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1、(二)语法专项 (1)动词时态和语态考点精练(吴爱枝)1(2012辽宁)Mum, I was wondering if you could lend me a few dollars until I _ on Friday.(get)妈妈,我在想你能否借我几美元,周五发工资我就还你。2(2012北京)Have you heard about that fire in the market?Yes, fortunately no one _.(hurt)你听说市场上发生的大火吗?听说了。幸运的是没有人受伤。3(2012四川)They are living with their parents f

2、or the moment because their own house _.(rebuild) 目前他们和父母住在一起,因为他们自己的房子在重建。4(2012安徽)After school we went to the reading-room to do some reading, only to be told that it _.(decorate) 放学后我们去阅览室读书,结果被告知阅览室正在装修。5(2012四川)Did you catch what I said?Sorry. I _ a text message just now.(answer)你听到我说的话了吗? 对不起。

3、我刚才在回一条短信息。6(2012浙江)Alvin, are you coming with us?Id love to, but something unexpected _.(come)Alvin, 你会和我们一起来吗? 我很想(和你们一起去),但意外的事情发生了。7(2012江苏)The manager is said to have arrived back from Paris where he _ some European business partners.(meet) 据说经理已从巴黎回来了,在那儿他遇到了一些欧洲的生意合作伙伴。8(2012全国)The manager _

4、how to improve the program since 9 am. (tell) 自上午九点,经理就一直在跟工人们讲如何改进这个项目。9(2012安徽)In order to find the missing child, villagers _ all they can over the past five hours.(do) 为了找到走失的孩子,村民们在过去的五个小时里一直在尽全力寻找。10(2012北京)By the time you have finished this book, your meal _.(get) 到你看完这本书的时候,你的饭也就冷了。11(2012辽宁

5、)I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning I _ Shanghai.(fly) 我感觉如此兴奋!明天早上这个时候我就会飞往上海。12(2012陕西)Can I call you back at two oclock this afternoon?Im sorry, but by then I _ Beijing. How about five?(fly)我今天下午两点给你回电话可以吗?对不起,到那时我正在飞往北京的路上。五点怎么样?13(2012湖南)Dont worry. The hard work that you do now _

6、 later in life.(repay) 不要担心。你现在的努力工作在以后的生活中会有回报的。14(2011安徽)I think store shopping will exist along with home shopping but it 我认为商店购物将与家庭购物并存,但是永远不会被取代。(replace)15(2011安徽)The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials,the rest for other purposes(which,save)这家工厂使用了65%的原材料,其余的节省下来以作他用。16(2011湖南)It is

7、 the most instructive lecture since I came to this school 这是我到这个学校以来我听过的最有教育意义的演讲。(attend)17(2011湖南)Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours 只有在他们讨论这个问题好几个小时之后他们才作出决定。(reach)18(2011江西)We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody during the night早晨我们来上班,结果发现有人晚上闯入过办公室。(

8、break)19(2011重庆)That piece of music sounds quite familiarWho upstairs?那首乐曲听起来非常熟悉。谁在楼上弹奏钢琴。(play)20(2011全国卷)When Alice came to,she did not know how long she there当爱丽丝醒来时,她不知道自己在那里一直躺了多久了。(lie)21(2011重庆)Look at the pride on Toms faceHe by the manager just now看Tom脸上骄傲的神情,他似乎刚才被经理表扬了。(seem)22On his way

9、 home he 在回家的路上他遇到了一场大雨。(get;catch)23(2011天津)In the last few years thousands of films all over the world过去几年以来,全世界制作了成千上万部影片。(produce)24(2011福建)Last month,the Japanese government expressed their thanks for the aid from China上个月,日本政府因他们得到了中国的帮助而表示感谢。(receive)25(2011山东)When I got on the bus,I realized

10、 I 我上车后意识到我把钱包忘在家里了。(leave)26 in my hometown since 1987自1987年以来,我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。(take)27(2011辽宁)By the time Jack returned home from English,his son 杰克从英国回到家时,他的儿子大学毕业了。(graduate)28(2011北京)Experiments of this kind in both the USand Europe well before the Second World War第二次世界大战之前这类的实验在美国及欧洲进行过。(conduct)

