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1、“冲刺南外”六年级第二次分班考试(满分:150分时间:80分钟)姓名 班级_.Sounds. Complete the following rhymes. (10%)The ZooA Family Finger playAt the zoo we saw a b_1_, This is a familyHe had long, dark fuzzy(毛茸茸的) hair, Lets count them and s_6_,We saw a lion in a c_2_. How many there are,He was in an awful rage(狂怒). And who they c

2、an beWe saw the big, long-necked g_3_, This is the motherAnd the silly m_4_ made us laugh, Who loves e_7_,But my favorite animal at the zoo And this is the fatheris the e_5_-how about you? Who is lots of fun. This is my s_8_, She helps and she plays, And this is the baby, Hes growing e_9_ day. But w

3、ho is this one? Hes out there alone, Why its Jackie, the dog, And hes chewing(啃,嚼) a b_10_.Vocabulary.(15%)Complete the following sentences with proper words.1. Do you have a t_ for the football game?2. Eating v_ is good for peoples health.3. Both of them are m_ of our football team.4. Football is a

4、 team sport. You should p_ the ball.5. Can you g_ who are the people in the picture?6. Athletes(运动员) who f_ first in a running race can win. 7. The boys and girls in Grade 6 are pthe trees. 8. The letter “m” in MTV means m_.9. New York is one of the b _cities in the world. 10. We dont like to go out

5、 on r_ days.11. D_ sports can make us strong and healthy.12. They need a t_ for a camping trip.13. People like to go s_ in winter.14. The baby is sleeping. Lets walk into the room q_.15. After meal, we should c our teeth.Grammar and communication. (25%)A. Choose the best answer. (20%)( )1-_ do you g

6、o hiking?- Once a week. A. How many time B. How often C. How long D. How soon( )2 Whats the matter with you?- I had _ bad cold and had to stay in_ bed A. a; / B. a; the C. a; a D. the; the( )3Taking buses in Beijing is much _ than before. A. cheap B. cheaperC. cheapest D. the cheapest( )4. Im 1.70 m

7、etres. Yao Ming is 2.27 metres. I am Yao Ming.A. as tall asB. taller than C. not as tall asD. so tall as( )5. Youd better not eat _food every day.A. much too B. too much C. too many D. many too( )6. It is _to work out this problem. You dont need to ask the teacher for help.A. enough easy B. enough e

8、asily C. easy enough D. easily enough( )7. There _ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. A. was B. is going to be C. will have D. is going to have( )8 Do you do sports _ Sunday morning?A. on B. in C. at D. for( )9-“Whats wrong with the watch ?”- “_.”A. It doesnt matter B. It doesnt work C. Its

9、 all right D. Its wrong ( )10 If you want to be in good _, you should eat _ food.A. healthy; healthy B. health; healthC. healthy; health D. health; healthy( )11. -_ do you come to school? -_ foot. A. What; On B. How; On C. What; By D. How; By( )12. He left_ Hong Kong _ the morning of September 8th.

10、A. to; on B. at; in C. to; in D. for; on( )13. Mum, may I go to the cinema?No, you cant. You finish your homework first.A. can B. may C. must D. cant( )14. The child likes to do_ . A. things different B. somethings differentC. different something D. different things( )15. Sometimes I go _ with my fa

11、ther. A. fish B. fishing C. to fish D. fishes( )16.Would you like to go to Huashan?Yes, _. A. Id like B. Id like to C. Id love D. I would( )17. Everyone in our class _ going hiking. A. likes B. liking C. like D. like to( ) 18. Can you teach me how _? A. dance B. dancing C. to dance D. dances ( )19.

