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1、仁爱版英语八年级下册Unit 6语言知识点归纳及单元测试题Unit 6 Enjoying CyclingTopic 1 Were going on a spring field trip一、重点辞汇:(一)词形转换 1. cycle (名词)bicycle(此刻分词)cycling 2. vehicle(同义词)transportation 3. journey (同义词)travel 4. raise(此刻分词)raising(名词)raiser(二) 重点词组1. go on a spring field trip 去春游2. a two-day visit to Mount Tai 为期

2、两天的泰山游3. make a decision 做出决定4. work in groups 小组合作5. find out 查找;弄清6. bring back 带回7. decide on sth. 对某事做出决定8. take too long 花太久(时刻)9. book some tickets/rooms 预定车票/房间10. the hard/soft sleeper 硬卧/软卧11. pay for 付款12. make hotel reservation 预定酒店房间13. many kinds of rooms 许多类型的房间14. the best time to do

3、sth. 做某事的最佳时刻15. work out the cost 估算/算出费用16. do/go fund raising = raise money/ funds 筹集资金17. come up with 产生;想出;赶上18. get to (call home) 达到(打电话回家)的程度19. order and serve a special lunch 安排服务一段特殊的午饭20. sell newspapers/ old books/ flowers 卖报/旧书/花21. organize a show 组织一场展示会22. notany longer = no longer

4、 再也不23. enjoy a good trip 享受愉快的旅行24. at the foot of 在的脚下25. count the students 点名26. look at/ appreciate the night scene 看/欣赏夜景27. rent coats 租借大衣28. see the sunrise 看日出29. land safely 安全着陆二. 重点句型及重点语言点1. , we will go on a two-day visit to Mount Tai, 咱们将去泰山进行为期两天的旅行。 two-day “两天的” , 这是带有数字的复合形容词,复合形

5、容词用连字符号连接时,名词要用单数。如:a 14-year-old boy 一个十四岁的男孩 a 100-meter race 一百米赛跑 a two-day visit 为期两天的旅行2. We will make the decision together. 咱们将一路作出决定。 make a decision = decide 做决定 decide (not) to do sth. 决定(不)做某事 decide on sth. 对某事做出决定3. Going by train doesnt cost as much as by plane, and going by bus is no

6、t as comfortable as by train. 搭火车的费用没有搭飞机的高,搭公车不如搭火车舒适。 “going by train” 动名词短语在句中做主语。 cost 表“花费(金钱/时刻)”时,主语必需是事物。常常利用句型“ sth. costs (sb.) some money/time”中。如:This bike cost me 300 yuan. 这本书花了我三百元钱。 Finishing the homework costs me two hours a day. 通常,天天做完作业花了我两个小时。4.Weve got tickets at 120 for the ha

7、rd sleeper and 180 for the soft sleeper.咱们的的票价是硬卧票120元,软卧票180元。at 在句中表“以的价钱”. 如: Weve got tickets at 80 for The Sound of Music.咱们有80元一张的音乐之声门票。5I want to book 10 rooms with two single beds 我想订10间有两张单人床的房间 with 结构在句中作定语,修饰前面的名词,表特征。如: a girl with light hair 一个金发女郎 a boy with big eyes 一个大眼睛男孩6 My scho

8、ol in America raised a lot of money for our band trip last year. 去年, 我在美国的学校为咱们的团队筹集了很多钱。raise 及物动词,表示“筹集”外,还表“举起;使升高”,一般指把某物从低处举高到高处。如:She raised her hand. 她举起了她的手。He raised his glass to Mr. Li.他碰杯向李先生祝贺。rise 不及物动词,表示“上升;升起;上涨”一般指事物本身由低处移到高处。如:The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东边升起。The river/ price ros

9、e. 河水上涨了。7. Some schools come up with great fund raisers , 一些学校产生出伟大的集资者,come up with 表示“想出;产生; 赶上” 如: Suddenly he came up with a strange idea. 突然间他想出了一个奇怪的主意。 We came up with the train in time. 咱们及时赶上了火车。8. It takes students one yuan each to buy tickets for a draw to become king or queen for a day.

