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1、七年级下册Units 79,重点词汇与短语,1.remember观察思考 Do you remember Johnny Dean,the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair.你记得约翰丹,那个戴着滑稽眼镜,头发长又卷的流行歌手吗?Please remember to show me your photos next time.请记住下次把照片带给我看。I remember telling you the story.我记得告诉过你这个故事。,归纳拓展remember 动词,意为“记住”;remember to do sth.意为“

2、记得去做某事”(未做);remember doing sth.意为“记得做过某事”(已做)。,即学即用1:()(1)Remember _ some eggs,there are few in the fridge.A.buy B.buying C.to buy D.bought()(2)I remember _ the book.I know something about the characters in the book.Aread B.to read C.reading D.have read,C,C,2.chicken观察思考 There are some chickens on t

3、he farm.农场里有一些鸡。Tony likes chicken noodles.托尼喜欢吃鸡肉面。归纳拓展 chicken作可数名词,意为“小鸡”;作不可数名词,意为“鸡肉”。duck也有此用法。,即学即用2:()(1)His job is to feed the _.A.chicken B.chickens C.chick D.chicks()(2)The _ is delicious,could I get some more?Sure.A.chicken B.chickens C.chick D.chicks,B,A,3.do some reading 观察思考 He usuall

4、y does some reading on Sunday morning.他经常在星期天早上阅读。归纳拓展 do some ving 意为“做某事”,这是一个固定结构,表示做某事需要一段时间或反复进行的动作。类似短语:do some washing洗衣服;do some shopping 购物;do some cooking做饭;do some cleaning大扫除。,即学即用3:My mother often some washing and on weekends.妈妈经常在周末洗衣服和大扫除。,does,cleaning,4.like观察思考 Do you like the colo

5、r?你喜欢这种颜色吗?She likes eating apples.她喜欢吃苹果。It looks like an orange.它看起来像个桔子。,归纳拓展like 作动词,表示一般性的“爱好、喜欢”。反义词为dislike“不喜欢”。like 后可接不定式(like to do sth.),也可接动词的ing形式(like doing sth.),两者意思相似,但有时不尽相同。like doing 表示习惯上的喜欢;like to do.则表示只对当下某一具体动作的喜欢(可能平时并不喜欢)。like sb.to do sth./doing sth.意为“喜欢某人做某事”。like 作介词

6、,可译成“像.”。反义词为unlike“不像”。feel like意为“想要”,后接名词、代词或v.ing。,即学即用4:()(1)He likes _ online with his friends.A.chatting B.chat C.to chatting D.chats()(2)Mrs.Black is friendly to us _ a mother.A.as B.with C.like D.for,A,C,()(3)They all like me _ English songs.A.sings B.sing C.to sing D.sang()(4)Yesterday I h

7、ad a stomachache,I didnt feel like _.A.to eat something B.to eat anything C.eating anything D.eating something,C,C,重点句型,1.Can I help you?典例体验 Can I help you?我能帮你吗?Yes,please.Id like a small bowl of noodles.是的,我要一小碗面条。归纳拓展 Can I help you?相当于 What can I do for you?是一种向别人提供帮助的习惯用语,它的答语为:Yes,please.或No,

8、thanks.,即学即用5:Can I help you?,.I can do it by myself.,No thanks,2.Id like a small bowl of noodles.典例体验 Id like some apples.我要一些苹果。Hed like to go with you.他愿意和你一起去。Id like you to stay with me.我想你跟我呆在一起。Would you like some coffee?想要些咔啡吗?Yes,please.是的。,归纳拓展would like 意为“想要、愿意”,相当于want。但would like常用于口语,

9、语气较委婉。would 常缩写为d。(I wouldId;he wouldhed 等)相关句型:would like sth.想要某物would like to do sth.想要做某事would like sb.to do sth.希望/想要某人做某事一般疑问句式:Would you like some.?的肯定回答为Yes,please.否定回答为No,thanks.Would you like/love to(do).?肯定回答一般为Yes,Id love/like to;也可用Yes,please;All right;Yes;OK等。否定回答一般为Id love/like to,but

10、./Im afraid not./.,即学即用6:(1)I would different kinds of people.我想要见见各种各样的人。()(2)Would you like to take a vacation with us next summer?_,but I must do my work first.A.OK,please B.Good idea C.Yes,Id love D.Yes,Id like to,like to meet,D,3.What does he look like?典例体验 What does your friend look like?He is