11、29(2011北京)Tom in the library every night over the last three months过去三个月以来,汤姆每晚一直在图书馆工作。(work)30(2011北京)Bob 已去了California噢,你能告诉我他何时离开的?(leave)Bob has gone to CaliforniaOh,can you tell me ?31This is the first time that he 这是他第一次考试不及格。(fail)32They when the bus arrived 他们刚坐下来公汽就到了。(seat)33I had no soon

12、er finished the work 我一做完工作,灯就熄灭了。(go)34That was the most interesting film 那是我曾经所看过的最有趣的影片。(see)35By the end of last year,we 到去年底为止,我们完成了三分之二的工程。(complete)36The whole family were worried about Mary Since they had no idea 全家人在为玛丽担心,因为他们不知道手术是否会成功。(successful)37I when the telephone rang 我正要离开这时电话响了。(a

13、bout)38He every time I go to visit him 每次我去看望他时,他总是在看书。(read)39I but I was too busy then 我本打算帮助你,但当时我太忙了。(mean)40Turn on the television or open a magazine advertisements showing happy familes打开电视或杂志,你会经常看到展示幸福家庭的广告。(see) (2)情态动态和虚拟语气考点精练(李春燕)1(2012陕西)If my car _,I would have driven to Lasa instead o

14、f flying last summer(reliable) 如果我的车更可靠的话,我去年夏天会开车去拉萨而不是坐飞机会。2(2012陕西)I _ for all your help to my son while we were away from home(can) 我们不在家时,对于你对我的儿子的帮忙,我再怎么感谢你都不为过。3(2012新课标全国卷) I _ to wake me up because at six oclock each morning the train comes by my house(use) 我不必用钟唤醒自己,因为火车每天早上六点经过我的房子。 4(201

15、2大纲全国卷II)Did you ask Sophia for help?I _I managed perfectly well on my own(need)你请苏菲亚帮忙了吗?我没有必要,自己完美地做完了。5(2012安徽)Grace doesnt want to move to New York because she thinks if she _ _,she wouldnt be able to see her parents very often(live) 格雷丝不想搬到纽约去,因为她认为假如她生活在那里,她就不能经常去看望父母了。6(2012江西)We _ so much fo

16、od now that Suzie wont be with us for dinner(buy) 既然Suzie不打算和我们共进晚餐,我们本没有必要买这么多吃的。7(2012江西改编)We were all agreed that the young girl _(make) 我们都认为这位年轻的女孩子会成为一个好妻子。8(2012北京)We _ the difficulty together,but why didnt you tell me?(face) 我们本来可以共同面对困难,可你为什么不告诉我?9(2012北京)Dont handle the earth vase as if _(

17、make)不要那样拿土罐,好像它是钢做的一样!10(2012湖北)Had we not used an out-of-date train schedule, we _ the train.(miss) 要不是用了一张过期的列车时刻表,我们就不会误了火车。11(2012重庆)_now?Cant you see Im on the phone?Sorry sir,but its very urgent(interrupt)你偏要此时打扰我吗?难道你没看见我在打电话?对不起,先生,但是这是紧急情况。12(2012天津)We would have called a taxi yesterday if

18、 Harold _(offer)如果Harold昨天没让我们搭便车回家,我们就会打的。13(2012山东)If we _,the conference wouldnt have been so successful(make) 如果我们没有做好了充分的准备,会议不可能这么成功。14(2012辽宁)One of our rules is that every student _ while at school(wear) 我们的规矩之一是在校期间每个学生都应该穿校服。15(2012辽宁)Jack is a great talkerIts high time that _instead of ju

19、st talking(get) 杰克总爱夸夸其谈。是该他做正事的时候了,而不是仅仅空谈。 16(2012福建)We lost our way in the small village,otherwise we _more places of interest yesterday(visit) 我们在这个小山村里迷路了,否则昨天我们会游玩更多名胜。17(2012湖南)Sorry,I am too busy nowIf _,I would certainly go for an outing with you(have) 对不起,我现在太忙。如果我有时间,我当然会同你一起去郊游。18(2012浙江