12、An _ boy came to our class yesterday. A. 11-year-old B. 11-years-old C. 11-year old D. 11 years old( )20.I_morethan500yuan_thebook. A.cost,on B.spent,in C.took,for D.paid,forB从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(5%)-Good morning, Sir. Can I help you?- (1) -Yes, Sir. Which country would you like to vis

13、it?- (2) Im too tired and just want to relax.-Maybe you can spend your holiday in Switzerland (瑞士) (3) -But it s too cold. (4) -What about Australia? There is a lot of sunshine there all the year round.- (5) And I can practise my English as well.(A) Where are you going? (B) Its a wonderful place for

14、 skiing.(C) Id like to spend my holiday abroad(国外).(D) Ive no idea. (E) Good idea. (F) It doesnt matter.(G) I prefer warm places.Reading comprehension (24%)A Visit Swansea Zoo(6%)Come and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from America. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys fro

15、m China are waiting to throw things at you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you. Tickets Opening time Grown-ups: $ 3 9:00 am 4:00 pmChildren: Over 12:$2 except Friday Under 12: Free 10:00 am 3:00 pm ( )1. How much d

16、oes Mr. Smith have to pay if he visits the zoo with his sons of fourteen and ten?A. $2.00B. $5.00C. $4.00 D. $3.00( )2. Which of the following is the visiting time? A. 8:30 am, Wed B. 9:30 am, Fri C. 3:00 pm, SunD. 4:00 pm, Tue( )3. How many kinds of animals are mentioned(提及) in the ad? A. 3 B. 4 C.

17、 5 D. 6B (5%)Hi, Louis! Im writing to tell you something about the customs and festivals. Everyone loves holidays since one doesnt need to go to school or work. Although all holidays mean no school and work, but not all of them are the same. On some of them you go out with friends; on others you sta

18、y home to eat, talk, and have fun with your family. For example in the U.S., everyone thinks New Years Eve and New Year are both for partying with friends. Christmas is the time to stay home and exchange gifts with family members. The opposite is true in Japan though. For example, in Japan, New Year

19、 is for spending time with the family to eat, talk, have fun, and go to the temples. But Christmas is for boy and girl friends to go out and exchange gifts. Originally Christmas should be to celebrate the birth of Christ. I have been interested in foreign customs since I was little. If you learn the

20、se different holiday customs, you will learn about different histories and cultures. This is much more interesting than learning them at the library from morning to evening. Love,Sue根据短文内容,判断正误。正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。( )1. Usually, nobody goes to school or works during holidays.( )2. Christmas is the t

21、ime to stay home to eat, talk and have fun with the family.( )3. All the countries have the same way to celebrate the holidays.( )4. Being interested in foreign customs means being interested in different histories and cultures.( )5. This passage is about the customs and holidays in Japan.C(8%)Two y

22、ears ago, my husband bought me a bicycle. If you live in a town, it is often faster than a car and you dont have to worry about parking. You can leave it anywhere. As it has a seat at the back and a basket at the front. I can take my small daughter to school, to the library, to the shop, to anywhere

23、. I use it most in summer when the weather is warm and dry. It can be very unpleasant in winter when it is cold and the rain is heavy.You must of course be careful on a bicycle. Accidents are not the only problem though. One day I went shopping and came back to find my front wheel(轮子) missing(丢了). I

24、t was a long walk to the bicycle shop. Now I have three strong locks.My husband uses my bicycle sometimes for short journeys. He says it is better than waiting for a bus. He still uses his car for longer journey, but I think that all this sitting down is making him fat and lazy. On my bicycle I get

25、a lot of exercises and fresh air, and this makes me feel a lot younger. Fill the blanks according to the text.1. The writer has had the bicycle for_2. A bike is better than a car because:1) It is often _ in a town.2) You dont have to _ a bike.3. The writer uses bicycle most_.4. It can be very unplea

26、sant in winter when the weather is _ and _.5. One day she went shopping and came back to find her _ missing.6. Riding a bike makes the writer feel _. D (5%)My friend has a big police dog called Jack. Police dogs are often clever. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the par

27、k. Jack likes these long walks in park very much. One Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed for a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for his walk. But the visitor still stayed. Jack got worried about his walk in the park. He walked

28、around the room several times and then sat down in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention. He went on talking. Finally Jack couldnt stand it. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the visitor, but this time he held

