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1、Unit 2 Numbers,In this unit,we will learn about a different language-the language of numbers.,The king and the rice国王和稻米,Reading,New words 新单词,1.number n.数字在我们的日常生活中我们到处都可以看到数字。We can see numbers everywhere in our daily life.2.India n.印度很久以前,在印度有一个国王。A long time ago,there was a king in India.,3.ches

2、s n.国际象棋这个国王最喜欢的游戏是国际象棋。The kings favourite game was chess.4.Wise adj.充满智慧的;challenge v.向某人挑战(challenge sb.to sth.)那个国王向一个智慧老人挑战象棋。The king challenged a wise old man to(playing)chess.,5.promise v./n.许诺;prize n.奖赏、奖品那个国王答应如果老人赢了比赛,他可以得到任何奖励。The king promised the old man could have any prize if he won

3、 the game.答应去做某事promise to do sth.他昨天许诺帮我了。He promised to help me yesterday.,6.grain n.谷粒;chessboard n.国际象棋棋盘;double v.加倍;amount n.数量;rest n.剩余部分如果我赢了比赛,我想要一粒谷在棋盘的第一个方格,第二个要两粒谷,第三个要四粒,并且每一个剩余的方格都要加倍的数量。If I win the game,I would like one grain for the first square of the chessboard,two for the second

4、,four for the third,and double the amount for the rest of the squares.,7.gold n.金子、黄金;instead adv.顶替、代替难道你不想要金子或银子来代替吗?Wouldnt you like gold or silver instead?instead of+名词/代词/动词ing上星期他代替我去买了些金子。He went to buy some gold instead of me last week.,8.realize v.意识到、认识到国王很快意识到问题了即使用上全国所有的稻米,他将仍然没有足够的稻米去放在

5、所有的方格上。The king quickly realized the problemeven with all the rice in the country,he would still not have enough rice to put on all the squares!,People around the world write numbers in different ways.Chinese:English:Romans:Arabic:,一,二,三,四,五,one,two,three,four,five,1,2,3,4,5,Language points语言知识,1.a

6、long time ago很久以前India n.印度-Indian adj.印度的,印第安人的;n.印度人,复数Indians。there be 的be动词是就近原则。很久以前,在印度有两位智慧老人。A long time ago,there were two wise old men in India.,2.challenge sb.to sth向某人挑战 昨天,我向她挑战羽毛球。Yesterday I challenged her to badminton.challenge名词,挑战 每一次挑战都是很重要的。Every challenge is very important.,3.pr

7、omise:v.许诺;承诺 promise sb.+(that)+主语+谓语承诺某人某事;国王承诺老人如果他赢了比赛,他可以得到任何奖赏。The king promised the old man(that)he could have any prize if he won the game.,promise to do sth.承诺去做某事如果他赢了比赛,国王承诺给老人任何奖赏。The king promised to give the old man any prize if he won the game.promise sb.sth.承诺某人某物他承诺了我一个礼物。He promise

8、d me a present.=He promised to give me a present.,promise n,承诺-make a promise 做出承诺我们承诺了去帮助他。We made a promise to help him.=We promised to help him.4.If“如果”,引导条件状语从句,注意时态:主一将从一现(一般的假设);主一现从一现(情态动词、必然发生的情况),如果你又迟到了,我们老师会很生气的。If you are late again,our teacher will be very angry.(一般的假设)如果你赢了比赛,你可以得到任何奖赏

9、。If you win the game,you can get any prize.(情态动词)如果天气够冷,水就会变成冰。If the weather is cold enough,the water turns into ice.(必然发生的情况),5.The rest of+名词复数+动词复数 The rest of+名词单数+动词单数剩余的苹果是你的。The rest of the apples are yours.剩余的时间是足够的。The rest of the time is enough.,6.Wouldnt you like gold or silver instead?(

10、1)否定形式的一般疑问句意思是“难道某人不 吗?”,语气强烈。难道你不认识他吗?Dont you know him?难道他将不和我们一起去游泳吗?Wont he go swimming with us?,(2)instead 代替(副词,放在句末)instead of代替(介词短语,后跟名词、动名词、代词)上星期我没有去参加晚会。他代替我去了。Last week I didnt take part in the party.He went instead of me.=Last week I didnt take part in the party.He went instead.,7.ord

11、er sb.to do sth.命令某人去做某事我们父母总是命令我们停止玩电脑游戏。Our parents always order us to stop playing computer games.8.Have enough rice to put 有足够的稻米放在.我有足够的钱去买些金子。I have enough money to buy some gold.,9.and so on等等、依次类推我喜欢跑步、游泳等等。I like running,swimming and so on.10.a bag of rice一袋稻米(rice不可数名词)两袋大米 two bags of rice 一袋雪梨 a bag of pears十袋雪梨 ten bags of pears,


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