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1、完成句子训练1I have rented two rooms,_ the kitchen.(serve) 我租用了两间房,其中较小的一间用作厨房。2This book is interesting,however,Li Ming,_ decided not to keep it.(belong) 这本书是李明的,然而他决定不要它了。3_ he is a lovely boy.(doubt) 毫无疑问,他是一个可爱的男孩。4_ when he was young surprised me a lot.(think) 他年轻时被器重使我很惊讶。5_ is a hard job for everyo

2、ne.(survive) 从地震中幸存下来对每个人来说都很困难。6_ so many friends here.(fancy) 真想不到在这里见到这么多的朋友。7This book _ those children.(design) 这本书是为帮助那些小孩子而设计的。8To be honest,I dont think this book is interesting and _.(worthy) 说实话,我不认为这本书有趣,而且它一点也不值得买。9She took a raincoat with her for fear,_ in the rain.(catch) 她随身带了雨衣,因为她害怕

3、淋雨。10What do you think _ in his life.(play)你认为在他的生命中什么重要。11_ in every mans life when he is in low spirits.(must)在每个人的生活中一定有情绪低落的时候。12It will be several years _ to the public.(available)这项技术还要几年时间才被公开使用。13We should consider what use _ such a book.(make) 我们应该考虑如何才能利用这本书。14I wont _ like a child.(stand)

4、 我不会容忍把我当孩子对待。15The shop was _ the man while the manager was away.(charge) 经理不在时这个商店由这个人掌管。16It remains (to be) a question _.(take) 谁来代替他还是个问题。17_ the key university,he felt very happy.(admit) 已被重点大学录取,他感到很高兴。18Now,many a country in the world _ all fields with each other.(compete) 现在,世界各国在各领域都在互相竞争。

5、19Petrol is _ it was a few years ago in China.(expensive)在中国汽油比前几年贵了几倍。20This is important because the more you speak English,_. 这很重要,因为你说英语越多,你的英语水平就越高。21Madame curie,_ devoted her whole life to scientific cause.(difficult) 对居里夫人来说生活非常艰难,她把她的一生都献给了科学事业。22_ Rio Olympic Games are held.(before) 要过几年里约

6、热内卢奥运会才举行。23Can we begin by discussing matters _ the last meeting?(arise) 我们是不是可以从讨论上次会议所产生的问题开始?24_ lose heart.(way) 你决不能失去信心。25_ that even the people in the next room could hear him.(speak) 他的声音很大,连隔壁屋子里的人都听得见。26Its reported that many a new house _ at present in the disaster area.(build) 据报道,目前在受灾

7、地区正在建造许多新房屋。27The bus was help up by a very heavy snowstorm,_.(thus) 由于一场非常大的暴风雪,公交车被延误了。28Fruit and vegetables are grown in areas _.(be)水果和蔬菜种植在水源充足的地方。29A healthy diet should include a variety of food,_ nutrients.(rich) 健康的饮食应包括各种各样富含营养成分的食物。30Its likely that such a question,if it can be called a

8、question,_,cant be answered by any human beings.(raise)你提的这个问题如果能被叫做问题的话,那么很有可能它不会得到任何人的回答。31Nowadays,many people like smoking,_ their health.(effect) 现在,很多人喜欢吸烟,那对他们的健康有很大的影响。32He _ the task before yesterday.(succeed) 在昨天之前,他成功地完成了任务。33He _ a book since last year.(employ) 自从去年,他就一直忙于写一本书。34_ you co

9、uld help me.(appreciate) 如果你能帮助我,我将不胜感激。35The heavy storm _ at airport on time yesterday.(keep) 昨天暴风阻止飞机按时抵达机场。36Our school isnt the same school _.(use) 我们的学校不再是以前的样子。37Nobody can tolerate the way _.(talk) 没人能忍受他谈话的方式。38It _ to try his plan.(harm)试一试他的计划对我们也无害。39_ is familiar to me.(familiar) Tom精通电

10、脑软件是我所熟知的。40An awful accident _.(happen) 一起可怕的事故确实在前几天发生。41The reason _ special education was to push it a little harder.(go) 我想进入到特殊教育领域的理由是更加努力地推动其发展。42You cant imagine the trouble I had _ change his mind.(persuade) 你无法想象我说服他改变主意有多么困难。43To our surprise,the two pieces of wood _.(equal) 使我们感到惊讶的是,这两

11、块木头长度相同。44This printer is of good quality. If it _ within the first year,we would repair it at once.(break) 这台打印机质量很好,如果它在第一年内出故障,我们会立刻修理它。45He pretended _ when his mother came in.(do) 他妈妈进来的时候他假装在做作业。46He hid himself behind the wall,_ what would happen outside.(see) 他躲在墙后,从那儿他仍然能够看到外面发生的事情。47The sc

