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1、附录2 语法项目表1. 名词(1) 可数名词及其单复数(2) 不可数名词(3) 专有名词(4) 名词所有格2. 代词(1) 人称代词(2) 物主代词(3) 反身代词(4) 指示代词(5) 不定代词(6) 疑问代词3. 数词(1) 基数词(2) 序数词4. 介词和介词短语5. 连词6. 形容词(比较级和最高级)7. 副词(比较级和最高级)8. 冠词9. 动词(1) 动词的基本形式(2) 系动词(3) 及物动词和不及物动词(4) 助动词(5) 情态动词10. 时态(1) 一般现在时(2) 一般过去时(3) 一般将来时(4) 现在进行时(5) 过去进行时(6) 过去将来时(7) 将来进行时(8) 现

2、在完成时(9) 过去完成时(10) 现在完成进行时11. 被动语态12. 非谓语动词(1) 动词不定式(2) 动词的-ing形式(3) 动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1) 合成法(2) 派生法(3) 转化法(4) 缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1) 陈述句(2) 疑问句(3) 祈使句(4) 感叹句15. 句子成分(1) 主语(2) 谓语(3) 表语(4) 宾语(5) 定语(6) 状语(7) 补语16. 简单句的基本句型17. 主谓一致18. 并列复合句19. 主从复合句(1) 宾语从句(2) 状语从句(3) 定语从句(4) 主语从句(5) 表语从句20. 间接引语21. 省略22. 倒装23.

3、 强调24. 虚拟语气附录4 话题项目表1. 个人情况(Personal information)2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3. 周围的环境(Personal environments)4. 日常活动(Daily routines)5. 学校生活(School life)6. 兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7. 个人感情(Emotions)8. 人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9. 计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10. 节假日活动(Festi

4、vals, holidays and celebrations)11. 购物(Shopping)12. 饮食(Food and drink)13. 健康(Health)14. 天气(Weather)15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17. 语言学习(Language learning)18. 自然(Nature)19. 世界与环境(The world and the environment)20. 科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21

5、. 热点话题(Topical issues)22. 历史与地理(History and geography)23. 社会(Society)24. 文学与艺术(Literature and art)构词法1)合成法:blackboard, man-made, overthrow, however, everyone2)转化法:hand (n.) hand (v.) break (v.) break (n.) empty (a.) empty (v.)3)派生法: A. 加前缀:dis-, in-, re-, un-, non- B. 加后缀:-able, -al, -an, -ful, -ive

6、, -er(or), -ese, -ist, -less, -ment, -ness, -tion, -fy, -ian, -ing, -is(z)e, -ly, -teen, -ty, -th, -y缩略词 AD, AIDS, a.m./am, A.M./AM, BC, CD, Dept., DNA, Dr, DVD, etc., HIV, Mr., Mrs., Ms., No., O.K., P.E., P.C., p.m./pm, P.M./PM, TV, VCD, vs.月份January (Jan.) February (Feb.) March (Mar.)April (Apr.)M

7、ay (May)June (Jun.)July (Jul.)August (Aug.)September (Sept.)October (Oct.)November (Nov.)December (Dec.) 星期Monday (Mon.)Tuesday (Tues.)Wednesday (Wed.)Thursday (Thurs.)Friday (Fri.)Saturday (Sat.)Sunday (Sun.)主要大洋名称The Pacific (Ocean) 太平洋The Atlantic (Ocean) 大西洋The Indian Ocean印度洋The Arctic Ocean北冰洋

8、高考动词短语归类blowblow away吹走blow out吹灭blow down刮倒blow up(使)爆炸;给.充气breakbreak away from 脱离;打破break down 坏掉;(谈判等)失败;(使)垮掉;把.分类break in 打断(谈话);闯入break into破门而入 ;突然.起来break off 中止 ,中断 ;打断;折断break out(战争 火灾 疫病等)突然爆发break through 冲破,突破break up破碎;(关系等)破裂;驱散;(被)分解bringbring about带来;导致,引起bring along把.带来bring back

9、归还bring down使倒下;降低,减少bring in引入,引进,赚得bring on 使前进,使出现bring out 使呈现,使表现出;说出,阐明 ;出版,推出bring up教育,培养;提出;呕吐bring (back) sb / sth to life使生动,使复生callcall back回电话,再打电话call for要求;(去某处)接人或物call in 叫某人进入,邀请,找来call off 取消,停止进行call on / upon拜见 ;呼吁 ;号召call out 大声叫 ,叫/请出来call over 叫(某人)来call together召集call up打电话

