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1、1.(10湖南)A:本文为药品说明,主要介绍了药品Lipitor的作用、适用人群、副作用及服药的相关注意事项。1. 答案:D考点:细节理解解析:根据 “Along with diet and exercise,it lowers “bad,cholesterol(胆固醇)in your bloodIt can also raise “good cholesterol. ”可以推断出答案。2. 答案:C考点:细节理解解析:根据 “Lipitor can lower the risk of heart attack in patients with several common risk fact

2、ors,including family history of early heart disease,high blood pressure,age and smoking. ”和 “Adults and children over l0”可以判断选C3. 答案:D考点:细节理解解析:根据 “If you miss a dose(一剂),take it as soon as you remember. But if it has been more than 12 hours since your missed dose,waitTake the next dose at your regu

3、lar time. ”可以得出答案4. 答案:B考点:细节理解解析:根据 “Some common side effects of LIPITOR are:Muscle pain, Upset stomach, Changes in some blood tests” 可以得出答案5. 答案:D考点:推理判断题解析:文章先总体介绍药品Lipitor的作用,接着介绍药品的适用人群及不适用人群,然后介绍药品的副作用,最后介绍服药的注意事项,由此可以判断选D项。B:【语篇解读】本文为人物介绍说明文。主要介绍了玛丽摩尔的职业生涯及抗病之争。6. 答案D考点:细节理解题。解析:根据第二段“Only re

4、cently,when she began to write Growing Up Again,did she regret ignoring her mom,I dont know how to use a computer,she admits. ”可判断选D项。7. 答案B考点:细节理解题。解析:根据第二段“The show business thing worked out,of course. In her career,Mary won many awards. ”可判断选B项。8. 答案A考点:细节理解题。解析:根据第三段“her second book is less abou

5、t life as an awardwinning actress and more about living with diabetes (糖尿病). ”可判断选A项。9. 答案A考点:细节理解题。解析:根据第四段“In a childlike act,she left the hospital and treated herself to a box of doughnuts (甜甜圈). Years would pass before she realized she had to grow upagainand take control of her diabetes,not let

6、it control her. ”可判断选A项。10. 答案C考点:推理判断题。解析:根据最后一段中的Mary Moore 所说的话“Ive come to realize the importance of that as Ive grown up this second time. I want to speak out and be as helpful as I can be. ”可推断她想尽可能地去帮助他人,故选C项。C【语篇解读】本文为科普说明文。主要介绍了最新的科学研究发现:东方人比西方人更难于读懂他人的面部表情。11. 答案:A考点:细节理解题解析:根据第三段 “Western

7、ers look at the eyes and the mouth in equal measure, whereas Easterners favor the eyes and neglect (忽略) the mouth. ” 可以得出答案12 答案:C考点:细节理解题解析:根据第五段 “by recording the eye movements of 13 Western Caucasian and 13 East Asian people while they observed pictures of. expressive faces and put them into cate

8、gories: happy, sad, surprised, fearful, disgusted, angry, or neutral. ”可以判断选C13. 答案:A考点:词义猜测解析:根据定语从句 “that they show”所修饰的 eye movements 在研究中为the participants 所作(从the eye movements of 13 Western Caucasian and 13 East Asian people”可知)可判断选A14. 答案:C考点:细节理解题解析:根据第六段 “It turned out that Easterners focuse

9、d much greater attention on the eyes and made significantly more errors than did Westerners. ”可判断选C15. 答案:B考点:主旨大意题解析:文章首先指出科学研究的最新发现:东方人比西方人更难于读懂人的面部表情。之后更具体地介绍研究的结构及其研究过程,最后得出结论:文化差异丰富了理解情感的基本社会技巧,即:不同的文化背景使人理解他人情感的方式也不尽相同。由此判断最佳标题应为B2.10年上海A:1. B. 本题为归纳概括题。通读全文可知Parbati主要是为了保障大象与人之间的安全而驯象的。2. A.

10、通读文章后可知她从小与父亲一起在丛林中度过了她的童年,之后才去寄宿学校的。3. C. 可从文章第四段直接得出答案。4. B. 逻辑推理题。B:5. C. 逻辑推理题。通读全文可知这篇文章介绍的是影响人事变更和工作表现的一些因素。6 B. 从文中“the survey sample was restricted to mid-level management (此次调查只局限于中层管理人员)”可知答案为B。7. D. C:8. B. 此题线索为第二三段的内容。9. D. 10. C. 可从文章第六段直接得出答案。75. 11. 通读全文可知整篇文章讨论的是太阳运动所可能会带来的困扰。D:12.

