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1、完形填空解题策略与技巧时间:2014-04-3作者;王 松完形填空属“综合能力应用”题型,是高考的必考题型。完形填空在高考试卷中是拉开考生得分的一道关键题型。该题型为20个空,分数为30分,分数占卷面20%,因此掌握完形填空解题技巧对考生而言尤为重要。命题特点:非等距离挖空的命题方式是完形填空的最大特色。短文首句不挖空,以便为考生理解全文留下足够信息,命题者根据考查目的进行挖空,造成信息链中断,这就要求考生依据上下文的文意捕捉到空白处的缺词。主要考查考生灵活运用所学词汇的能力,尤其是以考查实词或信息词为主,着重考查考生对文章的内在逻辑和整体把握能力。因此,把握句间和段落之间的内在逻辑关系,通过

2、上下文暗示,对篇章、段落或句意的整体把握;再则,干扰项的设置与语法结构无甚关系,重在文意干扰。因此,把握文意和具体语境,通过对词义的辨析,是解完形填空的最好手段。解题技巧:巧解完形填空题,考生必须进行通篇考虑,掌握大意,综合所学词法、句法和常识进行分析判断。为帮助考生能更好地解答完形填空题,在这里介绍几种解题技巧。1. 复现解题法:这类题多为同义词、近义词和反义词的复现或同义词、近义词和反义词异形复现的形式。这种测试手法主要是考查考生的整体篇章意识和上下文推断能力。1)In particular, there was (and perhaps still is) a belief in fai

3、ries. Not all of these _21_ are the friendly, people-loving characters that appear in Disney films, and in some folk-tales they are _22_ and cause much human suffering.21. A. babies B. believes C. fairies D. supermen22. A. powerful B. cruel C. frightened D. extraordinary【21. C项,同义原词的复现;22. B项,异形近义词的

4、复现】2. 语法结构法: 这类题需要考生有较为扎实的语法基础知识,能够从句式的结构上辨别出须填相关的关联词、连词、副词、形容词或相应的动词,当然还要考虑到主谓一致的关系等语法知识要点。3. 语境信息解题法:这类题主要是通过短文中上下语境所透露的信息进行解题,首先要正确理解所给信息,在进行合理分析和推断,这种语境信息一定要遵循逻辑概念,符合运动规律,时态的交替,以及特殊场合下的应急合理判断。4. 固定搭配解题法:这类题与语法结构题有点类似,但主要惯用搭配,讲究词与词的搭配,涉及到关联词、动词、副词、形容词、名词和短语等。9) Telling him that he no longer neede

5、d to enjoy them but I still needed to write them, I _28_ until the day he graduated.28. A. held up B. gave up C. followed D. continued【28. D项。由句意可知,“尽管儿子不愿意再收到我的字条,但是我依然坚持写到他毕业为止。”这道题实际上是一道固定搭配题,其结构为notuntil,但句中没有否定副词not,再则,若A、B两项短语用于这一结构中须与not连用,故不合题意;C项的followed应为及物动词,后面需加宾语方可,再则followed在此有歧义,也不合题

6、意,由于continue是延续性动词,所以,无需否定副词,在这一固定搭配中只有瞬间动词才与not连用。】10) He had spent those years well, graduating from college, _30_ two internships(实习) in Washington, D.C, and finally, becoming a technical assistant in Sacramento.30. A. organizing B. planning C. comparing D. completing【30. D项。大学毕业之后,又实习了两个学期,最后在萨克

7、拉门托做一名技术助理。这儿指完成实习,故惟有completing符合题意。】11) As she gathered her books, Jenna decided shed continue to try to _32_ at her new school. She wasnt sure if shed succeed, but she knew she had to try.32. A. fit in B. look out C. stay up D. get around【32. A项。从上下文看,Jenna从初中进入高中之后碰到一系列挫折之后,发现自己应该要努力适应新学校的环境。此处的

8、意思为“适应”,而固定搭配fit in短语正有此意。】5. 逻辑语气解题法:这类题主要是通过分了解全文的人物、时间、地点等信息之后,再分析句子与句子之间的关系,段落与段落之间的关系来解题。这种逻辑语气主要包含并列、递进、因果、转折和委婉语气等等。这类题的选项多为连词、副词或具有连词意义的各类短语。12) All went well that first week. When Saturday night came, I was luckily given the tables not far from the kitchen. _40_, I still felt it a little ha

