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1、34 五年级(下)英语导学案 Unit1. Where were you last month?Part 1一 课前预习:1. 好的_ 2. 坏的 _ 3.下雪的_4.辛辣的_ 5 可口的 _ 6.难吃的_7. 加拿大_ 8. 泰国_ 二 疑难释义1. Look! Here comes a circus!看! 这儿来了个马戏团。 Look! Here comes a bus! 看! 公共汽车来了! Look! A bus is coming!看! 公共汽车来了!2. Where did you come from? Many places. 你们从哪来! 很多地方。3. Where do yo

2、u come from? = Where are you from? 你来自哪里? I come from England./ China.我来自英国。/ 中国。4. What was the food like? -Its tasty. 那食物是这样的? - 是可口的。5. What was the weather like?-It was sunny.那天气是这样的? - 是晴朗的。6. Come on! Lets go to Thailand. 来吧!让我们去泰国吧!7. Lets go to the beach. 让我们去海滩吧!8. Lets go swimming. 让我们去游泳吧

3、!9. Lets go dancing. 让我们去跳舞吧!Part 2一 按要求完成下列各题。1 good(反义词) _ 2 yucky(反义词)_ 3 snow(形容词) _ 4. Canada(中文)_ 5 taste (形容词)_ 6. Last month(中文)_二 根据提示回答问题。1. Where were you last month? ( Hongkong) _2. What was the food like? ( spicy) _3. Where were you yesterday? (Canada) _4. What was the weather like last

4、 Sunday? (snowy) _5. What were your shoes like? (dirty) _6. What did you do last night? (watch TV) _7. Where did she go the yesterday? (to the park) _ 8. Was your mother at home last night? ( 肯定回答) _9 Did you study English last night? (否定回答) _Part 3.一 按要求完成下列各题。1. Tasty(反义词)_ 2 bad (反义词)_ 3. clean(反

5、义词)_ 4 hot(反义词)_5. Last(反义词)_ 6 sun(形容词)_ 7 cloud形容词)_ 8.Wind 形容词)_ 9 are(过去式)_ 10 am (过去式)_二 选择填空。( )1. _ were you last month? _I was in Canada. A. When B. Where C. How( )2. _ was the food like in Taishan? -it was good. A. What B. When C.How old( )3. We _ in Thailand last week. A. was B. are C. wer

6、e( )4. What _ the weather like today? It is sunny. A. was B.are C. Is( )5.- What _ you do yesterday? -I visited my grandma. A. do B. did C. are( )6. I _ basketball yesterday. A. played B. play C. are playing( )7 -Do you like Sichuan food? -No, Its _. A. Tasty B spicy C sweet( )8. Come _, lets go to

7、the park. A. In B on C here.Unit 2 What did you eat this morning?Part 1.一 课前预习1.去 _ 2.吃_ 3.写 _ 4.读 _5.制作 _ 6.骑 _ 7.唱_ 8.喝_二疑难释义1. What a beautiful desert! 多么美丽的沙漠啊! (是感叹句,结构 是What + a + 名词 !) What a big room! 多么大的房间啊! What a tall boy! 多么高的男孩啊!1. I feel sick. 我感觉病了。 She feels very sad. 她感到很伤心。 He doe

8、s not feel very happy. 他感觉不到开心。2. Did you drink anything this morning? 上午你喝了些什么吗? Did they do anything yesterday? 昨天你做了什么事情吗? Do you have anything to say? 你有什么事情要说吗?3. A bottle of water. 一瓶水 A cup of tea 一杯茶 A bag of apples 一袋苹果 A basket of flowers. 一蓝花三 语法一般过去时 : 实意动词的一般过去时是用来描述过去发生过的动作。一般过去时是动词的过去

9、式表示。它无人称和数的变化。I 我昨天上学。He went to school yesterday 他昨天上学。They 他们昨天上学。 Part 2.一 写出下列各词的过去式。1 go_ 2 eat _ 3 drink_ 4 write_ 5 read _ 6 make_ 7 ride_ 8 sing_二 用过去式翻译下列词组。1. 去海滩 _ 2. 上公园_3. 骑自行车_ 4. 吃冰淇淋_5. 读漫画书 _ 6. 制作模型 _三 选择填空( )1、 -What did you _ this morning? -I _ chicken and tofu. A. eat, ate B eat

10、 , eat C ate , ate ( )2.-What does she like? -She likes _. A sing B sang C singing( )3 -What did Tony do _ Saturday afternoon? -He went to the park.A. in B on C at( )4 It is 12:00. It is time _ lunch, A for B to C for have( )5. Did you drink _ yesterday? A. something B anything C nothing( )6. We oft