10、 学生要想成为 “一日国王”或 “一日王后”, 就要花一元钱买票才能够参加抽奖。 此句型为“It takes sb. some money/ time to do sth.”花了某人多少钱/时刻做某事。9. The student sits in the principals chair for the day and even gets to call home, using the principals cell phone. 那个学生能够坐在校长的座位上,乃至能够(达到)利用校长的电话打电话回家(的程度)。 get to + 地址,表“抵达某处”如:They always get to

11、school on time. 他们老是按时到校。 get to do 表“达到做某事(的程度); 开始(感觉到,熟悉到,成为)”如: After a time, you get to realize that these things dont matter. 过段时刻你会感觉这些情形并非要紧。三. 重点语法 (一) 结果状语从句1) , so “因此”, 常与because 引导的原因状语从句转换. 如:We dont have much money, so we should go fund raising. = Because we dont have much money, we s

12、hould go fund raising.Helen is worried about her trip cost, so she is sad.海伦担忧她的旅行费用,因此她很难过。= Helen is sad because she is about her trip cost. 海伦很难过是因为她担忧旅行的费用。2) so that “如此 以致于”, 如结果表否按时,常与too + adj./ adv. +to do sth.句型转换.a) 主语 + be + so + adj. + that + 句子: I was so tired that I couldnt go on any

13、longer. = I was too tired to go on any longer. The cost is so expensive that we should raise money. b) 主语 + 实义动词+ so + adv. + that + 句子: He plays basketball so well that we all like to play with him. 他球打得如此好,以致于咱们都喜欢他。 He got up so late that he couldnt catch the bus. 他起床如此迟,以致他赶不上车。 = He got up too

14、late to catch the bus. 他起床起得太迟了而不能赶上车。3) so that 结果.: Jane often makes noise so that I can not fall asleep. 珍妮常常吵闹,结果我无法入眠。(二) 动词不定式1) 作表语, 常常利用在系动词以后.Your groups task is to find out the cost to go by train. 你小组的任务是去弄清搭火车的费用。She seems to be happy. 她似乎专门快乐。2) 作主语, 常常利用it(形式主语)代替, 不定式放在后面做真正主语.It is h

15、ard to say. 很难说。It is important to learn English well. 学好英语超级重要。4)作宾语, 常常利用在want; like; hope; begin; try; forget; learn; plan; decide; need 等及物动词后,组成动宾结构。I want to buy some books. 我想去买一些书。She likes to join the English Club. 她喜欢加入英语俱乐部。We hope to be teachers. 咱们希望成为教师。Dont forget to call me. 别忘了打电话给我

16、。5)作宾补,6)作定语,常常利用在被修饰的名词/代词以后。I have some exciting news to tell you. 我有一些令人激动的消息告知你。I want something to drink.我想要些喝的东西。四、口语应用预订车票、房间:Can I help you? / What can I do for you?Yes. I want/ would like to book Which kind of ticket o you want, the hard sleeper or the soft sleeper?What kind of room do you

17、have?How many do you want?How much does cost?May I have your name and your number?Topic 2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs.一、重点辞汇:(一) 词形转换: 1. death(动词) die 2. east(形容词) eastern 3. west(形容词) western 4. south(形容词)southern 5. north(形容词) northern 6. kneel(过去式) knelt/kneeled 7. crowd(形容词) crowded 8. h

18、uge(同义词) large 9. push(反义词)pull 10. step(过去式)stepped 样 11. sight(动词) see 12. beat(过去式) beat 13. slap(过去式) slapped 14. satisfy(形容词) satisfied (复数)diaries 16. destroy(过去式) destroyed 17. inside(对应词) outside 18. historical(名词) history(二)重点词组:1.receive a postcard 收到一张明信片2.have a vacation 度假3.cost too muc

19、h 花费太贵4.plan a trip 计划旅行e along with sb. 与某人在一路6.go to the cinema 去电影院7.look forward to (doing) sth. 期待做某事8.go camping 去野营9.in the old days 在古代10.in ones life 在某人的一生11.survey the area 调查/勘探某地域12.face south 坐北朝南13.have mountains at the back 背靠群山14.plan some exciting adventures 计划令人激动的冒险活动15.go on a c