12、hool _ ten years ago had a positive effect on his artistic works.(belong) 他十年前就读的那所学校对他的艺术作品有极大影响。48Later they may sing in pubs,_ in cash.(pay) 后来,他们可能在酒吧演唱,这样他们可以得到现金。49He may start as a worker,for whom _ is the first step to fame.(work) 他开始可能是一个工人,在一个工厂努力工作是他成功的第一步。50To be honest,great importance

13、_ rich and famous by most people.(attach) 说实在的,许多人把名和利看得很重要。51He behaved _ when I rushed into his room to see whether he was playing computer games.(happen) 当我冲进他房里来看他是否在玩电脑游戏时,他表现得若无其事。52We must get aware of _ in study.(play) 我们必须意识到英语在学习中的重要作用。53Though he _,he still feel sorry about her.(apology)

14、虽然他向她道过歉了,他还是觉得很抱歉。54_,we should keep calm and think of measures to rescue.(face) 面对风暴时,我们应该保持冷静,想办法逃生。55He is always honest. _ that he told a lie to his mother?(can) 他一向诚实。他怎么可能对他母亲说谎呢?56Weve already _ we will not yield to pressure.(clear) 我们已经明确表示,我们不会向压力低头的。57_ was the potential danger to humans

15、using the animals for food.(importance) 更重要的是,人类食用动物有潜在的危险。58Lester lives in the northern part of the United States,_ and snowy in winter.(where) Lester住在美国北部,那里冬天寒冷多雪。59I totally understand why you were so angry at his remarks. I _ the same way in your place.(feel) 我完全理解你为什么对他的话语那么生气。假如当时我处于你的位置,我也

16、会有同样的感受。60_ to do business in Beijing,so relax and enjoy the sights while youre there.(patience) 在北京做生意需要耐心,因此你在那里的时候就轻松一下,去看看风景。61Little Tom would like _ the theatre last evening,but we didnt take him.(take) 昨天晚上,小汤姆很想有人带他去看戏,但我们没有带上他。62_,they worked hard day and night.(debt) 为了还清所有的债务,这对夫妇夜以继日地拼命干

17、活。63_ but your naughty son?(do) 除了你那淘气的儿子还会有谁干这件事?64Our woman athletes have achieved great success in the Guang-zhou Asian Games.Yes,_ than them.(perform)我们女子运动员在广州亚运会上取得了巨大成绩。是呀,没有人比她们表现得更好。65We all thought that they _ crimes,but the face proved that we were wrong.(get) 我们都认为他们不可能犯了罪却不受惩罚,但事实证明我们错了

18、。66_ he come back again.( ) 没过多久他又回来了。67_ since I gave up jogging.(weight)自从我放弃慢跑后,我的体重已经增加了这么多。68_ to London.(be) 我和他从没去过伦敦。69_ and you will do it better.(strength) 增强体质,你能做得更好。70Book knowledge should _.(combined) 课本知识应该和实践结合。71You should _ the expenses.(limit) 你应该对经费的使用规定限度。72I have an important t

19、hing to do;that is to _.(have)我有一件重要的事情要做;那就是修理我的电脑。73But the one million people of the city,_ these events,were asleep as usual that night.(little) 但是这座城市的一百万人几乎没把这当回事,那天晚上还是像往常一样睡觉。74Your speech was heard by a group of five judges,_ it was the best one this year.(agree) 评委会的五位评委听了你的演讲,他们都一致认为你的演讲是

20、今年最好的。75_ in the last report,our laws are designed to protect not only harmony but also freedom.(stress) 正如她上次在报告中所强调的那样,制定法律不仅旨在保护和谐而且也保护自由。76_,the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.(motivation) 一个人学习的动力越强,他会越快地学会一门外语。77We _ less than 20 miles when we were struck in the storm.(cov

21、er) 我们刚走了不到20英里,就被困在了暴风雨中。78_,you wouldnt have failed in the examination.(take) 如果你听了我的建议,你就不会考试不及格了。79_ has proved almost worthless.(advice) 他所得到的那种建议结果证明几乎毫无价值。80No sooner had the door shut on her aunts back _.(burst) 她的姨母回来后一关上门,她就大哭了起来。81He _ before he heard a loud noise.(enter) 他刚进屋子就听到一声巨响。82J

22、ohn thinks _ he is ready for his new job.(before) John认为不久之后他就会为他的新工作作好准备。83I can well remember that _ I hated to got to school.(there) 我清楚地记得曾经有一段我讨厌上学的时期。84_,they had to return home.(run) 他们的食物快要用完了,他们不得不返回家中。85_ these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experience.(it) 观看这些

