小学英语课堂教学设计 (2).ppt

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1、小学英语课堂教学设计Teacher Training,义务教育英语新课程标准的出发点和归宿点:保障每一个学生与生俱来的“学习权”,每位学生的充分的、自由的、多元的、和谐的发展。每一个学生不仅是“学习的主体”,而且是“学习的主权者”。保障“学习权”即保障基本人权。,第一,强化品德教育第二,关注人文素养第三,凸显信息技术第四,倡导综合实践活动,外语教师专业化的素质结构,Beliefs外语教学信念General cultural knowledge 一般文化知识Subject knowledge 学科知识Pedagogical knowledge 外语教学法知识Knowledge of didact

2、ics 外语教学理论知识Personal practical knowledge 个人实践知识,Jeremy Harmer 杰里米哈默 英国英语教育专家,二十世纪八十年代的The practice of English language teaching和How to teach English 风靡国际英语教学界,怎样设计课堂教学讨论课堂教学设计的作用。能帮助教师在施教过程中明确目标、突出重点、有所遵循,也会使学生感到教学很正规,老师很敬业。课堂教学设计应是协调一致(coherence)的教学内容与丰富多彩的(variety)教学活动的巧妙结合。课堂教学设计的形式可繁可简,因人而异。学生类别

3、,学习内容,怎样进行教与学,运用什么手段。具体地说,应有课堂描述,教学目标,时间分配,预计可能发生的问题,教学辅助用具,教学步骤,具体教学活动的目的、目标和所用时间,以及这项活动与课堂中其他活动的衔接。,How to plan lessons,Why plan at all?What are the aims of a plan?What should be in a plan?What questions do we need to ask?What form should a plan take?,Why plan at all?,Most teachers go on preparing

4、 lessons throughout their careers(formal/informal).For students,evidence of a plan shows the teacher has devoted time to thinking about the class.It strongly suggests a level of professionalism and a commitment.,For the teacher,a plan gives the lesson a framework,an overall shape.It is true that he

5、or she may end up departing from it,good teachers are flexible and creative to what happens in the classroom.New techniques,activities and materials need to be well used in the class.,Planning helps,because it allows teachers to think about where theyre going and gives them time to have ideas for to

6、morrows and next weeks lessons.In the classroom,a plan helps to remind teachers what they intended to do.Finally,planning helps because it gives students confidence:they know immediately whether a teacher has thought about the lesson,and they respond positively to those that have.,No plan is written

7、 on tablets of stone,however.Misconceptionexperienced teachers do not need to do planning.Teachers should be aware of the different students,time and mood.Teachers benefit from it,such as the relative value of different activities,the actual time with great accuracy,comments and corrections.,What ar

8、e the aims of a plan?,A good lesson needs to contain a judicious blend of coherence and variety.A good plan needs to reflect this.Coherence means that students can see a logical pattern to the lesson.Even if there are three separate activities,for example,there has to be some connection between them

9、.,The lack of variety coupled with the relentlessness would militate against the possibility of real student engagement.The ideal compromise is to plan a lesson that has an internal coherence but which allows students to do different things.In other words:variety,flexibility,learnability and linkage

10、.,What should be in a plan?,The formats will vary depending on the trainer and the course,but all plans have the same ingredients.They say who is going to be taught,what they are going to learn or be taught,how they are going to learn or be taught,and with what.,The first thing such a written plan n

11、eeds to detail is who the students are:How many are there in the class?What ages?What sexes?What are they like?Cooperative?Quiet?Difficult to control?Experienced teachers have all this information in their heads when they plan.,The next thing the plan has to contain is what the teachers/students wan

12、t to do:study a piece of grammar,write a narrative,listen to an interview,read a passage etc.Looking through a plan,an objective observer should be able to discern a logical sequence of things to be studied and/or activated.,The third aspect of a plan will say how the teacher/students is/are going t

13、o do it.Will that work in pairs?For each activity,the teacher will usually indicate how long she expects it to take and what classroom materials or aids she is going to use.Lastly.The plan will talk about what might go wrong.,What questions do we need to ask?,Who exactly are the students for this ac

14、tivity?Why do you want to do it?What will it achieve?How long will it take?What might go wrong?What will be needed?How does it work?How will it fit in with what comes before and after it?,Here is a part of a first year lesson.Study and answer the two questions that follow.,Lesson 15When do you get u

15、p in the morning/eat breakfast afternoon/wash your face evening?go to school finish school When do you clean your teeth?meet your friends?learn English?play the piano?,Which teacher has the clearest idea of the aims of the lesson?,Teacher A:Today,were going to learn Lesson 15.Its question and answer

16、 practice using a substitution table.Teacher B:Today we are going to practise present simple questions with“when”and other time expressions.Teacher C:Today we are going to practise asking and answering questions using the present simple tense,so that we will learn how to talk about everyday activiti

17、es.,By language contents,we mean structures(grammar),vocabulary,functions,topics and so on.By language skills,we mean communicative skills involved in listening,speaking,reading and writing.Not all new vocabulary and structures in a lesson are equally important.,What form should a plan take?,There i

18、s no concept format for a lesson plan.The most important thing about it is that it should be useful for the teacher.Some teachers highlight parts of their plan.Some divide their plans into columns with timings on the left.,Some teachers write down exactly what they are going to say and note down eac

19、h sentence that the students are going to say.Practicing teachers should experiment with plan formats until they find one that is most useful for them.,Teaching stages and procedures,The most popular language teaching stages are the three Ps model,which include Presentationnew vocabulary and grammat

20、ical structure with reference to their contextualized use.Practicefrom controlled to guided to exploitationProductionperforming communicative tasks,focusing on meaning rather than accuracy.Pre-task While-task Post-task,Sample Lesson plans&Video,Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3(review)PptVideo,Reflection&Discussion,Thank you!,


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