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1、Unit 3 教案单元话题人体与动作教学目标复习人体与动作话题词汇,了解相关常识,通过阅读、完形来复习巩固本单元话题词汇,并能用所学词汇表达与话题相关的观点或内容教学重点drop, note, notice, raise, turn; be buried in / bury oneself / ones face (head etc) in;observe, search, sight, spot,view; have / take a look at;smell, taste; burst into laughter / burst out laughing;beat, catch, fil

2、l, fix, hit, hang, hold, point, reach, strike, tear, throw, touch; hold on to;rise;lie, sense教学难点1. 表示人体动作的重点词的释义、用法和搭配以及考点指导。2. 辨析 note, notice, observe;raise, rise; view, scene, scenery, sight; beat, hit, strike;beat, defeat, win; lay, lie;lie in, lie on, lie to;表示眼部动作的动词glare, stare, glance, spot

3、, witness的辨析。3. 运用所学话题词汇用英语谈论或描述人体动作行为。教学建议1. 本单元词汇量大、难度大,课前预习尤其重要。2. 课上精讲一些重难点词的释义、用法、搭配,当堂完成基础训练习题;完形、阅读中有大量话题词汇复现,需要引起学生注意。教学资源一、导学案:见电子文档点拨一:drop (产出词汇) 考点复现Joe Jones, the eldest of the eight children, had to _ out of high school at the age of 16 to help his father on the farm.A. leave B. drop C

4、. fall D. go答案:B二、备课参考(红色标注为本单元释义)dropn. C u 滴;常用复数 滴剂drops of rain 雨滴eye drops 眼药水v 常用单数 微量;少量She has not a drop of patience. 她一点耐心也没有。w常用单数 下落;下降a drop in air pressure 气压下降a sharp / rapid drop in profits 利润急剧 / 快速下降x 常用单数 倾斜或垂直的距离v.u vi. & vt. (使) 掉下;(使) 下降;(使) 变弱Be careful not to drop that plate.

5、 小心别把盘子摔了。The temperature will drop to around 15 degrees. 气温将降到15度左右。 2010 北京改When the teacher came in, we suddenly dropped our voice. 老师进来时,我们突然降低了声音。v vt. 遗漏;不予考虑I have been dropped from the team because of injury. 我因受伤而未被列入队员名单。drop in 顺便走访Please drop in any time you like. 欢迎随时来。Will you drop in

6、on us tomorrow evening for a talk? 你明晚顺便来和我们谈谈好吗?注 顺便走访某人为“drop in on sb”;顺便走访某地为“drop in at some place”。drop offu 睡着;打盹I dropped off and missed the end of the film. 我打了个盹, 错过了电影的结尾。v 下降;减少The number of graduates going into teaching has dropped off sharply. 从事教育的大学毕业生人数急剧减少了。w 顺便把送到某处;让下车Ill drop yo

7、u off on my way home. 我回家路上顺道送你吧。drop out (of) 不参与;退学She started an engineering degree but dropped out after only a year. 她开始攻读工程学学位,但仅一年后就辍学了。raise vt.u 举起;抬起;使升高You should raise your arm to get the teachers attention. 你应该举手让老师注意到你。 外研7I shouted at him but he merely raised his eyebrows. 我冲他大喊,但他只是扬

8、了扬眉毛。v 提高;增加;提升You raise your voice when you should reinforce your argument. 想强调论点时,你会提高嗓门。 北师大23We need to raise public awareness of the environment issue. 我们需要增强大众的环保意识。w 筹 (款)Last week our school had a big fair in order to raise money for the disabled. 上周我们学校举行了一个大型义卖会,为残疾人筹款。x 提出Betty raised the

9、 important question of who will be in charge. 贝蒂提出了一个重要问题,就是由谁来负责。y 引起Some schools pay their students to encourage them to learn, which has raised many doubts. 有些学校用钱激励学生学习,这引起了很多质疑。 2010 广东改z 养育;饲养;种植My parents have raised twelve kids and I am their first-born. 我的父母养育了12个孩子,我是他们的头生子。 2014 广东tomatoe

10、s raised in greenhouses 温室中种植的西红柿 He raised cattle in the west when he was young. 他年轻时在西部养过牛。点拨二:raise (产出词汇)1. raise为高频多义词,通过语境造句重点掌握释义。2. raise与rise的辨析,重点在于区分理解及物动词和不及物动词的用法。辨 raise, rise 两者都有“上升”、“增长”之意,但是用法不同。raise 是及物动词,其后可接宾语。 raise salaries / prices / profits 加薪 / 涨价 / 增加利润rise 是不及物动词,不可接宾语。

