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1、人教PEP版最新五年级英语上学期填空题课后专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1WangBing_(not like) playing the piano.2He is a_(drive), he_(drive)a bus every day.3Does your sister like_(dance) and_(sing)?4He_(study) English very well.5How many_(subject)do you have? Six.6I often play with_(he) in the park .7My grandparents_(have)

2、 a lot of friends in China.8My Aunt can_stories. Shes a_.(write)2. 词汇。that (复数)_ kid(复数)_day(复数)_ know(同音词)_make (动词-ing)_ wonderfully(形容词)_evening(对应词)_ do (过去式)_get(单数第三人称)_ lets (完整形式)_3. 按要求填空。1child(复数)_ 2left(对应词)_3she(宾格)_ 4candies(单数)_5have(-ing形式)_ 6aunt(对应词)_7help(形容词)_ 8want(同义词)_9come fr

3、om(同义词)_ 10speak(单三形式)_4. 想一想,写出相应的序数词。1one 2two3three 4four5five 6six7seven 8eight9nine 10ten5. 根据首字母或中文提示,写出正确的单词,每空一词。1We s_talk in class. Please listen carefully.2September, O_and November are autumn seasons.3I like playing the piano, but I cant play it_(好).4The bus is_(满的). Lets go to the zoo b

4、y taxi.5The meat_(闻起来) good. I cant wait.6. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Why_(do not) your sister go to the party?2Many girls are at_(Yang Ling) house.3Can I eat_(they), Dad?4Look! The shoe_(fit)_(good).5Liu Tao has to_(make) a cake for his sister.6The gloves_(be) too big.7Let_(I)_(have) a try.8I like_(fairy) becau

5、se they can help people.9I dont have_(some) new clothes.10Who_(try) on the dress?My sister.7. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1The Great Wall is about 2000 _ (year) old.2The light is yellow. Please _ (wait). _ (Do) go!3Dont _ (be) afraid. Ill help you.4There _ (be) some boys and girls.5How does Tom _ (feel) on the way

6、 back to the hotel?He _ (feel) tired.8. 根据实际情况回答问题。1What are you going to do this weekend?2How does your mother usually go to work?3When is your birthday?4Where will you go travelling during the summer holiday?5How long do you need to go to school?9. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1When should we_(brush) our teeth?In

7、the morning and before bedtime.2My sister_(have) a good time at the party.3Lets_(drink) some warm water.4Wang Bing_(have) a bad cold.5Jack is very happy_(help) the old man.6Who_(want) to show you a new bike?7There_(be) any juice in the glass.8My uncle is a_(drive).10. 按要求写词。1have(三单)_ 2try(三单)_3put

8、on(反义词组)_ 4they(宾格)_5mushroom(复数)_11. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Helen_(put) on a new hat.2Bobby_(not think) so.3Would you like_(see) a new film?Yes, Id love to.4Sam_(show) his new toys_his friends.5Your shoes_(be) under the bed.12. 用所给词适当形式填空。1Mr Chen will be our new_(China) teacher.2What do you have on_(Friday)

9、?3What would you like_(drink)?4He can_(play) ping-pong.5There_(be) two bananas on the plate.13. 根据图片提示,选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式完成句子。play football fly a kite many books do Tai Chi on ones way to1Lily and Lucy are_school.2Some old men are_in the park.3I have_on my desk.4A girl is_.5They are_.14. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1

10、There_(be) many famous places in Beijing.2The_(twelve) animal is the pig.3There_( be) some postcards.4This postcard_(have) a panda on it.5How much_(be) this book?6I dont like_(that) socks.15. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1He is a good football_(play).2Mr Young is_(I) art teacher.3What do you have on_(Saturday)?4Milk

11、 is_(health) for us5_(not eat) too much.16. 根据图片,填入合适的单词,完成诗歌。1_is green with flowers and songs.2_is hot and the days are long.3_is golden and farmers are busy.4_is white and the year is gone.17. 根据实际情况回答问题。1Is there a short cut to your school?2How long do you need to go to school?3How does your mot

12、her go to work?4Can you hand in the homework on time every day?18. 用两种英文表达方式写出下列节日的日期。例:元旦January 1stthe first of January1植树节2青年节3教师节4圣诞节19. 根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子。1I often v_my grandparents when I am free.2Its on the_(第三) of January.3Do you like eating_(饺子)?Yes, I do.4The Mid-Autumn Festival is in S_or O_.

13、5My grandparents like c_mountains at the Double Ninth Festival.6My f_festival is the Spring Festival.7People eat_(月饼) at this festival.20. 根据图片补全句子。goes to work go home be late past will1. Oh no! Its a quarter to eight now. Ill_.2._you be home at seven oclock tomorrow?3. Its half_ten now.4. I_at five oclock every afternoon.5. My sister is a nurse. She_at half past six in the morning.


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