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1、2012年黄冈中学高考英语单项选择题库26. _ the Atlantic Ocean crosses the equator, the trade winds cause a flow of water to the west. A. That B. When C. Where D. Though 27. You cant finish the book in less than an hour, I suppose? .A. Yes, Im sure I can B. No, hardlyC. Sorry, I cant D. I dont think I can28. Its impos

2、sible for all the people to get jobs because of them are not fit for them.A. none B. all C. not all D. every one29. When will you leave for Paris for a visit? next month.A. Until B. After C. At D. In30. The two old sisters,_ so long,held each other and burst into tearsAbeing separated Bhaving been s

3、eparated Chaving separated Dhad been separated 223. I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person. A. While B. Since C. Before D. Unless24. He got to the station early, _ missing his train. A. in case of B. instead of C. for fear of 因为担心D. in search of25. The man insisted_ a taxi fo

4、r me even though I told him I lived nearby.A. find B. to find C. on finding D. in finding26. More patients _ in hospital this year than last year. A. treated B. have treated C. had been treated D. have been treated27. Tom owns _larger collection of _ books than any other student in our class. A. the

5、; 不填 B. a; 不填 C. a; the D. 不填; the28. - You havent lost the ticket, have you?- _. I know its not easy to get another one at the moment.A. I hope not B. Yes, I have C. I hope so D. Yes, Im afraid so29. Its ten years since the scientist _on his lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical. A. made

6、for B. set out 开始,陈述,说明 C. took off D. turned up参考答案2125 BDACC 2630 DBABC 3135 DADBC 36.Toms fame has spread well _ the walls of his college.A. acrossB. throughC. beyondD. over7._ the cost, the project will take a lot of time as well.A. Other thanB. Except forC. In additionD. Apart from11. The next

7、step in exploring _ outer space might be sending people there in _ spaceship.A.不填; aB. 不填; 不填C. the; 不填D. the; the 12._ a room in the hotel, Mr. Wood went out for a walk around the small town. A. TakingB. TakenC. To takeD. Having taken13.By reading the story, you may understand _ to be successful. A

8、. it takes whatB. you take what C. what takes youD. what it takes【Its what it takes to .】18.I can say nothing we havent _ to any decision on the matter now. A. comeB. gotC. turnedD. gone参考答案610 CDCAC 1115 ADDBB 1620 CBABB421Although he knew little about large amount of work done in the field ,he suc

9、ceeded where more well-informed experimenters failed.Aa ; the Bthe ; a Ca ; 不填 D不填 ; the22I didnt know you were good friends .You I have known her since she moved here. You were studying abroad then.Amay have Bneednt have Ccouldnt have Dmust have23I wonder what will become of my daughter. endless ho

10、mework ,she also bears other leading loads such as revision and recitation.AAs well as BWith CExcept DRather than24Nearly all trees have seeds that fall to the ground , ,and eventually produce new seeds.Ataking root Btake root Ctook root Dto take root25How did you like the of the interpreter(口译员)at

11、the Chinese FM press conference of 6-party talks on TV?Aperformance Bachievement Cmaterial Dwords26Have you persuaded him?Yes .After some hours of discussion, I to reason him in accepting the new plan.Ahad managed Bwould manage Chave managed Dmanaged27 you keep on trying ,I dont really mind whether

12、you can come top in your class.ASo long as BAs soon as COnce DThe moment28If you be in time for the early bus , be sure to get up before five oclock in the morning. Aare to Bare about to Care going to Dare due to 29Clothing made of man-made fibres has certain advantages over made of natural fibres l

13、ike cotton ,wool or silk.Athe ones Bone Cthat Dwhat 30 Children brains cannot develop they lack protein(蛋白质).Asince Bwhen Cbecause Dunless31Persons with whom we can our innermost feelings are our closest friends.Atell Bvalue Cshare Drespect32Without facts , we cant form a correct opinion ,for we nee

14、d to have actual knowledge our thinking.Awhich to be based on Bwhich to base onCon which to base Dwhich to base33They all the details of the plan time and again to make sure that the project went smoothly.Agot through Bwent through Cgot over Ddipped into34Nothing wrong with it , ?No .Yours is a spec

15、ially-built model. Drive carefully , though .It takes time to run in a new car.Ais it Bhas it Care they Dis there35Got your driving license?No .I too busy to have enough practice, so I didnt take the driving test last week .Im going to next week.Awas Bhave been Cam Dhad been参考答案21D 22C 23A 24B 25A 2

16、6D 27A 28A 29C 30B 31C 32C 33B 34D 35D521. - I have just had my watch repaired.- How much did they for that?A. cost B. charge C. spend D. take22. - Its been a wonderful Halloween Party. Thank you very much.- A. My pleasure B. Im glad to hear that.C. No, thanks D. Its OK23. - How about the book you a

17、re reading?- Good indeed. It many problems we have come across in our study. A. says B. talks C. covers D. refers24. The room is in a terrible mess; it _ cleaned.A. cant have been B. couldnt beC. may have been D. would be25. He the test, but he wasnt careful enough.A. was able to pass B. must have p

18、assedC. could have passed D. might be able to pass26. I have kept that picture _ I can see it every day as it always reminds me of my university days in London.A. in which B. where C. whether D. when27. He expected there _ more room for him to put in a desk.A. will be B. is C. to be D. being28. The

19、sports meet, originally due to be held last Friday, was finally _ because of the bad weather.A. set up B. broken down C. worn out D. called off29. Ants are the most common life form on earth, _ tiny, their combined weight is greater than that of the combined weight of all humans.A. though B. althoug