11、E 13. C. 14. A 15. F 16. DE:17. learning how to climb a rope. 18. cutting it entirely or decreasing its teachers or time. 19. less overall movement and students quiting playing after graduation. 20. It can give children a physically active life. 3.(10福建)1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. D 1

12、0. A 11. A 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. D 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. C 4.(10江西)56. D 57. D 58. B 59. D 60. C 61. A 62. A 63. C 64. C 65. B 66. C 67. B 68. A 69. B 70. B 71. D 72. A 73. B 74. D 75. C 5.(10山东)1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. C 17. B 18. D

13、19. C 20. A21. Families benefit from eating together. /Having dinner together is beneficial to families. 22. Eating together helps families achieve open communication and build stronger and healthier relationships. 23. No family dinner can benefit. /Family dinner may not benefit. 24. their childrens

14、 school performance, daily activities and attitudes toward life25. 父母也有更好的机会来减少孩子沾染烟、酒和毒品的可能性。/父母也更有可能降低子女染上吸烟、酗酒、吸毒等不良习惯的几率。6.(10天津)1. . C. 细节理解题。在Audio tours标题下直接找到the Admission Center。2. 2 D. 细节理解题。在visitors with babies标题下有baby carriers are available to borrow. 3. A. 细节理解题。在Refreshments标题下有Visito

15、rs wishing to leave the castle for refreshments in the town may obtain the re-entry permits from the castle shops. 4. . C. 细节理解题。在Photography and mobile phones标题下有Mobile phones must be switched off inconsideration of other visitors. 5. B. 词义猜测题。根据第一部分中的句子Windsor is one of the official residences of

16、the Queen, who sometimes stays there. 可以猜测B项正确,C项是不正确的,因为该项只是Queen usually works。6. B. 细节理解题。根据第一段中Following the rulesplanning your next move. . . acting as a team memberthese are all “game” ideas that you will come across throughout your life. 可知B项正确。7. C. 词义猜测题。这部分前面的谓语动词是translate有“翻译,解释,转移,调动”的意

17、思,该部分后面有一个定语从句,前后结合就可以理解这部分的意思了。8. . A. 细节理解题。根据第四段中的People who watch the event wave flags, knowing that a gold medal is a win for an entire country, not just the athlete who earned it. 可知A项正确。9. C. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中He created a foundation to provide poor children with not only soccer balls but also a

18、promising future. 可推出C项是正确的。10. A. 推理判断题。整段分析做游戏的好处,不仅儿童、成人也可以玩游戏。由此可以推断有些对人终身有益。11. D. 细节理解题。从I never knew when I might want to note down an idea到下一段的and I had a brilliant thought, but the stand was empty. 可知正确答案时D. 12. B. 根据第三段中Im just amazed you still have the same stand for holding the pad and p

19、encil after all these year. 可推断,作者认为the wooden stand该换成更好的了。13. C. 细节理解题。最后一段中有I feel embarrassed that I complain about not having enough child-free time to work. 可知答案。14. A. 推理判断题。根据最后一段的第一句This storywhich happened before I was bornreminds me how extraordinary my mother was, and is also a gifted ma

20、thematician. 推断。15. B. 推理判断题。作者通过a wooden stand(木架)with a small notepad(记事本)and a hole for a pencil描写了一位母亲对事业的执着和热爱,由此可以推断B项正确。16. D. 细节理解题。引言后第二段最后一句话可知:一个人负责公司的全部工作属于非常识。17. B. 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句话However, taking responsibility for something that went wrong is a making of great maturity. 可得出答案。18. A.

