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1、,Unit 12 Youre supposed to shake hands.,suppose 与 think 的含义相同,“认为,以为,猜想”.be supposed to 表示“被期望(做)或要求应该”,后须接动词原形.,be supposed to do(动词原型)被期望或要求做;应该做,be not supposed to do(动词原型)不被许可做.不应该做,Step1 Leading-in,be supposed to do sth强调客观上有责任/义务作某事。You are supposed to clean the blackboard,for you are on duty

2、today.should 强调主观上应该做某事。You should study hard,for you are a student.,be supposed to do sth.should的区别,Korea,America,Brazil,Japan,Mexico,customs:,shake hands,customs:,bow,customs:,kiss,Warm up:What do people do when they meet for the first time.,Different countries has different culture.,They should s

3、hake hands.=They are supposed to shake hands.,In U.S.A and Mexico,They are supposed to kiss.,In Brazil,They are supposed to bow.,In Japan and Korea,Question 1,When are we supposed to say“hello”?,When you meet different people in different countries for the first time,what are you supposed to do?,In

4、China,We should shake hands.=In China,We are supposed to shake hands.,Question 2,In our country,when you meet someone for the first time,what should you do?,shake hands,c,b,a,b,a,1b,Listen and check your answers in Activity 1a.,Pairwork,Talk about what people in different countries do when they meet

5、 for the first time.Talk about the countries listed above or other countries you know about.,A:What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?B:Theyre supposed to bow.,Exercises,一、单项选择 1.People in China _ when they meet for the first time.A.shake hand B.shakes hands C.shak

6、e hands D.shakes hand 2.The baby _drink milk every day.A.was supposed to B.is supposed to C.be supposed to D.are supposed to 3._ I supposed _ with my mother?A.Was,argue B.Was,to argue C.Were,to argue D.Were,argue,C,B,B,二、翻译句子。1.当初次见面时他们应该鞠躬。They _ _ _ bow when they meet _ _ _ _.2.你不应该在这里吸烟.You are _ _ _ smoke here.3.他们应该在哪里见面?Where_ they _ to meet?,are supposed to,for the first time,not supposed to,are supposed,三、句型转换。They are supposed to shake hands.1.对划线部分提问:2.改为同义句:3.改为否定句:,They should shake hands.,What are they supposed to do?,They are not supposed to shake hands.,Goodbye,Thank you!,


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