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1、人教版高中英语必修一第一单元学案知识目标词汇add, point, upset, ignore, calm, concern, loose, cheat, reason, list, share, feeling,series, outdoors, crazy, nature, purpose, dare, thunder, entirely, power, trust, indoors,suffer, teenager, advice, questionnaire, quiz, situation, editor, communicate, habit短语add up, calm down,

2、 have got to, be concerned about, walk the dog, go through, hideaway, set down, a series of, on purpose, in order to, face to face, according to, get alongwith, fall in love with, join in句型1. .she should have studied.2. I wonder if.语法Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(I)直接引语和间接引语(I)Sentences and Ques

3、tions陈述句和疑问句点 拨一、要点导学1Add up you score and see how many points you can get.(P.1)把你的成绩加起来,看看你能得多少分。(1)add vt.增加;添加;补充说 vi.加;添加;补充说。例如:The fire is going out;, could you add some wood?火要熄灭了,你添点木柴好吗?“He is very clever but a bit naughty,”he added.“他很聪明,只是有点淘气”,他补充说。Add 8 to 3 and youll have 11. 8加3等于11。A

4、dd coal to the fire.给炉火加点煤。 The news added to his sadness.这个消息增添了他的痛苦。 Add up the expenses, see if we could afford it.合计一下这些费用,看我们是否支付 得起。 The expenses add up to 1.000 yuan.这些费用总计达1000元。 拓展: add sth.增加,补充说;add sth. to sth.把相加;add toincrease增添;add up/together合计,加起来;add up to总计达 做一做: Each girl present

5、 at the party was wearing a flower in the hair,which _ their beauty. A. added B. added up C. added to D. added up to He received a letter with an unusual stamp on from his friend,which _ his collection. A. added up to B. added to C. made up D. made up of (2)point n.(比赛等的)得分,点数;尖端,尖状物;小数点;vt.指向。例如: t

6、he point of a needle针尖 the paint of a knife刀尖 When we read out 4.23,we say “four-point two three”. We won the rugby game by 12 points to 3. 我们12比3赢得了那场橄榄球比赛。 He pointed to a tower on the distant horizon. 他指向远方地平线上的一座塔。 拓展: on the point of正要 make a point of特别注意 a key point要点 point of view观点 a turning

7、 point转折点 point out指出;point at/ to指向 例如:point at the map(用手等)指着地图a signpost pointing to the north一个指向北方的路标 My teacher pointed out my mistake.老师指出了我的错误。做一做:It is the Chinese Communist Party that _ the only correct way for the future of the Chinese people. A. points B. has pointed out C. points to D.

8、had pointed atMan seems to be reaching a point he has always dreamed of, _ he will be the master of the world around him. A. when B. which C. that D. what 辨析:point/mark/score/grade/goal point尤指比赛中的得分。例如: We won by 5 points.我们赢了5分。 mark指考试中的得分,常用复数形式,但也可以说a good mark。例如: I cant believe that he got fu

9、ll marks in his mid-term exams.我不相信期中考试他得了满分。 He must have cheated!他一定作弊了!score比赛时的得分;成绩,可做名词或者动词用,作“成绩”讲不表示具体的得分,没有复数形式。例如: The score in the football game was 4 to 1足球比赛得分为4比1。 grade常用作复数形式,表示学业成绩,含有“等级”的意思。例如; He always gets high grades in school.他在学校成绩很好。 goal指球赛中的得分。例如: get make score“goal得一分(踢进

10、一个球) 2. When he/she borrowed it last time,he/ she broke it and you had to pay to get it repaired.(P.1) 当他或她上一次向你借照相机时,他或她把它弄坏了,你不得不自己出钱让人修理。 请观察下列句子,分析动词get的用法: (l)I have to get my bicycle repaired.我必须把自行车修一修。(让别人去修) (2) I have got my homework finished on time.我已经按时完成了作业。(完成作业的动作是主语“I”发出的) (3) Can y

11、ou get my watch going?你能把我的表修好吗?(使一直处于某种状态) (4 ) Get your father to come to school tomorrow.让你父亲明天到学校来。(让某人做某事,动词不定式作宾语补足语,表示具体的某一个动作。) (5)I have got a lot of clothes to bewashed我有许多衣服要洗。(衣服让别人洗) 试对比I have got a lot of clothes to wash.(自己洗衣服) 拓展: get作为“使,让”,用法相当于a have”。其重要用法为:get sth. /sb. to do st