11、 of medium build.你的朋友长得怎么样?他中等身材。My best friend is more popular than me.I want to be like him.我的朋友比我更受欢迎。我想要像他一样受欢迎。,归纳拓展What does he look like?用来询问人的长相。回答可用:He is tall and thin with black hair.他高瘦且长着黑头发。He has a medium build.He is of medium build.他中等身材。He has brown hair.His hair is brown.他的头发是棕色的。l

12、ook like,指外表看上去“看起来像”。be like指性格方面的“像”,相当于take after与be similar to。,即学即用7:()(1)_?He is tall with short straight hair?A.What does he like B.What is he look like C.What does he look like D.Does he look like his father,C,()(2)What is your little brother like?_.He enjoys telling jokes.A.He is tall and t

13、hin B.He is shy and quiet C.He is outgoing and funny D.He is strong and heavy,C,4.It was time to go home.典例体验 Its time to have a rest.是该休息的时间了。Its time for bed.该睡觉了。归纳拓展 Its time(for sb.)to do sth.意为“(对某人来说)该干某事了”相当于Its time for sth.,即学即用8:Its time for us to go to school.Its time.,for school,易混辨异,1.

14、stop doing,stop to do典例体验 Stop talking,Ann.Dad is sleeping.安,别讲话了,爸爸正在睡觉。He felt very tired and stopped to have a rest.他觉得很累,于是停下来休息一会儿。归纳拓展 stop doing sth.意为“停下正在做的事”,doing为正在做的事情。stop to do sth.意为“停止正在做的事情,继续去做另一件事情”,do为要去做的事情。,即学即用9:()(1)The farmers had to stop _because of the heavy rain.A.to wor

15、k B.working C.work D.to working()(2)Mr.Li is over there.Lets stop _ hello to him.A.say B.to saying C.saying D.to say,B,D,2.pass,past观察思考 You will pass a bank on your left.在你的左边你会路过一个银行。She passed her math exam.她数学考试及格了。He slowly walked past the house.他慢慢地走过这座房子。It is half past eleven in the evening

16、now,the shop is closed.现在是晚上11点半了,商店已关门了。,归纳拓展pass 动词,意为“经过,路过”;“传递”。past 介词,副词;意为“经过,路过”。形容词,意为“过去的”。passed 为pass的过去式,但其发音与past相同。相关词组:pass on to 传递给;pass by 从旁边经过。,即学即用10:(1)Please me the salt,Bill.OK.(2)Try harder,and you will the final exam.(3)Class begins at 800.Its ten eight.You are ten minute

17、s late.(4)In the three years,our city has been cleaner and more beautiful.,pass,pass,past,past,3.tall,high观察思考 He is a tall man.他是一个高个的男人。The plane is so high in the sky.飞机在空中这么高。归纳拓展 tall 形容词,意为“高的”,指人,动物,树木等有生命的东西的高。反义词为short。high 形容词、副词,意为“高的,高高地”,指不与地面接触的人和物的高(比如人站在桌子上时,飞机飞上天时)。反义词为low。指建筑物、山高时用

18、tall或high都可以,不过high的程度比tall高。,即学即用11:()The _ boy is _ up in the tree.A.tall;tall B.high;high C.high;tall D.tall;high,D,对点训练,.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空1.Mr.Black usually does some in the garden at weekends.2.He finds it difficult to so many English words.3.My uncle feeds many on the farm.4.My English teacher to

19、ld me that I the test.It makes me excited.5.The man who wears a pair of is our head teacher.,reading,remember,chickens,passed,glasses,.单项选择()1.We plan to go out for a picnic next weekend.Would you like to come along?_.Its my favourite.A.Enjoy yourself B.It doesnt matter C.Youre welcome D.That would

20、be very nice 解析:考查交际用语。句意“我们计划下周末出去野餐。你要 一起去吗?”“那一定会很棒,这是我最喜欢的。”故选D。,D,()2.How do you like your new job,Sam?Its so _.I dont like it at all.A.boring B.interesting C.exciting D.relaxing 解析:考查形容词辨析。根据下文句意“我根本不喜欢它”可判断“无聊boring”为正确答案。,A,()3.I called you,but nobody answered.Where _ you?A.is B.are C.was D.

