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1、义务教育教科书英语(广州版)六年级上册Module 1 Country Life,指导:广州市教研室 赵淑红制作:番禺区傍西小学 陈小燕审校:广州市教研室 赵淑红,Period 1,Unit 2 A country life is a healthy life,4/19/2023,Lets enjoy some pictures of country life.,4/19/2023,Lets practise.,The word country here means:A.国家 B.乡村 C.城镇,What do you think of a country life?,boring?,inte

2、resting?,fun?,?,4/19/2023,Unit 2 A country life is a healthy life,Li Wei,提示:教师补充This boy is Li Wei.He thinks 呈现课题并激发学习兴趣。,Why does he think it is healthy?,4/19/2023,Lets learn.,2,3,4,6,5,Li Wei does many things every day.He is very busy.Does he feel tired?,提示:听课文两遍,从开头听到help my parents with other ho

3、usework.,提示:让学生猜测busy的词义,如有难度的话 可提供几个词义选择。,4/19/2023,Lets read.,提示:1.学生打开课本阅读课文,然后把问题的答案写在练习本上;2.评讲时直接投影学生的答案,以便及时发现问题。,4/19/2023,Lets learn.,1.再次听课文录音,留意停顿及连读并用符号标示出来。,2.模仿录音熟读课文。,提示:教师可通过小组接力朗读的方式检查学生的朗读情况。,4/19/2023,Lets recite.,Hi.My name is Li Wei.I am eleven years old and I live on a small far

4、m with my mum,dad and grandparents.I love living in the country,but Im usually very busy.Every day I wake up at 5 a.m.and help my father milk the cows.We have more than 50 cows,so I always have plenty of fresh milk for breakfast.After breakfast I ride my bike to school.It takes about 40 minutes.My s

5、chool is very small.There are 48 pupils and only one classroom.We must all learn together.When I get home after school,there is still much work to do.After I finish my homework,I feed our chickens and help my parents with other housework.I am always busy but I never feel tired,because I have plenty

6、of exercise,clean air and fresh food every day.So I think a country life is a healthy life.,4/19/2023,Lets recite.,live on withwake uphelp have more thanhavefor breakfast,ride to school40 minutes,small48 pupilslearn together,get homefeed and help.helpwith,never feel tired,because,4/19/2023,Lets disc

7、uss.,What do you think of a country life?,I think a country life is a life.,How do you like a country life?,Why?,4/19/2023,Lets practise.,4/19/2023,Lets practise.,I live on a small farm with my mum,Dad and grandparents.I help my father milk the cows every day.,I live in/on _ with _.I _ help _.(alway

8、s/often/never),提示:让学生仿造例子写句子,提高对语言的注意程度。,4/19/2023,Lets practise.,I always have fresh milk for breakfast.After breakfast I ride my bike to school.It takes about 40 minutes.,I have _ for breakfast.After breakfast I _ _.It takes about _ minutes.,4/19/2023,Lets practise.,when I get home after school,I _.,When I get home after school,there is still much work to do.,4/19/2023,Lets practise.,After I finish my homework,I feed our chickens and help my parents with other housework.,After I _,I _.,4/19/2023,Homework朗读课文,要求能够熟练朗读。2.仿照课文介绍自己的日常生活(写作)。,


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