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1、宾 语 从 句 The Object Clause,歙县王村中学 Mr.Ling,I know him.2.I know who he is.,主语,谓语,宾语,(简单句),主语,谓语,宾 语 从 句,引导词,从句主语,从句谓语,主 句,(复合句),宾语从句的概念:宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语。,句子结构:主句+引导词(连词)+宾语从句,一、引导词(连词)1.当宾语从句是陈述句时(包括肯定句和否 定句),连词由that引导,因为that在从句中不 作任何成分,也没有任何具体意思,因此在口 语或非正式文体中常省略。,1.He said,“You are younger than I”.2.He

2、 says,“Tom is a good student”.,He said(that)I was younger than him.,He says(that)Tom is a good student.,在主句为动词be加某些形容词(如sorry,sure,afraid,glad等)作表语 时,后面所跟的省略that的从句也可算 是宾语从句。,Im sorry(that)I dont know.Were sure(that)our team will win.Im afraid(that)he wont pass the exam.,注意:当句末为or not时,引导词只能用whether

3、 而不能用if.如:I dont know whether it is going to rain or not.,2.当宾语从句是一般疑问句时,由连词whether或if引导(口语中常用if),if/whether翻译为:“是否”,具有一定的意义,不能省略。,1.She said,“Do you often come here early?”2.“Will they go to visit the Great Wall?”he asked.,She asked if/whether I often came here early.,He asked if/whether they would

4、 go visit the Great Wall.,3.当宾语从句是特殊疑问句时,由原特殊疑问词引导,因为特殊疑问词在从句中担任一定的句子成分,具有一定的意义,所以不可以省略。,1.He asked,“Where do you live?”2.“How can we get to the post-office?”he asked.,He asked where I lived.,He asked how they could get to the post-office.,陈 述 句,that,一般疑问句,if(whether),特殊疑问句,特殊疑问词,祈使句,肯定句,to+动词原形,否定句

5、,not to+动词原形,He said to me,“Open the door,please!”He asked/told me to open the door.,二、时态 1.如果主句是现在的时态(包括:一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时),从句的时态一般保 持不变。,he will ask Jim a question.I am a good friend.He says he isnt feeling well now.he came back last night.he has been here twice before.,2.如果主句是过去的时态(包括一般过去时,过去进行时)

6、,那么从句的时态一定要一致。,I knew who lived here.I saw she was talking with her mother.He asked whether his father would come back tomorrow.He said that he had seen it.,主句时态,从 句 时 态,连 接 前,连 接 后,一般现在时,时态保持不变,一般过去时,一般现在时,一般过去时,一般过去时,一般过去时,一般将来时,过去将来时,现在进行时,过去进行时,现在完成时,过去完成时,注意:当从句是客观真理、定义、公理、定理时,用一般现在时。,The teach

7、er said that the sun goes/travels around the earth.2.The teacher said the sun rises from the east and sets in the west.3.The teacher said the light travels/runs faster than the sound.4.The teacher said Japan is in the east of Asia.,三、语序宾语从句的语序用陈述语序:主句+引导词+主语+谓语+其他,1.陈述句基本不变,He said,“You are younger

8、than I”.,He said(that)I was younger than him.,He says(that)Tom is a good student.,He says,“Tom is a good student.”,2.问句还原为陈述语序 1)be动词、情态动词及助动词(包括have/has)放到从句主 语之后;2)助动词do/does/did 应删去,谓语动词根据实际情况而变。1.Who is Jim waiting for?I know 2.Can Lily carry the basket?I know 3.Where did Anna go yesterday?I kno

9、w,Jim is waiting for.,Lily can carry the basket.,Anna went the day before.,who,whether/if,where,1.When will he go to the library?His brother asks when he will go to the library.His brother asks when will he go to the library.,2.What does he want to buy?I dont know what he wants to buy.I dont know wh

10、at does he want to buy.,3.Who are we going to meet?Can you tell me who we are going to meet?Can you tell me who are we going to meet?,4.Does he know French?We want to know if/whether he knows French.We want to know if/whether does he know French.,5.Will they go to Canada in summer?They re not sure i

11、f/whether they will go to Canada in summer.They re not sure if/whether will they go to Canada in summer.,1.Did the students have a picnic last Sunday?Do you know?,Do you know if/whether the students had a picnic last Sunday?,Jim told Lin Tao(that)Mr.Smith had been in China for about three years.,2.M

12、r.Smith have been in China for about three years.Jim told Lin Tao.,3.Which book should I read first?Please tell me.,Please tell me which book I should read first.,Our teacher told us(that)light travels faster than sound in yesterdays class.,4.Light travels faster than sound.Our teacher told us in ye

13、sterdays class.,1could/would是委婉语气,而不是过去式,因此宾语从句的时态根据实际情况用不同时态。,注意事项,Could you please tell me where we show our tickets?Could you tell us which gate we have to go to?Would you like to know when he will come back?,2.如果从句中含有or或or not时,只能用whether而不用if.,Could you tell me whether thats a fast train or not

14、?Do you know whether he is right or not?I dont care whether hell stay here or not.,1).Do you know if _back next week?If he _ back,please let me know.A.he comes,will come B.will he come,comes C.he will come,comes D.he will come,will come,3.连词 if 和 when 在不同从句中的区别:,C,2).I dont know when he _(come).I ca