11、The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。点拨三:note (产出词汇)note, notice, observe辨析三者作为动词,都有“注意”的意思。notice to see, hear or become aware of sb / sth; to pay attention to sb/ sth I noticed that her hands were shaking. 我注意到她的手一直在颤抖。note (rather formal) to notice or pay careful attention to sth It is common in bu

12、siness English. Please noted that the bill must be paid within ten days. 请注意本账单必须在十天内付清。observe (formal) to see or notice sb/sth The police officer observed him driving at 100 miles per hour. 警察发现他正以100英里的时速驾车。noten. Cu 记录;复数 笔记;草稿Dave made a note of her address. 戴夫记下了她的地址。She always lets me borrow

13、her Maths notes. 她总是允许我借她的数学笔记。 译林1She made a mental note to ask Alan about it. 她提醒自己要向艾伦问问这件事。v 注释;评注notes to / on a text 课文注释See the notes at the end of the book. 参看书后的注释。w 便条;短笺She left me a note to say my supper was in the fridge.她给我留了个便条,告诉我晚饭在冰箱里。x 票据;纸币a five-pound note 一张5英镑的钞票y 单音;音调;音符She

14、has a good voice but has trouble hitting the high notes. 她嗓音很好,但唱高音有困难。compare notes (with sb) (与某人) 交换意见 /信息We saw the play separately and compared notes afterwards. 我们各自看了那出戏,后来交换了意见。make / take notes 记笔记While watching, he makes notes. 他一边观察,边记笔记。人教4Mary is really good at taking notes in class. 玛丽

15、很会在课上记笔记。 2012 全国take note of 注意Next time you chat with a friend, take note of how youre sitting. 下次你和朋友聊天时,注意一下你的坐姿。 2008 湖南改vt.u 记下;记录note down:The policeman noted down what I said. 警察记下了我的陈述。v 注意;留意Please note how the computer is operated. 请注意计算机的操作方法。w 提及;指出as noted above 如上所述The speaker noted t

16、hat it was very important to set a goal for our life. 演说者指出为我们的生活设定目标是非常重要的。observe v.u vt. 不用于进行时 正式用语 察觉到;注意到I observed a letter on the table. 我注意到桌上有封信。 observe doing / do sth:He observed someone open the door. 他看到有人开了门。 observe + that 从句:She observed that successful people spent a lot more time

17、reading than they did watching TV. 她注意到成功人士花在阅读上的时间比他们看电视的时间多得多。v vt. & vi. 正式用语 观察;观测observe the behaviour of birds 观察鸟类的行为One student performs the experiment, while his partner observes. 一个学生做实验,他的同伴则观察。observe + wh-从句:The teacher required the students to observe how the people in the group intera

18、cted. 老师让学生们观察这个组内的人是如何交流互动的。w vt. 遵守 / 奉行 (法律、习俗等) observe the law 遵守法律observe the local customs 遵循当地习俗x vt. 正式用语 举行 (仪式);庆祝 (节日)Do you observe Christmas in your country? 你们国家庆祝圣诞节吗?observation n. U & C 观察 observer n. C 观察者 observatory n. C 天文台;观象台;气象台search v.u vt. & vi. (在中) 搜寻search (sth) for:Th

19、e police searched the house for the stolen jewelry. 警察搜查了那栋房子,寻找被偷的珠宝。 译林2As they entered the forest, they began to search for a suitable camping spot. 当他们进入森林时,就开始寻找合适的露营地点。2009 江西改v vt. (对某人) 搜身search sb (for sth):The police searched her for drugs. 警察搜查她, 看她身上是否藏有毒品。w vi. 探索;思索She paused, searchin

20、g for inspiration. 她停下来,寻找灵感。The general manager promised to search into the matter. 总经理答应深入调查此事。点拨四:observe (产出词汇)1. 表达眼部动作的其他动词还有glare, stare, glance, spot, witness等。stare强调长时间的凝视; glare 强调带有敌意或气愤地看; glance指“有意地快看一眼”; spot 侧指突然发现; witness 指当场看见,亲眼看见。(相关练习见导学案)2. 掌握熟词生义,特别是释义w和x3. 考点复现j _ carefully

21、 if any change occurs when doing experiments in the lab. (2014 北京)A. Observe B. To observeC. Observed D. Observingk Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still_ the traditional customs. (2008湖北)A. perform B. possessC. observe D. support答案:j A k C 点拨五:sight (产出词汇)1. view, scene, scenery,

