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1、四会市城中街道中心小学六年级英语科导学案主备人翠娴复备人审批人秋霞编号时 间学生班 级小组课 题 Unit 3 Where did you go?A. Lets learn课 型词汇教学课时第1课时本周行为训练重点训练学生在课堂上能大胆展示,培养他们的倾听能力。学习目标1、能听、说、读、写单词和词组:rode, went, hurt, camp, fish, went, camping, went fishing。2、能听、说、认读句子:Where did you go last Saturday? I went to a forest park. What did you do there?

2、 I rode a bike.并能在实际情境中运用。 重、难点预测1、学习重点:学会单词和词组:rode, went, hurt, camp, fish, went, camping, went fishing。学会句子Where did you go last Saturday? I went to a forest park. What did you do there? I rode a bike.并能在实际情境中运用。2、学习难点:掌握不规则动词的过去式。 学 习 过 程教师“复备”栏或学生笔记栏知识一般过去时:表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。课前预习1.你能正确读出下面的词组

3、吗?你知道它们的汉语意思吗?来试试吧!(自学,可借助单词表)1. went camping _ 2. rode a bike _2. went fishing _ 4. hurt my foot _5. rode a horse _2.你能流利读出下面的句子吗?你知道它们的汉语意思吗? Where did you go last Saturday ? I went to a forest park. What did you do there? 家长加油站 签名: 合作探究部分课前热身:Warm-up1、Free talk.(师生对话)2、师生一起chant: What did you do?

4、 I read a book. What did you do? I saw a film. What did you do? I had a cold. What did you do? I slept all day.Step 1:Check(回顾复习,小小检测) 唱反调:老师说动词原形,学生说过去式。Step 2:presentation (呈现目标,自主学习) 1.教师情景导入新课,学生读学习目标。 2.问一两个学生预习的情况。3.Listen to the tape. 1)Just listen.(听录音,用笔画出你不会读的单词。)2)listen and repeat in a l

5、ow voice. 3)listen and repeat in a loud voice. 4)Read after the teacher.Step 3: Co-operation(合作交流,独学、对学、群学)1自己先读单词;(独学)2和对子交流有疑问的单词;(对学)3对子读Lets learn 部分的容;4.争先恐后Say the words as soon as possible.5小组群学课文。(小组长要组织好自己组的组员进行练习读单词或句子。)Step 4: Show(大小展示,探究总结)1.Show your reading. Lets have a competition.(小

6、组展示。可以采取不同的展示方式,比一比哪个小组最棒!)(温馨提示:展示方式可以:1.全组齐读。2.组长带读。3.分角色读。4.男女读。5.开火车读。)2.合作探究单词或句子。综合运用所学语言,学以致用,进行交际。 Where did you go last Saturday? I went to . What did you do there? I .对子仿写这个句子,再编一个你自己的句子并读熟。对子PK并展示。Step 5:Consolidation(达标检测,师生小结) 一、划线部分提问1. I went to the park last Sunday._2. I rode a bike

7、there._3. I hurt my foot yesterday._4. She went camping the day before yesterday._5. Amy went fishing yesterday._6. Sarah went to the zoo last week._二、根据句子意思,选择单词。 (reads, did, went, watched, buy, rode)1. I _ TV last night.2. How_ you go there?3. I want to_ a postcard.4. His uncle_ a horse yesterday

8、.5. We_ fishing last Sunday.6. He_ a story book every week.Step 6:Summary. What have you learned today?Homework:板书设计课后反思四会市城中街道中心小学六年级英语科导学案主备人翠娴复备人审批人秋霞编号时 间学生班 级小组课 题 Unit 3 Where did you go?A. Lets talk课 型对话课时第2课时本周行为训练重点训练学生在课堂上能大胆展示,培养他们的倾听能力。学习目标1、能听、说、读、写句子: What happened? Are you all right?

