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1、Unit 3 Computers,In this unit,we are going to learn some facts about computers.,Vocabulary 词汇Lets learn more about the new words.,1.tiny adj.极小的,微小的;unaware adj.没有觉察的、不知道的(be unaware of)一些计算机非常小。你可能没有觉察到它们。Some computers are very tiny.You may be unaware of them.,2.depend v.依赖、依靠(depend on)你依赖电脑比你意识到

2、的还要多。You depend on computers more than you realize.3.calculate v.计算;你可以用计算机去计算。You can use computers to calculate.,4.type v.打字我们也可以打字并且用他们来画东西。We can also type and draw things with them.5.brain n.大脑你的大脑可以产生新的想法但计算机就不能。Your brain can produce new ideas but computers cannot.,6.speed n.速度(at aspeed以的速度)

3、它们能够以比我们更快的速度来计算,并且几乎从不会给出错误的答案。They can calculate at a faster speed than we can and almost never give wrong answers.,7.operate v.操作、控制;railway n.铁路系统计算机能够做重要的工作就像操控铁路系统和驾驶飞机与宇宙飞船。Computers can do important jobs like operating railways and flying planes and spaceships.,8.monitor n.显示器;speaker n.扬声器;

4、main unit n.主机;keyboard n.键盘;mouse n.鼠标 这部计算机包括有一部主机、一个显示器、一个键盘、一个鼠标和两个扬声器。This computer includes a main unit,a monitor,a keyboard,a mouse and two speakers.,9.control v.控制、操纵我们移动鼠标去控制电脑。We move the mouse to control the computer.10.expensive adj.昂贵的;order v./n.订购这部电脑很贵。我想订购另一部。This computer is very e

5、xpensive.I want to order another one.,monitor speaker main unit keyboard mouse brain speed railway,显示器 扬声器 主机 键盘 鼠标 脑 速度 铁路,n.,type control depend calculate operate,打字 操纵、控制 依靠、依赖 计算 操作、控制,expensive tiny,昂贵的,价格高的 极小的,微小的,v.,adj.,Phrases,work as(be)unaware of depend on in addition,从事 工作 没意识到,未察觉 依靠 除

6、以外(还),Language Points,语 言 知 识,in the 1940s 在20世纪40年代 in the twentieth century 在20世纪,在19世纪80年代A.in the 1980 B.in the 1980sC.in 1880s D.in the 1880s,2.the first computers 第一批计算机 the first+n.单 第一个 the first+n.复 第一批 在二十世纪四十年代,第一批的计算机比小汽车还大。In the 1940s,the first computers were bigger than cars.,3.than 比

7、 bigger 更大(比较级)small-smaller-smallest big-bigger-biggest wide-wider-widest happy-happier-happiest(单音节词和大部分双音节词),(多音节词和少数双音节词)beautiful-more beautiful-most beautifulcareful-more careful-most carefulquickly-more quickly-most quickly(特殊)good/well-better-best bad/badly-worse-worst many/much-more-most,4.

8、aware adj.意识到的,知道的,觉察到的unaware adj.不知道的、没有觉察到的(be aware of 对有意识、觉察到-be unaware of 对没有意识、没有觉察到)你可能没有意识到他们。You may be unaware of them.他对自己的错误(mistakes)有所意识。He is aware of his own mistakes.,5.depend 依赖、依靠 v.-dependent adj.依赖的(depend on=be dependent on依赖于)你依赖电脑比你意识到的还要多。You depend on computers more than

9、 you realize.,我们的成功依赖于你们的支持。Our success _ _ your support.=Our success _ _ _ your support.,depends on,dependent on,is,6.calculate v.计算-calculation n.计算-calculator n.计算器请用你的计算器计算一下他的计算结果(result)。Please use your calculator to calculate the result of his calculation.,7.at a faster speed 以一个较快的速度它们能够以比我们

10、更快的速度来计算,并且几乎从不会给出错误的答案。They can calculate at a faster speed than we can and almost never give wrong answers.almost never 几乎从未=hardly火车以缓慢的速度前进着。The train is moving _ _ _ _.,at a,speed,slow,8.in addition 除此之外还有(单独使用);in addition to+名词 除之外还有(后加名词)(都表示包括在内)除了英语之外他们还学习数学、中文、美术。In addition to English,th

11、ey also study math,Chinese and art.=They study math,Chinese and art.In addition,they also study English.,9.for example,such as和like的区别,(1)for example与后面常用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中、句末;所举的例子不仅可以是词组,也可以是句子。For example,noise is a kind of pollution.There are many difficulties in our study,for example,we are lack of

12、money.,(2).such as 后不用逗号隔开,由于as是一个介词,因此它所举的例子只能是名词词组或动名词,不能是句子。China has many big cities,such as Beijing,Guangzhou,Shanghai(and so on).I have many hobbies,such as swimming,singing and dancing.,(3)like 本意为“像一样”,因此更强调情境的相似性,重在例证。我不喜欢像你这样的人。I dont like the person like you.,选词填空:for example,such as和like

13、,1.Mike,_,is a good boy.2.I like drinks,_ tea and soda.3._,My full name is James Allen Green.Green is my family name.4.You can buy fruit hereoranges and bananas,_.5.There are several people interested,_Mr Jones and Mr Simpson.,for example,For example,such as/like,for example,like,10.be good at doing

14、 擅长做(比较级:be better at 更擅长于)Are you better at _ than _?A.swim,run B.swimming,running C.swimming,run D.swim,running计算机可能比医生更擅长做他们的工作。Computers may be better than doctors at doing their job.,11.Will we have nothing to do?have nothing to do 无事可做(不定代词+to do)我们这个周末无事可做。We have nothing to do this weekend.让

15、我们吃点东西吧。Lets have something to eat.,12.change ones life(lives)改变某人的生活 make ones life(lives)better 使某人的生活更好新的环境将会改变我们的生活。The new environment will _ _ _.电脑使我们的生活变得更好。Computers _ _ _ _.,change our,make our lives,make+n.+adj.,lives,better,work as(be)unaware ofdepend on in additiongrand total look forward to doingin the 1940sat a.speed for example/such asbe able tobe better at,从事.工作没意识到依靠除.以外还有总计盼望做在二十世纪四十年代以的速度例如能够更擅长于,


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