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1、素能提升演练(二十)选修7 Unit 20 选词填空(注意用正确形式)figure out, take over, in advance, give away, come out, wrestle with, make up for, cure. . . of, come into conflict, be based on1. It didnt take the children long to _ the correct answer. 2. Can you give me some advice on how to _ the time I have lost? 3. If you ha

2、d warned me_, I would not have done that. 4. The little boy_ his hiding place when he coughed. 5. They suggested that we _ their company in the U. S. . 6. The dictionary is being printed and it will soon _. 7. The little girl was so brave that she _ her attacker. 8. The film_ a true story and it is

3、popular among teenagers. 9. Even whisky could not_ him _ his anxiety. 10. John often _ with his parents, which makes them sad. 单项填空 1. 2012黄山模拟He didnt make _ clear when and where the meeting will be held. A. thisB. thatC. itD. these2. Without electricity, our life _ quite different. A. is B. will b

4、e C. would be D. would have been3. 2012郑州模拟Jims father didnt _ him to join the school football team. A. let B. promise C. permit D. hope4. Despite the language_ , they soon became good friends. A. barrier B. conflictC. misunderstanding D. dilemma5. 2012阜阳模拟After the _ of the climbers, the police wer

5、e thanked for their work. A. rescue B. freedomC. helpD. safety6. Susan started to clean the room;_Lily was preparing lunchAhoweverBbutCmeanwhileDwhen7. 2012六安模拟He doesnt know how to persuade his son to _ his business. Atake overBhand over Cget overDturn over8. She tried hard to keep calm in face of

6、the students, but the sweat on her forehead _ her _. A. gave; awayB. turned; downC. showed; outD. shut; off9. “As long as you pay _ we wont charge for delivery”, the shopkeeper said to the customer. Ain advance Bin totalCin commonDin detail10. We cant wait. We have to _ the direction and the distanc

7、e before we take action. A. pull outB. figure outC. think outD. turn out11. It is reported that many battles broke out in Middle East. Whats your _ of the situation there? AassessmentBanxiety CcomprehensionDconsideration12. By the time he was dying, he made a will that he would _ his kidneys (肾) to

8、those who were in need of them. AcontributeBdonateCprovideDintroduce13. After a whole afternoons heated discussion, they finally _ to us what had been decided. A. told B. declaredC. statedD. made14. He asked us to _ in carrying through the plan at the meeting yesterday. A. provide B. encourageC. ass

9、ist D. persuade15. I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel _I heard the steps. A. while B. whenC. since D. after完形填空After years of searching, a truth seeker was told to go to a cave, in which he would find a well. “Ask the well what is 1 , ” he was advised, “

10、and the well will reveal (告诉,揭露) it to you. ” Having found the well, the seeker asked the most basic and important 2 . And from the depths came the answer: “Go to the village crossroads, and there you will find what you are seeking. ”Full of 3 the man ran to the crossroads only to 4 three rather uni

11、nteresting shops. One shop was selling pieces of metal, another sold 5 , and thin wires were for sale in the third. Nothing and no one there seemed to 6 much to do with the revelation of truth. Disappointed, the seeker returned to the well to demand an 7 , but he was told only: “You will 8 in the fu

12、ture. ”As years went by, the 9 of his experience at the well gradually 10 until one night, while he was walking, the sound of sitar (西塔琴) music 11 his attention. It was wonderful and it was 12 with great skill and inspiration. Deeply 13 , the truth seeker felt drawn towards the 14 . He looked at the

13、 fingers dancing over the strings. And then suddenly he let out a cry of joyful 15 : the sitar was made out of wires and pieces of metal and wood just like 16 he had once seen in the three shops. At last he understood the 17 of the well: we have already been given everything we need; our 18 is to as

14、semble (聚集) and use them in the proper way. Nothing is 19 so long as we recognize only fragments (碎片). But as soon as the pieces are put together, something new appears, whose nature we could not have 20 by considering the fragments alone. 1. A. truthB. hopeC. futureD. music2. A. factB. reasonC. que

15、stionD. matter3. A. energyB. hopeC. mysteryD. surprise4. A. getB. countC. findD. open5. A. instrumentsB. clothingC. foodD. wood6. A. connectB. haveC. prepareD. offer7. A. explanationB. adviceC. excuseD. opportunity8. A. succeedB. discoverC. payD. understand9. A. bitternessB. failureC. memoryD. secre

16、t10. A. doubledB. forgotC. disappearedD. recovered11. A. paidB. lostC. splitD. caught12. A. playedB. broadcastC. enjoyedD. conducted13. A. annoyedB. movedC. confusedD. frightened14. A. adviserB. directorC. composerD. player15. A. admirationB. distinctionC. recognitionD. imagination16. A. thoseB. tha

