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1、目 录第1章组织学绪论1第2章上皮组织4第3章结缔组织8第4章软骨和骨11第5章血液和血细胞发生15第6章肌组织19第7章神经组织23第9章循环系统27第10章免疫系统31第11章皮肤36第12章内分泌系统40消化系统46第13章消化管47第14章消化腺52第15章呼吸系统56第16章泌尿系统61第17章男性生殖系统67第18章女性生殖系统72第19章眼和耳77第20章胚胎学总论和畸形学概论82第21章颜面、颈和四肢的发生89第22章消化系统和呼吸系统的发生92第23章泌尿系统和生殖系统的发生97第24章心血管系统的发生101第1章组织学绪论INTRODUCTION OF HISTOLOGY目

2、的与要求l 了解组织学的研究内容及其在医学课程中的地位。l 了解组织学与胚胎学的常用研究技术,基本原理。 l 掌握嗜酸性、嗜碱性、电子密度高与电子密度低的含义。OUTLINEThe beginning student of histology is frequently confronted by a paradox: diagrams in many books that illustrate human microanatomy in a simplified, cartoon-like manner are easy to understand, but are difficult to

3、 relate to actual tissue specimens or photographs. In turn, photographs often fail to show some important features of a given tissue, because no individual specimen can show all of the tissues salient features equally well. This atlas, filled with photo-realistic drawings, was prepared to help bridg

4、e the gap between the simplicity of diagrams and the more complex reality of microstructure.All of the figures in this atlas were drawn from histological preparations used by students in my histology classes, at the level of light microscopy. Each drawing is not simply a depiction of an individual h

5、istological section, but is also a synthesis of the key structures and features seen in many preparations of similar tissues or organs. The illustrations are representative of the typical features of each tissue and organ. The atlas serves as a compendium of the basic morphological characteristics o

6、f human tissue which students should be able to recognize.Instead of using abbreviations and symbols, each drawing has been clearly labeled to aid students in recognizing the relevant structures, and is accompanied by a legend to provide a concise summary of the structural, functional and physiologi

7、cal features of the tissue or organ depicted. Features that are labeled in figures are highlighted as bold terms when they appear in the legend. The stain used in preparing each specimen is indicated, as is an approximate magnification(“low”=20to 100”,medium”=100 to 400,”high”=400 to 1200).In nearly

8、 all cases the organ from which the tissue specimen was derived is identified, as is the organism. Most figures are drawn from human tissues, but in a number of cases the features of certain tissues are best revealed in another mammal. The tissue sources used in this atlas are the same as those comm

9、only used in histology laboratory courses.Tissuses are composed of cells and extracellular matrix. The primary tissues are epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue and nervous tissue. Organs are composed of the primary tissues that vary in their types, numbers, and styles of composition

10、. Some organs related in functions are composed of a system. Mainly histological techniques: light microscopy (paraffin sectioning), Electron microscopy, Immunohistochemistry, In situ hybridization, Cell culture and tissue engineering.练习题一、选择题单项选择题1PAS反应显示:A蛋白质 B多糖 C脂肪 D核糖核酸2免疫组织化学主要显示:A蛋白质、多肽 B多糖 C

11、脂肪 D核糖核酸3原位杂交技术是检测:A.蛋白质 B多糖 C脂肪 D核糖核酸4对分辨率的表述中,哪一项是错误的A人裸眼的分辨能力为0.1mm B光学显微镜分辨能力可达0.2m C电子显微镜的分辨能力为0.2nm D扫描显微镜的分辨能力可达到原子水平二、填空题1Tissues are composed of_, _, _and_.2Staining method commonly used is _ staining,_in abbreviation.3人裸眼的分辨能力仅为_;光学显微镜的分辨能力可达_;电子显微镜的分辨能力为_。4电镜照片上,某结构呈深黑色或深灰色,习惯称该结构为_;反之呈浅灰

12、色,称_。三、名词解释1. Tissue2. HE staining 3. Basophilia 4. Acidophilia 5. High electron-density6. Low electron-density7. Immunocytochemistry四、问答题简述石蜡切片、HE染色的基本程序五、讨论与趣味思考题假如你是一位临床医师,你如何应用所学的组织学技术进行临床科学研究?参考答案一、选择题1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D二、填空题1.epithelial tissue connective tissue muscular tissue nervous tissue2. hem