21、were 解析:上文called为过去式,且you是第二人称。故选D。,D,()4.I often _ my homework after supper.But yesterday evening,I _ TV.A.do;watch B.did;watched C.did;watch D.do;watched 解析:考查动词时态。“我经常晚饭后做作业”一般现在时,do原形;“昨晚我看电视”一般过去时,watch过去式。,D,()5.Can I help you?_.I want to buy some Tshirts for my children.A.Yes,please B.No,than

22、ks C.It doesnt matter D.Of course I can 解析:考查交际用语。对购物交际用语Can I help you?的 应答有Yes,please.(接受帮助)或No,thanks.(不接受帮助)。根据下文“我想要买些T恤衫给我的孩子们。”判断:我接 受所提供的帮助。故选A。,A,()6.Would you like to play basketball with us this afternoon?_.I have to study for tomorrows test.A.Id love to B.Im afraid not C.Sounds good D.No

23、 problem 解析:考查交际用语。根据下文“我得复习准备明天的考试。”判断我不接受邀请。故“Im afraid not 恐怕不能”符合题意。,B,()7.You look quite tired.Youd better _ a good rest.A.stop to have B.stop having C.to stop to have D.to stop having 解析:考查固定句式和短语。固定搭配Youd better后接动词 原形,意为“你最好做”。从上文tired可知:你最好停 下来去好好休息。故选A。,A,()8.What does your brother look li

24、ke?_?A.He likes watching TV B.He is a worker in a factory C.He is very tall and strong D.He plays basketball every day 解析:考查句意。问句是询问外貌长相。故选C。,C,()9.Would you like to go out to play football with me?_,but I should finish my homework first.A.Yes,I do B.I like C.Of course D.Id love to 解析:考查交际用语。对“Would

25、 you like to.”表示“邀请”的拒绝可用“Id love to,but.”。,D,()10.Jerry,could you please pick that orange on the tree?You are _ than Bill,I think.A.taller B.longer C.fatter D.weaker 解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:“请摘一下树上的桔子好吗?”判断“你比比尔高”。故选A。,A,()11.Last week when she walked _ the lake,she saw someone _ in it.A.passed;swim B.passed

26、;swimming C.past;swim D.past;swimming 解析:考查介词与固定用法。句意:上个星期当我路过湖边 时,我看见有人在湖里游泳。动词walk后跟介词past,故 A、B项不选;see sb.doing 看见某人正在做某事。故选A。,D,()12.Dad,why should I stop _ computer games?For your health,my boy,Im afraid you _.A.to play;must B.playing;have to C.to play;can D.playing;may 解析:考查固定用法与情态动词。句意:“爸爸,为什

27、么我 应该停止玩电脑游戏?”“为了你的健康,我的孩子,恐怕 你不得不(停止)。”stop doing 停止做某事,故A、C项不选;may可能,故D不选。,B,()13.Why are you standing in front of the mirror with your eyes _?Oh,I want to see _ when Im asleep.A.closed;what do I look like B.closing;how I look like C.closed;what I look like D.closing;what I am like 解析:考查固定用法。with

28、sth.形容词,意为“伴着的 状态”,故B、D不选;宾语从句应用陈述句语序。故选C。,C,()14.Its time _ the weather report.Turn on the radio,please.A.toB.inC.atD.for 解析:考查句式。Its time for sth.意为“到的时间了”。句意“到天气预报的时间了,请打开电视”。故选D。,D,写作训练 感悟提高,最近,你学校就学生英语阅读情况做了一次调查,结果不令人满意(见下表)。请你根据表格内容用英语写一篇短文,并提出一些建议。,注意:文章必须包括表格中的全部内容,可适当增加细节;建议可面向学生或教师提出,但至少写三

29、条;文章开头已给出,不计入总词数,只需接着写。词数:80100个 Recently,our school has done a survey of students English reading situation,but the results are not pleasing.思路点拨:本文开头已给出,接着只要分两步即可。第一步,根据提示列举学生英语阅读现况;第二步,向学生或老师提出自己的建议。,参考短语及句式:be not interested in,too much homework,little time to read,in right ways,not enough suita

30、ble books,spend.doing.,practice doing.,provide.for.On the one hand,.On the other hand,.I think/hope.We are supposed to.had better.,参考答案 Recently,our school has done a survey of students English reading situation,but the results are not pleasing.On the one hand,students arent very interested in readi

31、ng.And they can find little time to read because they have too much homework.On the other hand,they cant read in right ways.Besides,there are not enough suitable materials for them to read.In my opinion,we are supposed to spend time in reading.We need to practice reading every day.As for teachers,I hope,they can give us less homework.Whats more,they had better teach us how to read and provide more suitable materials for us.,


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