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1、南京市溧水高级中学2011届高三学情调查(三)英 语 试 题第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1How did Betty go home today?ABy car.BBy bus.CBy bike2According to the man, how much is a n

2、ew car?A800.B1200.C16003What did the man first do yesterday afternoon?AHe went to the post office BHe attended a lecture.CHe listened to music4When will they have an appointment?AOn Friday .BOn Saturday .COn Sunday5What did Tony think of the expreiment?AHe thought the experiment was interesting.BHe

3、thought the experiment was well done.CHe thought the experiment was easy.第二节 (共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6What are the speakers talking about?AThe newspaper.BMore jobs.CA new bu

4、ilding.7Why do people feel about the building?AMore people will find jobs there.BIts beautiful and new.CIts a new office building.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8What did the man do during these weeks?AHe rode to the country.BHe spent his holidays.CHe traveled abroad.9Except what did the man do everything he wante

5、d to?AClimbing mountains.BGoing to the beach.CVisiting the famous tower.10How does the man feel about what hes done?AHe feels satisfied.BHe feels regretfulCHe feels disappointed.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11What is probably the woman?AA footballer.BA football coach.CA TV hostess.12How many hours does the man

6、spend on training every week?AAbout 15.BAbout 25.CAbout 35.13What are the qualifications to be a football player?ASkill and talent.BTalent and determination.CSkill and determination.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14What are the speakers talking about?AGoogle the fastest and smartest search engine.BHow to find inf

7、ormation on the Internet.CHow to use search engines like Google.15What is the most important when using the search engine Google?ATo find the exact idea you want to research.BTo type in the correct names and years.CTo use the very specific keys words.16What information does the man want to know toni

8、ght?AThis years Oscar winners.BThe Oscar winners of last year.CThe nominated foreign language films.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17What is the monologue(独白)mainly about?ASARS.BAvian flu.CH1N1 flu.18How many cases of this virus in the Chinese mainland has reported?A3,577.B4,415.C10,000.19How many people died of

9、 this flu according to the monologue?ANone.B20.C100.20Where is the first flu patient at the Huizhou Agricultural School being quarantined?AAt schools clinic.BAt homeCIn hospital.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分60分)第一节:单项填空 (共40小题;每小题1分,满分40分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21It is believed that tr

10、aveling to Yangzhou in _ March is _ enjoyable experience.A/; theBthe; anC/; anDthe; the22Although it was really a difficult task, he decided to try his best to_ success.Achallenge Bhost Capprove Dachieve23I found the homework was not so heavy as _I _ to get in my old school.Athat; was used Bwhat; us

11、ed C which; used Dthat; used24Have you read the book I lent to you? Athat Bwhom Cwhen Dwhose25Now more and more young people their spare time to improve themselves at school or college.Aspending; tryingBspend; onCspend; tryingDspend; to try26The boss _ company I worked in two years ago has _ in solv

12、ing such kind of problem.Awhose; many experiences Bwho; many experiences Cwhose; much experience Dwhich; much experience 27_ is well-known to all is that the 2010 World Expo will be held in Shanghai.AAsBThatCWhatDIt28Since the new director took office, we have worked _ hours, that is to say, we work

13、 more freely.AflexibleBcompulsoryCstrictDendless29Dancing is a popular activity _ people dance to shape their bodies and make friends freely.AwhereBwhichCwhenDthat30Plan your trip online using our official website, _ is full of tips for visiting our park.21世纪教育网AthatBwhereCwhichDwhat31Hey, look wher

14、e you are going!Oh, Im terribly sorry_.AIm not noticingBI wasnt noticingCI havent noticedDI dont notice32Where _ the recorder? I cant see it anywhere.I _ it right here a moment agoBut now its gone.Adid you put; have putBhave you put; putChad you put; was puttingDdid you put; had put33My brother will

15、 be here tomorrow.Oh, I _ that he would come today.AthoughtBhad thoughtCthinkDwas thinking34What do you suppose _ her look so upset?_ by her boyfriend again.Amade; She was misunderstoodBhad made; Having been misunderstoodChas made; Being misunderstoodDmade; Misunderstood 35Li Huas brother has become

16、 a teacher, _ is what he wanted to be after graduation from university.AwhoBthat CwhichDwhat36Li Ming was lucky enough to survive the serious earthquake, but the narrow escape has left him _ terror.Ashook withBto shake inCshake inDshaking with37In the evening the General Manager gave a banquet at th

17、e International Hotel _ the foreign guests.Ain honor ofBin place ofCin face ofDin favor of38Alice, why didnt you come to our party yesterday?I _ when I had an unexpected visitor.AhadBwouldCwas about toDwas going39What do you think of the idea of Web TV?Web TV is a world of interactive TV programming

18、, _ anything wonderful can happen.Athe world whichBthe world whereCa world whichDa world where 40He promised to phone me that afternoonI heard nothing, _.AfurthermoreBthoughCthereforeDotherwise41Would you mind picking up a jar of honey at the store?Of course not_AGo onBHow come?CNot to worryDNo prob

19、lem42Wind power is an ancient source of energy _ we may return in the near future.Aon whichBby whichCto whichDfrom which43Because of the financial crisis, gone are the days _ local 5-star hotels charged 6,000 yuan for one night.AifBwhenCwhichDsince44The book was written in 1946, _ the education syst

20、em has witnessed great changes.Asince whenBafter whichCsince thenDduring which45Dont trust such people _ praise you to your face but speak ill of you behind your back.AwhoBwhoeverCthatDas46I enjoyed myself so much _ I paid a visit to Paris last year.AthatBwhichCwhereDwhen 47Its not an idea _ the com

