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1、Unit 3 Couldyou please clean your room?教学设计Period 1 Section A (1a-2d)教学目标一功能:掌握谈论做家务的词汇,及如何有礼貌的提出要求。能听懂和谈论做家务的话题;并能就此话题进行会话。二词汇和常用表达:能正确使用下列词汇:rubbish,fold,sweep,floor,mess,take out the rubbish, make ones bed, living room, meet, work on能正确使用下列常用表达:1. Could you please take out the rubbish? Sure. / So

2、rry, I cant. I have to finish homework first.2. Could I use your computer? Sorry. Im going to work on it now.3. Well, could I watch TV? Yes, you can. But first you have to clean your room.教学重难点教 法学 法教学准备教 学 过 程 修改及补充Step 1Warming up and leading inT: Hello, boys and girls! First lets look at the pict

3、ure,suppose the room is yours,Do you like this kind of room? Will your mother be angry? S1:.T: How to make it clean? What work can we help our parents do at home? Ss:We can help do some chores.T:We all know helping others is important and happy, but caring about our parents is also important. Do you

4、 do these chores at home?Lets come to 1a.Step 2. Presentation1a Do you do these chores at home?Discuss them with your partner.You can use these words:often, very often, less often, hardly ever, neverdo the dishes take out the rubbish fold the clothessweep the floor make the bed clean the living room

5、For example: S1:I often do the dishes. S2:I hardly ever fold the clothes. Step4 While-listening activities: Task1. Listen for the general idea of 1b(听取大意)T: Now lets work on 1b.Next you will hear a short conversation. What are they talking about? When I play the recording for the first time, you jus

6、t listen carefully and give me the answer.The general idea of the conversation is about ( ) . A. the chores that Peter do B. the chores that Peters mother does C. the chores that Peter and his mother do Task2.Listen for the specific ideas of 1b(听取细节)1.T: Mother and Peter are talking about the chores

7、. Now listen carefully again and who will do these chores,Peter or his mother?Check()Peters mother or Peter.2.Listen and fill in the blanks. 3. Listen and repeat.T: Ill play the recording again and repeat after it to get your pronunciation right.Step5 .Post-listening Activities:. Pair work.T: Can yo

8、u sweep the floor? S1: Yes, I can.T: Im so tired. Could you please sweep the floor with me?S2: Yes, I can./Yes, sure./All right.(S2: Sorry, I cant. I have to/need to study for a test.)Can you make the similar conversation with your partner?Make a conversation using information about the chores in 1a

9、.Ask several pairs to act their conversations out.Step6 While-listening activities: Listening Practice 2a&2b T:We know Peter is a good boy. He often helps mom do the chores. But sometimes he wants to go out for dinner. He often asks his father for permission. What does his father say? Please look at

10、 the picture, lets come to2a. Task 1 . Listen for the main ideaTask 2 . Listen for the specific ideas of 2a(听取细节)T: You did a good job. Listen carefully again. What does Peter want to do ? What does his father say? Check () “yes” or “no”. Task 3 Listen again. Why does Peters father say “no”? Draw li

11、nes to the reasons in the chart in 2a.(2b)T:Read the sentences in 2bfirst,then listen carefully.Make the students check the answers.Task4 Listen again and fill in the blanks.Task 5 Listen and repeat. Step7 Post-listening activitiesTask1. 2c Pair workT:You have known conversations between Peter and h

12、is father. Please make different conversations about the chart in 2a. You can do like this:Task2.Role-play the conversation.2dRole-play the conversation between Tony and Tonys sister.1. T: Lets look at the picture in 2d.Tony and his sister are at home. They have to do some chores because their mom w

13、ill be back soon.You read the conversation individually and answer the questions.2.T:Play the recording for you to listen and repeat,then pay more attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3.T:You read the conversation in pairs and find out some useful expressions and languages points. Then talk

14、 about the useful expressions and language points in groups.4.Ask some pairs to read the conversation .Step8.Inquiry knowledge by translation(翻译探究)T:Boys and girls,what have we learned in this class ? .Discuss in groups of four, then fill in the blanks. Step9. Teachers words T:As we know: Everyone s

15、hould do housework and chores at home or at school ,then keep it clean and tidy.We should learn to treat everybody politely and share our housework.Step10. The end-of class test 当堂检测I. 翻译句子,每空一词。1. 我经常晚饭后帮妈妈洗碗。I often help my mother _ _.2. 你能把垃圾拿出去吗?Could you please _ _ _?3. 每天起床后我要整理自己的床铺。I _ _ _ a

16、fter I get up every day.4. 我不能和你一起去,我得擦地板。 I cant go out with you. I have to _ _ _.5.你自己叠衣服吗? Do you _ _ _ by yourself?6.我妈妈要求我晚上不要在外呆得太久。 My mother asks me not to _ _ _ at night.7.我喜欢在电脑上工作。 I like to _ _ a computer.8.昨天我的自行车坏了,我只得搭车回家。 My bike was broken yesterday. I had to _ _ _ home.Homework: 1.