13、atoxylin eosin HE 3. 0.1mm 0.2m 0.2nm4. 电子密度高 电子密度低 三、名词解释1组织:是由细胞群和细胞外基质构成的。人体组织可分上皮组织、结缔组织、肌组织、神经组织,它们在胚胎时期的发生来源、细胞构成、形态特点及功能等方面各具特点。2HE染色:用苏木精(Hematoxylin)伊红(Eosin)染色的方法称为HE染色。苏木精染液为碱性,主要使细胞核内的染色质与胞质内的核糖体着蓝色;伊红为酸性染料,主要使细胞质和细胞外基质中的成分着红色。3. 嗜碱性:易于被碱性染料着色的性质称为嗜碱性。4嗜酸性:易于被酸性染料着色的性质称为嗜酸性。5. 电子密度高:组织用重

14、金属染色后,在透射电子显微镜下观察,某结构呈现的图像较黑,则称该结构电子密度高。6. 电子密度低:组织用重金属染色后,在透射电子显微镜下观察,某结构呈现的图像较浅,则称该结构电子密度低。7免疫细胞化学:是将免疫学基本原理与细胞化学技术相结合而建立起来的技术,主要是应用根据抗原与抗体特异性结合的原理,检测细胞内某些肽类和蛋白质等大分子物质的分布。 四、问答题石蜡切片、HE染色的基本程序:取材和固定 用蛋白质的凝固剂(如甲醛)固定新鲜的组织块,以保存组织的原本结构;脱水和包埋 30100酒精 二甲苯 液体蜡(5258) 冷却;切片和染色 用组织切片机切成510m薄片,用苏木精和伊红染色。苏木精染液

15、为碱性,主要使细胞核内的染色质与胞质内的核糖体着紫蓝色;伊红为酸性染料,主要使细胞质和细胞外基质中的成分着红色。封片 切片经脱水等处理后,滴加树胶,用盖玻片密封保存。(张洪芹)第2章上皮组织EPITHELIAL TISSUE目的与要求l 掌握上皮组织的一般特点和分类。l 掌握各种被覆上皮的结构特点、分布和功能。l 掌握微绒毛和纤毛的光镜、电镜结构特点和功能。l 掌握上皮细胞侧面的连接结构、基膜的位置、光镜、电镜结构和功能。l 了解腺上皮和腺的概念,内分泌腺、外分泌腺的发生及结构特点,外分泌腺的结构和分类,腺细胞的类型。OUTLINEEpithelial tissues are formed b

16、y closely apposed regular polygonal cells. The characters of the tissue are closely apposed, a number of cells. The epithelial cells have obvious polarity, including free surface and lateral surface.Epithelial tissues can be mainly classified into two types, covering epithelium and glandular epithel

17、ium.Function: protection, absorption secretion, and evacuation. The covering epithelium covers external surface of the body or limiting internal surface of the serous cavities, pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum, and organs with cavities. Glandular epithelium is composed of glandular cells, with ma

18、in function of secretion. The organs that are mainly composed of glandular epithelium are termed glands.Specializations of the cell surface in epithelium: microvillus and cilium. Lateral surface of epithelial cell including: tight junction, intermediate junction, desmosome and gap junction. There ar

19、e basement membrane, plasma membrane enfolding and hemidesmosome at the basal surface of epithelial cells.Epithelial tissues are cellular sheets, covering the surfaces and lining the tracts or cavities of the body. The functions of the epithelial tissues are associated with protection, secretion, an

20、d absorption. There are several common features.1.The epithelial cells fit together tightly, with little intercellular substance.2.They have a basement membrane, which separates the epithelial cells and the underlying connective tissue.3.They have a free, or apical, surface and a basal surface. The

21、free surface is adjacent to the lumen; the basal surface rests on the basement membrane.4.They lack a vascular supply, excepting the strip vascularis in the cochlear duct.5.They are rich in nerve endings.Epithelial tissues are formed by closely apposed regular polygonal cells. The characters of the

22、tissue are closely apposed, a number of cells. The epithelial cells have obvious polarity, including free surface and lateral surface.Epithelial tissues can be mainly classified into two types, covering epithelium and glandular epithelium .Function: protection, absorption secretion, and evacuation.