21、细节判断题。引言后第二段最后一句话可知:一个人负责公司的全部工作属于非常识。19. D. 推理判断题。从全文最后一句话直接得到答案“追求真理比寻找理由更为重要”20. A. 主旨大意题。从全文和引言后第一段倒数第二句可知文章标题:人性的镜子。引言后第一段第三句可知:批评别人的错误7.(10四川)A:语篇解读:本篇文章是记叙文。作者通过自己的亲身体验,讲述读书使人形成自己的独立观点,读书使人开扩视野的重要作用。1. 答案:D考点:细节理解题解析:根据首段第一二句, “I grew up in a house with one wall in my bedroom entirely lined w

22、ith bookshelves. I grew up thinking of reading as natural as breathing”可知作者是在一个以书为伴的环境中长大的,读书像呼吸那样已经成为生活必需。2. 答案:C考点:词义推测题。解析:根据文中 “. . . but being unable to find the right ways to say it. He has to find his own ”可以推断出voice所表达的意思是“写作方式”。3. 答案B考点:细节理解题解析:由文章的最后一句:“It allows me to travel across the hi

23、gh seas and along the Silk Road, all from the comfort of my own armchair, to experience, though secondhand, exciting experiences that I wouldnt necessarily be able to have in my lifetime. ”可得出答案4. 答案:A考点:主旨大意题。解析:文章作者主要以自己的亲身体验讲述读书的重要性。因此Why do I read?“我为什么读书?”作题目最佳。B:语篇解读:本篇文章为科技说明文。作者以Fox Point居住群

24、的boiler rooms为切入点,阐述此类房子的环保节能的优点,以及各城市特别是纽约队建造此类建筑的积极响应。5. 答案:C考点:作者的写作意图解析:从第一段最后两句,作者描述开水房仅是从一个侧面展示整个建筑群的节能,环保,可以得出答案。6. 答案:A考点:细节理解解析:依据文章第三段倒数第二句:Meeting the standards increases housing construction costs by 2%, which is rapidly paid back by lower running costs. 可得到答案。句意为“达到这一标准会将建筑成本提高2%,但很快会被它

25、的低成本运行成本补回”7. 答案:B考点:细节理解解析:依据文章第四段第二句:Almost 80% of New York Citys greenhouse-gas emissions come from buildings, and 40% of those are caused, by housing. . 可得出答案8. 答案:D考点:作者的写作目的解析:本文主要让读者了解这类健康、环保、经济类住房。C:【语篇解读】本篇文章为应用性文题。提供了Alex Co. , Ltd招聘一名ROM的信息,并对要招聘的职位提出了具体的要求。9答案A考点:细节理解题。解析:根据文章第二段可知新的实验室还

26、未建立。10答案C考点:细节理解题。解析:依据文章第三自然段,You will help set up and run the technical and scientific support services ;You will be expected tobe in charge of all areas of ALRLs Health and Safety; you will manage a small number of research support employees 可得答案。11答案D考点:主旨大意题。解析:依据第四段提供的信息,申请人要有管理和技术服务的经验、研究操作的知

27、识及极好的交际技能等可知本段主要谈及对应聘职位者的具体能力要求。12答案C考点:写作目的题。解析:本篇文章为广告招聘。目的自然是让大家了解ALRL公司有一公开招聘的职位。D:语篇分析:本篇文章为新闻报道类文体。报道索马里海盗周日抢劫三艘泰国渔船,并引用部分官员的话,让读者了解当前的索马里海盗的形势。13. 答案:A考点:细节理解解析:由 “The robbing of the three ships Sunday was about 600 miles outside the normal operation area for the international force”以及 “Once

28、youre that far out,its just the Indian Ocean”句意为“这次海盗袭击发生在国际保卫队正常保护区域六百英里外”,“一旦你到了那么远,那就是印度洋了”可得出答案。14. 答案:B考点: 主旨大意解析:文章主要报道发生在周末的对泰国渔船的袭击,就此事引出索马里海盗的袭击已经超越国际保护队的正常护卫范围,而进入更深的海域。15. 答案:B考点:细节理解解析:依据 patrols against pirates were having a “marked effect on pirate activity in the area”及 “Once youre th

29、at far out,its just the Indian Ocean,and it means youre looking at trade going from the Gulf to Asia,from Asia to South Africa. ”可知巡逻明显见效,又有一旦再超过那么远,那就是印度洋,那就意味着你在看管从波斯湾到亚洲,从亚洲到南美洲的所有行线。可知应是巡逻难度加大了。16答案D考点:推理计算题。解析:由文章首句Somali pirates robbed three Thai fishing ships with 77 sailors on board及Before t

30、he Sunday robbing, pirates held 11 ships and 228 sailors. 可知到发报到为止,索马里海盗应劫持水手77+228=305人。E:语篇解读:本文为记叙文。主要记叙Jane在和丈夫离婚后下决心面对一切困难,争取孩子的抚养权,并在婚后钱财和孩子抚养等问题短期内难以解决的情况下努力生活的故事。17. 答案:C考点:细节理解解析:依据文章第一段第5,6句 “A law? Year, right. Dont disturb me when it comes to my children. You are never going to win. ”可知1