10、;使回忆起; 征召care care about关心; 在乎care for关心, 为.操心 ;喜欢carrycarry away 冲走, 卷走carry on 继续进行 ,坚持下去;开展 ;经营carry out实行 ,执行carry through帮.渡过(难关等) ; 维持 ,完成clearclear away把清除掉 ;(云 雾等)消散clear up(天)放晴 ;收拾,整理 ;消除 ,解除comecome about发生 ,产生come across(偶然)遇见 ,碰上; 被理解come along快点 ;一道去 ;进展come back回来, 折回 ,在记忆中重现come by(从

11、旁)经过come forward站出来come down下来 ,下降come from来自 ,出身于come in进来,到达come off离开,脱落come on 来吧; 进展 ;成长 ,发生;加油;得了吧come out出来 ;被出版come over 过来 ;顺便来访come round 来 ,前来come through到来come to结果达到,共计;归结为,涉及come to oneself恢复自制力come true变为现实come up 上来,走上前 ,(从土中)长出 ;被提出come up with想/提出(主意),找出(答案)come into being形成,产生come

12、 to power当权,上台come to an end结束come to life 活跃起来cutcut down砍倒/伤/死;削减,缩短cut in插嘴,打断cut off切断,使隔绝cut out 出来;被出版cut through刺穿,凿穿cut up切碎,割碎,剪碎diedie away逐渐减弱,逐渐消失die down逐渐变弱,逐渐降低die for为献身die from死于(外因)die of 死于(内因)die off相继死去die out灭绝 ,死光 dodo away with废除do for适合 ;照料do over重做do up 包扎;修缮;使整洁;打扮do with处

13、置do without没有也行 ,用不着do wrong做错dropdrop by 顺便拜访drop in 顺便走访drop off 让下车drop out 辍学fallfall behind落后fall off掉下;跌落fall over 跌倒fall for爱上 ,迷恋 fall ill / asleep 生病/睡觉fall in love with 爱上fall into陷入某种状态getget about / around / round走动 ,旅行 ;(消息 谣言等)传开来get across使通过 ,;理解,(把.)讲清楚get along / on with过活, 生活 ;相处融

14、洽 ;进展get at发现 get away (from)离开 ,出发get away with(侥幸)做成 (做坏事)不受惩罚get back回来 ,恢复 ,取回get down(从.)下来, 下车 ;写下 ;使沮丧get down to 开始认真对待,开始认真考虑get in 进入, 收获 ; 插(话) get into进入, 陷入 ,染上(习惯)get off下车, 脱下 ;(使)动身 ; (飞机)起飞 get on(使)上车(或马等);进展;对/应付 get out(使)出去, 离开 , 逃脱get over 越过(墙等), 克服(困难 、偏见等) ;从.中恢复过来get round规

15、避 ,说服 , 争取(某人)get through 办完,;花光(钱、时间等);(使)通过 ; 打通(电话)get to到达 ;开始/着手处理get together聚集 ,收集 ,积累get up(使)起床 ,(使)起立 ,达到, 赶上get close to 接近, 靠近get in touch with与取得联系get rid of摆脱get in a word插话get on ones feet 站起来get the hang of 熟悉,掌握,理解givegive away送掉 ;分发(奖品等); 泄露(秘密等)give back(归)还 , 使返回 ,恢复give in屈服 ,让步

16、give off发出(光 热 声音 气味等)give out分发 ;发出(光 、热 、声音 、气体等); 发表 ,公布 ; 耗尽 ,精疲力竭give up放弃give birth to 生孩子give way to 屈服, 让步, 让先行, 让自己陷入某种情绪gogo about从事go after追求 ,追逐go against反对 ,不利于 ,违反go ahead前进;可以;往下说go away走开go back回去;回忆起go by走过 ,过去go down下去 ,下沉 ,落下, 平静下来 ,下降go for为.去 ,去请 ,努力获取;对适用go home回家go in for从事 ,