17、tC. itD. them17. A. secretB. messageC. theoryD. benefit18. A. targetB. difficultyC. taskD. shortcoming19. A. interestingB. meaningfulC. accessibleD. successful20. A. foreseenB. decidedC. judgedD. formed阅读理解What the school of the future will be like isunknown, but most educators and observers agree t

18、hat the future school will go electronic with a capital E. “This century, schools as we know them will no longer exist, ” says a feature in The Age publication, based in Melbourne, Australia. “In their place will be community-style centers operating seven days a week, 24 hours a day. ” Computers wil

19、l become a necessary part for an effective school of the future. Students, The Age says, will see and hear teachers on computers, with “remote learning”, the trend of tomorrow. Accessing “classrooms” on their home computers, students will learn at times most convenient for them. Yet some attendance

20、at an actual school will be required to help students develop right social skills. At Seashore Primary School, an imaginary school of the future created by the Education Department of Australia, technology is the thing that holds classes together. At the imaginary Seashore school: all teachers and s

21、tudents have laptop computers. teachers check voicemail and return students calls on a special telephone system. students use telephones to find information or speak to experts in subject areas they are studying. all lessons are multidisciplinary. all students have individual learning plans created

22、by teachers. As Seashores acting headmaster says, a laptop computer is the students “library, homework, data storage, and connection to the wider world. Technology has changed the emphasis(重点)to the learning of kids rather than the teaching of kids. ” 1._ will be very popular in the future. A. Class

23、room learningB. Internet learningC. Telephone learningD. Remote learning2. In the future, students should go to school sometimes to_. A. hand in their homeworkB. have an examinationC. develop right social skillsD. discuss problems with their teachers3. By saying “students will learn at times most co

24、nvenient for them”, the writer means that_. A. students can learn whenever they like bestB. students can learn only when their teachers are freeC. students have no right to choose when to learnD. the teachers will begin their classes when the students are not busy4. From the passage we can learn tha

25、t_ . A. Seashore Primary School is a famous school situated in MelbourneB. students will do their homework on the computers in the futureC. students have the same learning plans made by their teachersD. students will have lessons from Sunday to Saturday答案解析1. figure out 2. make up for 3. in advance

26、4. gave away 5. take over 6. come out 7. wrestled with 8. is based on 9. cure; of 10. comes into conflict1.【解析】选C。考查it作形式宾语的用法。it代替真正的宾语when and where the meeting will be held, 在句中作形式宾语。2.【解析】选C。考查虚拟语气。句意:如果没有电,我们的生活会大不相同。介词短语without electricity表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,故选C项。3.【解析】选C。考查动词的意义及用法。句意:吉姆的父亲不允许他加入校

27、足球队。A、D项都不用于“v. +sb. to do sth. ”这个结构, 排除A、D;而promise不合句意,排除B,故选C。4.【解析】选A。考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然有语言障碍,但他们不久就成了好朋友。barrier障碍;conflict冲突;misunderstanding误解;dilemma两难的处境。5.【解析】选A。考查名词词义辨析。句意:救了登山者之后,警察因为他们的工作受到了感谢。rescue救援,营救;freedom自由;help援助;safety安全。6. 【解析】选C。句意:苏珊开始打扫房间,与此同时莉莉在准备午饭。meanwhile同时,符合句意。7.【解析】选

28、A。考查动词短语辨析。句意:他不知道如何说服儿子接管他的生意。take over表示接管,符合语境。hand over移交;get over克服;turn over翻转。8.【解析】选A。句意:她尽力试图在学生面前保持镇定,但是她前额的汗水使她露了马脚。give sb. away使某人露马脚;turn sb. down 拒绝;show sb. out带某人出去;shut sb. off使隔绝。【变式备选】He took pity on the people in the flooded-areas and _ his clothes and quilts to them. A. gave aw

29、ayB. gave offC. sent outD. threw away【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意:他同情灾区的人们,把自己的衣服和被子捐给了他们。此处give away表示“捐赠”之意。give off释放,发出(光、热等);send out派出去,发出;throw away扔掉。9.【解析】选A。句意:“只要你提前付款,我们不收取运费。”店主对顾客说道。pay in advance“提前付款”。in total总计;in common共同;in detail详细地。10.【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们不能再等了。采取行动前,我们必须弄清楚方向和距离。pull out

30、拔出;figure out计算出,核算出;弄清楚;think out想出;turn out生产,结果是。11.【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。句意:据报道,中东地区爆发过多次战争,你对那儿的形势有何评价?assessment 评估,评价;anxiety焦虑 ;comprehension理解;consideration考虑。12.【解析】选B。句意:到他快死的时候,他立了个遗嘱,他会把他的肾捐给那些需要的人。donate捐赠;contribute贡献;provide提供;introduce介绍。13.【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意:经过一个下午的激烈讨论,他们终于向我们宣布了他们的决定。tell后

