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1、Unit 4 Earthquake,The greatest earthquake in China,A Night the Earth Didnt Sleep,Reading,What is the text mainly about?2.The text is organized in the order of_.,Fast reading,Soldiers in Tangshan B.Tangshan earthquakeC.Love in Tangshan D.People in Tangshan,places D.importance,Fast Read

2、ing,The structure of the text,Part1.(Para._)_ the earthquake,Part2.(Para._)_ the earthquake:,Part3.(Para._)_the earthquake:,Before,During,After,1,2-3,4,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2&3,Paragraph 4,Strange things happened before the earthquake.,The earthquake destroyed the city of Tangshan.,The army came to

3、 help the rescue work.,Please match it,What happened before the earthquake?,Stange things before the earthquake,The water in the wells_and_.And some deep _could be seen in the well walls.A_gas came out of the cracks.,rose,fell,cracks,smelly,Part1:,Careful reading,Mice ran out of the Fields _ places

4、to hide.Fish _out of bows and ponds.,looking for,jumped,Part1:,Stange things before the earthquake,The chickens and even pigs were_nervous _eat.,too,to,upset,worried,Stange things before the earthquake,Part1:,People could see _lights in the sky.,bright,Stange things before the earthquake,Part1:,The

5、_ of planes could be heard even when no planes were in the sky.,sound,Stange things before the earthquake,Part1:,pipes,The water _ in some buildings _ and _.,cracked,burst,Stange things before the earthquake,Part1:,Stange things before the earthquake,What attitude did people there take?,Thought litt

6、le of these events and were asleep as usual.,Part1:,3:42,11 kilometers,15,Part2:,Listen to the text about para2,3 and fill in the blanks,houses,roads,canals,ground,hills,people,hospitals,factories,buildings,bricks,dams,bridges,In ruins,What things were in ruins?,What damages did the earthquake cause

7、?,A huge crack that was 8 kilometers long and 30 meters wide cut across houses,roads and canals.,The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.,All of the citys hospitals,75%of its factories and buildings and 90%of its homes were gone.,Two dams and most of the bridges fel

8、l or were not safe for travelling.,Railway tracks are now useless pieces of steel.,More damages caused by the quake,chickens and pigswellsrescue workers/doctorswater,food,electricity,died,filled with sand,trapped,hard to get,It seemed as if the world was at an end.,1 help the rescue workers2 _the pe

9、ople who were trapped 3 _the dead4 _the coal miners5 build shelters for _ 6 _the water,Who went into the city?,What did the soldiers and rescue workers do for the city?,dig out,bury,save,survivors,transport,Slowly the city began to breathe again,Part3:,Recsue after the earthquake,How to reduce the d

10、amage?,Predict the earthquake,Self-rescue,Help the survivors,井水是个宝,前兆来得早。鸡也飞,狗也叫,老鼠机灵先跑掉。地光闪,八成险。地下水有前兆:不是涨就是落;甜变苦苦变甜。震前动物有预兆,群测群防很重要。牛羊骡马不进厩,猪不吃食狗乱咬。鸭不下水岸上闹,鸡飞上树高声叫。冰天雪地蛇出洞,大鼠叼着小鼠跑。兔子竖耳蹦又撞,鱼跃水面惶惶跳。临震前,一瞬间,地声隆隆地光闪。大震将至要果断,迅速行动快避险,Supposed situations:,If at school,If at home:,If on a road:,If in a hi

11、gh building:,If at school:1.Hide under a desk or table.2.Follow teachers advice,If at home:Hide under a heavy table or bed.,If on a road:1.Use something hard to protect your head.2.Avoid the buildings.,Dont rush out without order.,Never try to use the lift.,Keep calm!,If we are in a high building,Tang shans new look,God helps those who help themselves!Never give up,never give in,never say never!,Be brave to face any difficulty as long as we have confidence.,Rebuild our hometown as long as we help each other.,Love our lives and love the world.,


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