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1、2020儿童英语小故事5篇 英语故事篇一蜘蛛和蛇A big snake passed by under a spider wet. And it wanted to eat the spider in the web. But because it was not high enough to reach the web, it had to give up.When the spider saw the snake leaving, it came down from the web hanging with a thread. The snake thought this was an o

2、pportunity, and then waited with its head high in the car. Seeing that the snake came back, the spider came back to the web. After doing this for several times, the snake got very weary1 and lowered its head. The spider suddenly came at the snake when it was not prepared and bit its head firmly.The

3、wounded snake jumped wildly and fell on the grounds repeatedly2, failing to kill the spider on its head. After the spider bit the snake dead, it begun to eat the snakes brains, and didnt leave until it was full.一条大蛇从蜘蛛网下经过时,抬起头想吞掉网上的蜘蛛,由于高度不够,只好放弃。蜘蛛看见蛇要走,连忙用蛛丝悬着,从网上垂下来,蛇见机会来了,便又昂着头等着,蜘蛛见蛇回来,仍然退回到网上

4、。这样重复了三、四次后,蛇感到疲倦,便把头垂下来。蜘蛛趁其不备,猛扑下来,紧紧咬住蛇的头部,痛的狂跳的蛇不断从空中摔到地上,却不能将头上的蜘蛛摔死,蜘蛛咬死蛇后,慢慢地享受蛇的脑浆,直到吃饱肚子才走。英语故事篇二爱惜羽毛的孔雀Male peacocks are very proud of their beautiful tails. Although tamed for a long time, whenever they see young people wearing flowery clothes it will go up enviously1 and peck them to pie

5、ces.When they live in the mountains, they always find a place to hide their tails first, then their bodies.When it rains and their tails get wet, they will take care of their tails for a long times, and wont fly high into the sky, not giving any care to the arrival of the hunters. Thus, they get cau

6、ght in the end.雄孔雀很为自己漂亮的长尾巴感到骄傲,虽然被人驯养了很长时间,但只要看见穿着华丽的少年男女,都嫉妒地追上去,要琢碎他们的衣衫。它们在山里栖息的时候,也总是先相个地方把尾巴藏起来,然后才考虑安置身体。赶上下雨天如果尾巴淋湿了,它总是顾惜半天,不肯高飞,完全不在意捕鸟人的到来,而最后的结果则是被人抓住。英语故事篇三黄蜂和蛇A wasp1 settled on the head of a snake, and not only stung him several times, but clung obstinately2 to the head of his victim

7、. Maddened with pain the snake tried every means he could think of to get rid of the creature, but without success. At last he became desperate, and crying, Kill you I will , even at the cost of my own life. He laid his head with the wasp on it under the wheel of a passing wagon3, and they both peri

8、shed together.一只黄蜂坐在一条蛇的头上,不仅多次用刺去叮蛇,而且还牢牢地贴在受害者的头上。蛇疼得快要疯了。尝试了很多方法想要赶走黄蜂,可是没有成功。最后,蛇绝望了,大喊道:“我要杀了你,即使丢掉我自己的性命也在所不惜。”于是,蛇将自己的头伸到一辆从旁经过的马车车轮下,他们同归于尽了。英语故事篇四意怠鸟Yi Dai is a kind of talentless bird over the East Sea.They fly slowly and lowly and have to be led by other birds while flying.They always hid

9、e among the others while resting, dare not fly ahead while proceeding1, dare not be left behind while retreating and always eat the food left by others.Thanks to these traits, they survive safe and sound, not elbowed out by other birds and hurt by humans.意怠是东海里的一种鸟。它不仅极其无能,飞得又低又慢,而且飞的时候还要靠别的鸟领着。栖息时要

10、躲在鸟群中间;往前飞时它从不敢跑在前面,后退时也不敢落在后面;吃东西不敢抢先,只好每次都吃产羹剩饭。由于具有上述优点,在鸟群中它从不受到排斥,也避免了人类对它的伤害,安然地保全着自己的生命。英语故事篇五鹓鶵与鸱Wan1 zhou, phoenixs sister, flew from South sea from North Sea directly. On its way, it would not perch2 a tree other than a parasol tree, and would not eat anything other than the fruit of bambo

11、o, and would not drink anything other than sweet spring water.An owl3 happened to have caught a mouse, and it lifted up its head and saw the Wan Zhou flying over its head in the sky. In order to protect his food, the owl shouted angrily at the Wan Zhou, Hei! Go away, no way to share this with me.凤凰的姊妹从南海径直飞往北海。途中,不是梧桐树它绝不栖息,不是竹子的果实必定不吃,泉水不甘美,它宁肯渴着,也不饮用。一只猫头鹰恰好抓到一只死老鼠,抬头看见从空中飞过的鹓鶵。为了保住自己的食物,猫头鹰冲着鹓鶵愤怒地叫道:“吓!离我远点,这东西没你的份。”2020儿童英语小故事5篇


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