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1、My New Teachers,Zhong Jiang Middle School Shen Qilin,Period 3,Explanation,1.My first impression of Mrs Li was that she was nervous and shy.我对李老师最初的印象是她既紧张又害羞。impression在此处为可数名词,意为“印象”。如:,impression c.n,ones first impression of sb/sthleave/make/have a(n)impression on sb,对的第一印象,给某人留下印象,impress v,His s

2、peech made a deep/strong impression on me.,1.impress impressed by/with/at,ones first impression of sb/sth,My first impression of my new school was thatit was beautiful.My first impression of Tom was that he washandsome.,对的第一印象,My first impression of was that,2.Shes kind and patient,and she ex

3、plains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it!,3.But Mrs Li just smiles,so that you dont feel completely stupid.,Explanation,【考点】 that,so that,如此以至于,1.soadj/advthat,2.soadja(n)n+that,3.但当名词之前有(many,much,few,little(少)时,要用so来修饰它们本身。,Explanation,so that,在此处引导表示结果的状语从句,意为“因此,

4、结果”。,She is very careful,so that she seldom makes a mistake.她非常细心,因此她很少犯错。,I got up early so that I could catch the first bus.,so that,如此以至于,1.soadj/advthat,2.soadja(n)nthat,3.但当名词之前有(many,much,few,little(少)时,要用so来修饰它们本身。,=such a(n)+adj+n+that,so that,引导表示结果的状语从句,意为“因此,结果”。也可引导目的状语从句,意为“为了,以便”。,翻译,1

5、.我是如此的粗心以至于我犯了很多错。(sothat)I was so careless that I made many mistakes.2.这本书是如此的有趣以至于我读了很多遍了。(suchthat)This is such an interesting book that I have read many times.,He is so young a boy that he cant dress himself.=He is such a young boy that he cant dress himself.,同义转换,单句改错:,1.I felt so nervous as I

6、shook like a leaf.2.The restaurant was such crowded that the food arrived late.3.The problem is very difficult that we cant solve it.,that,so,so,【考例1】I havent seen Ann for _ long that Ive forgotten what she looks like._(四川2008)A.such B.very D.too【考例2】The weather was _ cold that I didnt like to

7、leave my room.(2008全国卷I)A.really B.such C.too,【考例3】Pop music is such an important part of society _it has even influenced our language.(上海2007)A.asB.thatC.whichD.where【考例4】His plan was such a good one _ we all agreed to accept it.(陕西2006) B.and C.that,Id like to arrive 20 minutes early

8、_ I canhave time for a cup of tea.(北京2005)as soon as a result case that,【考例5】,4.make progress,progress u.nmake much/great progress in单句改错:You cant make progresses if you do thingslike this.John made a progress with the help of Kate.,progress, a result as a result of,as a result 因此

9、;结果是他学习努力,结果他通过了考试。,He studied hard.As a result,he passed the exam.,Many people helped him.As a result,he succeed at last.,as a result of 因为;由于,I was late as a result of the accident.,【考例1】Jenny nearly missed the flight _ doing too much shopping.(全国2009) a result of B.on top of front of D.i

10、n need of【考例2】Tom is very kind and always ready to help others._,he is popular with all of his classmates.(雅安中学2011)A.In fact B.In other wordsC.As well D.As a result,6.With Mrs Chen teaching me,Ill do well in,with+名词/代词+,adj,adv,介词短语,Ving(现在分词),Ved(过去分词),to do(不定式),?,with的复合结构,With Mrs Chen teaching

11、 me,Ill do well inWith time going by,we get older.With the whole class staring at him,he felt nervous.With my homework finished,I watched TV.With the problem solved,he felt happy.With the work done,he accepted to take part in the partyWith so much homework to do,I cant go out.With his family to supp

12、ort,he must work hard.,With Mrs Chen _ me,Ill do well in the exam.teach B.taught C.teaching be taught With the problem _,he felt happy.A.solved B.solving solve D.solve,C,A,1.With no one to _in such a frightening situation,she felt very helpless(2006年陕西卷)A.turn to B.turn on C.turn off D.tur

13、n over2.I couldnt do my homework with all that noise _(2005年北京卷)A.going on B.goes on C.went on go on 3.-Come on,please give me some ideas about the projects.-Sorry.With so much work _my mind.I almost break down.(07福建)A.filled B.filling fill D.being filling,Homework,Collect more information about your teachers.Try to use some of the words we have learnt in this period.,Thank you!,See you!,


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