11、en go shopping _ 9:00 _ Saturday. A. in B on C at( )7 My birthday is _ April. A. in B on C atPart 3一 选词填空。 drink ate ride write sang read 1 I _ an English song yesterday evening.2 Dont _ too much.3. We _ many pears and apples this morning,4. Tony _ a letter to his uncle last week.5. Please _ English

12、 every day.6. Did you _ a bike before?二 按要求改写句子。1 I went to the zoo yesterday.(对划线部分提问) _2. Did she make models last week? (否定回答) _3. They went to Canada last month. (对划线部分提问)_ 4. Did you drink milk this morning? (肯定回答) _5. What did he do last night? (用write to his friend 回答) _6. Did she clean the r

13、oom last week? (否定回答) _7 What was your shoes like just now? ( wet) _ Unit3 Typhoon Meiling came last week.Part 1一 课前预习1. 看见 _ 2. 吹 _ 3. 倒下_ 4坐 _ 5 打破_ 6 打扫_ 7 拿_ 8 来_ 二 疑难释义1. What happened?发生什么事啦?2. What happened to you? 你发生什么事啦?3. What happened to my bike? 我的自行车发生什么事啦?4. Typhoon Meiling came last

14、week.上周台风梅玲来过。5. There were chairs in the air.空中有许多椅子。There be 句型 There is/ was + a + 可数名词单数/ 不可数名词+地点 There are/were + 可数名词复数 + 地点(1) There is a book on the desk.桌子上有本书。(2) There was some milk in the bottle. 瓶子里有些牛奶。(3) There are ten boys in my class.我们班有10 个男孩。(4) There were many birds in the tree

15、 yesterday 昨天这树上有许多小鸟。6. My stuffed animals blew away. Many trees fell.我的布制动物被吹走了。许多书倒下了。7 The wind blew away my hat. 凤吹走我的帽子。Part 2一 写出下列各词的过去式。1. see_ 2. blow_ 3 fall _4 sit_ 5 break_ 6. sweep _ 7 take_ 8 come _二用过去式翻译下列词组。1 吹走 _ 2 倒下_ 3 打破窗_ 4 扫地_ 5 拿走_ 6 过来 _7 坐在椅子上_ 8 发生_二 选择填空( )1 -_ took my b

16、ook? - It was me. A.Who B. What C.Where( ) 2 -What did you do last Sunday? -I _ my grandma. A.Visit B.visiting C.visited( )3 What happened? -Jenny _ a snake. A.sees B. saw C. seeing( )4 Many trees _ in the typhoon. A. fell B. fall C. falling( )5 -What is your mother like? -She is _. A.likes shopping

17、 B.a doctor C.tall( )6. What does your mother like? A.likes shopping B.a doctor C.tall( )7- What were your shoes like? -Its _. A. Cool B hot C cleanPart 3 一 问答搭配。( ) What were you doing this morning? A. Yes, I did.( ) What did you see yesterday? B. There was a typhoon.( ) Did you see a coat in the t

18、ree? C. We saw some birds.( ) What a mess! D. What?( ) Jenny saw a table in the tree. E. I was singing.二 请你用所给动词的适当形式填空。 On Tuesday night, the typhoon _ ( come )to Guangdong. Look! There _ ( be )coats in the trees. The wind _(blow) away my hat. Many trees _ (fall) and many windows _(brek). I _( see

19、) a boat in a tree. What a mess!三 根据中文提示完成句子。1. 发生什么事? _ _?2. 大风吹走我的足球。 The wind _ _ my football.3. 上周台风梅玲来过。 _ Meiling _ _ week.4. 空中有许多椅子。 There _ _ _ in the sky.5. 他昨天扫地和擦窗了。 He _ the floor and _ the window yesterday.6. 昨天她打破了被子,她很伤心。 She _very sad that she _ the glass yesterday.7. 昨晚我和Tom去看电影。 I

20、 _ a movies _ Tom last night.Unit 4. Review 1Part 1一 圈出发音相同的。1. Shop - foot dog top room clock2. Ten - twelve pen thin tea teacher3. Mad - made fat cap eat cat4. Tasty - place make many any sang5 Week - meat read bread sweep great二 圈出与划线单词相对或相反词。1. She is a good student. A.big B dad C bad2. The food

21、 was yucky. A good B bad C tasty3. I went to Hongkong yesterday. A come B run C came4. My room is clean now. A dirty B messy C small5. Dont stand here. A up B down C sit6 This is my cousin. A that B these C the7 I will go to Harbin next month. A first B last C end8 I was so sad yesterday. A happy B

22、sick C angry三 问答搭配。( )1 What was the food like? A. Many trees fell.( ) 2 Where did you go last month? B.Yes, it did( ) 3.Where did you eat last week? C. I ate good food.( ) 4.What happened D. I went to Shenzhen.( ) 5.Did the window break? E. It was spicy( ) 6.When did you go home? F At 5:00Part 2一 选