17、参加go into进入, 加入,调查go off离去 ,去世 ,消失go on 发生, 进行 ,(时间等)过去 ,(灯)亮go out出去 ,(灯火等)熄灭go over仔细检查 ,温习go round / around 四处走动 ,绕道走;(病、 消息等)流传go through经历 ;仔细检查 ;浏览 ;做完(工作等);(提案等)被通过;穿过go up 上升 ,增长go with伴随;与.相配 go wrong出毛病go all out for全力以赴做 ,鼓足干劲做handhand down把.传下去hand in上交hand out分派hand over移交,交出hanghang on

18、紧握着不撒手;坚持下去;(打电话时)不挂断hang together团结;(言论等)一致hang up把.挂起来;挂断(电话)holdhold back阻止hold on坚持;等一等(别挂断电话)hold ones head high昂首,趾高气扬hold out伸出hold up举起;阻挡;停顿hold ones brealth屏住呼吸keepkeep back保留,阻止keep (on) doing不断做keep fit保持健康keep .from doing阻止.做keep.in mind记住keep in with sb与某人友好相处keep off避开, 防止, 挡住keep .ou

19、t(of)遮挡, 使不进入keep to 固守, 坚持 ,遵循 ,履行keep up保持, 继续, 不使(斗志)低落 , 维持keep up with跟上,不落后keep (a) watch注意 ,警惕keep it up保持优秀成绩, 继续干下去keep free from / of使.免受(影响 伤害等)knockknock at / on敲(门,窗等)knock down击倒 ,撞倒 ,拆卸knock into 撞在.上knock off敲掉 ,停工knock out 摧毁 ,破坏knock .out of把.(从.)敲出knock over撞倒leadlead a .life过.生活l

20、ead to导致 ;通向lead the way带路leaveleave.alone不打扰 ,不理会leave behind遗留 忘带leave for动身去(某地)leave out省略 ,遗漏 ,不考虑leave.to / with把.托付给 , 留/交给let let alone更不用说let.alone / be不管let down使失望let go (of)放开,释放let in / out让进/出livelive a .life过.生活live by靠.过活live on继续活着; 以.为食live out 实践;活过来live through经历.而幸存 ,度过live up t

21、o 符合;不辜负live with和.一起住;容忍,忍受looklook about / around / round 四下环顾look after照顾look ahead (to sth)展望未来look at看一下look away from把目光移开look back回头看look back on / at回忆,回顾look down on / upon轻视look for寻找look forward to期待look into调查look on / upon.as把.看作look out(for)当心 ,提防look through 浏览 ,仔细查看look up查阅look up f

22、rom抬头看look up to尊敬loselose face / heart / weight丢脸 /灰心 /减重lose ones heart to爱上 lose touch / contact with与失去联系lose ones way迷路lose ones temper发脾气lose oneself in 专心于,迷失在lose track of失去联络lose sight of看不见makemake for 有助于,可成为;朝走去make .into把.做成make out理解make up组成;构成; 编写。 编造 ;化妆; 打扮make up for弥补make it 成功 ,

23、做到 ,赶上be made from / of由.制成be made in在.制造be made up of由.组成 ,由.构成make a life 习惯于新的生活方式 、工作等make of 了解 ,理解make fun of取笑make ones way前往make sense有意义make up ones mind下定决心make a difference起作用 ,有影响make a face / promise / fire / noise做鬼脸/ 承诺 生火 /制造噪音make friends with与交朋友make ends meet使收支相抵, 量入为出make an imp

24、ression on 对.产生印象make sure /certain 确保make sth. clear / plain 明确make ones living谋生make the best / most of 充分利用movemove around搬来搬去 ,老是搬家move away 搬走move in 搬进新居move on 继续前进 ,转换到move out搬出 ,迁出 ,搬走move off 离开passpass away 死去pass by 经过;(时间)过去pass off进行pass on 把.传给另一个pass out 失去知觉pass sth down传某物给后代pass

25、sth out分发某物pass through通过pass sth up错过某事paypay back偿还(借款等);报答; 向.报复pay for付.的钱;为.而付出代价pay the price遭报应pay out支付pay up结清拖欠款pay off付清.的工资,偿清;有成效pickpick a fight/quarrel开始pick holes in sth挑刺pick sbs pocket偷钱pick sb/sth. off挑出最佳的人或物pick out选出,拣出;区别出;领会pick up捡起, 拾起 ;收听到 ; 偶然地获得(收益、 生计 、知识 、消息等); 学会(语言);