9、rd to carry the heavy trays.40. A. Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. Finally【40. B项。从整篇文章来看,在这儿只是一个转折语气,表示在前一个星期的顺利,在这一天却遇到了一些麻烦。Therefore是递进语气,finally也属递进语气,但表示是最后一步的语气,多指结论性的行为,不符合题意;otherwise虽属转折语气,但多为推断或假设否定语气,而本文所叙述的是真实事例的呈现,所以,惟有however符合题意。】13) He had spent those years well, graduating fro

10、m college, completing two internships(实习) in Washington, D.C, and _31_, becoming a technical assistant in Sacramento.31. A. hopefully B. finally C. particularly D. certainly【31. B项。有上文及全句的意思可知,在这儿是作者六年求学和工作的最后一个环节,表示毕业之后找到了一份工作,从预期上讲,应该是结论性的,所以,惟有finally符合题意。】14) Many parents go to childrens sportin

11、g events and shout results at other players or cheer when their children behave aggressively. As well, children are even taught that hurting other players is acceptable or are pushed to continue playing even when they are injured. _59_, the media makes violence seem exciting. 59. A. By account B. In

12、 addition C. As a result D. After all【59. B项。从上下文可知,媒体的报道对体育运动暴力的宣扬,让孩子觉得非常刺激,上半句说明父母和教练对孩子的影响,在此,又特别强调媒体尤其到了推波助澜的作用,这儿的语气比前面as well引导的作用,是有过之而不及。所以,从四个选项看,惟有in addition符合题意。因为by account意为“相反地”;as a result意为“结果是”;after all意为“毕竟,终究”,它们均不符合题意。】在进行有关逻辑语气题时,必须要符合原文的意思,要瞻前顾后,审慎分析,细心推断,密切注意相关连词的连用,注意语气的变化


14、空的特点和技巧:1.完形填空的特点:(1)只考以下四类词名词、动词(包括短语动词)、形容词和副词。(2)首句不设空:有助于考生了解或推测全文的大意。(3)同一小题的四个选项都是同一词类,且为同一语法形式。2.完形填空的技巧:(1)词语之间的习惯搭配,或固定搭配。观察1:Amajor French newspaper (21) his brother for him(2009广东)21. A.found B.misunderstood C.mistookD.judged解析:mistake A for B(意思是:把错认为)是固定搭配,故答案为C.观察2:Nobelarranged in his

15、 will to give the largest part of his money to (28) the Nobelprize,which would be awarded to people who made great(29) to the causes of peace,literature,andthe sciences.(2009广东)28.A.establish B.form C.developD.promote29.A.additions B.sacrifices C.changesD.contributions解析:根据与名词theNobel prizes的搭配,又结合常

16、识,应当是(建立;形成)诺贝尔奖金。makecontributions to意思是(对作出贡献)是固定搭配,故28题答案为A,29题答案为D.(2)背景知识或生活常识:观察1:“Dr.AlfredNobel,who became rich by finding ways to kill morepeople faster than ever before,died yesterday.”Nobelwas (24) to find out not that he had died,but that,whenhis time was up,(2009广东)A.upset B.anxiousC.ex

17、cited D.pleased解析:根据常识,看到报道自己死这样的消息,特别是说自己通过killmore people faster来发财的评论,应当是(心烦意乱的),不可能是“兴奋的(excited)”、“高兴的(pleased)”、“渴望的(anxious)”。所以答案是:(A).观察2:Butwe ran so much that,afterwards,we had trouble ()北京高考题A.speaking B.movingC.sleeping D.breathing解析:根据常识,跑步太快时,人们会(呼吸很困难),所以答案是(D).观察3:Amajor French news

18、paper mistook his brother for him and carried an article (22)the death of Alfred Nobel.22.A.introducing B.announcing C.implyingD.advertising.解析:由常识可知,报社应该是(透露;宣布)消息,故用announce(give information about),所以答案为B.(3)根据上下文提示,也就是我们所说的上下文语境。这是做完形填空非常重要的一种方法。观察1:Tomake sure that he was (26) with love and resp

