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1、五年级英语上册填空题专项突破训练译林版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选择合适的词填空,使对话完整(每词用一次)。WhenHow muchWhichHow oftenWhoWhoseWhat dayWhere1_is the boy in blue?Hes Mike.2_pen is it?Its mine.3_is the diary?Its under the chair.4_is the Christmas Day?Its on the 25th of December.5_are the earphones?They are 25 yuan.6_is it today? Its Sunday.

2、7_one is fatter, the blue one or the red one? The blue one.8_do you go to Beijing by plane?Twice a year.2. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Watermelon is_(I) favorite fruit.2Your school menu_(sound / sounds) very good.3I dont like_(orange). Theyre sour(酸).4Usually we have some_(egg) and bread for lunch on Tuesdays.5Th

3、e hamburger_(is / am / are) nice. Its my favorite.6The vegetables are_(health).3. 读句子,选择适当的单词填空。were had bought went saw1We_on the Great Wall last week.2I_some birds in the sky yesterday morning.3Tom_some clothes on Wangfujing Street yesterday.4They_dinner in a big restaurant.5She_there by car last

4、month.4. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词完成句子。1When do you_(去学校)?2W_do you start class in Spain?3I often c_my room and wash my clothes.4I often_(去购物)with my mum.5When do you usually eat d_in Spain?5. 根据图片提示,选词填空。Write Find Read Study CollectIm going to do some research. Im going to research wild animals.1_informati

5、on.2_pictures of wild animals.3_books about wild animals.4_a report in my notebook.5_information about these wild animals.6. 按要求写单词。1prince(所有格)_ 2I(宾格)_3come(第三人称单数)_ 4have(第三人称单数)_5story(复数)_ 6try(第三人称单数)_7go(第三人称单数)_ 8cant(完全形式)_9sad(反义词)_ 10they(宾格)_7. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1My brother wants_(go) fishing

6、with his friends.2Sam always_(sit) in the basket.3How_(do) your uncle_(go) to work?By car.4My sister likes_(read) books every night.5My grandparents_(live) in Shanghai. I often visit_(they) at weekends.6Their homes_(be) far from the school.7Mike can_(drive) a car.8. 按要求写词。smell (第三人称单数)_ tomato (复数)

7、_child (复数)_ dont (完整形式)_potato (复数)_ cook (现在分词)_wash (第三人称单数)_ can (否定形式)_catch (第三人称单数)_ vegetable (复数)_9. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1He_(watch) TV too often.2I like_(dance).3All the girls are_(play) volleyball.4Well have a_(meet)in it this afternoon.5Listen to the teacher_(careful).6Dont_(is) late.7Tom and L

8、ucy_(be) singing songs.8Im_(worry) about my lessons.9How many_(music lesson) do you have in a week?10You_(should) go home late.10. 按提示完成句子。1Its eight_.(8点钟)2The girl eats lunch_.(12点钟)3They_(返回)to school at 2:30.4Im hungry. Can I_(吃晚饭)now?5When do you usually_(起床)every day?11. 根据答句写问句。1When_?I get u

9、p at 6:00.2What_Saturdays?I often go hiking.12. 写出下列日期。12月4日 25月1日39月2日 412月5日13. 选词填空。A. far from B. take a bus C. How old D. runs to E. on the way back1Beijing is not_our city. Its near.2Danny_the train and jump on.3_is the Great Wall?About 2000 years old.4The school is not near your house. You ca

10、n_.5_to the hotel, I see many children.14. 看图,补全对话。1Whats your brother like?Hes very_.2Do you often_TV?Yes, I do.3Can you_?Yes, I can.4Where is the river?Its in_of the mountains.5Are there any people under the_?Yes, there are two.15. 按要求填空。1soft(反义词)_2watch(第三人称单数)_3hobby(复数)_4two(序数词)_5they are(缩写式

11、)_16. 写出下列简写形式的全写。31st 22nd 30th12th 25th 44th17. 选择适当的词填空。1Lets go and_(play / playing) table tennis.Good idea.2Are you from different_(country / countries)?Yes.3Peter is_(on / in) duty today.4Touch your shoulders_(on / with) your hands.5My mother usually_(watch / watches) TV in the evenings.6Mr Wh

12、ite is from_(UK / the UK), he is visiting Nanjing now.7Show_(we / us) how to make a model plane.OK.8This is_(the first / first) lesson of the new term.18. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Little sister_(not) like dancing.2Lets go_(swim) this afternoon.3Can she_(dance)_(good)?4-What_(do) the twins like_(do)?-They_(like)

13、_(read)_(story) very much.5I like watching_(film) with my parents at night.6I like_(dance). I am good at_(dance).7The bird_(have) two wings and a long tail.8The children_(have) some nice pictures.9-_(do) she_(have)_(some) dolls? -No, she doesnt.10My sister has many_(hobby).19. 用适当形式填空。1She_(come) to

14、 school on foot.2Do you have any toy_(bus)?3Lets_(take) a bus.4There are many_(city) in China.5Where_your parents_(work)?6Dont_(run) in the classroom.7What about_(sit) here?8A train_(go) through the tunnel.9The boy_(try) on the shoes. They_(fit) well.10Bobby cant_(find) his new bike.11Tom wants_(pick) the flowers.12_(who) are these books?20. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1They like_(climb) mountains at the Double Ninth Festival.2_(be) there any_(flower) in the vase?3What do you want_(do) at the Spring Festival?4Childrens Day_(come) after May Day.


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