31、8. 答案:C解析:根据上一段的 “If John wants to see themHowever, his visit in his present condition ”可知以John现在的状况不适合见孩子们,结合画线词所在句 “if hed like to stick to a regular life”可以推断出如果John生活稳定了Jane允许他见孩子们。19. 答案:B考点:考查学生的推断能力解析:依据第三段首句 “While matters of money and care wont be settled for weeks, Jane hardly puts her lif

32、e on hold. ”此处while引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管钱和抚养的问题在几周内难以解决,”划线部分因为Jane几乎不让生活受到影响。因此正确答案为B20. 答案:C考点:推理判断题。解析: Jane面对一切压力,坚决要求孩子的抚养权;钱和孩子的抚养短期内不能解决的情况下,努力克服困难维持生活都表现了她的坚强决心。8.(10广东)1.答案:A试题分析:由文中Because of her English, she was often treated unfairly. 可知高考考点:考查事实细节2.答案:D试题分析:由文中 I was forced to ask for informat

33、ion or even to yell at people who had been rude to her”可知高考考点:考查故事细节易错提醒:易错A3.答案:B试题分析:由文中 “I said in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing” 及 “If I dont receive the check immediately , I am going to have to speak to your manager when I am in New York next week. ”和 “The next week we ended

34、 up in New York. ” 可推断出答案高考考点:考查文章分析推测能力易错提醒:易错选C4.答案:C试题分析:由文中最后一段But now, I see it differently. To me, -and made sense of the world. 高考考点:考查分析推测能力5. 答案:D试题分析:由文中作者母亲的经历可以推测出高考考点:考查文章分析推断能力6.答案:A试题分析:由第一段“However, you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop focusing on whom to bla

35、me and start focusing on how to remedy the situation. ”可知高考考点:考查文章大意概括及分析7.答案:C试题分析:由第一段最后两句可知高考考点:考查推断能力8. 答案:A试题分析:由第二段if your colleague causes you problems on the job for lack of responsibility or ability, find ways of dealing with his irresponsibility or inability rather than simply blame the pe

36、rson. 可知高考考点:考查细节理解易错提醒:易错选C9. 答案:D试题分析:文中最后一段. Winners dont have fewer problems in their lives; they have just as many difficult situation to face as anybody else. 高考考点:考查细节分析理解易错提醒:易错选C10. 答案:A试题分析:由文章的重点句:第二段开头句,第三段开头句等分析概括可知A最合适高考考点:考查文章大意概括能力易错提醒:易选错B11. 答案:B试题分析:由第一段中 “Food poisoning is usuall

37、y not serious, but some types are deadly. ”可知高考考点:考查细节分析易错提醒:易错选C12. 答案:C试题分析:由第一段最后两句话可知高考考点:考查学生细节分析能力易错提醒:易错选A13. 答案:B试题分析:由第五段Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from gnawing. 可知low temperatures不能导致Food poisoning高考考点:考查事实细节分析理解易错提醒:易错选C14.答案:D试题分析:由第五段第一句话可以推测出D恰当,A太绝对B。

38、C无细节支持高考考点:考查推测分析能力易错提醒:易选错C15. 答案:C试题分析:由文中第五段第一句话可推测出C正确高考考点:考查推测能力易错提醒:易错选A9. (10全国)A篇1. 选B。根据第二个表格中Family 12. 0 (2 adults + up to 3 children),即是一家人(2个成年人+至多3个小孩)需要12. 0。2. 选C。根据第二个表格右边第一段最后几个单词nearest is Windsor Street (3 minutes walk). 3. 选A。根据第二个表格右边第二段The House may present difficulties but th

39、e Visitors Centre, its exhibition, and the garden are accessible(可进入的) to wheelchair user. “对于轮椅使用者来说,可能进入房子有些困难,但是游客中心,展览厅还有花园都可以进入。”B篇4. 选B。考查文章主题大意。主要看首段customers pour into a special experiment: the districts first coffee shop run mostly by students with special learning needs和第五段最后the PIT helps