26、(车辆等)中途搭(人) 中途带(货);恢复健康;振作(精神);加快(速度)pullpull down拆毁pull on 穿 ,戴pull out拉出,拿出,挑出pull through(使)恢复健康);(使)度过难关pull oneself up立起身来putput an end / a stop to结束/完成put (.)aside放在一边put before/above把看得比重要put by存钱以备未来之需put down写下,放下, 镇压put away把.收起 ,放好;储存.备用;处理掉 ,抛弃 ,放弃put forward提出 ,推荐 ;把(时针等)向前拨put into把.放进

27、 ;把.翻译成put off延期,推迟put on穿上,戴上;上演(戏剧等);增加put on weight增加体重put out伸出;熄灭 ;灭掉put sb in prison将某人投入监狱put sth right将某事搞正确put together加在一起 ,汇总put up张贴;举起;搭建;留宿put up with忍受 ,经受ringring off挂断电话ring up打电话ring back回电话rollroll back 使敌方退却 ,压低价格roll over翻身runrun across偶然碰见run after跟踪 ,追求run away跑开 ,逃走run into撞上

28、,偶然遇见run out (of)用完 ,耗尽seesee about料理,办理see sb. off送行 ,送别see sth out坚持把(某事)做完see over sth仔细检查see sb. through帮助某人渡过难关see through看穿, 识破see to负责,注意see to it that务必使. ,保证使.sellsell out售完sell off廉价出售(存货)sell oneself出卖自己 ,自荐sendsend away解雇,把.打发走send for派人去叫,召唤send out发送出, 派遣 send up发出, 射出, 长出setset about

29、开始 ,着手set aside留出 ,不顾 ,把.置于一旁set down记下 ,放下set off出发 , 起程 ;引起set out出发 ,开始 set up开办 ,设立 ,建立 set sail(to/from/for)起航set foot in / on进入 ,访问 ,参观set loose出发,开始set free释放set fire to 放火 ,生火settlesettle down舒适地坐下; 定居 ;安下心来settle in (帮助.)在新居安顿下来; (帮助.)适应新环境 / 新工作settle with和.取得谅解showshow.around / round带领.参观

30、show.in / out带.进入/送.出去show off炫耀 ,卖弄show up出席,到场sitsit around 闲坐着sit back 轻松坐在椅子上 ;不作努力 ,袖手旁观sit down 坐下sit up坐起来;熬夜speakspeak highly of赞扬speak of谈到 提及speak out / up清楚响亮地说, 大胆地说standstand by站在旁边 ,支持(某人)stand for表示 ,象征 stand up站起来stand out显眼 ,引人注目taketake action/ measures / steps采取行动take advantage of

31、利用take away带走 ,拿走take along随身带着take.apart拆开take back带回 ,收回take by surprise使吃惊;出其不意地攻击take care 小心take care of照顾take control of控制 ,掌管take down拿下, 记下take for example以为例take for granted认为理所当然take hold of抓住take in吸入;理解;欺骗take it easy别着急 ,放轻松take notice of关注take off脱下(衣 帽等);(飞机等)起飞;(经济等)腾飞take on 呈现 take

32、 out取出 ,拿出take a risk / risks冒险take a chance冒险,碰运气take ones time不着急take ones seat就座take part in参加take place发生 ,举行take the lead带头 ,领先take the place of取代take turns轮流take up拿起 ;开始(从事);占去;把.接下去teartear down扯下 ;拆毁tear oneself away依依不舍地离开tear out撕下, 拔出tear up撕碎 think think about思考 ,考虑think better of.对.有更高

33、的评价think of 考虑,想起 ,记得,构思出,想一想think over仔细考虑think up想出throwthrow about到处扔 throw away扔掉,丢弃throw off扔掉 ,匆匆脱掉(衣服)throw on匆匆穿上(衣服)throw oneself on扑倒在.上 ,完全依赖throw out抛出 ,扔掉throw up呕吐trytry on试穿try out试验try out for sth参加.选拔 / 试演turnturn around转身turn away把.转过去,把.打发走turn down关小, 调低 ;拒绝turn in 交出,上缴turn into