12、h.;get sth.sb. doing sth.;get sth. /sb. done。 做一做:(1)我必须找人把这台收音机修理好。_. (2)明天我让人把坏牙拔掉。_. (3)这辆车出了点儿毛病,你能让它跑起来吗?_. (4)( 2005年,福建)Can the project be finished as planned? Sure, _ it completed in time,well work two more hours a day. A, having got Bto get C. getting D. get (5)Good morning: Can I help you?

13、 Id like to have this radio_,madam. A. be repaired B. to be repaired C. to repair D. repaired (6)(2007年,安徽)Did Peter fix the computer himself? He_, because he doesnt know much about computers A. has it fixed B. had fixed it C. had in fixed D. fixed it 3. Your friend comes to school very upset(P.1)你的

14、朋友非常苦恼地来到学校。 (1)upset adj(等同于rather unhappy)苦恼,难过,不高兴,在本句中作结果状语。形容词除了常见的在句中作定语、表语和宾语补足语外,也可像副词一样在句中作状语。例如: Afraid of difficulties, they prefer to take the easy road.因为害怕困难,他们更愿意走较容易走的那条路。 He spent 7 days in the wind and snow, cold and hungry.他又冷又饿,在风雪中度过了7天。She returned to work,unhappy.她不高兴地回去上班了、 (

15、2)upset既可以用作形容词表示“苦恼,难过,不高兴”,也可以用作动词,意为“使烦乱,扰乱,使不安,使不适”。例如: He felt upset about losing the money.丢了钱,他感到难过。 You had better not upset my plan.你最好别打乱我的计划。 The thunder upset her.雷声使她不安。 做一做: (1) They all rushed up,eager to help._。 (2) The baby was lying in bed,awake._。 (.3)这种药会让你的胃不舒服_。 (4)因为把票丢了,吉姆斯非常

16、不高兴。_。 4. Ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down(P.1)不理会铃声,你们到一个安静的地方,让你的朋友镇定下来。 (1)ignore vt. to make no notice to someone or sth.不理睬,忽视 做一做:She will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm him down. _。The best way to deal with an impolite person is to ignore him. _。

17、 拓展: ignorance n.无知,愚昧,不学无术 ignorant adj无知识的,不知道的,愚昧的,幼稚的 be ignorant of对无知,不知道 辨析:ignore sth.be ignorant of sth If you ignore sth.,you know about it but pay no attention,如果你“ignore某件事,那么你知道这件事但根本不去注意它。例如: He knew there was a speed limit,but he ignored it and drove very fast.他知道有车速限制,但却置之不理,把车开得飞快。

18、If you are ignorant of sth.,you don,t know about it.如果你“ignorant of某件事,那么你对这件事一无所知。例如: Most passengers were totally ignorant of the safety procedures.大多数旅客根本不知道安全措施。 (2)calm adj. quiet and not worried or excited平静的,镇静的;not windy无风的 calm down:to become or make someone less angry,excited, or worried(使

19、)某人安静下来。例如: The police chief advised his men to stay calm and not to lose their tempers.警官建议他的手下们保持镇静,不要发火。 Hey tried to keep calm about it.他试图对此保持平静。 It became calm after the storm.暴风雨之后,一切趋于平静。 She was very sad,would you please calm her down?她非常伤心,你能让她冷静下来吗? 5. Tell your friend that you are concer

20、ned about him/her but you have to go to class.(P.1)告诉你的朋友你很关心他或她,但你现在必须要去上课。 concern v.n.(1)使担心,使不安(通常用被动语态)be concerned about为担心(2)涉及;关系到;参与(一般不能用进行时,但可用于被动语态)concern oneself with/in sth.。例如: She is concerned about her sons future.她为儿子的将来担心。 He is concerned in the new project.他参与了这个新计划。 She concern