20、h C. even though D. as if30. Xiamen is most beautiful coast city and I believe I will come for_ second time.A. the, an B. a, a C. the, the D. a, the31. Our team was ahead during the first half, but we _ in the last ten minutes.A. had lost B. would lose C. were losing D. lost32. With a lot of difficu

21、lt problems , the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks.A. to settle B. settling C. settled D. being settled33. People think that the beauty of the mountains is great than _ of the desert.A. one B. the one C. those D. that34. Driving a car is not as difficult as you imagine, if you the rules.A. depe

22、nd on B. believe in C. turn to D. stick to35. Would you please make a copy for everybody in the office and _ extra ones for the visitors?A. other B. many C. few D. some参考答案21.B 22.A 23.C 24.A 25.C 26.B 27.C 28.D 29.A 30.B 31.D 32.A 33.D 34.D 35.D621. Some doctors were sent to the front where medical

23、 workers were _.A. in great need B in desperate need of C needed great D needed in 22. The police have caught the murderer.Yes, and he admitted _his boss on a rainy night seven years ago.A. to kill B to have killed C having killing D have been killed23. Did you reach the top of the mountain? Yes. Ev

24、en I myself didnt believe I could make_.A. that B. it C. myself D. them24. The Chinese are good at table tennis _the English are interested in football.A. if B as C while D since25. Was it in front of the market_ the road accident happened yesterday?A. where B that C which D why26. Im sorry that I d

25、idnt work out this problem. Its _our ability. I didnt worked it out, too.A over B beyond C more than D above27. Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasnt stopped ringing. People _to ask how I am going to spend the money.A. had phoned B. will phone C. were phoning D. are phoning28. He didnt like

26、coffee _tea, but water.A. and B or C. but D. with29. It is better to ask someone for advice rather than _something.A. risk doing B risk to do C to risk doing D. to risk to do30.Your neighbors may _you with playing your radio too loudly at night. I know. They never say anything that _ me especially.A

27、. accuse, appeals to B charge, appeal to C. charge, appeals to D. blame, appeals to31. I spoke that slowly but I didnt _my meaning _.A. comeacross B. getacross C. getabout D. getahead32. If _, the bird flu would produce a powerful poison that would kill the patients.A. not treat B not treated C untr

28、eated D. Both B and C33.Johnny is a great dancer; he _above the rest for his perfect performance.A. stands by B stands for C stands out D. makes for34.This race was her last chance to win a place on the national team so everything was _.A. dangerous B. in stake C. at stake D. in charge35. He studied

29、 very hard all the time because he didnt want to _in his studies.A. fall behind B. be left behind C. left behind D. Both A and B 参考答案21-25 ACBCB 26-30 BDBCC 31-35 BDCCD721. Dont be afraid. Although you are _ newcomer to _ botany, we will try our best to help you. A. the ; a B. a; the C. a ; / D. / ;

30、 /22. To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it _ into parts. A. down B. up C. off D. out 23. Shenzhou VI, _ on Oct, 12, 2005, has greatly inspired the whole nation. A. launched B. to be launched C. being launched D. launching 24. -Whats wrong with your coat? -Just now when I want

31、ed to get off the bus, the man next to me _ on it . A. sat B. had sat C. had been sitting D. was sitting25. -I cant thank you enough for the beautiful gift you sent me. -_. A. No, thanks B. With pleasure C. My pleasure D. Just so-so26. -You should have prepared your speech for the meeting, Mr. Smith

32、. -Yes, I know. But how could I _ the meeting date fixed so soon. A. while B. as C. after D. with 27. - Is the television advertisement working ? -Yes, _ orders are coming. A. None B. Some C. More D. Fewer28. -What will you buy for your husbands birthday? -I want to buy a _ wallet for him. A. black

33、leather small B. small black leather C. small leather black D. black small leather29. Well, if you insist on eating so much, you will have to suffer the _. A. consequences B. exercise C. evidence D. exchanges 30. It is agreed that constant arguing doesnt _ a happy marriage. A. make out B. make for C

34、. make up D. make up for 31. Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, , of course , made the others envy him . A. who B. that C. what D. which32. What surprised me was not what he said but he said it .A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which 33. -Is John comi

35、ng by train? -He should, but he _ not .He likes driving his car. A. must B. can C. need D. may 34. Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere else _ such a beautiful palace. A. can you find B. you could find C. you can find D. could you find35. If no one _ the lost umbrella, the person who f

36、ound it can keep it . A. claims B. demands C. asks D. deserves 参考答案21-35 CBADC DCBAB DADAA821. Beth _ her coat with red buttons on it at the Lost and Found.A. proved B. claimed C. identified D. sorted22. The notice hanging on the front wall is meant to _ the unwanted visitors, especially at working

37、hours.A. keep up B. keep off C. keep from D . keep out23. We insisted that the meaningless argument _.A. should bring to an endB. was brought to an endC. might come to an endD. come to an end24. _ let the fake products become uncontrolled in the market.A. In certain circumstances we can B. In no cir

38、cumstance can weC. Under any circumstances we can D. Under no circumstances can we 25. We _ certain livings as birds not because they have long legs or short legs, but because they all have feathers. A. think B. classify C. look D. divide26. He is reading a note _ the present from his grandfather wi

39、th passion. A. attaching with B. attaching on C. attached to D. attached for 27. The flood of 1988 _ much damage in that area. A. rounded up B. made for C .went for D. reacted to 28. The two brothers look so much _ that we cant _ one from the other. A. familiar; separateB. familiar; tell C. alike; differD. alike; distinguish29. Without facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion, for we need to have factual knowledge _ our thinking.A. which to base on B. which to be based onC. to which to be based on D. upon which to


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