1、Unit Four Where is my car?,周晓娜,Im Zhou Xiaona.Im 26 years old.Im from China.Im a teacher.,26,China,teacher,Zhou Xiaona,10,China,student,Im.Im years old.Im from.Im a.,Where is the ruler?,Its under the chair!,on 在.上面,Where is the bird?,Its the house(房子).,in 在.里面,Where is the bird?,Its the house.,under
2、在.下面,Where is the bird?,Its the house.,Where is the,Its the desk.,under,bag?,Where is the,Its the chair.,pencil-box?,on,Where is the,Its the box.,in,book?,Listen and do actions.You can put your bags in a different place.Put your bag on your chair.Put your pencil-box on the desk.Put your pen in the desk.,Put the ruler,pencil,pen the pencili-box.Put the pencil-box the desk.Put your bag the desk.,in,on,in,Where is my.?,the desk,the desk,the desk,the chair,on,in,under,on,Homework,1.Read these words after class.2.Do the exercise book.,