23、The covering epithelium covers external surface of the body or limiting internal surface of the serous cavities, pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum, and organs with cavities. Glandular epithelium is composed of glandular cells, with main function of secretion. The organs that are mainly composed of

24、 glandular epithelium are termed glands.Specializations of the cell surface in epithelium: microvillus and cilium. Lateral surface of epithelial cell including: tight junction, intermediate junction, desmosome and gap junction. There are basement memberane, plasma membrane infolding and hemidesmosom

25、e at the basal surface of epithelial cells.练习题一、选择题(一)单项选择题1内皮是A单层立方上皮 B单层柱状上皮C单层扁平上皮 D变移上皮2.假复层纤毛柱状上皮分布于A食管 B气管 C胃 D小肠3.膀胱内表面的上皮是A单层柱状上皮 B变移上皮C单层扁平上皮 D单层立方上皮4.下列哪一项不是上皮组织的特点A. 细胞排列紧密,细胞间质少。B分游离面与基底面C含丰富血管和神经D具有保护、吸收、分泌、排泄等作用5下列哪一项不是复层扁平上皮的特点A有多层细胞组成B表层细胞为扁平形C中间层为多边形细胞D基底层细胞为矮柱状,细胞质嗜酸性6构成光镜下所见的纹状缘和刷

26、状缘,电镜下是:A微管 B微丝 C纤毛 D微绒毛7电镜下微绒毛与纤毛不同点是A前者细长,后者粗短B前者不能摆动,后者可摆动C前者内含纵行排列的微管,后者内含纵行排列的微丝D前者内含纵行排列的微丝,后者内含纵行排列的微管8具有屏障作用的细胞连接是:A中间连接B桥粒C缝隙连接 D紧密连接9下列哪种细胞连接又称通讯连接A中间连接 B桥粒C缝隙连接 D紧密连接10.上皮细胞基底面没有哪种结构A质膜内褶 B缝隙连接 C半桥粒 D基膜11杯状细胞常见于A单层扁平上皮 B单层立方上皮C单层柱状上皮 D复层扁平上皮(二)多项选择题1复层扁平上皮分布于A小肠内表面 B食管内表面C胃内表面 D皮肤表层2单层扁平上

27、皮分布于A肾小囊壁层 B肾小囊脏层C腹膜壁层 D腹膜脏层3单层立方上皮分布于A甲状腺B输尿管 C肾小管 D胆小管4间皮分布于A心脏外表面 B血管内表面C胃的外表面 D食管外表面5有纤毛分布的器官是A小肠 B气管 C支气管 D输卵管6浆液性腺细胞的特点是A细胞核为圆,位于细胞偏基底部B细胞顶部嗜酸性,基底部嗜碱性C核上区有膜包颗粒和发达的高尔基复合体D核下区有丰富的滑面内质网二、填空题1 根据分泌物的性质可将外分泌腺腺胞分为_ 、_ 和_腺泡。2 单层上皮根据细胞形态不同可分为_、_、_ 和_上皮。3 Specializations of the cell free surface in epi

28、thelium _and _。4 Lateral surface of epithelial cell,_、_、_and_ can be seen by electron microscopy三、名词解释1. Microvillus2. Desmosome3. Cilium4. Gap junction5. Intermediate junction6. Junctional complex四、问答题1. 简述上皮组织的结构特点。2. 简述上皮细胞的特殊结构及其功能。3. 试述被覆上皮的分类及分布 五、讨论与趣味思考题假如你是人体结构的设计师,你会将这些不同种类的上皮组织各安排到何部位?依据是

29、什么?参考答案一、选择题(一)单项选择题1C 2B 3B 4C 5D 6D 7C 8D 9C 10 11C(二)多项选择题1BD 2AC 3ACD 4AC 5BCD 6ABC二、填空题1. 浆液性 粘液性 混合性2. 单层扁平 单层立方 单层柱状 假复层柱状3. microvillus cilium4. tight junction intermediate junction desmosome gap junction三、名词解释1 微绒毛:是上皮细胞游离面伸出的微细指状突起,表面为细胞膜,中轴为含微丝的细胞质。其功能是扩大细胞表面的接触面积。 2 桥粒:呈斑状连接,大小不等,连接区细胞间隙