9、Im OK now. Where did you go? It looks like a mule! Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did.2. 能听、说、说认读单词:fell, off, Labour Day, mule, Turpan, could, till;句子: They wont be ready till August. I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot.重、难点预测1、学习句子: What happened? Are you all right? Im OK now. Where d

10、id you go? It looks like a mule! Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did.2理解句子: I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot. They wont be ready till August. 学 习 过 程教师“复备”栏或学生笔记栏知识一般过去式的的句子结构:(1)肯定句:主语+was/were+其他;主语+过去式动词+其他;(2)疑问句Was/Were+主语+其他; Did+主语+动词原形+其他;(3)否定句:主语+was/were not+其他;主语+did not+动

11、词原形+其他;课前预习1. 听课文录音五次,并尝试写出课文的中文意思。2.你能流利读出下面的句子吗?你知道它们的汉语意思吗? 你能读出和写出下列句子的汉语意思吗?I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot._Come and look at my photos from the Labour Day holiday._It looks like a mule._We saw lots of grapes there._They wont be ready till August._家长加油站 签名: 合作探究部分课前热身:Warm-up1

12、、Free talk.(师生对话)2Chant Where did you go? I went to the park. What did you do? I rode a bike. Where did you go? I went to the zoo. What did you do? I rode a horse.Where did you go? I went to the countryside. What did you do? I went fishing.Step 1:Check(回顾复习,小小检测) 1.复习单词,老师抽单词让学生读。 2. 说说不规则动词的过去式变化。S

13、tep 2:presentation (呈现目标,自主学习) 1.教师情景导入新课,学生读学习目标。 2.问一两个学生预习的情况。3.Listen to the tape. 1)Just listen.(听录音,用笔画出你不会读的容。)2)listen and repeat in a low voice. 3)listen and repeat in a loud voice. 4.带问题自读课文:(1)Where did John go over his holiday? (2) What did he do?5跟教师读,并解决问题。Step 3: Co-operation(合作交流,独学、

14、对学、群学)1自己先读对话;(独学)2和对子交流有疑问的单词或句子;(对学)3对子读对话部分的容;4小组群学课文。(小组长要组织好自己组的组员进行练习读单词或句子。)Step 4: Show(大小展示,探究总结)1.Show your reading. Lets have a competition.(小组展示。可以采取不同的展示方式,比一比哪个小组最棒!)2.合作探究句型(创设情景,学习、理解、操练和运用 以下句型) Where did you go over your holiday? What did you do?3.解惑析疑。4.拓展延伸。(创编对话,小组展示(一、两组展示,可到黑板

15、前展示)。Step 5:Consolidation(达标检测,师生小结)听力:课文P24 Let try. 一、按要求改写。1. I fell off my bike last Saturday and hur my foot. (一般疑问句,否定回答)_2. We saw lots of grapes there. (一般疑问句, 肯定回答)_3. I went to Turpan last summer holiday. (一般疑问句,否定回答)_4. I often ride a horse. (用yesterday 改写)_5.Are you all right ? (改为肯定句) _

16、二、写出下列动词的过去式read_ see_ have_sleep_ clean_ wash_is/am_ are_ want_watch_ stay_ do_Step 6:Summary. What have you learned today?Homework:板书设计课后反思四会市城中街道中心小学六年级英语科导学案主备人翠娴复备人审批人秋霞编号时 间学生班 级小组课 题 Unit 3 Where did you go?B. Lets learn课 型词汇教学课时第3课时本周行为训练重点训练学生在课堂上能大胆展示,培养他们的倾听能力。学习目标1、能听、说、读、写单词和词组:ate, too

17、k, bought, gift, took pictures。2. 能听、说、认读句子?How was your summer holiday, Yifan? It was good, I went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures.并能在实际情境中正确运用。 重、难点预测1、能听、说、读、写单词和词组:ate, took, bought, gift, took pictures。2掌握不规则动词的过去式。 学 习 过 程教师“复备”栏或学生笔记栏知识其他过去式单词:build_built, eat_ate, fall_fell,

18、 feel_felt, find_found, fly_flew, go_went, have/has_had, hold_held, leave_left, make_made, may_might, run_ran, see_saw,take_took。课前预习1.你能正确写出下列单词的原形吗?ate_ went_ took _ bought_ 2.你能流利读出下面的句子吗?你知道它们的汉语意思吗?How was your summer holiday, Yifan? It was good, I went swimming every weekend and took lots of p

