their way home 10 the play!1. A. jobsB. dreamsC. stories D. hobbies2. A. song B. film C. play D. cartoon3. A. writer B. teacherC. sportsman D. musician音乐家4.A. paint B. write C. run D. dri

13、ve5.A. How B. Why C. When D. Where6. A. only B. seldom C. never D. sometimes7.A. easy B. importantC. interesting D. exciting8. A. talk aboutB. worry aboutC. think about D. talk of9. A. light B. clothes C. skill D. music10. A. before B. in C. after D. at三、阅读理解 (20分) AI go to Australia for a meeting w

14、ith my workmate, Chris. We decide决定 to drive across the country after the meeting. The drive will take four days and most of it was across the desert(沙漠).The first day is a lot of fun because we are happy to hear each others jokes(玩笑). But on the third day, we begin to get bored. We are quite quiet

15、for some hours when这时 Chris sees some kangaroos(袋鼠).We are both excited and decide to take a closer(近一点的) look. Chris drives very quickly to catch up with(赶上)them. We got closer and closer. Suddenly突然, we hear a loud BANG!Chris stops the car and we get out. Beside the car is a large kangaroo袋鼠 lying

16、 on the ground. Chris goes over to it and puts his cap on its head. He takes off his sunglasses and puts them on the kangaroo and does the same with his jacket. Then he puts his arm around the kangaroo and tells me to take a photo of them together. I take out my camera. When I am focusing(调整焦距)the c

17、amera, I sees the kangaroo move移动. It suddenly wakes up, and runs away before we can do anything.I start laughing大笑 but Chris looks worried. He says his wallet is in the jacket. I start laughing even louder更大. I stop laughing when he says that our car keys are also in the jacket.1. Why does the writ

18、er go to AustraliaA. For a meeting B. For a tripC. For a holidayD. To see his friend2. How long will the drive take according to their planA. One day.B. Four days.C. Half a monthD. Two months.3. What does the underlined word bored mean in ChineseA. 无聊的 B. 口渴的 C. 饥饿的 D. 困倦的4. Why do they hear a loud

19、BANGA. Because there is something wrong with their carB. Because someone else is hunting捕猎 kangaroosC. Because something falls off 从-掉下 their carD. Because their car knocks down撞倒 a kangaroo.5. What can we know from the passageA. The writer takes a photo of Chris and the kangarooB. The kangaroo runs

20、 away together with Chriss wallet and their car keys in his jacketC. They decide to walk across the desertD. The writer is still(仍然)very happy at the end of the story. BA young American doctor is asleep when his doorbell rings. It is late at night, but he has to put on his coat to answer it.It is a

21、man! He is standing with a hat in his hand. “How do you do?” says the man.“Can you go with me now to a place out of the town? It is quite far from here, but I know you have a car and I can show you the way.”“Certainly,” says the doctor, “I can go with you now.”The car is at the front door. The man g

22、ets into the doctors car and they drive off.They drive for a long time, and finally the man says, “Here we are. This is my home. Now I give you money and you may go back.”“But I must see the patient病人,” the doctor says. “How can I go back without seeing the patient?”“Theres no patient,” says the man

23、, “nobody is ill. I live here. There is no taxi at this time, but a doctor often goes out for night calls夜诊. So, excuse me. Here is your money. Thank you, doctor. Good night!”6. The doctor is _when the doorbell ringsA. reading B. watching TV C. having supper D. sleeping7. Why does the man come to se

24、e the doctor so late at nightA. Because someone is badly illB. Because he is too tired C. Because he wants the doctor to drive him homeD. Because he wants to go to a place out of the town.四、词汇运用 (10分)A.根据所给句子和汉语提示写出恰当的单词,每空一词。(5分)1. - When is the Tree-planting Day - Its on the 十二of March.2. I have t

25、wo vidi?uz of my school. I will show them to you next time.3. What about _邀请some friends to have a party?4. Look at the information below. It _可能 help you.5. My cup is _碎了, so I need to buy a new one.B. 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)1. Look at the cloud in the sky. It _rain.2. The college student often fix compute

26、rs for his neighbours.3. Keep quiet! Our parents plan a day to Hangzhou.4. Why not wait for him _call us back?5. She _not check your computer the day after tomorrow. She will be busy.任务型阅读(10分)(10个空格,每个1分) Do you want to know something about children in Africa? What do they do for fun every day? Fin

