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1、Beijing Opera,Do you know about any folk or traditional arts in China?,Free Talk,Chinese paintings,lion dance,food art,handwork,handwriting,Unit 5What are the shirts made of?,Section BPeriod 2(2a3b)It is about Chinese art.,Look and learn,paper cutting,Made of:paperMade in:Hebei,ZhejiangUsed for:deco

2、rate(装饰)rooms,Paper cutting is made of paper,Its made in Hebei and Zhejiang.Its used for decorating rooms.,Lead-in,Look and learn,Kongming lanterns,Made of:paper,bambooInvented发明 by:KongmingMade in:ShijiazhuangUsed for:make a wish许愿,Lead-in,Look and learn,clay characters,Made of:clayMade in:JiangxiU

3、sed for:watch,Lead-in,Which art form do you like best?Why?Which do you think is the easiest?Which is the most difficult?Why?,What do you think of them?,paper cutting,Kongming lanterns,clay characters,Read the passage and answer.,What is the main idea of the passage?,It introduces some special forms

4、of Chinese traditional art.,paper cutting,Kongming lanterns,clay characters,2b Scan(浏览)the passage and complete the chart.,Traditional art form,Materials used,1.,2.,3.,paper cutting,Kongming lanterns,clay characters,paper(red),paper,bamboo,clay,paint,Read the passage and write A or B.()1.Sky lantern

5、s were used as at festivals and other celebrations in Chinese history.()2.Sky lanterns are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes.()3.Paper cutting is easy to do.()4.Red paper cuttings are put on windows during the Spring Festival.()5.Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces a

6、re so small but look very real.,B,B,A,A,A,2c Read the passage,answer the questions.,1.What do traditional Chinese art forms try to show?2.What were sky lanterns used for before and what are they used for now?,3.What kinds of pictures are usually found on paper cuttings?,Before:They were used for ask

7、ing for help when in trouble.Now:they are used for making a wish.,It shows paper cutting,clay art,Kongming lanterns.,Flowers,animals and things about Chinese history.,5.What are the steps for making clay art pieces?6.Which art form do you think is the most interesting?Why?,They are put on windows,do

8、ors and walls.,First,the pieces are carefully shaped by hand,then they are allowed to air-dry,then they are fired at a high heat,finally they are polished and painted.,4.How do people use paper cuttings during the Spring Festivals?,I think paper cutting is the most interesting,because,Read Paragraph

9、 2 and answer the questions.,Why did Zhuge Kongming send sky lanterns?What is a sky lantern made of?What are they like when they slowly rise into the air?What are the lanterns seen as?,He did so to ask for help when in trouble.,It is made of bamboo and covered with paper.,They are seen as bright sym

10、bols of happiness and good wishes.,They like small hot-air balloons.,Read Paragraph 3 and fill in the blanks.,Paper cutting has been around for _1,500 years.It is _ to do paper cutting.We _the paper first,then use _ to cut paper.We often _them _the windows,doors,and walls as symbols of _ for_ and _,

11、over,scissors,difficult,fold,wishes,on,put,a happy new year,good luck,Read Paragraph 4 and answer the questions.,What are the clay art pieces made of?Where are the cute children or lively characters from?How long does it take to complete a piece of clay art?And what does it show?,They are made of a

12、very special kind of clay and paint.,They are from a Chinese fairy tale or historical story.,About several weeks.It shows the love that all Chinese people have for life and beauty.,2d Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the phrases in the box.,The keys,send out,rise into,turns,into,put

13、,on,such as,covered with,Look and say:,Traditional art forms,Materials used,paper cutting,Kongming lanterns,clay characters,paper,paper,bamboo,clay,paint,What used for,Before:ask for helpNow:celebratefestivals,For:celebrate festivals,Put:doors,walls,windowsPictures:flowers,animals,For:clay,paintChar