20、)Had they known what was coming next,they _second thoughts(have)要是他们知道接下来将发生什么事情,他们可能会再考虑一下。19(2012江苏)Days later,my brother called to say he was all right,but _ where he was(will) 几天后,我哥打电话时他很好,但是就是不愿意说他在哪里。20(2012江苏)Happy Birthday!Thank you!Its the best present I _(wish)生日快乐!谢谢你!这是我所能够希望得到的最好的礼物了。

21、(3)定语从句考点精练(郭军)1(2012全国卷I)That evening, _ you more about later, I ended up working very late.(tell) 那天晚上,我工作到很晚,我以后会告诉你更多关于它的情况。2(2012全国卷II)100is the temperature _.(boil) 一百摄氏度是水会在那时沸腾的温度。3(2012安徽)A lot of language learning, _, is happening in the first year of life, so parents should talk much to t

22、heir children during that period.(discover) 正如已被发现的那样,大量的语言学习是在出生后的第一年发生的,所以父母应当在那一时期多和孩子说话。4(2012江西)By 16:30, _, nearly all the paintings had been sold.(closing) 到下午4点半时,这差不多是关门时间,几乎所有的画都卖光了。5(2012北京)When deeply absorbed in work, _, he would forget all about eating or sleeping.(be) 他经常是这样的,当他全身心投入工

23、作时,他就会完全忘记了吃饭和休息。6(2012重庆)Sales director is a position _ as sales.(important) 销售经理是一个沟通能力与销售同等重要的职位。7(2012天津)I wish to thank Professor Smith, _ I would never have got this far.(help) 我希望感谢史密斯教授,没有他的帮助我就不会走这么远。8(2012山东)Maria has written 2 novels, _ into television series.(make) 玛丽娅写了两部小说,它们都已被制成了电视连续

24、剧。9(2012福建)The air quality in the city, _ in the report, has improved over the past two months.(show) 正如报告中显示的那样,在过去的两个月内,这个城市的空气质量改善了不少。10(2012四川)In our class there are 46 students, _.(wear) 我班有46人,其中一半的人戴眼镜。11(2012浙江)No matter how bright a talker you are, there are times _.(remain) 无论你多么能言善辩,但肯定有保

25、持沉默会更好的时候。12(2012江苏)After the flooding, people were suffering in that area, _ clean water, medicine and shelter to survive.(need) 洪灾过后,那个地区的人正在受苦,他们急需干净的水、药物和住所来生存下来。13(2011全国新课标)The prize will go to the writer _ the most imagination.(show) 这个奖将颁给其故事展现最大的想象力的作家。14(2011北京)Mary was much kinder to Jack

26、 than she was to the others,_.(make)玛丽对杰克比她对别人要好,这使得别人不高兴。15(2011湖南)Julie was good at German,French and Russian,_.(speak)朱莉精通德文、法文和俄文,所有这些她都说得很流利。16(2011江西)She showed the visitors around the museum,the construction _ more than 3 years.(take)她带领游客参观博物馆,这个博物馆的建造工作花了三年多的时间。17(2011浙江)A bank is the place

27、 _ in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.(lend)银行是在晴天借给你雨伞,而在开始下雨时又要把伞收回的地方。18(2011江苏) Between the two parts of the concert is an interval,_ ice-cream.(buy)在音乐会两部分之间有间隙时间,那个时候观众可以买冰激凌。19(2011福建)She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students _ freely with each other.(

28、allow)她有才能为学生创造一种气氛,这种气氛允许他们彼此自由交流。20(2010全国卷I)As a child,Jack studied in a village school,_ his grandfather.(name) 小的时候,杰克在一个山村学校学习,这个学校是以他外祖父的名字命名的。21(2010湖北)_ many times,“serve the people” is our first policy.(stress)正如我们强调了很多次的那样,“为人民服务”是我们的第一政策。22(2010四川)After graduation from college,I took som

29、e time off to go travelling,_ a wise decision.(turn)大学毕业后,我抽出一部分时间去旅游,这结果是一个明智的选择。23(2010陕西)The old temple _ in a storm is now under repair.(damage)在一场暴风雪中那座旧寺庙的屋顶被毁了,它现在正在修建中。24(2010江苏)The newly-built caf,_ light green,is really a peaceful place for us,especially after hard work.(paint)这个新建的墙体被涂成浅绿