19、ictures. _家长加油站 签名: 合作探究部分课前热身:Warm-up1、Free talk.(师生对话)2、sing a song Tell me about your holiday.Step 1:Check(回顾复习,小小检测) 句子接龙:老师先说自己在假日中的活动,接着让学生先重复老师的活动,再说自己的活动。Step 2:presentation (呈现目标,自主学习) 1.教师情景导入新课,学生读学习目标。 2.问一两个学生预习的情况。3.Listen to the tape. 1)Just listen.(听录音,用笔画出你不会读的单词。)2)listen and repea

20、t in a low voice. 3)listen and repeat in a loud voice. 4)Read after the teacher.Step 3: Co-operation(合作交流,独学、对学、群学)1自己先读单词;(独学)2和对子交流有疑问的单词;(对学)3对子读Lets learn 部分的容;4.争先恐后Say the words as soon as possible.5小组群学课文。(小组长要组织好自己组的组员进行练习读单词或句子。)6解决课文的Look and sayStep 4: Show(大小展示,探究总结)1.Show your reading.

21、Lets have a competition.(小组展示。可以采取不同的展示方式,比一比哪个小组最棒!)(温馨提示:展示方式可以:1.全组齐读。2.组长带读。3.分角色读。4.男女读。5.开火车读。)2.合作探究单词或句子。综合运用所学语言,学以致用,进行交际。 How was your summer holiday? It was good. I .对子仿写这个句子,再编一个你自己的句子并读熟。对子PK并展示。Step 5:Consolidation(达标检测,师生小结) 一、英汉互译1.暑假_ 2. 吃新鲜的食物_2.买礼物_ 4. took pictures_5.照许多相片_二、词形式

22、填空。1.I_ (take ) many pictures last holiday.2.We _ (buy ) gifts last weekend.3.He _(go) to the park yesterday.4.Did you go _ (swim) last week ?5.I _ (fall ) off my bike the day before yesterday.三、选择填空。1.How_ her winter holiday? A. do B. am C. was 2. He _ a new film last Sunday. A. seeing B. saw C. se

23、e 3. My uncle _ word puzzles last night. A. did B. went C. washed 4. Sorry. You cant _ Chinese food. A. cook B. cooking C. cooked 5. My grandpa watches TV _. A. every day B. next Monday C. under 6. I fell_ the horse yesterday. A. in B. off C. underStep 6:Summary. What have you learned today?Homework

24、:板书设计课后反思四会市城中街道中心小学六年级英语科导学案主备人翠娴复备人审批人秋霞编号时 间学生班 级小组课 题 Unit 3 Where did you go?B Lets talk课 型对话课时第4课时本周行为训练重点训练学生在课堂上能大胆展示,培养他们的倾听能力。学习目标能听、说、读、写句子:How did you go there? We went there by plane. Sounds great!并能在实际情境中运用。 重、难点预测1、能听、说、读、写句子并能在实际的情境中运用。2能正确使用特殊疑问词。 学 习 过 程教师“复备”栏或学生笔记栏知识课前预习1. 听课文录音五

25、次,并尝试写出课文的中文意思。2.你能流利读出下面的句子吗?你知道它们的汉语意思吗?Where did you go over the winter holiday ?_Hainan is far from here._How was the beach ? _I took lots of pictures and I also went swimming._ Can I see your pictures sometime ? _家长加油站 签名: 合作探究部分课前热身:Warm-up1、Free talk.(师生对话)2Say a chant(前半部分唱两次) What did you d

26、o on your holiday? I went, went swimming. What did you do on your holiday? I took, took pictures. What did you do on your holiday? I bought, bought gifts What did you do on your holiday? I ate, ate fresh food.Step 1:Check(回顾复习,小小检测) 1.全班抽读词组。 2.抽单词连词成句。Step 2:presentation (呈现目标,自主学习) 1.教师情景导入新课,学生读学

27、习目标。 2.问一两个学生预习的情况。3.Listen to the tape. 1)Just listen.(听录音,用笔画出你不会读的容。)2)listen and repeat in a low voice. 3)listen and repeat in a loud voice. 4.带问题自读课文:(1)Where did Amy go last winter holiday?(2)How did she go there? (3) What did she do?5跟教师读,并解决问题。Step 3: Co-operation(合作交流,独学、对学、群学)1自己先读对话;(独学)2

