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1、六年级英语上册Unit1复习题一、 Look! I have a good memory.1.p _cn_ c( ) 2. l br_ry( ) 3.sc_ _nce( ) 4. h_t ( ) 5.h_ngry( ) 6.th_ _sty( )二、I can change.(写出下列动词的现在分词)A) play sleep look bark eat throw listen climb cry call B) bite write make bake take C)run swim sit hit skip hop 三、I can choose.( )1. The are playing

2、 in the park.A.child B.children C.childs( )2.There is old man in the park.A. a B.an C.( )3. Mingming is throwing stones the dog.A.to B.into C.at( )4. Peter is going to the cinema bike.A. by B. with C.on( )5.The girl her hair now.A. comb B. combing C.is combing( )6.The boy is his teeth.A. brushes B.b

3、rushing C. brush( )7. Dont up the slide.A. climb B. climbs C.climbing( )8. cat is looking at the fish. A.He B. His C.Me四、I can write the sentences according to the example. Example: (comb her hair) She is combing her hair. (drink some water) (run) 五、I can translate the phrases.1. 洗脸_ 2.写字_ 3.eat_ 4.

4、clean the floor_ b ones hair_6.刷牙_ 7.跑步_ 8.喝水_六、I can read and do!The children are playing in the park. Lingling is sitting on a swing. An old man is sitting on a bench. He is sleeping. His dog is looking at the children. Mingming is throwing stones at the dog. The dog is very angry. It is barking.T

5、he dogs chain is broken and running to Mingming. He is climbing up the slide. The dog is biting his foot. He is crying. The old man calls his dog back.a) 阅读短文,判断下列各题,对的写(T)误(F)。( )1.The children are playing in the zoo.( )2.Lingling is sitting on a bench.( )3.Mingming throws stones at the dog and mak

6、es it angry.( )4.Mingming is not crying.b) 回答下列问题。4.What is the old man doing? 5.Is the dogs chain broken? .六年级英语上册Unit2复习题一、 Look! I have a good memory.1.alw_s ( ay ) 2. fam l_( iy ) 3.usu_lly( a )4. oft n ( e ) 5.l te ( a ) 6.n ver( e )7.w ve (a ) 8.th_ m( e ) 9.w_ ke up( a ) 二、I can change.(写出下列动

7、词的三单形式)A) get make run leave wave B) wash go do watch C)carry study D) have_ be_三、I can choose.( )1.Katie always _ early. A.gets up B.get up C.getting up( ) 2.He usually waves _ goodbye. A. they B. them C. their( ) 3.Sally _ the breakfast table at 6:30 a.m A. runs for B. run to C. runs to( )4.He is

8、never late _work. A. at B.in C.for( )5.I usually _ my homework at six oclock. A.does B.do C.did( )6. This is _interesting story. A. a B.an C.the( )7.This picture is not _ A.I B. my C.mine四、I can write the sentences according to the example. Example: (make the bed) He makes the bed at 7 oclock 1. (wa

9、tch TV) _ 2. (do her homework) _五、I can translate the phrases.1. wash her face _ 2.起床 _ 3. have breakfast _ 4.每天 _ 5. be late for work _ 6.整理床铺 _ 7. on weekdays _ 8.在七点钟 _六、I can read and do! Katie always gets up at 6 o,clock every day. She washes her face at 6:15am. Then she makes her bed at 6:25am

10、. The family usually has breakfast at 6:40am. Katies father always leaves for work at 7 oclock.He is never late for work. He usually waves them goodbye.a) 阅读短文,判断下列各题,对的写(T)误(F)。( )1.Katie always gets up at 7 oclock.( )2.Katie does her homework at 6:15am.( )3.Katies father is always late for work.(

11、)4.The family usually has breakfast at 6:40am.b) 回答下列问题。4.What time does Katies father leave for work? 5.Does Katie wash her face at 6:30am? 六年级英语上册Unit3复习题一、 Look! I have a good memory. 1.p _cn_ c( ) 2. l br_ry( ) 3.sc_ _nce( ) 4. h_t ( )5.h_ngry( ) 6.th_ _sty( )二、I can change.(我能按要求写单词)1、have(过去式)