17、Read 1b/2a/2b/2d after the recording and recite them.2.List all the main phrases of doing chores that you know.3.Write a short passage about “Do a survey”in Task3 in2d,then check it answer each other deskmate.Blackboard Design: Period 2 Section A (3a-3c)教学目标Teaching aims(教学目标)一、功能:Read a story about

18、 who should do chores.二、词汇和常用表达:Learn to use words and sentences: throw, all the time, neither, shirt, as soon as, pass, borrow, lend, finger, hate, chore, while, I threw down my bag and went to the living room. The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom came over. Could you please take the do

19、g for a walk? Im just as tired as you are. She did not co any housework and neither did I. Could you please pass me the salt? Could I borrow that book? Could you lend me some money?三、学习策略:Sum up the patterns and useful expressions in the story. Knowing what part of speech a word is can help you unde

20、rstand the words meaning.四、文化知识:Try our best to help out with chores at home in order to make our parents feel happy.教学重难点教法Listen、say、read 、practice reading methods.学法小组合作 自主探究 教学准备recorder 、Tape、PPT.教 学 过 程 修改及补充Step 1. Warm-up and revisionHave a competition.T: Boys and girls! Lets have a competit

21、ion. Please list chores that you know. You can stand up to say them out without putting up your hands. Then Ill give you one mark. Lets see which group is the best?S1: do the dishes, take out the rubbish, -S2: sweep the floor, clean the living room, - (When the students list chores, ask a student wr

22、ite them in the chart on the blackboard.)Step 2 While-reading activities一. Read for the general idea of 2bAsk students to look at the pictures in 3a.T: This is Nancys house. Is the house clean and tidy? Ss: No, it isnt.T: Why does Nancys mother or Nancy clean it? Ss: Sorry, we dont know.T: Please re

23、ad the story in 3a, and then youll know the answer.The general idea of the story is about _.A. when to do the chores B. who should do the choresC. how to do the chores二. Read for the specific ideas of 2bT: Class! We all know the general idea of the story is about who should do the chores. Now please

24、 read carefully and get the special ideas.Task One: Complete 3a.1. Ask student to read the story and answer the questions.(1) Why was Nancys mom angry with her?_(2) Did they solve the problem? How?_2. Ask students to read the questions and answers. Then ask them to ask and answer in pairs without lo

25、oking at books.Task Two: Complete 3b.1. Ask students to read the sentence below. Underline the sentences from the reading that mean the same thing.(1) Neither of us did any housework for a week.(2) My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV.(3) Youre tired, but I tired, too.2. Ask stu

26、dents to make sentences using neither, as soon as, as as.Task Three: Complete 3c.Step 3 Post-reading activitiesTask One: Read aloud.(1) Listen and repeat.(2) Ask some students to read the passages by imitating the tape in front of the class.Task Two: Retell.1. Ask students to retell the story indivi

27、dually in a whisper according to the mind map.2. Ask students to retell the story in groups.3. Ask several students to retell the story in front of the class.Step 4 Grammar FocusModal verbs could for polite requests and permission.1. Ask students to read the sentences in Grammar Focus and pay attent

28、ion to the modal verbs could.(1) Could I go out for dinner with my friends? Sure, that should be OK.(2) Could we get something to drink after the movie? No, you cant. You have a basketball game tomorrow.(3) Could you please take the dog for a walk? OK, but I want to watch one show first.(4) Could yo

29、u please take out the rubbish? Yes, sure.2. Fill in the blanks. First, think them over by yourself, then discuss in groups.(1) Could you do ? / Could you please do ? 意为“_”。用来有礼貌地提出_。肯定回答用“_”,否定回答用“_”。如:你可以倒垃圾吗?当然可以。_ (2) Could I do ? 意为“_”。用来委婉地请求_。肯定回答用“_”,否定回答用“_”。如:我可以看电视吗?当然可以,但是你必须先完成作业。_Step 5

