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1、分组教学在英语课堂中的应用,所谓的分组教学就是根据学生的实际知识水平,将学生分成人数大约均等的若干小组,有针对性地进行课堂教学,面对这种形式教学可使各组学生在45分钟内各有所获,逐步达到人人达纲、整体提高的目的。近年来随着课堂教学改革的不断探索,分组教学在各地普遍兴起且行之有效。,一.运用小组活动与提高英语课堂教学的关系,二、丰富小组活动内容,提高学生学习主动性,结合外语教学的特点,课堂教学中的学生小组活动可以包括如下几个内容:,开展小组演示,把语言形式 与实际意义结合起来。,开展小组探索与创造,变被动学习为创造性的主动学习。,1.Would you like some apples?2.Wh

2、at about some apples?3.Help yourself to some apples.4.Shall I get some apples for you?,1.Youd better have some apples.2.Why not have some apples?,1.Will you have some more apples?2.Try some of these apples.3.Would you have some apples?4.Do you like apples?,开展小组阅读训练,培养学生交际性阅读能力。,三、增辟多种形式的小组活动,注重反馈效应,

3、通过尝试,以下几种小组活动形式有利于外语课堂教学质量的提 高。,小组竞赛 小组互测 小组帮差 小组交流 小组轮答 小组对答,四:分组教学在新加坡英语课堂中的应用,分组教学在写作能力中的应用范例TEACHING IN A LARGE MULTILEVEL CLASS,一:THE PRESENT SITUATION目前状况My colleagues have told me that they taught groups of sixty or more students in classes where students not only differed in language acquisi

4、tion ability but also in age,motivation,intelligence,self-discipline,literacy skills,attitude and interest.,二:PURPOSE(目的)Determine a language goal for your class.Design an activity which you will try in your own classroom.Share the learning goal(s)and activity to achieve it/(them).,三:ELABORATION(详细阐

5、述)Topic sentenceSubsequent sentencesWho,Where,When,Why,How,四:ACTIVITY 1(活动)Think of a topic.Start a sentence on any aspect of the topic and have this partial sentence ready for dictation.When I think about my home town,I remember,五:VARIETY ACTIVITY 1(不同活动)In small groups,students read what they have

6、 written to one another.In the groups,students choose the most interesting piece of writing and a student other than the writer reads the chosen piece to the class.,VARIETY ACTIVITY 2I agree,I disagree,I feel neutral aboutChoose a topic“I cant live without the Internet for a day.”Students move to th

7、e area that suits their views.Get students to explain why they choose their views.Pair up students with a classmate from another area and try to convince each other about the rightness of their position.,六:PACE VARIETY ACTIVITY 1Assign one part of a classroom wall to become the vocabulary wall.Ask s

8、tudents if they heard any words that they didnt understand in the text they are going to read.Make a list of those words.In groups,compare the words.Write words that are repeated on the wall.Get students to explain words that are not repeated to their classmates.Spend some time each lesson reviewing

9、 the words on the wall pronounce,spell,meaning,use in a sentence.Leave the words on the wall and add on.,七:COLLABORATION VARIETY ACTIVITY 1(合作活动)Sentences into StoryThink of a sentence that can given informationon who,how,where,when and whatEg One morning,Mr Li was working out in the gym.Combine the

10、 sentences into a story,adding words and phrases.Read the groups story to the rest of the class.,八:BENEFITS(益处)Always enough students for interaction Increase energy-level,linguistic output.Rich variety of human resources Opinions,points of reference,cultural backgrounds,world-views and values,experiences.Teacher is not the only instructor-More able students teacher-assistantsWe are never boredProfessional development occurs naturally,Thank you for listening!Good bye,


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