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1、,Book4 Unit2,Key Words,Key Phrases,v.使变大;伸展,v.斗争;拼搏;努力,v.配备;装备,adv.因此;所以,n.工作;职业,vt.使迷惑;使为难,vt.遗憾;惋惜;后悔,n.&v.评论;议论,vt.减少;减缩,对感到满意,幸亏;由于;因为,(使)摆脱;除去,宁愿;宁可,使免受(影响;伤害等),集中(注意力等)于,逐渐增强;建立;开发,导致;造成,除此以外,1.吃饭时孩子们很吵,以至于我不得不努力地让自己被听到。(hear)The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle

2、 _.,to be heard,struggle to do sth.,to make myself heard,2.我们应该用广泛的知识来武装我们的学生,这样他们才能在将来为我们的国家多作贡献。(equip)We should _ wide knowledge so that they can do more for our country in the future.,equip our students with,equip sb./sth.with sth.,3.为了消除世界贫困,他们辛苦工作。(rid)They have been working hard to _ poverty.

3、,rid the world of,rid sb./sth.of,4.你应该把注意力集中到工作上。(focus)You should _ your work.5.每次拿到分数,他都会后悔没有集中心思学习.(focus)Each time he gets his marks,he will regret _ his lessons.6.作为对你问询的答复,我们遗憾地说,对此事无能为力。(regret)In response to your inquiries,we _ _ that we can not help you in this matter.,focus your attention

4、on,not focusing on,regret to say/tell you/inform you,regret doing sth.后悔 regret not doing sth/regret having done sth.regret to do sth.遗憾 regret to say/tell sb/inform sb that,7.长时间在人体内积聚起来的化学物质被证明有害。(build)The chemicals _ in peoples bodies over time have been proved to be harmful.,build up teenagers

5、confidence,building up,8.那场大雨使得农民们种植庄稼成了可能。(make)The heavy rain _ for the farmers to grow their crops.,made it possible,make it+adj./n.+to do sth./that从句,make it possible/clear/a rule,9.我宁肯自己把事情告诉他,也不愿他从旁人处得知这事。(rather)I _ about it myself than let him find out from other people.10.一下课校长就走了,我倒愿意他给我的课

6、来些点评。(comment)The instant the class was over,the headmaster left.Id rather _ my lesson.,would rather tell him,he had made comments on,would rather do than do,would do rather than do,would rather sb.did sth.(对现在、将来的虚拟)sb.had done sth.(对过去的虚拟),11.越来越多的高速公路已经建成,使得人们从一地去另一地更加容易。(make)More and more highw

7、ays have been built,(thus)_ for people to travel from one place to another.12.他匆忙赶到机场去见他最喜爱的电影明星,结果却被告知她已走了。(inform)He hurried to the airport to meet his favourite star,only _ that she had left.,making it much easier,to be informed,which makes it much easier,分词短语做结果状语,Key Words,Key Phrases,expand;st

8、ruggle;equip;confuse;regret;reduce;comment;therefore,thanks to;ridof;focus on;lead to;build up;be satisfied with;keepfree from,Key Structures,make it+adj./n.+to do sth./that从句,would rather do than do would do rather than do would rather sb.did sth.(对现在、将来的虚拟)sb.had done sth.(对过去的虚拟),分词短语做结果状语,Yuan L

9、ongping is a great man,for he has _(奋斗)for human race for a long time.His attention is _(集中)finding ways to grow more green rice,which will not _(导致)illness._(use)his special rice,farmers can produce harvest twice as large as before without _(使变大)the area of the fields._(多亏)his research,Chinese _(使摆

10、脱)themselves of _(饥饿)._(因此),he is called“father of hybrid rice”.In addition,he is _(对满意)his life.He _(宁愿)keep time for swimming,which _(增强)his strength.,短文填空,struggled,focused on,lead to,Using,expanding,Thanks to,rid,hunger,Therefore,satisfied with,would rather,builds up,1.技术的发展已经使人们彼此轻松联系成为可能。2.我宁愿

11、他待在家里,因为外面在下雨。3.父亲去世了,留给他一大笔钱。4.他匆忙赶往车站,结果却发现列车已经离开。,The development of technology has made it possible for people to get in touch with each other easily.,Id rather he stayed at home because it is raining outside.,His father died,leaving him a lot of money.,He hurried to the station,only to find that the trainhad left.,Please review the key words and phrases for the dictation tomorrow.,Homework,


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