12、 2、cant(完全形式) 3、lets (完全形式) 4、good(同义词) 5、early(反义词) 6、child(复数) 三、I can choose.(请你选出与众不同的一项)( )1、A. go B . park C. want ( )2、A. went B . stayed C. want ( )3、A. supermarket B. restaurant C. anywhere( )4、A. stories B . library C. children ( )5、A. stay B . thirsty C. sick 四、配对连线。 I II 1.Im hungry. A.L

13、ets go to a caf. 2. Im hot. B. Lets go to the cinema. 3. Im thirsty. C. Lets go to a restaurant. 4. Im sick. D. Lets go to the swimming pool. 5. Im bored. E. Lets go to the hospit 五、I can write the sentences according to the example. Example: (hot / swimming pool) Im hot. Lets go to a swimming pool

14、1. (sick / hospital) _ _ 2. (hungry / restaurant) _ _六、I can translate the phrases.1. 公众假期 _ 2.上星期 _ 3. 谈论 _ 4.Underwater World _ 5. 去海滩 _ 6.science stories _ 7. last month _ 8.购物中心_七、I can read and do!There was a public holiday last week. The weather was good that day, The children were talking abo

15、ut where they wanted to go.Peter said: “Lets go to the Underwater World.” Lingling said: “We went there last month. Lets go to the park for a picnic!” Mingming said: “Lets go to the library. I want to read science stories.” Anne said: “No,Lets go to the beach.” Lingling said, “ Lets go to the shoppi

16、ng centre.” Its four thirty. They cant go anywhere at last.c) 阅读短文,判断下列各题,对的写(T)误(F)。( )1. Peter wanted to go to the library.( )2.Anne wanted to go to the shopping center.( )3.They stayed at home all day.d) 回答下列问题。4.What was the weather like last week? 5.Was there a public holiday last week? 六年级英语上册

17、Unit4复习题一、 Look! I have a good memory.1.m_g_c ( ) 2. m_d_cine( ) 3.m_ss( )4. l_n_ly ( ) 5.m_ _ncake ( ) 6._ gg y_ lk( ) 7. gr_p_( ) 8.t_ _( ) 二、I can change.(写出下列动词的过去式)A) want miss wash leave B) carry study cry_ reply _ C)drop nod stop_ D) take _ do_ am / is _ are_ get_fly_ feel_ buy_ eat_ give_go_

18、 hold _ make_ put _ run_ say _ sing _ sit _ 三、I can choose. ( )1. -Was she happy? -_ A. Yes, she is B. No, she wasnt C. No, he is( ) 2.She feels _. Alonely B. lone C. lovely ( ) 3. Mid-Autumn Festival falls _ the fifteenth of the eighth lunar month. A. in B. on C. of ( ) 4. There _ a full moon. A .a

19、re B. have C. is ( ) 5. They tried _ each other. A. saw B. see C. to see( )6. He goes to the park _ his son. A. with B. and C. so四、I can choose the correct translation.1.My grandmother,parents and neighbours are celebrating the festival together.A.我的外婆,父母在一起庆祝节目。 B.我的外婆、父母和邻居在一起庆祝节日。2.People get tog

20、ether and eat mooncakes on this day.A.人们在这一天一起吃蛋糕。B.人们在这一天一起吃月饼。3After some time, she missed her husband and felt lonely.A.过了一段时间,他想念她的丈夫并且感到很孤独。B.过了一段时间,她和她的丈夫在一起很孤独。4.We are looking at the beautiful round moon.A.我们看到了美丽的圆月。B.我们在看美丽的圆月。五、I can translate the phrases. 1. each other_ 2. 飞向月球_ 3. her h

21、usband _ 4. 中国茶 _ 5. magic medicine _ 6. 在月球上 _六、I can read and do! It is the MidAutumn Festival today. Mingmings grandfather, parents and neighbours are celebrating the festival together. They are eating delicious mooncakes in the garden. And they are looking at the beautiful round moon. They are a

22、lso drinking Chinese tea. They are very happy.a)阅读短文,判断下列各题,对的写(T)误(F)。( )1.Today is the Dragon Boat Festival.( )2.They are eating delicious mooncakes at home.( )3.They are looking at the moon.( )4.They are drinking black tea.b)回答下列问题。4.Who is celebrating the festival ? 5.Are they very happy? 六年级英语上

23、册Unit5复习题一、 Look! I have a good memory.A)1.r_ _m( ) 2. ph_ n_( ) 3.cl_ _rly( )4. n_is_ly( ) 5.qu_ _tly ( ) 6.l_ _dlyB) 7.It is raining . Lingling and Dongdong are in the 8.Mrs Chen is to her friend on the . 9.She cant hear her friend . 10.The children are 11.Mrs Chen the children, “You are talking .