31、直接接人作宾语;state 陈述;make做;declare to sb. sth. 向某人宣布某事。14.【解析】选C。考查动词词义与用法。只有assist与介词in搭配,assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事。15.【解析】选B。考查“be doing. . . when. . . ”句式。句意:我刚刚从浴室里出来,正忙着用毛巾擦干自己,这时我听到了脚步声。1.【解析】选A。由上文的a truth seeker可知,选A项。2.【解析】选C。由下文的answer可知,此处选C项。3.【解析】选B。听说能找到问题的答案,那个人自然是怀着“希望”跑向十字路口。4.【解

32、析】选C。结果在十字路口,那个人只是“发现”了三个毫不起眼的商店。5.【解析】选D。由后文的the sitar was made out of wires and pieces of metal and wood just like 16 he had once seen in the three shops可知, 此空选wood。6.【解析】选B。那儿的任何物与人看起来都与真理的发现没有关系。have. . . to do with. . . 是固定短语,意为“与有关系”,如:He has nothing to do with the decision. 这个决定和他没有关系。7.【解析】选

33、A。探索者很失望地回到水井那儿要求一个“解释”。(他按照水井的方法却没有找到真理,他希望水井能解释一下。)8.【解析】选D。通过最后一段的“At last he understood the 17 of the well”可知, 此处填understand。9.【解析】选C。随着时间的推移,对于自己去寻找水井的经历,他的“记忆”已经逐渐地“消失”。10.【解析】选C。A、D项不符合常理,若选forgot,应用被动语态。11.【解析】选D。有一天晚上,他正在行走的时候,西塔琴的音乐声“吸引了”他的注意力。catch ones attention 吸引某人的注意力。12.【解析】选A。音乐相当美妙

34、,展示了高超的技巧和非凡的灵感。it 代指music,与play搭配,构成短语play music,意为“演奏音乐”。 broadcast广播;enjoy欣赏;conduct指挥。13.【解析】选B。如此美妙的音乐自然会让人“感动”。 annoyed生气的;confused困惑的;frightened害怕的, 均不符合本句的意境。14.【解析】选D。player 指演奏音乐的人,与第12题呼应。composer作曲者。15.【解析】选C。他因为“认出了”制作西塔琴的线、金属和木头就是他曾经在商店里见过的那些,而发出欣喜的叫声。admiration 羡慕,钦佩;distinction区别,差别;

35、recognition认出,识别;imagination想像力。recognition符合语境。16.【解析】选A。those 在本句中代替上文提到的wires,metal and wood作后面定语从句的先行词。that与it代替单数名词;them不能用作先行词。17.【解析】选B。最后他终于明白了水井传达的寓意。secret秘密;message消息, 信息, 要点, 寓意;theory理论;benefit利益,好处。B项符合句意。18.【解析】选C。句意:我们需要的东西都已经有了,我们的“任务”是用恰当的方式把它们聚集起来并使用。(就像把线、金属和木头用恰当的方式聚集到一起就能做出西塔琴一

36、样。)19.【解析】选B。如果我们看到的只是碎片,没有什么是“有意义的”(只有用恰当的方式把它们聚集起来才有意义)。 interesting有趣的; meaningful有意义的;accessible可接近的; successful成功的。20.【解析】选A。句意:如果我们把碎片拼凑起来,新的东西就会出现,它的本质是我们仅凭碎片来看所无法“预见”的。(比如,我们看到线、金属和木头却无法预见它们能做成西塔琴。)1.【解析】选D。细节理解题。从原文第三段中的“remote learning, the trend of tomorrow”可知“远程学习将成为将来的流行趋势”。2.【解析】选C。细节理

37、解题。即使将来学生们可以在家学习,但有时还必须去现实生活中的学校去接受正确的社交技能的培养。这从原文第三段末的“Yet some attendance at an actual school will be required to help students develop right social skills. ”可知。3.【解析】选A。细节理解题。要正确理解此句,首先要知道them指的是前面的students,而不是teachers,可排除D项。另外,此句中的most convenient for them作定语修饰times。此句意为“学生们将会在他们最方便的时候学习”,故A项正确。4

38、.【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据原文最后一段a laptop computer is the students “library, homework. . . ”可知“笔记本电脑是学生的图书馆、家庭作业、数据存储器,以及与更广阔世界的联系(纽带)”,因此B项正确。根据原文第四段开头可知Seashore Primary School是所imaginary school(虚拟学校),故A项不正确。根据“all students have individual learning plans created by teachers”可知学生们均有老师为他们制订的个人计划,故C项不正确。虽然未来的学校是全日制的,但由于学生们可以在他们最方便的时间学习,所以他们就不必天天上课了,故D项不正确。


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