22、 sight辨析2. 考点复现j At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was _. (2008 天津)A. out of sight B. out of reachC. out of order D. out of placek The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common _ in many parts of the city.A. look B. sign C. sight D. appe

23、arance 答案:j A k Cn. Cu 搜寻;搜查They made a thorough search of the house. 他们彻底搜查了房子。v (计算机的) 搜索;检索a search engine 搜索引擎in search of 寻找;寻求In the past hundred years, humans have begun destroying rainforests in search of some major resources. 在过去的百年中,人类为了寻找一些主要的资源开始毁坏雨林。 2009 安徽改sight n.u U 视力;视觉When Shaw l

24、ost his sight, his wife suggested he apply for a guide dog. 肖失明后,他的妻子建议他申请一条导盲犬。 2010 天津v U 看见;瞥见Just the sight of the monster made her go all weak. 她一看到那个怪物就两腿发软。w U 视域;眼界I glanced around me quickly. There was no one in sight. 我迅速向四周扫了一眼,一个人也没有。x C 看见的事物;景象;情景These mountains are a splendid sight wh

25、en viewed from the valley floor. 从谷底看,这些山非常壮观。y 复数 名胜;景点Overseas visitors are impressed by the beautiful sights of Beijing. 北京美丽的景点给海外游客留下深刻的印象。辨 view, scene, scenery, sight四者都有“风景”之意。view 侧重表示从某处可看到的“远景”,尤指从窗口、高处等看到的景色。 From the tower you can get a beautiful view of the city. 从高塔上你可以将城市的美景尽收眼底。scen

26、e 所指的景色或场面常包括人、动物或事物的活动,还可指山水风光、舞台场景。 The boats in the harbor made a beautiful scene. 海港里的船只构成了一幅美丽的场景。 The mountain scene lay before our hotel. 展现在我们旅馆面前的是山区风景。scenery 侧重指一个国家或一个地区的总的自然风景,尤指乡间景色,还可指舞台布景、风景画。 We passed through much beautiful scenery on our journey through the Lake District. 在穿越湖区的旅途

27、中,我们看到了不少美丽的景色。sight 指收入眼帘的景色。当指名胜、风景时用复数形式,尤指城里的名胜、风景。 They will see the sights of the West Lake. 他们就要看到西湖的美景了。at first sight 一见(就);乍一看fall in love with sb at first sight 与某人一见钟情At first sight, there is nothing special about the watch, but in fact it is a mobile phone. 乍一看,那块表没什么特别之处,但实际上它是一部手机。 20

28、10 上海at the sight of 一看见Some people will faint at the sight of blood. 有些人一见血就晕。catch sight of 看见;发现Suddenly, I caught sight of my English teacher in the crowd. 突然,我在人群中看到了我的英语老师。come into sight 进入视线;映入眼帘As the plane came down through the clouds, green fields and white houses came into sight. 当飞机穿过云层

29、下降时,绿色的田野和白色的房屋映入了眼帘。lose sight of 看不见;忽略;忘记I lost sight of him in the crowd. 他消失在人群中,我看不见他了。His grandfather, a banker, lost all in the 1930s, but did not lose sight of what he valued most. 他的祖父是个银行家,在20世纪30年代失去了一切,但并未忘记他最看重的东西。 2009 福建set ones sights on 以为奋斗目标The player said that he had set his sig

30、hts on winning the championship in the coming Olympics. 那位选手说他的目标是在即将到来的奥运会上夺冠。spot n. Cu 点;斑点;污点ink spots 墨水渍My dog has some brown spots. 我的狗身上有一些褐色的斑点。v 地点;场所a scenic / beauty spot 风景胜地a historic spot 名胜古迹The most beautiful spot on the river is the Three Gorges. 长江最美丽的地方是三峡。 外研5on the spot 当场;在现场T

31、he bullet struck his head and he was killed on the spot. 子弹击中头部,他当场死亡。The police were on the spot within a few minutes. 几分钟内警察就赶到了现场。vt. 发现;认出 to notice sb / sth, especially when they are difficult to see or recognizeI ran downstairs, and spotted a red steel can. 我跑下楼,看见一个红色的铁皮罐。 2010 浙江点拨六:spot 1.

