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1、 20162017学年度上学期高二年级英语科试卷本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题)。第 I 卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt? A.19. 15. B.9.18. C.9.15. 答案是C。1. Wh

2、ere is the woman going? A. To a bank. B. To a shop. C. To a park.2. What time does the restaurant close? A. At 11:00 pm B. At 9:30 p.m. C. At 9:00 p.m.3. Where does the woman want to get married? A. In a church. B. In the open air. C. In a country house.4. What does the woman think of the decision t

3、o build a hospital? A. It is a waste of time. B. It is not a good decision. C. It should have been built earlier.5. What is the woman doing? A. Asking for permission. B. Making a complaint. C. Ordering a dish.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话

4、或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. Who is the man talking to? A. His teacher. B. His classmate. C.A bookstore clerk.7. What will the young man do next? A. Read the book again. B. Hand in his essay. C. Rewrite his essay. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. What does the woman say

5、about cutting grass? A. She likes it very much. B. She is unable to do it. C. Mr. Darcy already did it.9. What is the second thing the man suggests? A. Delivering newspapers. B. Cutting grass. C. Doing babysitting. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What is the woman doing? A. Selling books. B. Doing a survey. C.

6、 Talking about her habits.11. What kind of books does the man like best? A. Historical novels. B. Adventure stories. C. Biographies.12. Where does the man get most of his books? A. From his friends. B. From the library. C. From online bookstores. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What is the woman looking at? A.

7、A map of the city. B.A list of restaurants. C.A schedule of activities.14. What season is it? A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn.15. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. At a concert. B. In the street. C. In a restaurant.16. Why is the man happy? A. He likes helping visitors. B. He just

8、went to a concert in the park. C. He will take a walk with the woman. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the speaker? A.A broadcaster. B.A singer. C.A songwriter.18. Which of the following may be included in BCD International programs? A. News of music libraries. B. Stories about the good old days. C. Va

9、rious kinds of classical and pop songs.19. Which program gives the ideas behind the pop songs? A. The History of Pop. B. About the Big Hits. C. The Road to Music .20. Which word best describes native speakers understanding of English pop songs? A. Impossible. B. Unnecessary. C. Difficult.第二部分:阅读理解(共

10、两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMartin Luther King, Jr., is well known for his work in civil rights and for his many famous speeches, among them his moving “I Have a Dream” speech. But few people know much about Kings childhood, Martin Luther as he was

11、 called was born in 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia, at the home of his maternal grandfather. Martin Luthers grandfather, the Reverend A.D. Williams, purchased their home on Auburn Avenue in 1909, 28 years before Martin Luther was born. The Reverend A.D. Williams, an eloquent speaker, played an important

12、role in the community because so many peoples lives centered around the church. He allowed his church and his home to be used as a meeting place for a number of organizations dedicated to the education and social advancement of blacks. Martin Luther grew up in this atmosphere, with his home being us

13、ed as community gathering place, and was no doubt influenced by it. Martin Luthers childhood was not especially memorable. His father was a minister and his mother was a musician. He was the second of three children, and he attended all-black schools in a black neighbourhood. The neighbourhood was n

14、ot poor, however, Auburn Avenue was the main artery(干道) through a prosperous neighbourhood that he had come to symbolize achievement for Atlantas black people. It was area of banks, insurance companies, builders, jewelers, tailors, doctors, lawyers and other black-owned or black-operated businesses

15、and services. Even in the face of Atlantas segregation (种族隔离), district thrived. Dr. King never forgot the community spirit he had known as a child, nor did he forget the racial prejudice(歧视) that was a seemingly insurmountable(不可逾越的)barrier that kept black Atlantans from mingling with whites. 21. T

16、his passage mainly gives an account of _.A. the prejudice that existed in AtlantaB. Martin Luthers grandfatherC. Martin Luther Kings childhoodD. the neighbourhood where King grew up22. According to the author, King was influenced by _. A. community spiritB. black lawyerC. his motherD. his grandfathe

