四川版《小学新纪元英语》Unit 3Seasons Chapter 5 Festivals (Part C)教学设计.doc

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1、Unit 3 SeasonsChapter 5 Festivals (Part C)题目 Chapter 5 Festivals ( Part C)教 材分 析本课时是四川教育出版社新纪元英语4A(三年级起点)Chapter 5 Festivals的第三部分阅读教学的第一课时。本课讲的是Beeno和Tom谈论中秋佳节的庆祝活动,于是Beeno想出一个好主意,自己动手为朋友做“月”饼的趣味阅读小故事。本课综合运用有关节日的话题理解中国传统的中秋佳节习俗,在阅读教学中不断培养学生的阅读兴趣和阅读能力。我认为,故事教学要突出“读故事”,特别是要引导学生观察故事中的人、物、环境,通过师生互动共同来理解

2、故事。教学的重点是理解故事,而不是语音、词汇和语法。通过学案导学循序渐地进引导学生自主学习的过程中,培养学生积极思考,获取信息、用语言交流、解决问题等阅读能力和语言运用能力。在前面的教学中,学生已经学习了节日的单词以及What do you do at Easter?等重要句型,本课在综合运用以上知识的基础上,设计了层层递进的趣味阅读,即采用情景导入,生词为先,单词、句型铺垫-呈现感知大意-了解细节-运用拓展这种层层递进的模式,培养学生英语阅读能力和综合运用语言的能力。学 情分 析六年的英语学习,孩子已经积淀了一定的语言基础知识和阅读能力,在学习中能发挥主观能动性,自主、合作习能力比较强,教师

3、只要给予正确引导,大部分孩子就能积极投入到阅读、表演中去。当然,也有部分孩子基础差,胆怯,信心不足,其学习活动,老师会尽量调动他们的学习激情,让每个孩子都能感受趣味阅读,并乐在其中。学习目标语言知识目标在中秋佳节吃月饼这一话题下,通过讲故事、看图片、读故事等方式,让学生理解故事,乐在其中。并初步运用生词和短语 : yuck 、take a bite,能做简单判断和选择。语言技能目标1、以话题为线索,通过整体感知语境,听故事,跟读、自由读、分角色读、齐读等多种方式培养学生的阅读能力。通过仔细观察图片,深层次理解课文。 2、能在教师的帮助下为课文选择小标题。情感态度目标1、通过Beeno对我们传统

4、节日的参与,引导孩子热爱祖国传统文化。2、通过Beeno自做“月”饼 ,引导孩子们勤于动脑,用自己的独特方式创造出生活的美。教法和学法指导教师引导,学生主体,情景表演等趣味性任务教学。学习重点难点1、能阅读理解感知课文大意,并乐在其中。2、能做一些关于课文的简单的习题。学具准备moon cakes,rubber cement ,tape-recorder,CAI, exercises list.导 学 过 程活动进程学生活动教师导学设计意图备注热身激趣问候Free talk with teacher.Greeting:Good morning,Miss ChenIm fine, thank y

5、ou.How are you ?Free talk with students.Divide them into groups.Greet with the students.通过师生间的相互问候、交流,拉近师生距离,营造宽松的学习氛围。复习旧知单词句型铺垫导入新词情景引入品尝食物呈现新词1、Look at the beautiful pictures about festivals .Review the words about festivals:Chinese New Year, Christmas, Easter, Mid-Autumn Festival2、Ask and answer

6、 some question about what to do at Mid_Autumn Festival?Review moon cake, sweet, sour ,hot ,yummy; What does it taste like ? Its yummy! At the same time study the new words: bite yuck.1、Teacher leads them to review festivals.2、ask and answer some questions about Mid-Autumn Festival, let them to taste

7、 the moon cakes, at the same time present the new words. 通过复习节日,引入中秋佳节。谈论中秋活动时,让学生亲自品尝月饼,情景导入,复习旧知的同时轻松呈现生词,特别是他们意外的收获:各种各样味道的自制月饼,以此提高学生学习兴趣并带着好奇引入新课。呈现课文感知大意同时挑战细节听录音勾画生词难句词句过关检测带着问题深入细节细读精读故事1、With the question:Are Beenos moon cakes yummy? listen to this funny story2、Listen again and understand t

8、he words ,phrases,sentences they dont know or they cant read 3、Raise and answer the questions4、Read the words ,phrases and sentences ,read the text after the tape.待添加的隐藏文字内容35:With some questions read the story silently by themselves, think them over, then discuss in pairs.6、Answer the questions and

9、 understand every picture, especially picture3,read and act it .Read Picture4 and 5 with feeling.1、Introduce the question, play the tape2、Give the Tips and lead them to underline.3、Lead them to raise some questions and solve them each other.4、Test them and correct some.5、Give them some questions and

10、 tips Lead them to learn the text by themselves.6、With the questions lead them to understand every picture, especially picture 3,and read with feeling.通过富有启发的问题引导学生轻松进入趣味细读,根据导学提示,培养学生的阅读能力和语言理解和运用能力,引导学生层层深入理解,重点加强,表演突破难点,从而培养孩子注重细节、积极思考、乐于模仿、善于表演等良好学习习惯。运用拓展阅读判断模仿表演选词完成短文给文章加标题1、Do some practice:

11、Tick or Cross, then read together.2、Choose their favorite pictures ,read in four try to act 3、Finish the short story.4、Give some titles and discuss the best one.1、Tell the task, lead and judge them.2、Give them task, help them.3、Give the task, lead them to finish and correct their answers. 4、Lead the

12、m to give a best title for the story.精心设计的判断和短文缩写拓展练习,让英语阅读后理解真正得以升华;分角色选择喜欢的图片朗读或表演,让孩子乐在阅读中;最后给题目加适合的标题,给整篇故事教学给出了完美的梗概,真正体现学案导学下的英语有效阅读教学。HomeworkRead and try to act the story without books积极准备,表演故事,为第二课时做好铺垫。同时让学生表演热情得以延伸。 Chapter5 Festivals (Part C) _? take a bite yummy -yuck What do you do at Mid-Autumn Festival?havehas fly-flies We eat moon cakes.


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