28、和对子交流有疑问的单词或句子;(对学)3对子读对话部分的容;4小组群学课文。(小组长要组织好自己组的组员进行练习读单词或句子。)Step 4: Show(大小展示,探究总结)1.Show your reading. Lets have a competition.(小组展示。可以采取不同的展示方式,比一比哪个小组最棒!)2.合作探究句型(创设情景,学习、理解、操练和运用 以下句型) Where did you go ? How did you go there? What did you do?3.解惑析疑。4.拓展延伸。(创编对话,小组展示(一、两组展示,可到黑板前展示)。Step 5:Co

29、nsolidation(达标检测,师生小结)听力:课文P26 Let try.一、按要求改写。1.I went to Hainan over the winter holiday.(提问)_2.My family and I went to Sanya.(一般疑问句,否定回答)。_3. The beach was beautiful. (提问)_4. We went to Shanghai by plane. (提问)_5. They took lots of pictures there. (提问) _二、 填空。1.Hainan is far _ Beijing.2._ was the b

30、each ? Beautiful.3.I fell _ my bike yesterday.4.It looks _ a mule.5._ did you go last weekend? I went to Turpan.Step 6:Summary. What have you learned today?Homework:板书设计课后反思四会市城中街道中心小学六年级英语科导学案主备人翠娴复备人审批人秋霞编号时 间学生班 级小组课 题 Unit 3 Where did you go?B Read and write课 型阅读教学课时第5课时本周行为训练重点训练学生在课堂上能大胆展示,培养他

31、们的倾听能力。学习目标1能听、说、认读单词:basket, part, licked, laugh。2能听懂、会说句子:Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dressed up and made a funny play. It was a bad day but also a good day!重、难点预测能理解小短文容的意思。 学 习 过 程教师“复备”栏或学生笔记栏知识课前预习1.读Read and Write 五遍。2、你能流利读出下面的句子吗?你知道它们的汉语意思吗?We rode a bike for three peo

32、ple. _ Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. _We took pictures of the beautiful countryside. _We bought some gifts and ate some delicious food._Mum ate some bad fruit and didnt feel well._We dressed up and made a funny play._3你能独立完成课本P29的练习吗?家长加油站 签名: 合作探究部分课前热身:Warm-up1、Free talk.(师生对话)2Sin

33、g a song Tell me about your holidayStep 1:Check(回顾复习,小小检测) 1.说出单词的过去式。 2.单词、短语对对碰。(老师说出一个单词,学生迅速说出与其相关的短语,然后用过去时说句子。) Step 2:presentation (呈现目标,自主学习) 1.教师情景导入新课,学生读学习目标。 2.问一两个学生预习的情况。3.Listen to the tape. 1)Just listen.(听录音,用笔画出你不会读的容。)2)listen and repeat in a low voice. 3)listen and repeat in a lo

34、ud voice. 4.带问题自读课文: What did they do on April 23rd?5教师引导学习新词、新句子。Step 3: Co-operation(合作交流,独学、对学、群学)1自己先读对话;(独学)2和对子交流有疑问的单词或句子;(对学)3对子读对话部分的容;4完成P29。(小组完成)Step 4: Show(大小展示,探究总结)小组自由表述所学知识。(重点解决P29的练习容)温馨提示:可以小组长讲解、齐读、也可以示书写Step 5:Consolidation(达标检测,师生小结) 一、连词成句。1.some,food, ate, we, bought, gifts

35、, delicious, some, and. _2.in, stay, hotel, we, so, the. _3.him, Max, much, liked, so. _4.for, three, rode, we, bike, a. people. _5.was, how, last, summer, your, holiday?_6.wanted, I, make, to, wanted, Dad, and, her, happy._二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. We_(have)a good time the day before yesterday.2. My mother often_(go)to work at seven oclock.3. Mike_(see)a big lion at the zoo last weekend.4. Sam_(make)a funny play next week.5. I _(eat)a great pizza yesterday.6. They_(draw)some pictures now.7. She didnt_(play)the erhu last night.


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