29、 the visitors hat in his mouth.()1. Jack is _.A. my friend B. the visitorC. a police dog D. a student()2. My friend takes his dog to the park _.A. once a week B. every afternoonC. once a day D. once a month ()3. The dog sat in front of the visitor and he wanted _. A. to listen to him B. to look at h

30、im C. to show he was worried D. to be his friend()4. The visitor didnt _ talking when it was time for their walk in the park.A. stop B. stop to C. go on D. keep()5. This passage is about _.A. Police Dogs B. A Visitor C. My Friend D. Jack.Fun English.(16%)A. Fill in the blanks: (4%)1. Geometry(几何学) w

31、e study today was founded by Euclid(欧几里德)in ancient Greece(古希腊), he is honored as(被称作)(you can answer it in Chinese)2. The earliest textbook in Nanjing is (you can answer it in Chinese)3. The largest imperial examination hall(科举考场)in Nanjing is(you can answer it in Chinese)4. ( answer in Chinese) is

32、 the emblem of Nanjing City. (市标)B. Chooses the best.(4%)1. Which of the following is different from the others? A. 徐悲鸿 B. 齐白石 C. 刘天华 D.张大千2. Which of the following is different from the others?A. Chopin肖邦 B. Bach巴赫C. Picasso毕加索 D. Liszt李斯特3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Three-pr

33、imary(三原色) colors of light are red, green and blue. B. Infrared rays 红外线 can not be seen. C. Mercury 水星 is the closest of eight planets to the sun in the solar system. D. The moons eclipse月食 can be the total eclipse全食, annular eclipse环食and partial eclipse偏食4. The latest-founded municipality最新建立的直辖市

34、in China is A. Chongqing B. Tianjin C. Shanghai D. BeijingC. Translate the following into Chinese. (4%) (1)80% off _ (2) Buy one, get one free. _ (3)On sale _ (4)Special Offer _D. IQ games (4%)1. Charlie, who was facing north, turned right through 270 degrees. What direction was he then facing?_ (1%

35、)A. North B. East C. South-east D. West 2. If: SAFE + STAY + SOON + SKIP = STOPthen: PINK + PORE + PUSH + PLOT = ?3. Here is a curious grid, the sums of the shapes are shown at the end the row and at the base of each column. What is the missing sum? 4. What country is popular on Thanksgiving Day? VI

36、 Maths problem.(2*30=60)1、What must you add to negative(负数) three to make seven?2、There is a car and a truck driving from the same place to a club 165km away. In the end,the car arrived at the club 0.8 hours before the truck .And the truck was 24km far away from the club when the car arrived at the

37、club .Question: it takes the car ( )hours to get to the club.3、A painting job can be completed by 4 painters in 28 days. If 16 more painters join the team 3 days after starting work on the job, then how many more days are required to complete the job? 4、The average of the four number is 8.If one of

38、the four number changes into 1,the average become 6 ,so the number changed is ( ).5、Twenty sweets are shared(被分) by four children but they have different numbers of sweets. The child who gets the most can get _ sweets at least(至少). 6、There is a three-digit number which is divided by 7 ,8 and 9.The s

39、ums of the 3 remainder(余) are 21.Then the three-digit number is ( )7、Look at the picture. The radius(半径) of the small circle is 25 cm and that of the big circle is 50 cm. The small circle goes around the outside of the big circle. Then how many times does the smaller circle spin(自身转了几圈)?8、ABCDE five

40、 students take part in (参加)an exam that full mark is 10 scores ,everyones scores is integer(整数).A says:” I get 4 scores”.B says:”I get the highest score”.C says:”I get the average score of A and D”.D says:”I get the average score of the five students”.E says:”I get more 2 scores than C,I am the seco

41、nd”.Then B gets ()scores.9、There are some balls of 4 differen colors in the packet(包).Two of them are taken out (拿出)each time(每次) .How many times should I try at lest(至少) ,if I can get the same result(结果) for ten times?10、The addition equations(算式) arranged(排列) according(根据) certain patterns are :34,5 9,714,919,1124,The sum of the two numbe


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