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1、,Unit7 Writing,Unit7 WritingAn account of a school event,An account of a school event,An account is a detailed description of an event.It should include information about _,_,_ and _.Accounts are usually formal.,times,people,places,opinions,1.Where can we often see an account of a school event?2.Wha

2、t is made up of?,这是2013年11月28日18时15分发生在广东实验中学附属天河学校学生宿舍的场面。真的发生校园火灾了吗?非也,非也,是广东实验中学附属天河学校一场精心策划的校园消防紧急疏散演练,目的是练就全体同学的应急技能,提高全体同学的抗灾防害本领。我们再把目光移到全校师生集中的校田径运动场吧。赶到田径运动场的同学们都来到了自己班级所在处,排起了整齐的队伍。在警报响后5分钟,班主任按照疏散演练组织者的号令,认真清点到场人数,并由年级长汇总后报给校领导,未能及时到达目的地的同学要计入“遇难者”人数。统计结果是全员及时到达,没有一人“遇难”,紧急疏散演练效果很好。疏散演练之后

3、,是灭火器灭火演练。一位学校保安员扬起红色灭火器,详细讲解灭火器的使用步骤和灭火要领,然后做示范动作。接着是同学们自愿上前练习,不仅男同学勇敢上前,女同学也“巾帼不让须眉”,大胆练习。演练结束时,学校党总支书记兼副校长黄燕文作了这次演练的总结讲话,充分强调安全演练的重要性,告诫同学们记住本班的逃生路线,遇上紧急情况要有序疏散、有效避险。为了3千师生的安全,广东实验中学附属天河学校的每一次安全演练都是方案完善,安排周密,对学生要求严格的。安全是学校的重中之重,假戏真做,从严演练,方能有备无患!,A Read this account in a school newspaper.Fill in t

4、he blanks with the expressions in the box below.,On 10 April,students from Sunshine Middle School held a sports day on their school playground and field.,(1)_,the date of the event,(2)_,who did what,(3)_,where the event took place,The sports day is held every year to encourage students to keep fit a

5、nd healthy.This year more than 300 students from different classes took part in different events.Other students watched from the stands.,(4)_,the purpose of the event,(5)_,general information,The sports day began with a speech by the schools head teacher,Mr Hou.Then,students from each class took par

6、t in different races and events,such as the long jump and the 100-metre race.After lunch,there were some football matches.Finally,the teachers gave out prizes to the students.Class One Grade Nine got the most gold medals.,(6)_,detailed information,Everyone agreed that the sports day was a great succ

7、ess,and they are already talking about next years sports day!,(7)_,peoples opinion of the event,B You have been asked to write an account of a tree-planting day for your school newspaper.Use your imagination and the picture below to complete the account.,B You have been asked to write an account of

8、a tree-planting day for your school newspaper.Use your imagination and the picture below to complete the account.,B You have been asked to write an account of a tree-planting day for your school newspaper.Use your imagination and the picture below to complete the account.,12 March,No.1 Middle School

9、,in the school garden,about the importance of trees to the environment,planting trees,8:00 a.m.,11:00 a.m.,gave out the trees,carried the water,dug holes and planted the trees,Mr Fang,worked hard,tired,the students helped improve the school environment and had a lot of fun at the same time,took phot

10、os,1.参加_ 2.以开始_ 3.然后_ 4.最后_ 3.给颁奖_ 4.的目标是._ 5.依之见_ 6.是成功的_,Useful expressions in Part A and B:,take part in,be a success,in ones opinion,the purpose of.was to.,begin with,give out prizes to sb.,then,finally,Writing task II,省实附中开展了一次消防演练(fire-escaping drill),现用英语在校报上介绍这次活动。内容如下:时间:2013年11月28日 地点:广东实验

11、中学附属天河学校(the Affiliated Tianhe School of Guangdong Experimental Middle School)内容包括:1.目的:训练火灾时的逃生技巧(Survival skills)2.活动细节:a.逃生前的准备(smoke;a wet folded towel)b.到集合地点,清点人数(follow escape routes;arrive at.)C.保安示范灭火器(FIREX)的使用方法 D.黄校总结发言(everyone pass the drill;.3.感受:.,Writing task,注意:词数不少于100。2.意思连贯、语言通顺,避免逐条翻译。3.注意时态与根据需要使用课本描述活动经过的连接词(begin with;then,finally等),Writing task,Homework,1.Correct your partners composition and copy yours on the composition book.2.Prepare for listening and language.,


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