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1、Ill help clean up the city parks.,UNIT 8,Period 1,Do you often help others?,Tell us something about the last time you helped others.,I helped to clean the classroom.I helped my parents with the housework.I helped my parents to cook meals.,Clean up(把)打扫干净:收拾整齐We must clean up the classroom.动词+副词 接代词宾

2、语(it、them等)放两词之间We must clean them up on time.Clean-up(名词)打扫:清洁A School clean-up Day.A City Park Clean-Up Day.,cheer up sick kids,Cheer up:使振奋;使高兴起来,Id like to cheer up sick kids.我想让生病的孩子们高兴起来。动词+副词让我们使他振奋起来。Lets cheer him up.我们为什么不使她高兴起来呢?Why dont we cheer her up?,homeless people,We could set up a

3、food bankWe could give out food at the food bank.,set up=establish:建立,创立,开办give out:分发:发放动词+副词,They set up a school for the children last year.Our English teacher gave out the papers when the bell rang.,What else could we do to help others?,help children with their schoolwork.visit the old in an old

4、 peoples home.help watch the traffic.give our old books to Hope school,I like toI hopt toI couldI volunteer to,clean up,hunger,homeless,give out,Put up signs,advertisement,notice board布告牌,We could visit sick people in the hospital,give out foodat the food bank,What other ways you could help people?J

5、ust think and fill in the chart.,、,We could visit sick people in the hospital,I helped to clean the classroom.I helped my parents with the chores.,give out food at the food bank,other ways you could help people,take part in planting treesproviele money for the poor students,1b,Listen and complete th

6、e sentences.,Id like to outside.You could help clean the city parks.Id like to homeless people.You could give food at the food bank.Id like to cheer sick kids.You could them in the hospital.Id like to help kids their schoolwork.You could in an after-school study program.,work,up,help,out,up,visit,wi

7、th,volunteer,分发,派发,高兴,振作;使某人高兴,动词,志愿效劳,主动贡献,1c,PAIRWORK,A:Id like to work outside.B:You could help clean up the city parks.,advertise on TV,put up signs,call up others,advertise in the newspaper,hand out advertisements,2b,We need to a plan.We cant making a plan.Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from no

8、w.Ill all our ideas.We could signs.Ill advertisements after school.6.We could each ten people and ask them to come.,come up with,put off,write down,put up,hand out,call up,Clean-Up Day is two weeks from now.We need to come up with a plan.What would you like to do?Talk with your partner and come up w

9、ith a plan.,A:We need to come up with a plan.B:Lets have lunch first.A:No we cant put off making a plan.Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now.B:.,Grammar focus,Phrasal verb,1.Clean up e up with3.put off 4.write down 5.put up 6.hand out7.call up8.Cheer up,打扫,提出,推迟,写下,张贴,升起,建造,分发,打电话召集,使高兴,set up ch

10、eer up clean up put off come up with write down,I forgot to _ its address _,now I cant find it.He couldnt _ an idea.After meals,Han Mei often helps _ the table at home.We have to _ the meeting because of rain.Young man,_!Dont cry for the over spilt milk.He _ a new world record in September,1935.,Exe

11、rcises,Write down,come up with,clean up,put off,cheer up,set up,2.How long does the volunteer work take?,3.What does Lin Pei want to be when he leaves school?,Several hours a week.,He wants to be a veterinarian.,Answer the questions.,How many people are mentioned in the passage?,Three.,4.Whats Zhu M

12、ings volunteer work?,5.What do the three students plan to set up?,He sings for groups of people at the city hospital to cheer them up.,They plan to set up a student volunteer project at their school.,Being a volunteer is great!Number 77 High School is home to three very special young people:Li Huipi

13、ng,Lan Pei,and Zhu Ming.These three students all volunteer their time to help other people.This volunteer work takes each of them several hours a week,so it is a major commitment.Huiping loves to read,and she puts this love to good use by working in the after-school care center at her local elementa

14、ry school.Here,she helps young children(to)read.Pei loves animals and plans to study to be a veterinarian when he leaves school.He spends every Saturday morning working in an animal hospital.Ming wants to be a professional singer.He sings for groups of people at the city hospital to cheer them up.“V

15、olunteering is great!”says Huiping.“Not only do I feel good about helping other people,but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.”Pei says he has learned more about animals.Ming says he has met some wonderful people at the hospital.The three students plan to set up a student volunteer project“

16、Become a volunteer today!”,Work in the after-school care center,help young children to read;,work in an animal hospital;,sing for groups of people at the city hospital to cheer them up.,He has learned more about animals,He has met some wonderful people at the hospital.,Not only does she feel good ab

17、out helping other people,but she gets to spend time doing what he love to do;,Read this article,and then fill this chart.,1.Being a volunteer is great!当一个志愿者真是太好了!Being a volunteer 是动名词短语;这个动名词短语在句中作主语。它在句中相当于一个名词,常作主语、宾语和表语等句子成分。,Explanation,Learning new words is very useful to me.My favorite sport

18、 is swimming.Have you finished reading the book?,作主语,作表语,作宾语,1 be home to sb.是某人的家园 eg.School is home to us.学校是我们的家园。2.volunteer to do sth.自愿做某事 eg.He volunteered to clean the classroom yesterday.昨天他自愿打扫了教室。3.put to good use 把投入使用 eg.I put my time to good use by studying.通过学习我把我的时间充分利用了起来,I spend so

19、me time listening to English news every morning.,1.spend on+名词,e.g.,My father spends much money on/for books.,2.spend(in)doing sth.,e.g.,spend:主语是人,宾语可以是钱、精力、时间等。,2.Not only do I feel good about helping other people,but(also)I get to spend time doing what I love to do.(1)not only置于句首时,该句子要用部分倒装语序。练习

20、:Not only _ I a student,but(also)Lily is a student.A.do B.are C.am(2)not only.but(also).当连接两个主语时,谓语动词应遵循“就近原则”。练习:Not only my brother but also my parents _(be)interested in guitar.,am,are,(2)get to 表示一个动作发生的过程。I get to like basketball now.我现在有一点喜欢篮球了。练习:他们开始学习弹钢琴了。(翻译)They get to learn to play the p

21、iano.另外,get to 还有“到达”的意思 eg.我明天到达北京。I will get to Beijing tomorrow.,volunteer their time to plan to spend doing cheer up not only but(also)set up put offa major commitment be home toputto good use an elementary schoolvolunteer work care center,3b What kinds of volunteer work could these students do?

22、Fill in the table.,help coach a soccer team,turn the city peoples life into stories,sing for the old people,show free movies to villagers,3c PAIRWORKRole play.Take turns being one of the people in activity 3b.Ask for and give advice.A:Id like to join the school volunteer project,but Im not sure what I should do.B:What do you like doing?A:I love playing soccer.B:Well,you could help coach a soccer team for little kids.,


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