40、them prepare for life after high school. 文章主要讲的是一个特殊的教育项目。5. 选C。第五和第六段说明这个教育项目是为学生走出社会做准备的,所以主要是锻炼学生的实际动手能力。6. 选C。第四段,考查hang up的意思“挂电话”。7. 选B。倒数第三段。C篇高考资源网8. 选D。考查文章主题大意。纵观全文,文章主要讲的是hoatzin麝雉,这种鸟类的外貌以及生活习性。9. 选B。根据第一段has claws(爪)on its wings when young,和第三段可知,hoatzin在幼年期是有爪子的,而长大学会飞之后就没有了。10. 选A。关键是

41、primitive“原始的,早期的”的意思。第三段第二句话。11. 选D。最后一段最后一句话。D篇12. 选A。考查主题大意。根据首段,很多研究表明,宠物可以降低血压,提高、心脏病恢复的几率,减少孤独感和传播快乐。13. 选A。根据第一段,参见上题解析。14. 选C。第二段最后一句话,和宠物在一起人们感到更加的放松。15. 选A。最后一段最后一句话,虽然狗主的体重没有多大变化,但是却比没有养狗的人得到更多的锻炼,因为是和他们的狗在一起,他们认为很值得。E篇16. 选D。根据第二段,作者是第一次坐长途火车,带了很多杂志看,可以看出作者一开始认为坐火车是dull(乏味的)。17. 选A。根据第一段

42、,马来西亚人很热情,总会微笑着在站台上对火车里的陌生人挥手,欢迎乘客来到马来西亚。作者很感动。18. 选B。参照第71题。作者开始并不享受火车之旅。19. 选C。倒数第二段,Soon the train pulled up at Butterworth. 火车在Butterworth停下来。20. 选D。文章主要讲述作者从看到马来西亚人总会在站台上笑对火车里的陌生人挥手后,心情由无聊、乏味变成高兴。可以看出,微笑能让人提起精神。10.(10江苏)1. 选B,根据文中4,5,6三段可知只有B选项未提及2. 选C文中第六段potter-a person who made pots and pans

43、,可知potter 意为一个制作茶壶和平底锅的人,由此推断选C3. 选D根据文中倒数第2段可知一些人取名是根据特征而来。比如灰色头发的人取名john Gray,高个的人取名john Tallman. 所以根据题意,居住在森林旁边的人取名为Donald Greenwood4. 选A 根据最后一段第一二行“some family names were made by adding something to the fathers name. The Johnsons are descendants of John可知descendants指的是后代5. 选D根据文中小标题For killing w

44、olves 第一段第三行“so the wolf population has increased”第三段第一句和第四段第一句话,可知选项D不是原因6. 选A小标题Against killing wolves 中第三段最后一句7. 选C 小标题Against killing wolves 中第二段最后两行可知强者生存,8. 选B 文中最后一段可知狼居住的地方被人类占据,它们就会跑到就近的农场等地吃人,那么人类就会反过来杀死它们9. 选D。 根据文中Canadians Returning To Canada 的要求$750 CAN是免税的,所以只需交$50 CAN的关税10. 选A. 根据文中A

45、mericans Returning To the US 的要求$800 US 免税,而next $1000US at3% 得知除800以外的800到1000以内需交3% 800乘以3%=2411. 选C 根据题目中hey drive a car from Canada to America,用排除法可排除两项A,B,而D错在a certified copy12. 选B在文章倒数第二段中有明确答案13. 选C . 在文章第8段看到 There are so many issues that need to be settled. . . 及第9节中 But the key issue is r

46、eally money14. 选D . 尽管在文章第8,9段中 提到存在的问题,但从最后两段中不难看出作者是持支持的态度15. 选B. 贯穿全文须知这只是一个梦想11.(陕西)1. B. 【解析】推理判断题。根据第一个问题的应答的最后一句可以推断出本题选B。2. A. 【解析】推理判断题。由问题二的应答句中but it causes a mild panic reaction when there is an unexpected feeling. 可知本题选A。3. B. 【解析】推理判断题,根据问题二可知本题选B。4. C. 【解析】推理判断题。根据本报道的栏目一可知本题选C。5. C. 【解析】推理判断题。根据第五自然段的首句可知本题选C。6. D. 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二自然段的最后一句可知本题选D。7. A. 【解析】细节理解题。由第三自然段的首句可知本题选A。8. B. 【解析】推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二自然段可以推断出本题选B。9. A. 【解析】推理判断题。根据第二自然段的最后一句可知本题选A。10. C. 【解析】推理判断题。在本自然段中Joyce谈到了她对当时生活的感受,有褒有贬,由


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