24、Please play ”二、I can change.(把下列形容词变成副词)A) clear loud quiet slow soft_ polite_ careful_ quick_ B)heavy noisy happy_ 三、I can choose. ( )1. Its raining_. A. heavily B. strongly C. quickly( ) 2.Mrs Chen_the children, “Please play quietly.” Atelling B.tells C.tell ( ) 3. You are talking_. A. quiet B. no

25、isy C. loudly ( ) 4. Mrs Chen is talking to her friend_the phone. A .on B. at C. in ( ) 5. He is opening the door_. A. loud B. quiet C. politely( )6. Anne is eating _apple quickly. A. a B. an C. /四、选出不同的一项。( )7.A.loudly B. quickly C.family( )8.A.children B. women C. story ( )9.A.is B. are C.was ( )1

26、0.A. what B. where C.somewhere( )11.A.living room B. bathroom C.classroom五、I can write the sentences according to the example Example:Eat (slowly/quickly) Eat slowly. Dont eat quickly. 1. Run(quickly/ slowly) _ 2. Read(loudly/softly) 3.Act(happily/sadly) 五、I can translate the phrases. 1. in the livi

27、ng room_ 2. 在卧室里_ 3. walk quickly _ 4. 吃慢点 _ 5. speak louly _ 6. 高兴地跳舞 _7worry about_ 8.安静地看书 六、I can read and do! It is Sunday today. The weather is fine. Mingming and Dongdong are in the park. It is a big park. They can see many people there. They come here to have a rest after a weeks hard work a

28、nd study. Some boys are playing football excitedly on the grass. Some girls are singing and dancing happily. An old man is reading newspapers quietly under a big tree. A young woman and little son are playing with a toy bus noisily. How happy they are!a)阅读短文,判断下列各题,对的写(T)误(F)。( )1.Today is a fine Sa

29、turday.( )2.Mingming and Dongdong cone to the park to work and study.( )3Some girls are singing dancing happily.( )4.The old man is reading newspapers on the bench.b)回答下列问题。4.What day is it today? 5.Are the boys singing and dancing? 六年级英语上册Unit7复习题一、 Look! I have a good memory.A)1.b_ ll( ) 2. f_ _ld

30、( ) 3.h_ _n( )4. _d_a( ) 5. _gl _ ( ) 6. r_ b( )7.f_ _l_sh( ) 8.k_ ll( )B) A lion saw a bull in a _.He was _. He was going to eat that _.The lion saw the bulls_.These horns are _big.The lion _ an idea.It said, “Your horns are too _. They look _ ugly.” The bull said, “They are too big. _ can I do, Li

31、on?”The bull _ his horns against the _.The lion _ on the _ bull and _ it.二、I can change.(写出下列单词的反义词)1.light 2.weak 3. tall 4.old 5. sadly 6.up 7. loudly 8. slowly 9 quietly 三、I can choose. ( )1. I had_idea. A. a B. an C./( ) 2.I cant_ this coat. It is _ big. Awear ,to B.wears , too C.wear , too ( )

32、3. This jumper is just right_ me. I like it. A.for B. to C.on ( ) 4. Thats tall _your age. A .to B. about C. for ( ) 5. -_are you? - Im 160 centimetres tall. A. How old B. How tall C. How many( )6. -_are you? - Im 40 kilogrammes. A. How much B. How long C. How heavy四、选出不同的选项。( )7.A.growing B. going C.know( )8.A.how B. watch C. which ( )9.A.your B. they C.he( )10.A. strong B. politely C.weak( )11.A.ruler B. eraser C.orange五、I can write the sentences according to the example Example: (145 cm) How tall are you? Im 1


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