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1、教师学科教案 20 20 学年度 第_学期 任教学科:_任教年级:_任教老师:_xx市实验学校Module 1 Nice to meet you教学设计姓名: 单位:地址:科目: Module 1 Nice to meet you 教学设计一、设计背景:本节课主要以自我介绍为题材,非常符合学生的实际。由于刚刚升入中学的学生来自不同的小学,同学之间彼此不熟悉,有必要相互了解,形成一个学习的班集体,以此来培养学生良好的情感。二、Teaching contents:外研版七年级(上)Module 1. Nice to meet you.三、教学设计思路:利用多媒体课件,图片、实物、简笔画等帮助学生记

2、忆相关动物和时间的词汇;设置情境,帮助学生通过听说练习学会谈论日常活动的表达。四、Teaching aims:、Knowledge aims: Learn the new words and phrases and use them freely.(1)Key vocabulary:first,lesson,student,eleven,twelve,year,thirteen,fourteen, blackboard Key structures:A: Whats your name ?B: My name is A: Where are you from?B: Im from China/

3、EnglandA: Where does he/she come from?B: He/She comes from、Ability aims:To understand conversations involving self-introduction.To give a brief self-introduction concerning name,age and hometown. (3)To summarise and consolidate simple present tense of be.3.Emotion aims:通过听、说、读、写的综合训练,并密切联系学生生活实际,进行自

4、我介绍,同学之间互相帮助.从而拓展视野,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的情感。五、Teaching aids: A computer,some photos,a projector and a tape recorder.六、 Teaching important points:To understand conversations involving self-introduction.To give a brief self-introduction concerning name,age and hometown. 七、 Teaching difficult points: To

5、summarise and consolidate simple present tense of be.设计理念为了很容易地突破这个难点,可以让学生课下上网查阅有关资料,然后在上课进行小组讨论,并整合每个组得到的信息;然后由小组长代表全组成员表达他们组的信息资料给全班同学.八、Teaching method: Formal and Interactive approach .设计理念 充分利用多媒体课件上课,采用情景法、游戏法、小组讨论合作法,为学生创设轻松、真实的语言学习环境。以学生为主体,以任务为主线,运用“交流合作(教师导入学生自主学习小组合作学习 交流合作)”模式进行教学。九、 Te

6、aching steps: (教学流程)Step1 . Warming-up1. Free talk: Let students talk about their friends or their pen pal.2. Ask and answer in pairs.S1:Do you have a pen pal?S2:Yes ,I do .S1:Whats your pen pals name ?S2:His/Her name isS1: Where is your pen pal from?S2: He/She is from America/English设计理念通过小组合作学习使课堂

7、气氛活跃,能充分调动学生的积极性和主动性,学生的合作意识会在活动中得到充分的展示Step2. Listening1. Play the tape, let them listen carefully the conversation and find out the answers.2. Ask the students to listen two times. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the new words.设计理念从视、听、说等方面使学生得到锻炼,使学生在愉快、轻松的氛围中温故而知新,达到用英语交际的目的。Step3. Reading

8、1. Ask the students to complete the sentences individually,then check with a partner.2. Ask the whole class to call back the answers as complete sentences.3. Let them read the passage in class.设计理念及预期效果:让学生结合自己的生活实际,对所学知识及时练习巩固。通过对话表演练习使学生身临其境,贴近生活,创设教真实的语境,使学生在轻松、愉快的氛围中温故而知新,达到提高口语能力和运用英语进行交际的目的。St

9、ep4. PairworkTeacher has a conversation with one student like the followingsentences.T: Hello,whats your name ?S1: My name is .T: How old are you ?S1: Im thirteen years old .T: Where are you from?S1: Im from China /T: Where does your father come from?S1: He comes from PingLuo.Then let them practise

10、after teachers example in pairs,several pairs do it in class. 设计理念通过师生、生生互动对本课的展示,把教材内容活化为生活实际,把学习活化为交际,在轻松愉快的环境中使学生了解本课所学知识。Step 5. WritingTwo groups of students write the new words to see which group does better .First write down the Chinese words with looking at English meanings, then write down

11、the English words with looking at the ChineseMeanings.Step6. Matching1: Read through the verb list in the box and have the students repeat the words after you.2: Ask them to complete the activity in cliviclually,then cheack whith a partner.3:Call back the answers from the whole class as simple sente

12、nces.Step7. Homework1:Write a short passage about intraduce yourself. 2:Copy the senteuces in Language practice.3:Do workbook page 72. 1. 2. 3 . 4 exercises.十、 The design of blackboard . (板书设计) Module 1 Nice to meet you. 一New words: first ,lesson, student, twelve ,thirteen ,fourteen,year , blackboar

13、d . 二. Key sentences: T: Hello, whats your name ? S1: My name is .T: How old are you ? S1:Im thirteen years old .T: Where are you from? S1: Im from China /T: Where does your father come from? S1: He comes from PingLuo. 十一、教学反思在英语教学过程中,我注重最大限度地营造富有情趣、民主平等、和谐默契的课堂氛围。采用多种方式使学生的思维更加活跃,探索热情更加高涨。轻松愉快的情感有利于学生在进行认知活动中学会关爱、理解、宽容、分享、激励、合作,师生就在这些情景中进行着一种情景交融的教学活动。教师全身心融入课堂教学之中,用发自内心的情感去感染学生。师生感情在得到交流的同时学生潜能得到激发。并且在听、说、读、写实际活动中提高学生的语言运用能力,使学生在主动参与、体验、交流、合作、探究等多种学习活动中把教材内容活化为生活实际,把学习活化为交际,让学生在活的课堂中愉快遨游。


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