21、munity can uniteOn the contrary, I see it as one that will divide us.AthatBwhichCaround whichDaround that 48Is that the country clinic you often refer to?Right, just the one _ you know my father used to be in charge of for 10 years.AthatBwhichCwhereDas49Policies are also an important factor for the

22、car market _ the purchasing power of people.Ain additionBbesideCexcept forDapart from50Everyone has periods in their lives _ everything seems very hard.AwhereBwhenCwhichDthat51I want to be liked and loved for _ I am inside.AwhoBwhereCwhatDhow52How much one enjoys himself traveling depends largely on

23、 _ he goes with, whether his friends or relatives.AwhoBwhoeverCwhatDwhatever53A good friend of mine from _ I was born showed up at my home right before I left for Beijing.AhowBwhomCwhenDwhich54The worse working conditions we are looking forward to _ must have attracted the local governments attentio

24、n.Asee improvedBseeing improvedCsaw improvingDseeing to improve55How can you expect to learn anything _ you never listen?Ain caseBeven ifCunlessDwhen56_ unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.ABeforeBWhereCUnlessDUntil57It is difficult for us to learn

25、 a lesson in life _ weve actually had that lesson.AuntilBafterCsinceDwhen58_ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.AHowever a serious problemBwhat a serious problemCHowever serious a problemDWhat serious a problem 59Because of the drought, the Huangguoshan Waterfall has

26、become thinner and doesnt look as _ as before.AawesomeBtroublesomeChandsomeDtiresome60Unless you have a good map, our village is difficult to _.AlieBlocateCsituateDlook第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Oh God! I think I was about seven when my sisters and

27、I pulled this stupid stunt(惊险动作).I remember we were watching TV when we heard my 61_, Chris, yelling from the backyardWe all 62_ out to see what happened63_ we finally located him, he was in a tree 64_ from the highest tree branchCrying, he explained he had climbed up the tree and couldnt get downOn

28、e of us should climb up but we couldnt 65_to get him moving down.Luckily, my youngest sister, Ka, five then, had seen a(n) 66_ situationShe suggested we grab a 67_, hold it under the branch, and tell him to 68_ so we could catch himMy other sister, Yams, one year younger than me, looked at me eagerl

29、y to 69_ her idea and I said “Yeah, lets try that.”Immediately we 70_ a sheet and held it beneath the treeNow mind you, the ages holding this blanket were71_ from seven to five, thus the sheet was probably being held up to our waist and also close to touching the groundBut we were 72_ it could work.

30、Chris, my brother, aged four, looked down at us with hesitation, asking in a 73_ voice, “Are you sure Ill land on the blanket?” But because of a problem at 74_ with his tongue being a bit attached to the mouth, it came out like this, “Ah you sho awill lan on da blanked?” “Yup!” I told him, “Were sur

31、e!” and he let go.How 75_ he was to trust us! And no matter how 76_ we held, Chris fell right 77_that sheet and landed on his stomachThis tiny seventy-pound boy had made a big 78_ right in the sheet!Because he wasnt moving, we bent down to 79_ if he was still aliveSlowly, he uttered these five words

32、, “Ah stee hi da flow!”, in other words, “I still hit the floor!” Poor little man!Now Chris is fourteen and he still blames us about itAny tree he climbs he can get down on his own and, 80_, he wants to be a fireman when he grows up61Aneighbour Bbrother Cclassmate Dcousin62Aheaded Bwandered Cwaited

33、Dstayed63AAfter BSince CThough DWhen64Ajumping Blooking Changing Dshaking65Atry Bmanage Cplan Ddecide66Aserious Bawkward Csimilar Dridiculous67Asheet Bladder Cquilt Dnet68Aslide Bdrop Cclimb Dmove69Achange Boffer Cprove Dconfirm70Abought Btook Cfetched Dsnatched71Acounting Blasting Cranging Ddecreas

34、ing72Aproud Bhappy Cgrateful Dconfident73Asoft Btrembling Cfrightening Dloud74Abirth Bschool Cchurch Dtable75Alucky Bbright Cstupid Dcareless76Atight Blong Chigh Dclose77AonBunder Cacross Dthrough78Anoise Bswing Cmark Dhole79Acheck Bsense Cprove Dclaim80Afrankly Bstrangely Cluckily Dobviously第三部分:阅读

35、理解(共12小题;每小题1.5分,满分18分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMany teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friendsThey believe that their family members dont know them as well as their friends doIn large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters

36、 to fight with each other and then they go to their friends for some ideas.It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friendsEven when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking among themselves on the phoneThis communication(交际) is very i

37、mportant in childrens growing up, because friends can talk about something, and these things are difficult to say to their family members.However, parents often try to choose friends for their childrenSome parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friendsHave you ever thought of t

38、he following questions?Who choose your friends? Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you? Have you got a good friend your parents dont like?Your answers are welcome.81Many teenagers think that can understand them better.Afriends Bbrothers Csisters Dparents82When teenagers have something

39、 difficult to say, they usually .Astay alone at home Bfight with their parentsCtalk about it with their friends Dgo to their brothers and sisters for help83The underlined sentence “Your answers are welcome.” means .Ayou are welcome to discuss the questions with usBweve got no idea, so your answers a

40、re welcomeCyour answers are always rightDyou can give us all the right answers84Which of the following is the writers attitude? AParents should choose friends for their childrenBChildren should choose everything they like.CParents should understand their children better.DTeenagers should only go to

41、their friends for help.BLearning English is one of the few things I have been doing consistently over the past 16 yearsLike most Chinese students, I started learning English because it was a compulsory (必修的) course in my middle schoolMore importantly, English was a central subject for the college en

42、trance exam.At that time, studying English was not a pleasant experience for meThere was no fun in the process of learningThe focus of our English education was getting a good mark in examsAnd nobody told me that the real meaning of studying mother language was communication.When I became a university student, I spent nearly half of my


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