30、 SummaryT: Boys and girls, what have you learned in this class? Please write them on your paper. (Ask two students to write on the blackboard.)1. Useful words and phrases: _2. Important sentences: _3. Grammar:_Step 6 Emotional experienceT: Boys and girls! Do you think we should do some chores?Ss: Ye

31、s, we do.T: Our parents are very tired, because they work all day. Please try our best to help out with chores at home in order to make our parents feel happy. OK?Ss: OK.Step 7 Inquiry into knowledge by translationAsk students to look at the following sentences and try to summarize the language rule

32、s and fill in the blanks. The students can help each other and have a discussion after doing the following by themselves.Step 8 Homework1. Write the sentences in Grammar Focus twice. 2. Read and recite the passage in 3a. 3. Please make a plan to help your parents do some chores at home.Blackboard De

33、sign: Period 3(Grammar Focus) & Section B (1a-1d)教学目标Teaching and leaning goals:一、功能:Make polite requests and ask for permission.二、词汇和常用表达: Learn and use “snack及Could you clean your room? Yes, I can./Could I invite my friends to a party? No, you cant. You have a test on Monday.”三、文化知识: Help students

34、 learn how to make polite requests and ask for permission with the target language.教学方法How to express a desire to help;Listen and find the answers.教学准备listening methods, pairwork.教学过程PPT; exercise; tape-layer; pictures教 学 过 程修改与补充Step1 Preview一、Look at P21, put them into English orally, then write t

35、hem down without looking at the text.1. 买饮料和小吃_ 2. 借钱 _3. 打扫房间 _ 4. 邀请我的朋友们参加聚会 _5. 去商店_ 6. 用你的CD播放机 _7倒垃圾 _ 8. 整理床铺 _ 二、Look at P21, put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text. Step 2 Warming up and leading inT: Do you have a birthday party every year? Ss: Yes. T

36、: Do you invite your friends to your home? S1: Sometimes.T: In order to have a great birthday party, what do your parents ask you to do? S1: I should clean my room. S2: I should buy some fruits.T: Yes, we should have a good preparation. This class well learn something about how to prepare a party. L

37、ets come to 1a. 1a What do teenagers ask their parents permission for? What do parents ask their teenagers to do? Write parents or teenagers next to each phrase.T: Please do it by yourself first. Then check your answers in pairs. Finally with the whole class.1. buy some drinks and snacks_2. borrow s

38、ome money_3. clean your room_4. invite my friends to a party_5. go to the store_6. use your CD player_7. take out the rubbish_8. make your bed_1b Use the phrases in 1a to make conversations.Step 3 Listening (1c)T: Sandy wants to have a party on Saturday, she is talking with her mother about it. Now

39、lets come to 1c.Listening for the general idea The general idea of the conversation is about _A. party B. Sandys friends C. the preparations of Sandys partyListening for the specific ideas1. Listen to a conversation between Sandy and her mom. Check() the things in 1a that you hear.2. Listen again. F

40、ill in the chart.Post-listening Activities1. Listen to the tape and repeat. ( P100 Section B, 1c,1d.)2. Practice the conversation in pairs, then look at the chart above and perform it.Step 4 Practice (1e)1e You are having a party. Ask your partner for help with these things. Step 5 The end-of-class

41、test用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Yesterday Sandy invited me _(have) dinner.2. What do you need _ (take) with you on holiday?3. Do you hate _ (do) the dishes?4. Every day my mom _ (clean) the living room.5. Does your mom often ask you _ (take) out the rubbish?Step 6 HomeworkYou must: 1.Memorize the new words and

42、useful expressions on P21. Role-play the conversation in 1c. 2. Preview Section B(2a-Self Check).If you can: Make a survey in your groups, then write down at least 5 things your classmates do before a party.Blackboard Design:Period 4 Section B (2a-2e)教学目标一、语言知识:1.熟练掌握以下词汇和短语:stress, waste, provide,

43、anyway, depend, develop, independence, fairness, since, neighbor, ill, drop, independent, fair, unfair, take care of , in order to, depend on2.熟练掌握以下句型:(1) They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades.(2) Its parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at hom

44、e for their children.(3) Theres no need for kids to do housework now.(4)The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.二、语言功能: Talk about the pros and cons of doing chores三、学习策略:阅读策略1. 依据文章题目要求和所给图片,预测(predicting)文章内容。2.通过略读(skimming)的方式,猜测文章大意。3.借助关键词,通过寻读 (scanning)的方式,找寻细节内容。四、情感态度:Doing chores helps you to be independent, teaches you how to look after themselves and helps you understand the fairness.教学方法Reading; skimm


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