23、已经不再是乐趣,因为大自然是你必须亲身体验的。86_,we havent decided how to get there.(settle) 我们决定了要去北京,但还没决定怎么去。87_,she moved back to live with for parent.(tired) 厌倦了独自生活,她搬回家和父母一起住。88_ for school that he was punished by the teacher.(because) 因为他迟到了,所以受到老师的惩罚。89_,I wont go to his wedding.(invited) 除非受到邀请,否则我不会去参加他的婚礼。90_

24、 I had been to Europe.(it) 那是我第二次去欧洲。91You _ whenever you are in trouble.(in from) 无论什么时候有麻烦,你最好告诉我们。92The article is _.(worthy) 这篇文章值得考虑。93You _ it will rain this weekend.(rely) 你放心好了,本周末一定下雨。94We mustnt _.(leave) 我们不能让工作半途而废。95The book _,the students will benefit a lot from it.(publish) 那本书已经出版,学生

25、们会从中受益匪浅。96Not until I switched on the light _ that something must have happened.(aware) 直到我打开灯,我才意识到一定发生了什么事。97_ is whether he can get through the difficult task.(concern) 我们所担心的是他是否能完成这个困难的任务。98The little Mary wont stop crying _.(unless) 除非给一些玩具,否则小玛丽不会停止哭叫。99I met him the other day. I was the fir

26、st time that _ since we were at school.(meet)前几天我遇见他了,那是我们离开学校后的第一次见面。100Mr. White didnt understand _ so upset this morning.(it) Mr. White不明白今天早晨是什么使得他的妻子如此不开心。101_ when they could do what they liked to the Chinese people.(go) 他们对中国人民为所欲为的日子一去不复返了。102_ has a good grasp of English in the school.(more

27、) 在这所学校里不止一人精通英语。103Many questions _ at the meeting,but he answered none.(come) 许多问题在会上被提出,但他一个也没有回答。104He said that _ that he lost his eyesight.(because) 他说是因为那次事故,他才失明了。105_,he tired to persuade her to marry him,but she charged her mind and declined.(desperate) 急需钱,他努力劝服她和他结婚,但是她改变了她的主意并拒绝了他。106I

28、havent made _.(as) 我没有取得应有的进步。107several people witnessed the attack,but _.(defence) 有好几个人目睹了这次袭击事件,但是没有人站出来帮助她。108Measures have been taken to solve the problem,but it may be some time _.(improve) 已经采取措施去解决这个问题,但是还需一段时间局面才能好转。109He was still not conscious of _.(matter) 他仍未意识到出了什么事。110_ in the trade

29、talk as neither side would accept the conditions of the other.(progress) 由于双方都没有接受对方的条件,商谈没有取得任何进展。111It was _ he sensed the danger of the position.(before) 他很快发觉到他处于危险的状况。参考答案111the smaller of which served as2to whom the book belonged3There is no doubt that4That he was highly thought of5Surviving t

30、he earthquake6Fancy meeting7is designed to help8that it isnt worthy to be bought9that she (should) be caught10plays an important role11There must be a time12before this technology is available13can be made of14stand (for) being treated15in the charge of16who will take the place of him17Having been a

31、dmitted to / into18is competing in19three times as expensive20the better your English will become21for whom life was very difficult22It will be a few years before23arising from24In no way should you25So loudly did he speak26is being built27thus leading to the delay28where there is enough water29most

32、 of which is rich in30as you have raised31which has a great effect on32had succeeded in finishing33has been employed in writing34i would appreciate it if35keep the plane from arriving36as it used to be37in which / that he talks38does no harm to us39That Tom is familiar with computer software40did ha

33、ppen a few days ago41why I wanted to go in to42persuading him to43are of equal length44should break down / were to break down / broke down45to be doing his homework46from where he still could see47which he belonged to48for which they are paid49working hard in a factory50is attached to becoming51as i

34、f nothing had happened52the important role English plays53has made an apology to her54When in face of storms55How can it be56made it clear that57(What was) of greater importance58where it is cold59would have felt60It takes patience61to have been taken to62In order to / To pay off all their debts63Wh

35、o else could have done it64no one could perform better65couldnt have got away with66It wont take long / take a long time / be long before67I have put on / gained so much68Neither I nor he has been69Build up his strength70be combined with practice71set a limit to using72have my computer repaired73who

36、 thought little of74all of whom agreed that75As he stressed76The stronger motivation is77had just covered78Had you taken my advice79Such advice as he was given80than she burst into tears81had hardly entered the room82it wont be long before83there was a time when84With their food running out85Its no pleasure looking through86Having settled that well go to Beijing87Tired of living alone88It was because he was late89Unless invited90It was the second time that91had better keep us informed92worthy of being considerated93can rely on it that94leave the work unfinished95having been published9


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