14、acters:Chinese fairy tales,historical storyProcess:shape,allow to air-dry,fire,polish,paint,In the passage“Beauty in Common Things”,the writer says beauty_(hide)in many common things.He thinks the most common things such as bamboo and clay_(turn)into objects of beauty.Sky lanterns _(use)by Zhuge Kon

15、gming in ancient China but now they _(use)at festivals and other celebrations.Paper cutting _(sound)very easy but it can be difficult.People usually use red paper.The red paper _(fold)before it _(cut)with scissors.After it is cut into different pictures,these pictures _(put)on doors and so on as sym

16、bols of wishes for good luck.Another common thing is the clay pieces.These clay pieces _ usually _(shape)by hand.It usually takes a few weeks _(complete)all the steps of making a clay piece.These small clay pieces_(show)the love that all Chinese people have for life and beauty.,is hidden,are turned,

17、were used,shaped,are,are put,is cut,is folded,are used,sounds,to complete,show,1.Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art.its adj.它的The horse raised its head.马抬起头。The rabbit seems to be very careful all its life.兔子似乎一生都小心翼翼。,Language points,知识链接,切勿混淆 its 和 its。its 表示

18、“它的”,而 its 是 it is 或 it has 的缩写形式。Its hot here.这儿很热。Its stopped raining.雨已经停了。,Its a bird._ name is Happy.A.Its B.It C.Its D.His,C,form n.形式;类型 in the form of 以的形式 Playing basketball is one form of physical exercise.打篮球是体育活动的一种形式。Ice,snow and steam are different forms of water.冰、雪、蒸汽是水的不同形式。We will

19、send you the money each week in the form of a cheque.我们每周将以支票的形式将钱寄给你。,知识拓展,form n.表格;良好的健康状态;表现状态He is filling in a form.他正在填写一张表格。David was certainly out of form.大卫那时竞技状态确实不好。v.形成;建立A plan began to form in his head.一项计划在他脑子中形成。His courage formed an example to us all.他的勇敢给我们大家树立了榜样。,2.The most comm

20、on things,are turned into objects of beauty.turn into(使)变成The whole thing turned into a quarrel.整件事酿成了争吵。The icy rain seemed like to turn into snow.渐渐地冻雨又有变成雪花的模样。Her bitter experience has turned her into a stronger person.痛苦的经历使她变得更坚强了。,turn into=change intoturn 的常见短语:turn up 调高turn down 调低turn on

21、打开turn off 关掉turn to 转向;翻到(某页);求教于turn around 环顾四周,The boy is sleeping.Please _ the radio.A.turn up B.turn down C.turn onIts getting dark.Please _ the light.A.turn on B.turn off C.turn down D.turn around,B,A,Please _ Page 54 and read Lesson Twelve.turn to B.turn into C.turn in D.turn on,A,A new brea

22、d-making machine made in Japan can _ rice _ delicious bread.,turn,into,日本生产的新款面包机可以将大米变成可口的面包。,4.When the lanterns are lit,they slowly rise into the air lit是动词light的过去式和过去分词形式,在这里是“点燃”的意思He lit a cigarette.他点燃了一支烟。Wet wood doesnt light easily.湿木不易点燃。,知识链接,一、light用作形容词,表示“轻的、少量的、浅色的”等意思。例如:This is a

23、heavy box,and that is a light one.这是一个重箱子,那是一个轻箱子。I advise you to go on a light diet for a while.我建议你一段时间内多吃些清淡的东西。,二、light用作名词,表示“光;光线;灯;打火机;领悟”等意思。例如:I cant read while you are standing in my light.你挡住了我的光线,我没法看书。He turned off the light before going out.他出门前把灯关掉。If you think about it,you will final

24、ly see the light.如果你想一想,你就会最终领悟的。,rise into 上升到Usually,such harmful fumes rise into the upper air and are blown away by the wind.这种有害烟尘通常会上升到空气的上层,被风吹散。The colourful balloons rose high into the air.五颜六色的气球腾空而起。,知识链接,rise above 升到之上;超越The sun rises above the horizon.太阳升起在地平线上。rise against 起来反抗When di