21、s herself with/in social welfare她从事社会福利工作。 做一做: The speech which he made _ the football match bored a lot of fans to death A. being concerned B. be concerned C. concerned D. concerning 6. Tell him/her that he/she should have studied,so you dont let him/her look at yourpaper.(P.1) 告诉他或她本来就应该好好学习,因此你不

22、让他或她看你的试卷。 should have done本应该做但事实上并没有做。例如: You should have worn the safety belt in the car,and if so,you wouldnt have been hurt.你坐车本来应该系上安全带的,如果那样,你就不会受伤了。 You shouldnt have told Tom the secret,but he meant no harm你本来就不应该告诉汤姆这个秘密,但他并无恶意。 做一做: (l)(2007年,陕西)I told your friend how to get to the hotel,

23、but perhaps I _ have driven her there A could Bmust Cmight Dshould (2)(2007年,浙江)My cats really fat. You _ have given her so much food. Awouldnt B. couldnt C. shouldnt D. mustnt (3)You _ him so closely, you should have kept your distance Ashouldnt follow Bmustnt follow Ccouldnt have been following Ds

24、houldnt have been following (4)Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night,no matter what we _ during the day A. should have done B. would have done C. may have done D. must have done (5)(2007年,江西) Where is my dictionary?I remember I put it here yesterday You _ it in the wro

25、ng place Amust put Bshould have put Cmight put Dmight have put (6) He also learns that he _ _ _more about his friends.(他本应该更关心他的朋 友。) 7 Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you.(P2)列举一些理由说明为什么朋友对你来说非常重要。 (l)请观察下列句子: What is the reason for your being absence?你缺席的原因是什么? Is there any rea

26、son why you were late? 你来晚了,有理由吗? 拓展: reason n. why you do sthor why sthhappens原因,理由。常见用法为:reason forto do.做的理由;reason whythat.的原因。 reason采取某一行动的理由。 cause引起某种不良后果的起因。 excuse辩解,借口,指为某一行为所做的解释,可以是真的,也可以是托词。做一做:The police is looking into the cause of the fire.Her reason/excuse for being absent was that

27、 she had a headache.The reasonI was late was the traffic was too busy. A. why, because B. what, that C. why, that D. that, becauseThe reason _ be didnt come was _ he was injured. Athat, because Bwhy, that Cwhy, because D. that, that(2)list n. &v.清单,一览表;列出(lists , listing , listed)。例如:a shopping list

28、购物单;make a list列出单子,造表 Mum often makes a shopping list before she goes shopping.妈妈买东西之前经常列一张购物清单。 The teacher listed all our names,so our class has a name list now.老师列出了我们所有人的名字,现在我们班有一份花名册。 8. List what a good friend should do and share the list with your partners.(P. 2) 列举一下好朋友应该怎样做,并与你的同学一起分析代下这个

29、清单。 share n.一份,份额,股份。 v分享,均分,分担。例如: Lets share (the last cake),you have half and I;ll have half.咱们分了(最后这块蛋糕)吧,你一半,我一半。 The young man bought/held 500 shares in a shipping company.那个年轻人购买(特有)某海运公司的500只股份。 share sth.(with/among/between sb.)与某人共享分担均分某物(事) 做一做:Will you_ me a few minutes? A. share B. spar

30、e C. save D. spendMoore is the only person who_ my opinion A. shares B. agrees C. holds D. keeps 9. Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? (P.2)你想不想找一个这样的朋友,你可以向他倾诉一切,比如你内心最深处的思想和情感? feeling n.感觉,感情。例如: The cold made him lose feeling in his f

31、ingers.他的手指冻麻木了。 I have a feeling that we are being followed.我觉得有人在跟踪我们。 辨析feeling/emotion/sense emotion包括所有的心理状态,微弱的或者强烈的感情。例如: Love, joy, hate, fear, and grief are emotions.爱、喜、恨、怕、悲都属于七情六欲。 feeling是emotion的替代词,但要更为正式,还可以指同情或者理解。例如: You have no feeling for、the sufferings of others.你对别人的痛苦漠不关心。 sen

32、se重点指人的感官和意识。例如: The blind man :has。good sense of touch.这位盲人有着很好的触觉。 做一做: The man is popular with his neighbors because he has good _ of humor. A. sense B. emotion C. feeling D. thought 10. Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you or just cant understandwhat you are going trough? (P. 2)