19、ect.Nobel arranged in his will togive the largest part of his money to establish the Nobel prizes,(2009广东).26.A.repaid B.describedC.supported D.remembered解析:由下文中设立诺贝尔奖金可知,他改变自我形象是为了被别人充满爱与尊敬地(记住),故答案为D.观察2:Everycountry has its own culture.Even though each country uses doors.Doors many havedifferent

20、functions and purposes which lead to (22) differences. (2010广东).22A.national国家的 B.embarrassing尴尬的 C.cultural文化的 D.amazing惊奇的解析:从开头总括句“Everycountry has its own culture.”我们可以知道门的使用也有自己的(文化差异),故答案为C.观察3:WhenI first came to America,I noticed that apublic building had two different (23) and they had dist

21、inct functions.You haveto push the door with the word“PUSH”to goout of the building and to pull the door with the word“PULL”toenter the building.(2010广东).23.A.exits B.entrancesC.signs D.doors.解析:从下文(push the doorwith the word“PUSH”)和(pullthe door with the word“PULL”)可知,每一幢公共建筑都有两种不同的“标志”,即“push”和“pu

22、ll”,故答案为C.观察4:In southKorea,we do not need to wait for people to get off.Onemorning,I hurried to the bus,andwhen the bus doors opened,I (29) tried toget on the school bus through the front door. (2010广东).29.A.politely B.patientlyC.unconsciously D.slowly.解析:由上文“In south Korea,we donot need to wait fo

23、r people to get off”可知作者在生活中已经养成了习惯,由生活常识知道,到美国后,就(无意识地)遵循以往的习惯,故答案为C.(4)词语或词义复现。词汇复现往往会使语篇中的句子相互衔接得更紧密。利用词语的复现,对解题很有帮助。观察1:Allthe students around looked at me,I was totally(30),and my face went red.(2010广东).30.A.embarrassed B.annoyedC.unsatisfied D.excited.解析:由上下文“my face went red.”及“All the studen

24、ts aroundlooked at me.”可知答案应该是A,意思是(尴尬的)。观察2:Beforesetting out,I told Barrett this trip would be tiringand roughThis (35) achieved all Id expected. (天津).35.A.interview B.flightC.article D.trip.解析:短文前面有trip提示,故35空指的是“旅行”,故选(D)通读全文,理解大意。重视首句信息,跳过空格,浏览全文,从整体上感知全文,理解文章大意,这是解题的基础。复读全文,解决残敌。借助已经补全的空格,我们对全

25、文有了更清楚的理解,可以集中解决所遗留的少数疑难问题。2010年四川高考英语完形填空试题及答案Recently,I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive,the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight 2l before setting down. High desert winds had 22 the airport to close all but one runway. He said that we would be

26、 23 the city for a few minutes waiting to 24 . We were also told to remain in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened 25 therRecently,I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive,the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight 2l before setting down. Hig

27、h desert winds had 22 the airport to close all but one runway. He said that we would be 23 the city for a few minutes waiting to 24 . We were also told to remain in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened 25 there might be a few bumps(颠簸)We11,that few minutes turned into about fourfive minu

28、tes,including a ride that would make a roller coaster(过山车) 26 by comparison. The movement was so fierce that several passengers felt 27 and had to use airsickness bags. As you might guess,thats not good thing to have happen in a(n) 28 space because it only 29 to increase the discomfort of the situat

29、ion. About twenty minutes into the adventure,the entire airplane became very 30 . There was now a sense of anxiety and fear that could be 31 noticedEvery passenger simply held on for dear life except one. A 32 was having a good time! With each bump of the33!he would let out a giggle(咯咯的笑)of delight

30、As I observed this,I 34 that he didnt know he was supposed to be afraid and worried about his 35 He neither thought about the past nor about the future Those are what we grownups have learned from 36 .He was 37 the ride because had not yet been taught to fear it. Having understood this,I took a deep

31、 breath and 38 back into my seat,pretending I was 39 on a roller coaster. I smiled for the rest of the flight. I even 40 to giggle once or twice ,much to the chagrin(随恼)of the man sitting next to me holding the airsickness bag. 21. A. mistake B. delay C. change D. wind 22. A. forced B. warned C. swe