25、d they rise against their leaders?他们什么时候起来反抗他们的首领的?rise from 从起身/上升;起源/起因于Trouble often rises from misunderstanding.麻烦往往是由误解引起的。,知识链接,rise to 上升到The flood rose to a level of 50 feet.洪水涨到五十英尺高。rise up 起身,起床;上升;耸立;起义The children all rose up when the headmaster came in.校长进来时,孩子们全都站了起来。,5.Paper cutting

26、has been around for over 1,500 years.around在这里是形容词,“存在的”的意思Cable television has been around for some time now.有线电视面世已有些时日了。,知识链接,around prep.到处;在.附近;围绕;大约 adv.到处;在周围;转弯He runs around the playground.他在运动场上到处跑。Therere around 1000 students in this school.这个学校大约有1000名学生。We have travelled around in Europ

27、e for six weeks.我们在欧洲各地旅行了六个星期。,6.The paper,usually red,is folded before it is cut with scissors.scissors n.剪刀He took a pair of scissors and cut her hair.他拿起一把剪刀给她剪发。These scissors are very sharp.这几把剪刀很锋利。scissors常以复数形式出现,用作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。,注 意,scissors,trousers,shoes,jeans,shorts(短裤)等这些名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形

28、式;但是前面有a pair of 修饰时,谓语的单复数由pair的单复数决定。His glasses were broken,so he cant see well.他的眼镜碎了,因而看不清楚。Two pairs of trousers are missing.两条裤子不见了。,1)-Mum,look!My trousers _ too short.Can you buy me a new _?-OK.A.is;one B.are;ones C.are;pair D.is;pair 2)A pair of scissors _(be)useful tool for a dressmaker.,

29、C,is,7.lively characters from a Chinese fairy tale lively adj.生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的He may be eighty,but he is still lively.他可能已有八十岁,但是仍然充满朝气。She made a lively dog out of the clay.她用泥做了一只栩栩如生的狗。,1)Mr Brown always makes his class _ and keeps his students _ in class.(2010江苏省镇江市)A.alive;interesting B.lively;int

30、eresting C.alive;interested D.lively;interested,D,2)(2012浙江湖州)Jack is a(n)_ young man.Thats true.He always feels nervous when he speaks before peopleA.friendly B.shy C.honest D.lively,B,知识链接,live,lively,living,alive的用法区别live做形容词时,读作laiv,表示“现场的;活着的”,只用于物,可以做前置定语;lively 表示“生动的,活泼的”,可以做定语、表语或宾补;living

31、表示“活着的”,可以作表语或前置定语,可修饰人,也可修饰物;alive 表示“活着的”,多用于人,与dead相对;可以做表语、后置定语或补足语。,8.they are fired at a very high heat.heat n.热;高温;激烈The heat from the fire will soon dry your coat.炉火的高温很快就会烘干你的上衣。I cant walk about in this heat.我不能在这种酷热下走路。They argued with great heat.他们非常激烈地争论。,知识链接,heat v.(使)变热;(使)激动The soup

32、 is heating slowly.汤在慢慢加热。Would you go into the kitchen and heat some cold milk?你去厨房把冷牛奶热一热好吗?The hall will soon heat up once the crowd arrive.随着人群的到来大厅很快就会沸腾起来。,9.It takes several weeks to complete plete v.完成Can you complete your task on time?你们能按时完成工作吗?They said that they could complete the work in two months.他们说他们能在两个月内完成这项工作。I must complete writing the letter within an hour.我一定要在一小时内写完信。complete adj.完整的,1)用所给动词的适当形式填空。He has completed _(repair)the car.2)(2012山东东营)After hard training for a long time,Liu Xiang _ the records again.A.broke B.achieved C.invented D.completed,repairing,A,


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