30、为20-30nm,内含低密度丝状物,间隙中央有丝状物交织而成的中线;细胞膜胞质面有致密物质构成的附着板,有张力丝附着与其上。这种连接是最牢固的一种细胞连接。3 纤毛:上皮细胞游离面伸出的粗而长的突起,电镜下表面为细胞膜,细胞质内周有规律地排布着9组二联微管,中央为两条单微管。纤毛能节律性定向摆动。4 缝隙连接:相邻细胞膜高度平行,细胞间隙仅约3nm,细胞中有许多规律分布的柱状颗粒,称连接小体,它们聚集为斑状。连接小体由6个连接素分子围成,中央有直径约2nm的管腔。连接小体贯穿细胞膜的双层脂质,并突出于细胞表面,相邻两细胞中的连接小体对接,管腔也通连,成为细胞间直接交通的管道。分子量小于1500

31、kD的物质,包括离子、cAMP等信息分子、氨基酸、葡萄糖、维生素等,可在相邻细胞间流通,使细胞在营养代谢、增殖分化和功能等方面成为统一体。5 中间连接:多呈环形带状,位于紧密连接下方,连接区相邻细胞间由15-25nm的间隙,内含较致密的丝状物,细胞膜的胞质面较致密,并有微丝附着与其上,这种连接除有粘着作用外,还有保持细胞形状和传递细胞收缩力的作用。6 连接复合体:紧密连接、中间连接、桥粒和缝隙连接中的两个或两个以上紧邻存在即称为连接复合体。四、问答题1上皮组织主要分为被覆上皮和腺上皮;细胞多,细胞间质少;上皮细胞呈极性分布,即有一游离面和一基底面;上皮组织内无血管,营养物质的吸收和废物的排泄依


33、使相邻细胞牢固连接。d缝隙连接:靠近细胞基底面,相邻细胞膜间断融合,形成许多互通的小管,有利细胞间物质交换和信息传递。基底面:a半桥粒: 细胞膜与基膜之间形成类似桥粒的结构,为桥粒结构的一半。功能是加强上皮细胞与基膜的连接。b质膜内褶: 基底面的细胞膜内陷形成很多内褶。功能是扩大面积、有利于物质交换。C 基膜: 基膜分基板和网板。基板由上皮细胞产生,主要成分有层粘连蛋白、型胶原蛋白和硫酸肝素蛋白多糖;网板是由成纤维细胞产生的,主要由网状纤维和基质构成。基膜具有支持、连接和固着作用,对上皮细胞的增殖、分化和迁移有重要的调节作用。此外,它还具有半透膜性质,有利于上皮细胞和深部结缔组织进行物质交换。

34、3.被覆上皮组织的分类及分布: 内皮:心、血管和淋巴管的腔面 单层扁平上皮 间皮:胸膜、心包膜和腹膜的表面 单 其他:肺泡和肾小囊壁层等的上皮 层 单层立方上皮:肾小管和甲状腺滤泡等 上 单层柱状上皮:胃、肠和子宫等的腔面 皮 假复层纤毛柱状上皮:呼吸管道等的腔面 未角化的:口腔、食管和阴道等的腔面复 复层扁平上皮层 角化的:皮肤的表皮 上 复层柱状上皮:眼结膜和男性尿道等的腔面 皮 变移上皮:肾盏、肾盂、输尿管和膀胱等的腔面(张洪芹)第3章结缔组织CONNECTIVE TISSUE目的与要求l 掌握结缔组织的特点和分类。l 掌握疏松结缔组织各种成分的结构和功能。l 了解致密结缔组织、脂肪组织

35、和网状组织的基本结构和分类。OUTLINEConnective tissue is one of the four basic tissues of the body, forming a diverse group of structures including circulating blood, soft tissue, and hard bone. All connective tissues have a common origin from mesenchyme and are composed of separated cells and abundant intercellul

36、ar substance, or matrix. The latter is composed of fibers, amorphous ground substance, and tissue fluid. Connective tissues are found throughout the body and in many different forms with diverse functions, such as connection, defense, support, storage, transport, metabolism, and repair following inj

