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1、五、书面表达(15分)2014 母爱情深,母爱无价;学会感恩,学会回报。某英语网站举办以“My mother”为题的英语征文活动。请你根据下列思维导图提供的信息,写一篇短文,介绍自己的母亲和你们的真情故事。提示:1.短文应包括导图中的全部信息,条理清楚,行文连贯,段落分明;2.短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名。3.词数不少于80,开头已给出:不计人总词数。 My motherWe need love. We also need to love. The person I love most is my mother._My mother2014We need love. We also need

2、 to love. The person I love most is my mother. The person I love most is my mother. My mother is 41 years old. She is of medium build with long black hair. She is quiet. She is a history teacher in a middle school. She likes dancing. She can cook delicious food.She did a lot for me when I was a chil

3、d. She bought whatever I needed for my study, even though she didnt have much money. She sent me from piano lessons to dancing lessons at the weekend. She cooked delicious and healthy food for me.When I grow up, I will do what I can to make my mother happy. I will find a good job after I graduate fr

4、om college. Ill save money and buy beautiful clothes that make her look still young. Ill take her to wonderful sights around China. Most importantly, I will stay with her when I have free time. Thats what she wants most, I think.五、书面表达(15分)2012 某中学生英文报为了了解中学生的购物习惯与喜好,向广大中学生作调查。请你根据下面图表提供的信息,写一篇短文,介绍

5、自己的购物习惯与喜好。(学科网精校) 提示:1短文应包括图表中的全部信息,条理清楚,行文连贯; 2短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名; 3词数不少于80,开头已给出,不计入总词数。I m a junior high school student from Jiangxi. _ Shopping 2012 Im a junior high school student from Jiangxi. In my spare time, I like shopping. There is a supermarket in my town. Lots of things are being sold the

6、re. So I often go there with my mother to buy school things, food and drinks. Of course, sometimes I want to buy something expensive. An MP4 player is what I want most, but I cant afford it now. Im going to work for an English club during this summer holiday and make some money for it. We teenagers

7、should not always ask our parents for money. As for shopping online, I like it, because things there are much cheaper and I dont need to walk to the shops, which helps me save time. No matter where to shop, I enjoy it because its really relaxing.五书面表达:书面表达(10分)假如你是张萌,你的朋友Linda想学好英语。请你以“How to learn

8、English well”为题给她写一封Email,告诉她如何学好英语。提示:1. 学习英语的途径:记语法笔记,制作单词清单,听广播,看电视,多练习,向老师求助等;2. 你的体会和建议。要求:80词左右。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。How to learn English well?Dear Linda,Im very glad to write the letter to you. _ _ _ Im sure youll learn English well.Good luck and best wishes! 五、书面表达(15分)阅读使人明智,阅读使人充实。某英文报为了了解中学生课外阅

9、读情况,向广大中学生做调查,请根据下面图表信息写一篇短文,介绍课外阅读的益处、你的课外阅读情况及你的阅读计划。提示:1.短文应包括图表中的全部信息,条理清楚,行文连贯;2短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名;3词数不少于80,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Reading Outside Class As we all know, Reading has a lot of benefit._Reading Outside Class As we all know, reading has a lot of benefit. It can open up our eyes because books ar

10、e full of knowledge, and it makes us wiser and richer in life. I like reading newspapers and magazines, from which I get lots of fun and learn about whats going on around the world. I also read story books and novels in my spare time which make me relaxed and happy. I seldom read e-books because the

11、yre bad for eyes. On weekends, I usually spend a whole afternoon reading in the library. And I also read for about half an hour before going to bed every night. Summer vacation is coming. I plan to do more reading. I am going to read more classics and more English books to improve my language skills

12、. Im sure reading can make a fifference to my life.书面表达(20).现在大多数学生是独生子女,有些学生只看重自己,很少关心父母。为此,你班将开展尊重父母的活动。请以“Learn to Respect Our Parents” 为题写一篇文章,向同学们发起号召。内容包括: 1、子女不尊重关心父母的现状及原因。2、提出至少三点尊重父母的行为。如记住父母的生日等等。3、倡导发扬尊重父母这一中华民族的传统美德。参考词汇: respect v. 尊重 selfish adj. 自私的 Chinas traditional values 中华传统美德 要

13、求:卷面整洁,80词左右。 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。It is known to us all that there is a long history and great culture in China. Respecting our dear parents is one of the Chinas traditional moral values. However, a number of students today are the only child in the family. On account of this, they often regard them

14、selves as the first one in the family without caring much for their dear parents. Nowadays a TV program called Learning to Respect Our Parents is set up to teach the youth how to show respect to the parents. For example, we should remember our dear parents birthday and give our best wishes to them.

15、We should often help them with housework. When we are leaving home, we should tell them where we are going and what we will do. Furthermore, we are supposed to greet our parents when they come home from work and so on. The program has made an important effect on society and it has been a great succe

16、ss. In general, parents are the first teacher of the children. They give us life. Whatever we shall do in the future, we must respect our parents.在即将告别母校的时刻,你想表达你对母校、老师和同学的感恩之情。请以Thelastmomentheldonto(难舍时刻)为题,用英语写出一篇短文,放在你的QQ空间,供大家仿读。注意:1.词数:80词左右(开头和结尾不计入总词数)2.要求字迹工整,语言流畅,表达准确,逻辑清晰。Thelastmomenthel

17、dontoHowtimeflies!Werejustleavingyouourlovelyjuniorhighschool.Ihavesomanywordsfrommyhearttosay._ Thanks,allmylovedones.Allthebesttoyou!Goodbye! 七、书面表达(满分10分)根据汉语提示和要求写一篇短文。要点:1、现在越来越多的人喜欢养宠物,宠物正受到很多人的青睐。2、养宠物有什么好处?3、养宠物应该注意什么?注意:1、词数80100左右,须包括以上要点。2、条理清楚,语句规范通顺,字迹工整。 Now, more and more people keep

18、animals as pets at home. They regard their pets as members of their families. Pets are loved more and more because they can give people a lot of pleasure and help a person feel less lonely.We must keep our pet clean and healthy. If the pet is ill, we should take her to see the vet. We must try to prevent the spread of diseases that animals carry. If we do like this, the pet will give us pleasure rather than trouble.评分要求:第五档:10分 语言表述准确,层次分明,允许有12处小错误。第四档:89分 语言基本正确,有少量错误,不影响语言表述。第三档:67分 语言表述基本清楚,有5处以上错误。第二档:35分 能表述部分要点,错误较多。第一档:12分 表述个别要点,或写出正确的句子。


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