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1、五年级英语上学期填空题专项审定版科教版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 语法填空。1Lucy wants to_(is) a nurse in the future.2Im_(do) my homework in the living room.3Lets go_(shop) this weekend。4My mother likes_(cook). She can cook yummy food.5What subject does Mr. Smith_(teacher)?6My sister is good at_(dance).7Im not afraid of_(fly). I can_(fly

2、)a plane.8Mr Li_(teach)us Chinese. Hes a good_(teach).9Its_(a)orange shirt. Mike_(like)it very much.2. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词完成句子。1When do you_(去学校)?2W_do you start class in Spain?3I often c_my room and wash my clothes.4I often_(去购物)with my mum.5When do you usually eat d_in Spain?3. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1The soup_

3、(smell) nice.2My sister Nancy is_(wash) the dishes in the kitchen.3Yang Ling and Nancy often come_(help) me.4There isnt_(some) milk in the fridge.5He wants_(play) the piano.6Dont_(catch) the ladybirds.7Here_(be) some meat for you.8He is looking for some_(bread).4. 选词填空。1Youll eat a birthday cake_(at

4、/ with) the party.2We have_(a/ an) Easter party in April.3American_(Childrens/ Thanksgiving) Day is in November.4I like_(July/ December). I can go swimming in summer.5I like February. We have_(summer/ winter) vacation.5. 根据实际情况回答问题。1Can you tell me the way to the bus station, please?2Is there a bank

5、 near your school?3What is opposite your school?4Which fruit do you like, apples or oranges?6. 根据中文提示补全句子。1I usually play outdoors with my friends_(在周日).2I_(等不及看) to see this film.3Mothers birthday is on_(3月2日).4They are going to go_(爬山) tomorrow.5My family will_(乘飞机回来) after the holiday.7. 用所给单词的适当

6、形式填空。1Do you often take a_(dance)class in the evening?Yes, I do.2I am reading a book. What about you?I_(eat)breakfast.3In the morning, there are three classes. The_(three)class is English.4This book is his._(I)is on the desk.5Please keep_(you)desk clean in the room.8. 选择词填空。(每词限用一次)about for from to

7、 on1. Can you give us more information_this topic?2. This is a book_maths.3. There is a guide_us.4. We can get information_e-books and televisions.5. There are many different ways_answer this question.9. 填空题。1“Im tired,” Kim_(say).2Who_(be) talking with you?10. 选择适当的词填空。1Lets go and_(play / playing)

8、 table tennis.Good idea.2Are you from different_(country / countries)?Yes.3Peter is_(on / in) duty today.4Touch your shoulders_(on / with) your hands.5My mother usually_(watch / watches) TV in the evenings.6Mr White is from_(UK / the UK), he is visiting Nanjing now.7Show_(we / us) how to make a mode

9、l plane.OK.8This is_(the first / first) lesson of the new term.11. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1I often_(做早操)at 6:00.2When do you_(吃早饭)?3We_(上英语课)at 10:00.4They often_(进行体育运动)after school.5John often_(起床)at 6:30.12. 用所给单词的正确的形式填空。1Life_(be)very different in many years ago.2Thank you for_(talk)to us.3China is_(cha

10、nge).4There_(be)a small house four years ago.5An old lady_( talk ) about her life many years ago.13. 用所给词的适当形式或根据中文提示完成句子。1Cinderella_(穿上)the new_(衣服)and new shoes.2She_(不得不)come back before 10 0clock.3Time_(take) off the clothes and go to bed.4Dont eat too many_(sweet). Theyre bad for your_(tooth).

11、5These mushrooms_(be) bad for us. We cant eat_(they).6There_(be) a big tree and some mushrooms near the river.14. 按要求写词。five(序数词) twenty-three(序数词)eighth(基数词) fourth(缩写形式)fun(形容词) thirty-second(缩写形式)twelve(序数词) forty(序数词)nine(序数词) open(形容词)15. 根据图片选择合适的短语并用其适当的形式填空。draw a dragon go to the zoo fly a

12、kiteplay table tennis do your homework1.You can_at home.2. Ill_tomorrow.3. How do you_?4. Yesterday Tom_with his mother.5. Please_on the blackboard.16. 根据中文及句意,写出该单词的正确形式。每个空格只能填写一个单词。1The twins_(都) like singing very much.2We all like_(游泳).3There are many_(工厂)here.4Can you show_(我)around our new hou

13、se?5Lets go to the cinema_(在之后) dinner.17. 填空。1The maths test is on December_(4).2What_(be) you_(do) now?3We are reading books._(Talk loudly!/Talk quietly!)4The pandas are_(eat) bamboo in the forest.18. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1_(not talk) in the library.2Sam_(watch) TV tomorrow.3Paul likes_(draw) very much.4J

14、ane is_(buy) a gift for her mother.5He always_(read) in bed till very 1ate.19. 看图选择合适的单词或短语完成句子。A. go for a walk B. a few C. Tree Planting DayD. win E. sports meet1What a nice day! Lets_.Great!2I think they will_the singing contest.3There are_people in the park on Mondays.4_is in March.5When is the_?Its in June.20. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1S_is green with flowers and songs.2Farmers are busy in a_.3I can go swimming in s_because its hot.4W_is white and the year is gone.


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