20、ycling trip 进行骑车游16.spread over 散开17.on both sides of the way 在路的两旁18.be in pairs 成双成对19.kneel down 跪下20.two and a half hours 两个半小时21.be crowded with 挤满了22.be surprised at 对感到惊讶23.take out sth. 拿出某物24.elbow ones way 用肘推开路25.take a close-up picture of 拍的特写26.push out 挤出;推出27.step on ones toes 踩了某人的脚趾

21、28.out of sight 看不见29.flash through ones mind 从脑中闪现30.pour down 流下;倾泻而下31.slap sb. on the back 拍某人的背32.as soon as 一就33.give sb. a big hug 给某人一个拥抱34.pack ones backpacks 打包35.do the last safety check 做最后的安检36.take each others pictures 彼此拍照37.have fun doing sth. 做某事有乐趣38.treat sb. to sth. 用招待,请客39.tell

22、 sb. about sth. 告知某人关于某事二、重点句型及重点语言点1.Im looking forward to meeting him. 我正盼望看到他. look forward to 表 “期待, 盼望”, to是介词,后面应用名词、代词或动名词,且常常利用于进行时态。如:Im really look forward to summer vacation. 我真的期待着暑假的到来。They are looking forward to solving the problem. 他们正期待着问题的解决。 2 and 12 stone officials on both sides o

23、f the way.on both sides of the way = on each side of the way 在路的两旁3.Dinglig is to the southwest of Kangling. 定陵在康陵的西南方向.方位介词: in; on; toin表在范围内; on表两处相接; to 表在范围内Fujian is in the southeast of China. 福建在中国的东南部.Jiangxi is on the west of Fujian. 江西在福建的西面.Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东边.4.We wer

24、e having fun exploring when I noticed Darren wasnt beside me. 当咱们正在有趣的探险时,我注意抵达诺不在我身旁.have fun doing sth. 表做某事有乐趣. 如:Youll find you have fun learning English. 你将会发觉学习英语有专门大乐趣.三、重点语法 (一) 时刻状语从句:1.引导词:a)when; while; as 当时候when 既可跟短暂性动词也可跟延续性动词while 跟延续性动词as 多用于口语,强调 “同一时刻”或 “一前一后”e,g: The students wer

25、e talking in the classroom when the teacher came in.= While the students were talking in the classroom, the teacher came in.Mother always sings as she cooks dinner for us. 妈妈老是边给咱们做饭边唱歌。b)until; notuntiluntil “直到为止”,主句的谓语动词用延续性动词。notuntil “直到才” 主句的谓语动词常常利用短暂性动词。: I will stay here until the rain stop

26、s. = I wont leave here until the rain stops.c)after 在以后; before在之前; as soon as 一就 : I went to sleep after I finished my homework. = I finished my homework before I went to sleep. As soon as the bell rings, the students will go into the classroom.2.时态:a)当主句为一般过去不时, 从句常为过去的某种时态;: While the students we

27、re talking in the classroom, the teacher came in. I went to sleep after I finished my homework.b)当主句为一般未来不时, 从句为一般此刻时: As soon as the bell rings, the students will go into the classroom. I will stay here until the rain stops.(二) 不定式作目的状语,修饰谓语动词,表行为的目的。They organize a show to raise money. 为了筹钱,他们组织了一

28、场展示会。Kelly arrived at the airport early to see Maria off. 凯丽早早地来到机场为玛丽亚送行。 四、交际用语Would you like to come to China for your vacation? 你想来中国度假吗?(表邀请)Would/ Will you help me plan a trip? 帮我计划一下旅行好吗?(表请求)Could/ Can you come along with us? 你能和咱们在一路好吗?(表邀请或请求)Should we take him there? 咱们带他们去那儿好吗?(表建议)How a

29、bout taking him to the Ming Tombs?带他去十三陵怎么样?(表建议) Topic 3 Bicycles are popular.一、重点辞汇:( 一 ) 重点词组:1. cross the street 横穿街道2. obey traffic rules/ laws 遵守交通规则/法规3. save money and energy 节省资金和能源4. avoid air pollution 避免空气污染5. need less space 需要更少的空间6. warn sb. about sth. 提示某人当心某事7. a sharp turn to the l