15、nt wait here any more.When he _(come),would you please ask him to call me?,will come,comes,if 如果,假如,when 当时,if 是否 when 何时 不影响句子时态,4.连词+宾语从句 连词+to do,I dont know what I shall do next.I dont know what to do next.She didnt decide which one she would choose.She didnt decide which one to choose.Please te

16、ll me whom youll give the letter to.Please tell me whom to give the letter to.,1.The young man asked _ its summer or winter.A.either B.that C.weather D.whether2.We dont know _ they did it.A.how B.who C.what D.which 3.The teacher asks us _ Jim can come back on time.A.that B.if C.when D.what time 4.Do

17、es anybody know _ we will have a sports meeting this weekend or not.A.if B.where C.whether D.that,D,A,B,C,5.I wonder _ he is crying now.A.that B.why C.how D.when 6.Have you found out _ we can do on Hainan Island?A.what B.how C.if D.whether 7.Lily said _ she had finished her composition.A.if B.that C

18、.when D.where 8.I dont know _ he still lives here.A.where B.what C.when D.whether,B,A,B,D,1.Could you show me _?A.how can I get to the station B.where is the station C.how I could get to the station D.how I can reach the station2.Please tell me _.A.what does he like B.what he does like C.what he lik

19、es D.what he like3.My sister told him _.A.what day was it B.when the train arrived C.who she was waiting D.where did you live,C,B,D,4.Could you tell me where we _ next week.A.would go B.to go C.had to go D.will go5.Could you tell me how much _to fly to Hainan?A.do it cost B.does it cost C.it cost D.

20、it costs6.The small children dont know _.A.what is their stockings in B.what is in their stockings C.where is their stockings in D.what in their stockings,D,B,D,7.Someone is ringing the doorbell.Go and see _.A.who is he B.who he is C.who is it D.who it is 8.Could you tell me how long _?A.you have bo

21、ught the watch B.you have kept this science book C.have you been away from China D.have you been a member of Greener China9.He says that if it _ tomorrow,he _ fishing.A.will rain,wont go B.rained,wasnt go C.rains,wont go D.rain,will go,B,C,D,1.Could you tell me if they _(work)in the factory so far.2

22、.Did your parents tell you that the sun _(rise)in east?3.-What _ he _(say)just now?I _(not can hear)him.-He _(say)that he _(plant)trees with his parents yesterday.4.Can you tell me when _(leave)tomorrow?,have worked,rises,did,say,couldnt hear,said,planted,to leave,5.Did he say that their parents _(c

23、ome)here tomorrow.6.He told me two weeks _(be)enough.7.The teacher told us that the sun _(be)bigger than the moon.8.I think I _(tell)you what _(do)next.Dont just stay here!,to do,will tell/have told,is,was,would come,9.A:What are you standing here for?B:Im waiting here to ask Mr.Johnson if he _(give

24、)us a talk on American history.If he _(have)no time,Ill ask Mr.Smith instead.10.A:Do you know when Mr.Green _(come)to see us next month?B:Dont worry.I _(tell)you when he really _(come)here.,will give,has,will come,will tell,comes,The radio says it _ cloudy tomorrow.(be)The headmaster hopes everythin

25、g _ well.(go)Tom says that they _(play)basketball at six oclock yesterday evening.I hear they _(return)it already.He said that they _ members of the Party since 1948.(be)He asked what they _ at eight last night.(do)The teacher told his class that light _ faster than sound.(travel)I think you _ about

26、 the relay race now.(talk)I didnt know whom the letters _ from.(be),will be,goes,were playing,has returned,had been,travels,are talking,were,were doing,10.I didnt know what time he _ the letter.(write)11.Miss Wang told me that the earth _(move)round the earth.12.Could you tell me who _ away the book

27、 already?(take)13.Ling Feng told me he _ to several times.(be)14.Our teacher told us in class the sun _ in the east.(rise)15.Can you tell me what they _ yesterday?(do),wrote,moves,has taken,has been,rises,did,将下列句子合并为一句:1.Where do they stop on the way?I asked.2.What will you speak at the meeting?Cou

28、ld you tell me?3.Do they like to make friends with us?He asked.4.“I am doing my homework.”He said.5.“I will come back.”Tom said.6.“Is he doing his homework?”Jim asked.,I asked where they stopped on the way.,Could you tell me what you will speak at the meeting?,He asked if they liked to make friends

29、with them.,He said that he was doing his homework.,Tom said that he would come back.,Jim asked if he was doing his homework.,7.“When will he come back?”Tom asked.,Tom asked when he would come back.,Could you tell me how I can get to the station?,Would you tell me why the train is late?,They asked wh

30、ere Tom was.,10.“Where is Tom?”They asked.,9.“Why is the train late?”Would you tell me?,8.“How can I get to the station?”Could you tell me?,1.把下列句子改为宾语从句.1.she says,Shell see a film.She says_she_ _ a film.2.Did Peter come here yesterday?Li Lei wants to know.Li Lei wants to know_Peter_here yesterday.

31、3.Where does she live?Mr.Hu asked.Mr.Hu asked_ _ _4.She said,Open the windows.She said_ _ the windows.,that,see,if,came,where,she,lived,to,open,will,5.The teacher told us,Dont play on the street.The teacher told us_ _ _ on the street.6.Our geography teacher told us,The earth goes around the sun.Our geography teacher told us_ the earth _ around the sun.,not_,to,play,that,goes,Thank you for listening&visiting!,


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