17、rs speeches23. The word “mingling” in paragraph 2 is the closest in meaning to _.A. interferingB. consumingC. associatingD. meeting24. This passage tells us that Martin Luther King, Jr. _.A. had a difficult childhoodB. was a good musician when he was a boyC. loved to listen to his grandfather speakD

18、. grew up in a relatively rich area of AtlantaBIt was New Years Night. An aged man was standing at a window. He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies(百合花) on the surface of a clear calm lake. He had already passed sixty and brought from h

19、is journey nothing but errors and regrets. Now his health was poor, his mind vacant and his heart sorrowful. The days of his youth appeared like dreams before him, and he recalled the serious moment when his father placed him at the entrance of the two roadsone leading to a peaceful, sunny place, co

20、vered with flowers, fruits and filled with soft, sweet songs; the other leading to a deep, dark cave, which was endless, where poison flowed instead of water and poisonous snakes hissed and crawled. He saw the lights flowing away in the darkness. These were the days of his wasted life; he saw a star

21、 fall from the sky and disappeared, and this was the symbol of himself. His regret like a sharp arrow struck deeply into his heart. Then he remembered his friends in his childhood. But they had made their way to success and were now honoured and happy on this night. The high church clock struck and

22、the sound made him remember his parents early love for him. They had taught him and prayed for his good. But he chose the wrong way. With shame and grief he dared no longer look towards that heaven. His darkened eyes were full of tears, and with a despairing effort, he burst out a cry: “Come back, m

23、y early days!” His youth did return, for all this was only a dream which he had on New Years Night. He was still young though his faults were real; he had not yet entered the deep, dark cave, and he was still free to walk on the road which leads to the peaceful and sunny land. Those who still wander

24、 on the entrance of life, hesitating to choose the bright road, remember that when years are passed and your feet stumble (绊倒) on the dark mountains, you will cry bitterly, but in vain: “Oh youth, return! Oh give me back my early days!” 25. We can learn from the passage that _. A. the man returned f

25、rom a long journey and regretted what he had doneB. the man didnt enter the deep, dark cave when he was youngC. the man was deserted by his parents when he was only a childD. the man found it no use crying over the wrong past26. Why does the author set his story on New Years Night?A. He wants to tel

26、l people its time to recall the past.B. He suggests the aged man will have a bright future.C. He tries to stress the mans sad feeling. D. He expects people to share the mans sad feeling. 27. The aged man in the passage can be described as _. A. sorrowful, fearful and regretful B. hopeful, cheerful a

27、nd peacefulC. regretful, painful and disappointed D. disappointed, regretful and hopeful28. The author writes the passage mainly to _.A. encourage young people to take the right roadB. help the old man to pick up his confidenceC. describe the old mans unsuccessful experienceD. show his sympathy for

28、the aged man CA weather map is an important tool for geographers. A succession of three or four maps presents a continuous picture of weather changes. Weather forecasters are able to determine the speed of air masses and fronts(冷暖空气团接触的锋)to determine whether an individual pressure area is deepening

29、or becoming shallow and whether a front is increasing or decreasing in intensity. They are also able to determine whether an air mass is retaining its original characteristics or taking on those of the surface over which it is moving. Thus, a most significant function of the map is to reveal a synop

30、tic (天气的)picture of conditions in the atmosphere at a given time.All students of geography should be able to interpret a weather map accurately. Weather maps contain an enormous amount of information about weather conditions existing at the time of observation over a large geographical area. They re

31、veal in a few minutes what otherwise would take hours to describe. The United States Weather Bureau issues information about approaching storms, floods, frosts, droughts, and all climatic conditions in general. Twice a month it issues a 30-day “outlook” which is a rough guide to weather conditions l

32、ikely to occur over broad areas of the United States. These 30-day outlooks are based upon an analysis of the upper air levels which often set the stage for the development of air masses, fronts, and storms.Considerable effort is being exerted today to achieve more accurate weather predictions. With

33、 the use of electronic instruments and earth satellites, enormous gains have taken place recently in identifying and tracking storms over regions which have but few meteorological stations (气象站). Extensive experiments are also in progress for weather modification(改变)studies. But the limitations of m