30、色的咖啡厅对我们而言确实是个安静场所,尤其是辛苦工作之后。25(2009湖北)Learning strategies,to _ importance,have not yet drawn enough attention of students.(attach)老师们都认为学习的策略很重要,而这一点还没有引起学生足够的注意。26(2009辽宁)Theyve won their last three matches,_ actually.(find)他们已经赢了刚刚过去的三场比赛,我觉得这确实有点令人惊讶。27In order to make the office clean and tidy,

31、the secretary threw away all the newspaper,_.(read)为了使办公室干净整洁,秘书把所有的报纸都扔掉了,其中有一些从未被看过。28The plane may be several hours later,_ theres no point in our waiting.(case)飞机可能会晚点几个小时。那样的话,我们就没有必要等了。29It was at the church _ last weekend that the accident happened.(show)正是在我上周末领你参观的教堂发生了事故。30She told me she

32、had the same address _.(have)她告诉我她有一件和我一样的裙子。 (4)名词性从句考点精练(徐继文)1(2012陕西)As many as five courses are provided,and you are free to choose _(suit) 多达五门课程被提供了,你可自由选择最适合你的任何一门。2(2012新课标全国)_what the president will do to end the strike(clear) 总统能做什么来结束罢工尚不清楚。3(2012安徽)The limits of a persons intelligence,ge

33、nerally speaking,are fixed at birth,but _ will depend on his environment(reach) 一个人的智力极限通常说来在出生时就已定型了,但是他是否达到这些极限将取决于他的环境。4(2012江西)_ he had left his keys in the office.(occur) 他突然想到,他把钥匙丢在办公室了。5(2012湖北)Things arent always _.(appear) 事情往往不是他们看上去的那样。6(2012重庆)_ through years of study that childrens ear

34、ly sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up(find) 通过多年的研究,已经找到证据表明孩子早年的睡眠问题在他们成年之后依然会继续。7(2012天津) _ you turn right or left at the crossing both roads lead to the park(matter) 在路口,你是向左转还是右转都没有关系,因为两条路都通向公园。8(2012辽宁)The newcomer went to the library the other day and searched for _ _

35、about Mark Twain(find) 几天前那个新来的人去了图书馆查找一切他能找到的关于马克吐温的资料。9(2012福建)We promise _ the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star(attend)我们答应给任何参加这个聚会的人一个与电影明星合影的机会。10(2012浙江)I made a promise to myself that this year,my first year in high school,_(different)我对自己许下了一个诺言,今年,我高中的第一年,将会不同。11(20

36、12江苏)The notice came around two in the afternoon _. (postpone) 下午两点通知来了说会议将会推迟。 (5)非谓语动词考点精练(舒秋林)1(2012山东卷)George returned after the war, only _ that his wife had left him.(tell) 乔治战后返家,结果被告知他的妻子已经离开了他。2(2012天津卷)He got up late and hurried to his office, _ untouched.(leave) 他起晚了,然后匆忙赶到办公室,早饭根本没动。3(20

37、12北京卷) _, one tin will last for six weeks.(use) 如果小心使用,一罐可维持6个星期。4(2012全国)The old man sat in front of the television every evening, happy _ that happened to be on.(watch) 每天晚上这个老人都坐在电视机前,高兴地看着电视上演的任何东西。5(2012重庆卷)Were having a meeting in half an hour. The decision _ _ at the meeting will influence th

38、e future of our company.(make) 我们半个小时以后开会。在会上做出的决定将会是影响我们公司的未来。6(2012辽宁卷)The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with _ _.(follow) 这对老夫妇经常晚饭后在公园散步,他们的宠物狗跟着他们。7(2012湖南)Weve had a good start, but next, more work needs _ _ to achieve the final success.(do) 我们已经有了一个很好的开始,但是为了取得最后的成功,接下来会有更多的工作需要做。8(2012上海)When Peter speaks in public, he always has trouble _ the right things to say.(think) Peter在公共场合讲话时,总难找到合适的话语。9(2012浙江)No matter how bright a talker you are, there are times when its better _.(remain) 不论你是一个多么


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