34、将.变成turn off关(水 煤气或电灯等)turn on 开(水 煤气或电灯等)turn out制造出,培养出;原来(是),证明(是)turn over(使)翻滚;(使)翻到,翻过(书页),移交turn to 转向;求助于turn up到达, 出现 ;开大(灯火,煤气等) by turns轮流 ,交替in turn依次 ,轮流;反过来, 转而take turns轮流,依次take ones turn该谁做.了workwork on 继续工作work out解决;算出,制订出 ;产出结果 ;锻炼 ;被证明有效高考名词短语归类accounton account of因为 ,由于on no ac

35、count决不take .into account /take account of考虑到chargefree of charge免费in charge (of)主管 ,负责in the charge of 由.负责 / 主管take charge (of)负责 ,掌管conclusionarrive at / come to / draw / reach a conclusion得出结论bring.to a conclusion使.结束in conclusion最后 ,总之considerationin consideration of 考虑到 ,由于take .into considera

36、tion考虑到 ,顾及under consideration在考虑中convenienceat sbs convenience在某人方便时for convenience为方便起见currencygive currency to散布in common currency一般通用的delighttake / find delight in 以.为乐 to sbs delight令人高兴的是with delight高兴地endat an end结束bring / put an end to 结束come to an end结束 ,告终make ends meet使收支相抵,量入为出on end连续地e

37、rrorby error错误地in error弄错了的eventat all events / in any event不论怎样 ,无论如何in the event of如果.发生in the event (that.)如果(.) 倘若(.)examplefollow sbs example学习/效仿某人for example例如set an example to sb / set sb an example为某人树立榜样take .for example以.为例eyehave an eye for有眼力 ,有眼光keep an eye on照料 ,照管keep an eye out for留

38、心 ,注意keep ones eyes on注视 ,注意in the eyes of在.看来look sb in the eye盯着某人看fix ones eyes on / upon盯着某人/物看funin / for fun为了玩乐 ,开玩笑地have fun with 玩乐make fun of取笑 ,拿.开玩笑handat hand近在手边 ,在附近 ,即将到来by hand用手give / lend.a hand伸手相助have / take a hand in 参与 ,介入hand in hand手拉手,联合on the one hand.on the other hand一方面.

39、 另一方面put ones hands on找到heartheart and soul全心全意地learn. by heart背下lose heart灰心put some heart into用心对待lightbring.to light将.曝光come to light显露throw / cast light on / upon阐明 , 使人了解light(v.)up照亮 , 喜形于色meansby all means 尽一切办法, 务必by means of用 ,依靠by no means决不mindchange ones mind 改变主意make up ones mind下定决心hav

40、e .in mind心中有合适的人选或想做的事keep / bear.in mind记住nameby / with / under the name of 名叫in name (only)在名义上in sbs name / in the name of以某人的名义make a name (for oneself)成名name(v.)after以.命名placetake the place of代替,替换take sbs place代替 ,替换take place发生, 进行in place在正确的位置 ,准备妥当in place of代替 ,顶替pleasurefor pleasure为了取乐

41、It is a pleasure / My pleasure(用于对别人感谢的回答)别客气 ,没什么take pleasure in以.为乐 ,喜欢with pleasure高兴地possessionin possession of占有 ,拥有in the possession of为.所有take possession of占有 ,拥有 ,占领reasonby reason of由于 ,因为for some reason不知什么原因in all reason明智,合情合理with / without reason有/没有道理schoolafter school放学后at school上学co

42、me to school来上学finish school完成学业go to school去上学leave school退学sensecome to (ones) senses(昏迷后)苏醒过来in a sense从某种意义上说in no sense决不make sense讲得通, 有意义 ,合乎情理make sense of弄懂.的意思out of ones senses失去理性sightat first sight乍一看catch / lose sight of突然看见 / 看不见in / within sight在视线内out of sight在视线外termin the long / s

43、hort / medium term长/短/中期内on good / bad terms (with sb) (与某人)关系好/不好come to terms( with sb) (与某人)达成协议 ,妥协in terms of sth谈及 ,就.而言, 在.方面timeagainst time 争分夺秒地 ,尽快地ahead of time提前all the time一直, 始终at a time每次, 一次at all times随时, 总是(at )any time在任何时候at no time决不at one time同时 ,一度at the same time同时 ,然而at times有时by the time到.的时候by this time到此刻 ,到现在every time每次, 每当for the time (being)暂时, 眼下from time to time有时 ,不时in no time 立刻 ,


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