37、ury.In general, connective tissues are classified as:1.Connective tissue proper1) Loose connective tissue2) Dense connective tissue3) Reticular connective tissue4) Adipose (connective) tissue2.Blood3.Cartilage and boneConnective tissue is composed of cells and extracellular matrix that contains matr

38、ix, an amorphous ground substance, fibers, and tissue fluid. The connective tissues can be classified into the connective tissue proper in narrow sense, including loose connective tissue, dense connective tissue, adipose tissue, and reticular tissue, and in general sense, cartilage, bong, blood and

39、lymph. Characteristics of connective tissue structure: The cells are less in amounts, different in kinds and scattered in distribution. It is abundant in extracellular matrix and varies in shape. The cells are nonpolarity. Connective tissue functions in connection, support, nutrition, transportation

40、, and protection. Connective tissue formed by the cells of the mesoderm during embryological development.Loose connective tissue possesses kinds of cells, including fibroblast, macrophage, mast cell, fat cell, plasma cell, Leukocyte, and undifferentiated mesenchymal. And fibers include collagenous f

41、iber, elastic fiber and reticular fiber.练习题一、选择题(一)单项选择题1疏松结缔组织中含量最多的纤维是:A胶原纤维 B黄纤维C网状纤维 D弹性纤维2关于疏松结缔组织,哪一项是错的:A是来源于胚胎时期的间充质 B细胞间质多,细胞数量少,但种类多C细胞间质的成分与其它组织相同D无定型的基质和纤维组成细胞间质3哪一项不是成纤维细胞的特点:A细胞呈多突扁平状B细胞核大,呈卵圆形,染色浅C细胞质均匀一致,微嗜酸性D能形成纤维和分泌基质4细胞核呈轮状的是:A成纤维细胞 B巨噬细胞C浆细胞 D肥大细胞5成纤维细胞转变为纤维细胞表示其:A功能旺盛 B功能静止C进入衰老

42、状态 D准备分裂增殖6使浆细胞胞质嗜碱性的结构是:A大量的分泌颗粒 B丰富的粗面内质网C发达的高尔基复合体 D许多的线粒体7与过敏反应有关的两种细胞是:A成纤维细胞和巨噬细胞B浆细胞和肥大细胞C巨噬细胞和肥大细胞D成纤维细胞和肥大细胞8构成基质蛋白多糖复合物主干的是:A透明质酸 B蛋白质C糖胺多糖 D硫酸软骨素9癌细胞可产生那种物质破坏基质的防御屏障:A透明质酸酶 B胶原蛋白酶C碱性磷酸酶 D酸性磷酸酶(二)多项选择题1固有结缔组织除疏松结缔组织外还包括:A致密结缔组织 B软骨组织C网状组织 D脂肪组织2成纤维细胞能合成和分泌:A胶原蛋白B弹性蛋白C蛋白多糖D纤维粘连蛋白3巨噬细胞A形态不规则

43、 B胞质嗜酸性C胞核较大,染色浅 D含大量溶酶体4肥大细胞的分泌颗粒A粗大,充满胞质 B嗜碱性C含肝素、组胺、嗜酸性粒细胞趋化因子 D易溶于水二、填空题1. Extracellular matrix of connective tissue contains _and _2. 疏松结缔组织广泛分布于_之间,_ 之间以及器官之间,其作用具有_、_、_、_ 等功能。 3. The cells consist of _, _, _, _, _, LeukocyteandUndifferentiated mesenchymal cell.4. 成纤维细胞可产生 _ 和_。5. 巨噬细胞也称_ ,其形态多样,但一般为_ 或_ 。功能活跃时,可伸出伪足而成多突形,胞质内含大量_ 、_ ;具有_、_、_等功能。三、名词解释1. Mesenchyme 2. Fibroblast3. Macrophage4. Plasma cell5. Mast cell6. Molecular sieve四、问答题1. 简述疏松结缔组织的特点。2. 简述结缔组织基质的组成成分和意义。五、讨论与趣味思考题 一旦发生了过敏反应,你知道哪几种细胞参与了反应?他们是如何表现的?参考答案一、选择题(一)单项选择 1A 2C 3C 4C 5B 6B 7B 8A


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