32、pt D. reminded 23. A. watching B. visiting C. circling D. crossing 24. A. arrive B. enter C. stop D. land 25. A. if B. though C. because D. while 26. A. light B. pale C. easy D. quick 27. A. sick B. nervous C. angry D. afraid 28. A. empty B. narrow C. secret D. open 29. A. happens B. continues C. fa

33、ils D. serves 30. A. quiet B. hot C. dirty D. crowded 31. A. partly B. gradually C. shortly D. clearly 32. A. pilot B. baby C. guard D. man 33. A. seats B. passengers C. flight D. airplane 34. A. realized B. hoped C. agreed D. insisted 35. A. health B. safety C. joy D. future 36. A. teachers B. book

34、s C. experience D. practice 37. A. learning B. taking C. missing D. enjoying 38. A. sat B. lay C. went D. rode 39. A. nearly B. finally C. really D. suddenly 40. A. attempted B. managed C. wanted D. decided 语篇解读:本文记述了作者一次因开会去拉斯维加斯时,飞机因沙尘暴而延时降落,在不断延长的等待中,成人焦急、害怕,唯独不知恐惧的婴儿在享受着过山车一样的颠簸。作者也深受启发,体验了一次孩子的

35、享受。 21. 答案:B 解析:根据 “High desert windsto close all but one runway”可知因沙尘暴关闭所有的跑道,只留一条,故应为延时降落。 22. 答案:A 解析:因为沙尘暴迫使机场关闭跑道。 B为“警告”;C意为“打扫,席卷”;D意为“提醒”,均不符合题意 23. 答案:C 解析:飞机在等待降落的过程中应该是绕城市盘旋。故应选C。 A. watch用于着动态的场面; B. visit意为“参观,拜访”; D. cross意为“横穿” 24. 答案:D 解析:根据上下文句意可知,飞机要绕城市盘旋几分钟以便等待着陆 25. 答案:C 解析:句意为;“

36、我们被告知仍在座位上坐好,系好安全带,因为飞机可能有颠簸。”此处应为because引导的原因状语从句 26. 答案:B 解析:makepale by comparison “使相形见绌”,此处用以强调飞机在空中极不稳定 27. 答案:A 解析:句意为:“象过山车一样的巨烈运动使旅客恶心而不得不用呕吐袋。A. sick 意为“恶心的”;B. nervous意为“紧张的”; C. angry 意为“生气的”;D. afraid意为“害怕的”。 28答案B解析:此空前的that指的是using airsickness bags,也就是发生在飞机上狭小空间中的呕吐,因此选用narrow“狭窄的”,后面

37、的space指的是飞机内部空间。empty 意为“空的”,secret意为“秘密的”,均不合题意。 29答案A解析:在这种情形下本来就很难受,在飞机上呕吐使得这种难受更加强烈,此处serve意为“起作用,用作”。 30. 答案:A 解析:根据后面的 a sense of anxiety and fear可知,人们都很紧张、焦虑,在这种情形下飞机上的人一定是静悄悄的。 31. 答案:D 解析:飞机上的焦躁不安,应该是能够很明显的被感觉到,故选clearly 32. 答案:B 解析:从后文中的 “he didnt know he was supposed to be afraid and worr

38、iedThose are what we grownups have learned ”他不知道害怕和着急,那是我们成年人,可推测出应该是孩子 33. 答案:D 解析:应是飞机的每一次颠簸让孩子体验坐过山车一样的感受,孩子发出咯咯的笑声 34. 答案:A 解析:句意为我意识到孩子不知道他应该害怕和担心 35. 答案:B 解析:应是为他的安全担心 36. 答案:C 解析:成人都是从孩子时代过来的。是成人的亲身经历让他们知道孩子不知道什么是害怕和担心 37. 答案:D 解析:因为孩子不知道害怕,自然是在飞机的颠簸中享受坐过山车般的快乐 38. 答案:A 解析:sat back into my se

39、at意为坐回到座位上 39. 答案:C 解析:句意应为:“我坐回到我的座位上,假装真地坐上了过山车。”A项意为“几乎”;B项意为“最后”,D项意为“突然”,均不合题意。 40答案B解析:我甚至咯咯地笑了一两次。作者应该是真的笑出了声,才让邻座的手拿呕吐袋的人懊恼。做成了某事用managed to do.20e might be a few bumps(颠簸)We11,that few minutes turned into about fourfive minutes,including a ride that would make a roller coaster(过山车) 26 by co