23、择题( )1 Did you make _ Last Monday? -No, I didnt. A something B.anything C. nothing( ) 2 Lets _ the garbage. -OK, lets do it. A. Took away B.take away C.put( ) 3 Where were you yesterday?-I was _the restaurant. A.on B. in C. at( )4. What happened yesterday? -Many trees _. A.fell B.fall C.down( )5 -Wh

24、at _ the _ like? -It was yucky. A were grapes B.was weather C.was meat( ) 6 What did you do in your music class?-We _. A.did our homework B.sang songs C.sing songs( )7 _ we buy toys? - At the toy shop. A. Where do B.Where can C.Where are二 根据常理判断对错。( )1 The goat lives in the desert. ( )2. Teachers Da

25、y is on Sept.10th. ( )3 There are many storms and wind in a typhoon. ( )4 Im thirsty, I need some vegetables. ( ) 5 Its good for to do sport every day. ( )6 There are twelve months in a season. ( ) 7 Monkeys can swim.Unit 5 What are you going to do today?Part 1一 课前预习1 take a test _ 2 go on vacation

26、_3 get a haircut _ 4 see the doctor _5 shop for clothes _ 6 have a party _7 write letters _ 8 meet some friends _二疑难释义: be going to do 的语法 Be going to 用来表示计划、打算将来要做的事情。动词be要根据人称和数分别变为 am ,is are.1 I am going to write letters this evening.2 He is going to write letters this evening.3.We are going to

27、write letters this evening.它的否定句和疑问句的构成与to be 的一样1 She is not going to get a haircut today.她不打算今天剪发。2. Is he going to have a party tomorrow?明天他打算开聚会吗? Yes, he is./ No, he isnt.3. Are they going to play football this afternoon? 他们今天下午打算踢足球吗? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.4. What are you going to do

28、 today?今天你打算干什么?5. I am going to ask you questions.我打算问你问题。6. She is going to see the Great Wall. 她打算去看长城。7. He isnt going to visit his aunt. 他不打算去探访他的姑姑。Part 2一 英汉互译1 考试_ 2 去看医生 _3 理发 _ 4 去购物 _5 扫地 _ 6 吹走_ 7 meet some friends _ 8 the day after tomorrow _ 二 选择题( )1 Where did you _ yesterday? -I _ to

29、 the park. A go went B go go C went went( )2 We _ a test tomorrow. A take B are taking C are going to take( )3 What _ she _to do this afternoon? A is going B going is C are going( )4 Is she going to _ a party? A take B have C has( )5 I _ the floor last week. A sweep B going to C swept( )6 They are g

30、oing to meet some teachers _. A yesterday B last Sunday C next week( )7 _ is he going to take a test? -Tomorrow. A What B Where C When( )8 She often plays the piano _. A. Last Sunday B next Monday C. On TuesdayPart 3 一 问答搭配( )What are you doing? A. some fruits.( ) Is he going to drink some beer? B.

31、Yes, he is.( ) What are you going to do? C. Im looking for my pen.( ) What does he have? D. Im going to go on vacation.( )What are you going to buy? E. He has some glue.二 根据汉语提示完成句子。1 I am going to _ _ _ (买衣服) tomorrow.2 Is she going to _ _(写信) to her mother?3 I am going to _ _ _ (看医生 ) because I am

32、 sick.4 _ you going to _ _ _ (考试 )today?- No.we are going to _ _ _(会朋友).5 -What _ he _ (做)yesterday? -He _ a _(剪发 ).6 - Where _ you _(去)last month? -I _ _ _( 去度假).三 按实际回答问题.1 What are you going to do this Sunday?_2 Did you get a haircut last week? _3 What is your father like? _4 Do you like to ask y

33、our teacher question? _Unit 6 Its a vacationPart 1一 课前预习1 have a picnic _ 2 visit relatives_ 3 help dad _ 4 take some photos_ 5 play with friends _ 6 make models_7 Surf the net _ 8 read some books _二 疑难释义1. What are you going to do on your vacation? 在假期你打算做什么?2. Im going to surf the net.我打算上网。3. Wha

34、t are you going to do?你打算做什么?4. Im going to read some book.我打算看书。5. What are you going to do with your friends? 打算和朋友做什么?6. We are going to have a picnic.我们打算去野餐。7. What are you going to eat on your picnic?野餐你打算吃什么?8. Im going to see the Great Wall of China. 我打算去看中国长城。Be going to 的用法如果要对be going to 后的动词短语提问,要用疑问词what,但原来的动词短语要用do来代替。-Im going to surf the net tomorrow.我打算上网。What are you going to do?


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