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1、Unit3,1.知识链接2.复习指导 3.自主学习4.实践练习,知识链接,1.一般将来时:一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。句子结构:be going to+动词原形。2.标志性的时间状语:tomorrow tonight this morning this afternoon this evening以及和this有关的时间状语(this week/weekend)next week,3.this weekend(这个周末)是一般将来时的标志性时间短语,on the weekend(在周末),so(所以)4.打电话介绍自己时用:this is或it

2、is.在具体的某天前用介词on.5.will=be going to,That will be fun(那将很有趣)。6.after lunch(午饭后),plan(计划),together(一起),7.对时间提问用特殊疑问词when,对于什么提问用what,对地点提问用where,8.如果你是售货员,别人来买东西,你应该这样问:Can I help you?9.以元音开头的单词前用冠词an.例如:an English book10.在具体的点钟前用介词at,at 3 oclock11.let me see(让我想想),a magazine about plants(一本有关植物的书),wha

3、t else?(还有别的什么?),in the future(在将来)12.理想的表达:I want to be.(我想成为一名),复习指导,1.自主复习短语 A take a trip,go to the cinema,read a magazine.next week,this morning/afternoon/evening tomorrow,tonight.B dictionary,postcard,newspaper,magazine,comicbook(听懂、会说、正确读写短语并自己能独立背会默写)2.流利背诵对话。(自己能独立背并默写重点句型)3.自主复习短文(读,翻译,画出词

4、组),三 自主学习,1.你能正确读出下面的词组吗?你知道它们的汉语意思吗?A take a trip()go to the cinema()read a magazine()next week()this morning()tomorrow()this afternoon()tonight()B post card()magazine()dictionary()comic book()newspaper()remember()look at(),2 你能正确读出并记住下面的句子吗?你能正确翻译它们的汉语意思吗?,What are you going to do?Im going to buy

5、an English book in the bookstore.When are you going?This afternoon.,3.你能正确背诵下面的句子吗?你能正确翻译它们的汉语意思吗?A This is liu yun,I am going to have a busy weekend!I am going to the bookstore by subway,I am going to go home and read the new books,I am going to the supermarket with my mother,then we are going to w

6、atch TV together,that will be fun!B I need some plants,so Im going to the plant shop.what else?let me see,Are you going to use any books?Im going to buy a magazine about plants,I want to be a science teacher one day!4.你能找出短文中的词组吗?请划出并写下来。_,实践练习,_,_,_,_,_,一 看图写词,二.英汉互译,1)今天晚上 2)今天下午 3)下周 4)今天早上 5)tak

7、e a trip 6)go to the cinema 7)read a magazine 8)tonight 9)看望外祖父母 10)本周末,三.单项选择。,()1.are you going to do this afternoon?Where B.What C.How()2.What are you going to dothe weekend?A.on B.at C.in()3、are you going this afternoon?Im going to the book store.A.What、B.Where()4、are you going to buy?Im going t

8、o buy a story-book.A.What B How()5-are you going?Im going at 3 oclock.A.What、B When,6.)What _ Sarah _ do this afternoon?A is going B is going toC are going D are going to 7)I want _a science teacher one day.A to be B be C am D are,1.She is going to do her homework tonight.(变一般疑问句)2.Im going at 3:00.

9、(对划线部分提问)_3.Im going by bus.(对划线部分提问)2.句型转换1)Im going to take a trip(对划线部分提问)_,四.句型转换,五.连词成句,1.Im,to,going,with,my,the,mother,cinema,2.be,will,that,fun,3 I,going,am,buy,a,to,magazine,plants,about(.)4 science,to,one,teacher,be,I,day,want,a(.)5 use,are,to,books,you,going,any(?),六 完成句子,1、_are you going?This afternoon.2、Im going to _(买)_(一本)English book.3.你准备干什么?我准备去书店买一本英语书。4.你准备什么时候去?今天下午。,记一记,本单元重点句型:Where are you going?Im going to What are you going to do?Im going toWhen are you going?,


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