34、odification have prevented meteorological results except in the seeding of super-cooled, upslope mountainous winds which have produced additional orographic (山岳形态的) precipitation (降水)on the windward side of mountain ranges. Nevertheless, they have provided a clearer understanding of the fundamentals

35、 of weather elements.29. By reading weather maps, students majoring in geography can . A. design a project of weather modification B. interpret the weather condition before the time of observation C. obtain data on atmospheric conditions over a wide area D. survey ever-changing fronts in local meteo

36、rological stations30. A thirty-day forecast is determined by examining . A. daily weather maps B. upper air levels C. satellite reportsD. changing fronts31. The observation of weather conditions by satellites is advantageous because _.A. electronic instruments are usedB. it enables man to change the

37、 weatherC. it makes weather prediction more time-consumingD. information not obtained readily otherwise can be gained32. At the present time, experiments are being conducted in . A. controlling and influencing weather B. determining density of pressure groups C. 30-day “outlooks” D. predicting storm

38、s D Honey Sweet Cake (Prep. Time: 12 mins.)IngredientsStrawberries in syrup(糖浆), 1 package (unfrozen)Heavy cream, 1 cupCorn flour, 2 tablespoonsProcessMix the strawberries, cream and corn flour in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat for about 8-10 minutes, while constantly mixing until the mixture thi

39、ckens. Remove from heat and refrigerate for two hours, Fill the frozen mixture in a cake, and serve.Rosy Cake (Prep. Time: 10 mins. )IngredientsSugar, 3/4 cupWater, 1 cupCorn flour, 3 tablespoonsStrawberries , 23 cupsProcessTake a large saucepan and mix all the ingredients. Cook until the mixture th

40、ickens over medium heat. Let it cool naturally and completely. Fill up your cake with the mixture, and serve.Triangle Sweet (Prep. Time: 15 mins. )IngredientsSugar, cupWhipping cream, cupUnflavored gelatin(明胶) , 1 tablespoonCold water, 2 tablespoonsBoiled water, 3 tablespoonsStrawberries, crushed, 2

41、 cupsProcessAdd sugar to the crushed strawberries and set them aside. In cold water, soften the gelatin, and once it is softened, add boiling water. Stir until the gelatin dissolves. Add the dissolved gelatin mixture to the strawberries and let it cool. Now whip(搅打) the cream till it becomes stiff.

42、When the strawberry mixture is of syrup thickness, add the whipped cream to it. Refrigerate until it sets. Fill it into your cake, and serve.Flaming Maple (Prep. Time: 10 mins. )IngredientsFresh lemon juice, 1 tablespoonsHoney, 2 tablespoonsMaple syrup, 2 tablespoonsStrawberries, ripe, 2 pintsProces

43、sMake a fruit butter of half of the strawberries. Add honey, lemon juice, and maple syrup until it forms a smooth sauce. Add the remaining strawberries. Fill the mixture in the cake, and serve.33. Which of the following ingredients are used in all the recipes?A. heavy creamB. sugar syrupC. corn flou

44、rD. strawberries34. Chefs neednt freeze the ingredients when preparing _ Honey Sweet CakeRosy CakeTriangle Sweet Flaming MapleA. B. C. D. 35. Which of the following is true? A. Triangle Sweet takes the longest time to prepare. B. Strawberries used in the recipes arent all fresh. C. Most strawberries

45、 are used when making a Rosy Cake. D. Honey Sweet Cake is the best choice for busy mothers. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。(请将答案涂在答题卡上E=AB F=AC G=AD)The term “first aid” is now an accepted part of everyday language,and there is no doubt that its about the h

46、elp given to sick and injured people. 36 The first recorded history of first aid dates back to 1099,when religious knights(骑士) decided to train for medical care. The Order of St John,which is the predecessor(前身) of St John Ambulance organization,only worked on the treatment of battlefield injuries.

47、37 In the mid19th century the first Geneva Convention and the International Red Cross were created to protect and deal with sick and injured soldiers on the battlefields. 38 He suggested training ordinary people in what was called “premedical treatment” 39 Surgeon Major Peter Shepherd and a Doctor Coleman ran the first public first aid course at Woolwich Presbyterian


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