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1、2020英语小故事带翻译5篇 英语故事篇一The fowler and the lark 捕鸟人和百灵鸟A fowler was setting his nets for little birds when a lark1 came up to him and asked him what he was doing. I am engaged in founding a city, said he, and with that he withdrew to a short distance and concealed2 himself. The lark examined the nets w

2、ith great curiosity, and presently, catching3 sight of the bait, hopped4 on to them in order to secure it, and became entangled5 in the meshes6. The fowler then ran up quickly and captured her. What a fool I was! said she: but at any rate, if thats the kind of city you are founding, itll be a long t

3、ime before you find fools enough to fill it.一个捕鸟人正在撒网,好让小鸟们自投罗网。这时,一只百灵鸟走过来,问他在干什么。“我正在建造一座漂亮的城市。”捕鸟人回答道,说完便跑到远处藏起来。百灵鸟带着极大的好奇心,跑过去想看个究竟,她小心地冲着网中的诱饵跳过去,结果却被缠在网中。捕鸟人很快跑过来,抓住了她。百灵鸟说:“我可真是个傻瓜,但无论如何,如果这就是你建造的城市,那么估计要花很长时间才能找到足够多的傻瓜来填补空缺!”英语故事篇二老鹰变成斑鸠Although an eagle had changed into a cushat, it forgot

4、 all this while it was flying.Seeing a flock1 of birds in the woods, it could not help diving down, tweeting like an eagle.On hearing the sound of an eagle, and the birds were so scared that they did not dare to move. A crow saw the flying birds claws. Beak2 and feathers were just like a cushats rat

5、her than an eagle, except its voice. It ran out and shouted to cal on the birds to drive away this fellow, who was making fun.The cushat, who hadnt the beak and claws of an eagle, could not fight back. It had to hide in the woods, and suffer the censure3 and attack from the flock of birds.一只老鹰虽然变成了斑

6、鸠,但他在飞翔的时候就忘记了这一点。看见树林中聚集的鸟群,它忍不住像老鹰一样鸣叫着扑下去。鸟听见老鹰的叫声,吓得全都不敢动弹。一只乌鸦见飞来的这只鸟除了声音像老鹰外,爪子、嘴和羽毛都是斑鸠的模样,就大呼小叫地跑出来,招呼群鸟驱逐这个寻开心的家伙。失去了鹰嘴和爪子的斑鸠无力抵抗,只好躲进树丛里,无可奈何地忍受了群鸟的指责和攻击。英语故事篇三茑萝和大树The joss in the temple hated the big tree and the bines and vines clinging to it, which had occupied the vastly space in fron

7、t of the joss house, because he thought they had usurped1 its role, and ha has always wanted to get rid of them.One day, the joss said to the bines and wines, As the saying goes There are no nice grasses under big trees, Now the perimeter2 of the big tree trunk became so long that it takes several p

8、ersons to embrace, but your bines and wines are less than one inch thick, and all this is because of the big tree, whose branches and leaves have blocked your sunlight. The bines and wines, which had been envying the big tree all along, could not restrain their anger any more at these words.That nig

9、ht, they appeared in the dreams of nearby people, telling them that, It was not the joss but the bog3 tree in front of the temple that brought you the misfortune. The villagers were convinced, and cut down the big tree the next day. The bines and wines lost their habitat, and withered4 day by day, a

10、nd both died soon.寺庙里的神像对占据庙前广大空间的大树及攀附大树生存的茑藤和松萝十分记恨,认为它们喧宾夺主,一直想把它们除掉。一天,神像对茑萝说:“俗话说大树下面无美草,如今大树的身躯有几抱粗,而你们的藤蔓却还不到一寸,这完全是由于大树的枝叶挡住了你们的采光。”茑萝原本就嫉妒大树,听了这话,更是难抑怒火。当晚,它们就托梦给附近的百姓说:“给你们带来灾祸的不是神像,而是庙前的大树。”乡亲们相信了这一说法,第二天就把大树砍掉了。茑藤和松萝失去了攀附物,也一天天枯萎下来,很快便双双死去。英语故事篇四The bear and the sistersTwo sisters were p

11、laying games on the bank of a river. They were playing happily. One of them was named Janny, the other was Rose.While they there running to the foot of a hill, they saw a big brown bear standing1 before them. They were very frightened. They ran away at once.Please dont run! I wont eat you. Im a man,

12、 not a bear, Im friendly, the bear said. The two girls looked at the bear: the bear stood up, his hair all fell away. There, a young man stood, he was tall, he had good looks. Its lucky for me to meet you, you can save me, he said.Who are you? How can we save you?Im Scoff2. My father and mother dont

13、 know Im a bear now. they are always looking for me. They dont know where I am. I see them often, but I cannot talk to them. Let me tell you something about me.I was a prince, the young man said, One day, I played on the bank of the river, an old woman came, she said soothing3 and threw a brown coat

14、 at me.英语故事篇五龙的传说Falling down from heaven, the dragon landed at a remote village.It wanted to find water in the villagers houses, so as to fly to the heaven again. But he was driven out by the villagers who were beating drums and detonating firecrackers. The dragon rolled and tossed in the puddle1 a

15、t the entrance of the village, which was no more than one foot deep, a hope that he could soar into the sky with the help of the seeper. He could only fly to a height of one foot above the ground, though he had exhausted2 all its strength, because the puddle was too shallow.The dragon crouched3 in t

16、he mud for three days. Its scute was filled with ants, and flies. When the rain poured down, in the tremendous clap, the dragon fleeted, like a bolt of lighting4.龙从天上掉下来后,落在一个僻静的山村里。它想进人家屋里找水,以便重新飞上天。却被村民们鼓噪呐喊,鸣铳放炮赶了出来。在村口不满一尺的一汪积水里,它拼命打滚,希望凭借积水飞腾上天,由于水太浅,尽管它用尽力气,却只能达到离地面一尺的高度。这条龙在污泥里蜷伏了三天,鳞甲里布满了蚂蚁,苍蝇。当大雨倾盆而下的时候,龙在天摇地动的霹雳声中,乘着者电飞逝而去.2020英语小故事带翻译5篇


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