30、eft 向左急转弯8. slow down 减速9. knock into 碰撞10. avoid doing sth. 避免做某事11. call 122 hotline 播打122热线12. send sb. to spl. 送某人去某处13. have strict traffic rules 有严格的交通规则14. receive a call from sb. 收到某人的电话15. learn by heart 用心学习16. wear a bicycle helmet 戴着自行车头盔17. go on special bike paths 在特殊的自行车道上行走18. break

31、the traffic rules 违背交通规则19. get a fine 取得惩罚20. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事21. pay attention to (doing) sth. 注意(做)某事22. on the left-side of the road 在路的左手边23. need less space 需要更少的空间24. hundreds of millions of 上亿的25. go through 穿过;穿越26. come to 来到;涉及27. notbut 不是而是28. return to 返回到29. win the bi

32、cycle race 取得自行车赛的胜利30. since then 从那以后31. one of the top one-day racers 一日成名的顶尖赛手之一32. according to 据而言33. be famous for 因而出名34. fight off 尽力击退/ 克服35. break a record 打破记录二、重点句型及重点语言点1. I want to tell you about a bike accident and warn you about the crazy traffic.我想告知你一个自行车事故,并提示你当心混乱的交通。warn sb. ab

33、out sth. 提示某人当心某事, 如:The teachers warn the students about the steps. 老师提示学生们当心台阶。He warned me about the cruel dog. 他提示我当心那只恶狗。2He knocked into the wall to avoid hitting the truck. 他为了避免撞到卡车上而撞到墙上.knock into 撞到、碰着He knocked into the old man when he was running. 他在奔跑时撞到了墙上。avoid doing sth. 避免做某事We sho

34、uld avoid making mistakes. 咱们应当避免犯错误。3, the 122 hotline received a call from a truck driver. 122热线接到卡车司机的电话。receive a letter from sb.= hear from sb. 收到某人的来信4I agree with you. 我同意你的观点。agree with 同意某人(的观点/ 意见),主语一般是事物而不是人。agree to 表示“同意,同意”,后面跟的是表示想法,建议或计划等的词。.: I agree with what he said. 我同意他讲的话。 He

35、didnt agree to our idea. 他不同意咱们的想法。5If you break the traffic rules, you will get a fine. 若是你违背交通规则,你就会受到惩罚。 fine 既可当名词,也可当动词。He got a 50 fine for parking the wrong places. 他因乱停车罚款五十元。(名词)The policeman fined him 50 yuan. 警察罚了他五十元。(动词)6Dont forget to pay attention to the rules. 别忘了注意交通规则。pay attention

36、 to (doing) sth 注意做某事We must pay attention to obeying the rules. 咱们必需注意遵守交通规则。7 Five years ago, Spains Oscar Freire won the bicycle race. 五年前,西班牙的奥斯卡. 弗莱尔取得自行车赛的胜利。win 后面通常跟比赛、竞赛、名次或战争,表“获胜”beat 后面通常跟人,表“战胜”.: He won the first in the match. 他在比赛中取得了第一名。 At last, he beat everyone. 最后他击败了每一个人。 三、重点语法

37、条件状语从句: 由if 引导,表 “若是”1.时态: 主句是一般未来时态或具有未来的含义, 从句常常利用一般此刻时.If you break the traffic rules, you will get a fine.If it rains tomorrow, we wont hold the sports meeting.If you drive a car in Britain, you must be careful.2.“祈使句 + and + 陈述句”, 常转换成肯定条件句;“祈使句 + or + 陈述句”, 常转换成否定条件句. Hurry up, and you will catch the bus. = If you hurry up, you will catch the bus.Hurry up, or you wont catch the bus. = If you dont hurry, you wont catch the bus.Be careful, or a car may hit you. = If you arent careful, a car may hit you.Unit 6单元测试题听力部份 (20分).听句子,选出与内容相符的图画(5分)A. B. C. D. E.1. _2. _3. _


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