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1、Section B 1a2e,2.The teacher asked the students to be quiet.,1.The girl wanted to take the joy home.,3.He calls up the students to tell them the time.,Review,说出下列不定式的用法。,宾语,宾语补足语,目的状语,New Words,repair v.fix v.fix upgive awaytake afterbroken adj.wheel n.,修理;修补修理;安装修理;装饰赠送;捐赠(外貌或行为)像破损的;残缺的车轮;轮子,wheel

2、车轮,轮子,run out of 用完,Ive run out of the money.,I dont have money any more.,My wallet is empty.,took after 与.相似,Fang Zuming takes after his father.,Fang Zuming is similar to his father.,broken破损的,残缺的,repair=fix up 修理,The bike is broken.,He is repairing the broken bike.,He is fixing it up.,I gave away

3、the books to library.,I didnt keep the books.,匹配()()1.run out of A.be similar to2.take after B.not have any more3.fix up C.not sell4.give away D.repair,预习检测,Matching,Match the sentences with similar meanings.,Ive run out of it.I take after my mother.I fixed it up.I gave it away.I repaired it.I dont

4、have any more of it.I am similar to her.I didnt keep it.,b,c,a,d,1a,Match the phrasal verbs with the nouns.Then make sentences with the phrases.,run out oftake afterfix upgive away,1b,my bikemoneymy fatherold clothes,I gave away my bike to a childrens home.,1.She _ her mother.They are both kind.2.He

5、 cant buy the CD because he has _ the money.,run out of,fix up,give away,take after,选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空,takes after,run out of,3.Ill ask someone _ my bike this afternoon.4.The man _ lots of school things to the students in the poor area every year.,to fix up,gives away,Listening,Listen and number the p

6、ictures 1-4 in the correct order.,1c,3,1,4,2,1d,Listen again.Circle T for true or F for false.,F,T,F,T,1.He _ the water.2.The water _.3.Peter,I think we need to buy a new car.Oh,no!We are _ money,you know?,用run out或者run out of填空。,ran out of,ran out,running out of,My computer doesnt work.Could you please help me _?A.fix up it B.fix it up C.fix them up D.look it up,


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