33、你是否会担心遭到朋友的嘲笑,或是现在的处境不被人理解? (1)to experience经历;遭受或忍受。例如: to suffer an unpleasant experience经历不偷快的事 Id hate to go through such a terrible ordeal again.我不想再受这种痛苦。 (2) to look at sth. carefully or to examine carefully,especially in :order to find sth.仔细检查。例如: I went through your homework last night.昨天晚

34、上我仔细检查了你的作业。 I went through all my pockets but I couldnt find my wallet.所有的袋子我都找遍,就是找不到我的皮夹。 拓展: 向前,进行go ahead 追逐,追求 go after 进展,相处go along 违反,违背go against 走开,滚开go away 过去,经过go by 继续go on 下降,下沉go down 仔细查看,查阅go over 爱好,从事;致力于go in for 出错,出故障go wrong 做一做: (2007年,安徽)Didnt you have a good time at the p

35、arty? Of course I did. As a mater of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to _ so quickly. A. go by B. go away C. go out D. go over (2005年,江苏)The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned. Oh, dear!She _ a lot of difficulties! A. may go through B. might

36、 go through C. ought to have gone through D. must shave gone through 11. She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months before they were discovered.(P. 2)她与家人在被抓住之前躲藏了将近两年。 hide(hide-hid-hidden)vi.躲藏vt.隐瞒。例如: The thief hid away in a friends house for several weeks after the robbery.那个盗贼行窃

37、后在朋友家躲藏了几个星期。 Why do you hide your thoughts(away)from me?你为什么对我隐瞒你的想法呢? 做一做: (1) You are hiding something important,arent you?_。 (2)她试图掩藏自己的感情。_. (3)She hid herself under the table before she was found._。 (4)Finally,the police found him _behind a wall. A. hide B. hid C. hiding D hidden 12. I dont wa

38、nt to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do,but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.(P. 2)我不想像大多数人那样仅仅在日记中记下一系列的事实,我想让日记成为我的朋友,于是我称我的朋友为基蒂。 (1)请观察下列句子,熟悉短语set down的意义和用法。 He was asked to set down -the facts,first as he remembered them.他被要求按照记忆

39、把这些事实写下来。 I set the man down as a salesman.我把他看作了一位售货员。 He set down his failure to his poor heath.他把失败归因于健康状况差。 拓展: set down放下,搁下,使坐下,写下,记下 set sb. down让叫下车 set down as把看作 set down to把归因于 set about( doing) sth.着手干某事 set back使后退(延迟),拨回(慢) set forward提出,拨快(表钟),促进 set off动身,出发,引爆 set out出发,着手干(to do),陈

40、诉 set up竖起,创设,开办 做一做: They set about making preparations for the party._。 Please set back your watch an hour_。 They set off/out at dawn and arrived there at about 10:00 am._。 A new school was set up in the southeast of the city._。 The little boy dare not set off the fireworks._ 。 (2) series n.连续,系列,

41、一连串(单复数同形)。例如: He saw a series of white arrows,painted on the road他看见马路上画有一连串的白色箭头。 Mr. Stone prepares a series of lectures on language. Stone先生准备了一系列语言方面的演讲。 There is a television series on this channel every night.每天晚上这个频道都播一部电视连续剧。 There has been a series of car accidents at the crossing.这个十字路口发生

42、过一系列的车祸。 13,I wonder if it is because I have not been able to be outdoors for so long that Ivegrown so crazy about everything to do with nature.(P. 2 )我想这是不是因为那么长时间了我没有在户外,以至于我对自然界的一切都是那么的狂热。 (1) I wonder if.我想知道是否,if引导宾语从句,也可以替换为whether。例如: I wonder if you leave him a message?我想知道你是否可以给他留个信儿?,几 I was wondering whether we could meet again in the future.我在想我们将来还会不会再见面。 (2)outdoors adv.在(向)户外,在(向)野外,其反义词为indoors n.户外,野外,其前常加定冠词the,构成the outdoors; outdoor, adj.户外的,野外的(置于名词前),反义词为indoor adj屋内的,室内的(置于名词之前)。例如: Children usually prefer playing outdoors.孩子们更喜欢在户外玩。 I love to play in


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