40、mparison. The movement was so fierce that several passengers felt 27 and had to use airsickness bags. As you might guess,thats not good thing to have happen in a(n) 28 space because it only 29 to increase the discomfort of the situation. About twenty minutes into the adventure,the entire airplane be

41、came very 30 . There was now a sense of anxiety and fear that could be 31 noticedEvery passenger simply held on for dear life except one. A 32 was having a good time! With each bump of the33!he would let out a giggle(咯咯的笑)of delight As I observed this,I 34 that he didnt know he was supposed to be af

42、raid and worried about his 35 He neither thought about the past nor about the future Those are what we grownups have learned from 36 .He was 37 the ride because had not yet been taught to fear it. Having understood this,I took a deep breath and 38 back into my seat,pretending I was 39 on a roller co

43、aster. I smiled for the rest of the flight. I even 40 to giggle once or twice ,much to the chagrin(随恼)of the man sitting next to me holding the airsickness bag. 21. A. mistake B. delay C. change D. wind 22. A. forced B. warned C. swept D. reminded 23. A. watching B. visiting C. circling D. crossing

44、24. A. arrive B. enter C. stop D. land 25. A. if B. though C. because D. while 26. A. light B. pale C. easy D. quick 27. A. sick B. nervous C. angry D. afraid 28. A. empty B. narrow C. secret D. open 29. A. happens B. continues C. fails D. serves 30. A. quiet B. hot C. dirty D. crowded 31. A. partly

45、 B. gradually C. shortly D. clearly 32. A. pilot B. baby C. guard D. man 33. A. seats B. passengers C. flight D. airplane 34. A. realized B. hoped C. agreed D. insisted 35. A. health B. safety C. joy D. future 36. A. teachers B. books C. experience D. practice 37. A. learning B. taking C. missing D.

46、 enjoying 38. A. sat B. lay C. went D. rode 39. A. nearly B. finally C. really D. suddenly 40. A. attempted B. managed C. wanted D. decided 语篇解读:本文记述了作者一次因开会去拉斯维加斯时,飞机因沙尘暴而延时降落,在不断延长的等待中,成人焦急、害怕,唯独不知恐惧的婴儿在享受着过山车一样的颠簸。作者也深受启发,体验了一次孩子的享受。 21. 答案:B 解析:根据 “High desert windsto close all but one runway”可知

47、因沙尘暴关闭所有的跑道,只留一条,故应为延时降落。 22. 答案:A 解析:因为沙尘暴迫使机场关闭跑道。 B为“警告”;C意为“打扫,席卷”;D意为“提醒”,均不符合题意 23. 答案:C 解析:飞机在等待降落的过程中应该是绕城市盘旋。故应选C。 A. watch用于着动态的场面; B. visit意为“参观,拜访”; D. cross意为“横穿” 24. 答案:D 解析:根据上下文句意可知,飞机要绕城市盘旋几分钟以便等待着陆 25. 答案:C 解析:句意为;“我们被告知仍在座位上坐好,系好安全带,因为飞机可能有颠簸。”此处应为because引导的原因状语从句 26. 答案:B 解析:make

48、pale by comparison “使相形见绌”,此处用以强调飞机在空中极不稳定 27. 答案:A 解析:句意为:“象过山车一样的巨烈运动使旅客恶心而不得不用呕吐袋。A. sick 意为“恶心的”;B. nervous意为“紧张的”; C. angry 意为“生气的”;D. afraid意为“害怕的”。 28答案B解析:此空前的that指的是using airsickness bags,也就是发生在飞机上狭小空间中的呕吐,因此选用narrow“狭窄的”,后面的space指的是飞机内部空间。empty 意为“空的”,secret意为“秘密的”,均不合题意。 29答案A解析:在这种情形下本来就很难受,在飞机上呕吐使得这种难受更加强烈,此处serve意为“起作用,用作”。 30. 答案:A 解析:根据后面的 a sense of anxiety and fear可知,人们都很紧张、焦虑,在这种情形下飞机上的人一定是静悄悄的。 31. 答案:D 解析:飞机上的焦躁不安,应该是能够很明显的被感觉到,故选clearly 32. 答案:B 解析:从后文中的 “he didnt know he was supposed to be afraid and worr


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