27、d out here:Education(教育)School is expensive for many African children. Lots of families cant afford(支付不起)school uniforms or exercise books even though(尽管)they dont have to pay for schoolFor those lucky enough to go to school, they have a lot to learn. Some take two language classes: English or Frenc

28、h, and their first language. There is also maths, science, history, social(社会的)studies and geography. Chores繁琐的事 take up much of childrens time after school. They have to get water and firewood for the family every day. Also theres cleaning, washing and helping with the mealDaily(日常)fun Its not all

29、work and no play. Sports are very popular. Children can make goals(球门) with twigs(树枝)and their own footballs with string(绳子). They play in the country(乡村)and streets of old towns. Therere many football teams for young people in Africa Internet Its really expensive to get on the Internet. To get onli

30、ne (上网)for 20 hours costs over 600 yuan. Most people dont have enough money for the fee(费用). Egypt(埃及)and South Africa are the top two users of the Internet in Africa. All the people in the two countries can get on Internet. Some schools offer(提供)computer lessons but few students can enjoy computer

31、fun at home. Knowing something about 1._ in AfricaEducation School isnt 2. _ for many African children. Lots of families cant afford school uniforms or exercise books even though they dont have to pay for school. For those lucky enough to go to school, they have a lot to learn. Some take two languag

32、e classes: English or 3. _ , and their first language Chores take up much of childrens time 4. _ school is over. Children have to do much work for their 5_.Daily 6. _7. _ are very popular8. _ of football teams are there for young people in AfricaInternetIts really expensive to get on the Internet. 9

33、. _ people dont have enough money for the fee(费用). But all the people in Egypt and South Africa can get on Internet.Some schools have computer lessons but 10. _ students can enjoy computer fun at home.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._阅读表达 (5分)(五个问题,每题1分)Frank is my friend. His family is rich.

34、His parents always give him lots of pocket money. But Frank thinks his parents work very hard and its not easy for them, so he always tries his best to save节约 money. He has some good ways to do itFrank likes reading. He has lots of books. He tells me he often buys books online, because theyre cheape

35、r. And when he has free time, he goes to bookstores or libraries to do some readingFrank has a bike. He usually goes to school by bike. Sometimes when it rains or snows, he walks. These two ways help Frank keep healthy and save some moneyFrank brings a bottle of water to school every day. When other

36、 students drink juice, he enjoys his water. He thinks water is the cheapest but the best drinkSome students think Frank is mean. But I dont think so. I think he is right. What do you think of himAnswer the following questions with No More Than 4 Words 1.What is Franks family like 2.Whats Franks hobb

37、y 3.When does Frank do reading in bookshops or libraries 4.How does Frank go to school when it snows 5.How often does Frank bring water to school 短文填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺(5分)。John Allen, an American scientist says,“The Internet is the worlds largest l 1 , but all the books in it are on the

38、floor!”What he means意思 is that the Internet is f 2of information but it can be hard to find what you really need. The Internet has a 3disadvantage弊端. A lot of information on the Internet isnt always t 4 , We must be careful not to believe相信 it.However然而, the Internet has some advantages优点. It provid

39、es提供 many o 5things. On some websites, you can download music and films. They are usually very cheap and some are even free免费. On some other websites, you can connect联系 with people from all over the world. And there are some great online s 6 , too. People can buy things at a very low p 7The Internet

40、 changes peoples life. But we shouldnt depend on依赖it too m 8 , Some people are a 9 that surfing the Internet will take the place of取代other healthier activities. Whether无论 you love it or h 10it, you have to get used to it习惯 because its right here.1.l2.f3.a4.t5.o6.s7.p8.m9.a10.h八、句子翻译。(满分5分,每空0.5分)1.

41、我的新邻居们不会欢迎你这样的到访者。 _ welcome_.2. 我的洗衣机出毛病了,我要请个工程师来检查一下。 There _, so I _.3. 你的房子和我的公寓真的不一样,它看起来又大又舒适。 Your house _ my flat. It _.4- 这些天我感觉身体不舒服。 - 为什么不去看李医生呢?他会使你感觉好点的。 - I _. - Why not go to see Doctor Li? He _.5. 附近的书店总是有足够多的书。我姐姐周末经常呆在那儿。There are always more _ in the bookshop nearby. And my_ at

42、the weekend.九、书写考查5分I live in a large house in Los Angeles. It has eight rooms. I like the balcony best. I love to sit there and look out at the beach and sea. Its cool.My friend Neil lives in England. His house is big, tooHis favourite room is the kitchen. His family and he often sit there and enjoy a cup of tea._


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