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1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?Section A,Lead in,Look at these problems.Can you give some advice?,too much homework,Maybe you could talk about it with your teacher.,not have enough sleep,Maybe you should go to bed earlier.,I got into a fight with my best friend.Can you give me some advice?

2、,1.You should say you are sorry.2.You could write a letter to her.3.Maybe you could go to her house and say sorry.,Presentation,Discussion,1.What problems do students think are the most serious?2.Why?3.What advice can you think of?,could,should,should,could,could,_,_,_,_,_,d,e,a,c,b,3a Read the lett

3、ers and complete the chart.,Discuss in groups,communicate,refuse,nervous,get on with,You look tired.Whats the matter?I studied until midnight last night so I didnt get enough sleep.,What _I do?_ _ you forget about it?Although shes wrong,its not a big deal.,should,Why dont,What _ he do?He should talk

4、 to his friend so that he can say hes sorry.,should,Maybe you _ go to his house.I guess I could,but I dont want to surprise him.,could,so that,Although,until,Although,ProblemsYou left your homework at home.Your best friend is more popular than you.You are afraid of speaking in front of people.Your b

5、est friend does not trust you any more.Your parents always argue.,4c Choose one of the problems and ask your classmates for advice.Decide which classmate has the best advice.,I want to buy a new guitar but I dont have enough money.,What should I do,GROUPWORK,Advice:,get a part-time job.borrow some m

6、oney from your brother.ask your parents for some money.sell your CDs.,You could/should,1.should aux.应该(1)should是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。(2)其否定形式为:“should+not+动词原形”(should not=shouldnt)。should有多种含义,意为“应该;应当”时,常用来提出建议,强调主观看法。e.g.You should have a good rest.You shouldnt fight with others.,Language points

7、,2.情态动词could(1)情态动词could可用于礼貌地向对方提出要求或请求。Could you please open the door?Could I watch TV now?(2)could也可用提出建议,语气委婉。Maybe you could send him an e-mail.,3.maybe与 may be辨析(1)maybe 可能;也许;大概,是个副词,一般放在句首,引导句子。Maybe he is Johns father.他也许是约翰的父亲。(2)may be 可能是;也许是,由情态动词may加系动词原形be构成。其后可以加名词、形容词等,一般放在句中,表示推测。例

8、如:He may be a student.他也许是一名学生。,(2)其他常用来提出建议的句型 Why not+动词原形?How about+名词或v.-ing?What about+名词或v.-ing?,4.Why dont you?你为什么不?(1)Why dont you 后接动词原形,是用来提建议的句型。例如:Why dont you ask your teacher for help?你为什么不向你的老师寻求帮助呢?,Practice,.完成句子,1.他和最好的朋友吵架了。He _ _ _ _his best friend.2.你为什么不忘记那件不愉快的事呢?the unhappy

9、thing?3.我们该怎么做?What _ we _?4.或许你应该说对不起。_ you _ _ you are sorry.5.你可以和父母谈谈这个问题。You _ _ about this problem with your parents.,had a fight with,should do,Maybe should say,could talk,Why dont you forget,A:I need some _to buy gifts for my family.What _ I do?B:Why _ _ask your parents for some money?A:Oh,n

10、o.I dont like to do that.B:Then I think you _ get a part-time job.A:_a good idea.,.完成对话根据对话情景,填入所缺的词完成对话。,money,should,dont you,could,Thats,Homework,Suppose one of your pen pal from America has come to live in China with his parents.He wants to practice his Putonghua,but he is shy.What should he do?Do you have any good ideas?Now write him a letter to give him some advice.,Unpleasant advice is a good medicine.忠言逆耳利于行。,


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