32、v.对学生理解和掌握有难度2. 辨析见unit 10 mark view n.u U 视野;视线There was usually nobody in view except some sheep in the grassland. 在草原上常常看不到一个人,只能看到一些羊。The lake came into view as we turned the corner. 转过弯,我们就看见那个湖了。Sit down youre blocking my view. 坐下,你挡住我的视线了。v C 风景;景色While climbing the mountain, we enjoyed the w

33、arm sunshine and a beautiful view. 爬山时,我们沐浴着温暖的阳光,欣赏着美丽的风景。 2008 北京Id like a room with a sea view. 我想要一间海景房。(辨析见sight)w C 观点;看法Each person may believe that he is correct and that the other persons view is wrong. 每个人都可能会认为自己是对的,而对方的观点是错的。 2009 江苏Jill and I have different views on / about the subject.

34、 吉尔和我在这个话题上的观点不同。In my view, playing computer games is a waste of time. 在我看来,玩电脑游戏浪费时间。Cant you see things from my point of view? 你就不能从我的角度看待事物吗? 2013 重庆x U 理解或思维的方法;方式world view 世界观Your view of life is different from mine. 你的人生观跟我的不同。in view of 鉴于;考虑到In view of the weather, the event will be held i

35、ndoors. 由于天气的缘故,这项比赛将在室内进行。on view 在展出;展览着The painting is currently on view at the gallery. 那幅画目前在美术馆展出。vt.u 正式用语 看;观赏;观看These mountains are a splendid sight when viewed from the valley floor. 从谷底看上去,群山壮丽。v 看待We view film as a type of contemporary art. 我们把电影视作一种当代艺术。 译林4smell (smelt / smelled, smelt

36、 / smelled) v.u vt. 闻;嗅She bent down and smelt the flowers. 她弯下腰闻了闻花。Sharks can smell blood over a long distance. 鲨鱼很远就能闻到血腥味。 译林1v vt. 不用于进行时 闻到smell sth doing:I smell something burning in the kitchen. 我闻到厨房里有东西烧焦了。w 用作系动词 闻起来有的气味 / 气息smell + adj. / prep.:The flowers smell sweet. 这些花闻起来很香。My room s

37、mells like / of a cigarette smoke. 我的房间闻起来有烟味。You smell wonderful what perfume is that? 你闻起来真香那是什么香水?x vi. 常与can, could连用 闻到气味;有嗅觉He cant smell because he has a cold. 因为感冒,他闻不出味道。y vi. 不用于进行时 有难闻的气味;有臭气Your feet smell! 你的脚好臭!The fish smells; I dont think its quite fresh. 这条鱼有臭味,我认为它不新鲜了。z vt. 不用于被动语

38、态 察觉出;感觉到I can smell a festival atmosphere. 我能感觉到节日的气氛。I can smell trouble. 我感到有麻烦了。n.u C & U 气味;用单数 臭味the smell of home-made fresh bread 自制的新鲜面包的气味 2013 辽宁What a smell! 好臭的味儿啊!v U 嗅觉a fi ne sense of smell 良好的嗅觉w C 用单数 闻;嗅Have a smell of this cheese; does it seem all right? 闻一闻这块奶酪,它是不是好的? smelly ad

39、j. 有臭味的;发臭的taste v.u 用作系动词 尝起来;有的味道The food tasted better than it looked. 这种食物的味道比看上去要好。What does pumpkin taste like? 南瓜是什么味道?v vt. 尝;品尝;尝出的味道He tasted the soup to see if he had put enough salt in it. 他尝尝汤, 看是否够咸。I can taste grape in this bread. 我能吃出这面包有葡萄味。w vt. 尝到;体验He deserves not the sweet that

40、will not taste the sour. 不愿吃苦,不配享福。I have never tasted the delights of country life. 我从未体验过乡村生活的乐趣。n.u C & U 味道;味觉The water from the well has a pleasant taste. 这口井的水味道甘甜。 2012 四川His taste is sensitive. 他的味觉很灵敏。v C & U 爱好;品味Popular music is not to everyones taste. 并非每个人都喜欢流行音乐。She has good taste in d

41、ressing, I would say. 我想说,她在穿着方面很有品味。w C 用单数 感受;体验This was my first taste of live theatre. 这是我初次在现场观看演出。beat v. u vt. & vi. (连续地) 打;敲打;殴打beat a drum 敲鼓beat . to death 把打死The boy was beaten until he was black and blue. 那孩子被打得青一块紫一块。The rain was beating against the window. 雨水正敲打着窗户。v vt. 打败;战胜;超过Will anyone beat the record this year? 今年会有人打破纪录吗?He beat all runners in the country. 他的赛跑成绩全国第一。w vi. (心脏等) 跳动She could feel her h


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