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1、Starter unit3What color is it?,Starter Unit 3,Topic:Colors,2.Functions:Identify colors.,4.Letters,words&expressions,5.Pronunciation:1)Read the letters from S to Z;2)Read the sounds:ju:,u:,;,3.Grammar:1)Adjectives(red,green,)2)What questions 3)the,6.Culture:Know the abbreviation meanings:S/M/L,UFO,CC

2、TV,What color is it?,Period 1(1a 2e),Starter Unit 3,4,LearningObjectives,学会正确朗读和书写S s Z z 八个字母。2.了解缩略字母S/M/L,UFO,CCTV的含义。3.巩固所学的八种颜色。4.询问颜色:What color is it?Its.,blue,red,brown,black,orange,green,white,yellow,purple,What colors are they?,Say what colors they are.,blue,black,red,yellow,green,yellow,b

3、lue,black,green,red,white,Whats this?Its _.What color is it?Its _.,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,brown,purple,es,ti:,ju:,vi:,dblju:,eks,wai,zed zi:,red _yellow _green _blue _black _white _purple _brown _,Look at the picture.Write the letter for each color.,V,1a,Y,S,W,Z,U,X,T,1b Listen and repeat.,red _,V,Z,black

4、_,Whats this in English?Its a/an What color is it?Its Its a/an,1c Make your own conversations.,Practice the conversations of 1b with your partner.Then make your own conversations.,1c,Pairwork,Whats this?,Its,Make your own conversations.,What color is it?,Its,U,V,W,S,T,X,Y,Z,2a,Listen and repeat.,S s

5、 T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z,8,t,z,v,x,w,y,u,7,3,5,4,2,6,s,1,Listen and number the letters you hear 1-8.,2b,字母的书写,(注意笔画和笔顺),Look and copy.,2c,2d,Write the missing big letter or small letter for each pair.,Talk about what these letters mean.,2e,large,medium,small,S 小号M 中号L 大号,Unidentified flying obje

6、ct,不明飞行物,China Central Television,中国中央电视台,ABC,美国广播公司,CBC,加拿大广播公司,CAAC,中国民航,Kgcm,PRC,中华人民共和国,千克,厘米,放在单词里,它的发音为 s,six,see,say,seven,son,Sunday,S s es,t,tea tape table time take set sit fat,T t ti:,ti:,use musictube computer cute student,ju:,/ju:/,W w dblju:,U u ju:Q q kju:,v,very,vegetable,have,V v vi

7、:,but much such duck sunny lunch fun,Ww/dblju:/,/,w,week,weak,win,wind,winter,will,when,white,what,where,who,which,box,fox,six,fix,fax,X x eks,放在单词里,它的发音为 ks,放在单词里,它的发音有三种情况:yellow,you,yes,j my,try,sky,cry,by,ai party,worry,carry,Lily,slowly,i,Y y wai,z,zoo,zero,zebra size,Z z zed zi:,Oral practice:

8、,例:The jacket is red.1.The_ is _.2.The _ is _.,pen,blue,quilt,white,Pairwork:,A:Whats this?B:Its a/an-.A:Spell it,please.B:-.A:What color is it?B:Its-.,音标补充,:,:,:,early bird first third person word work,er father mother sister brother ruler rubber finger September October November December teacher g

9、randfather grandmother number paper hamburger never letter answer tiger,:c,/:/,or sport short horse forget morning more store four,book look good cook wood put,push,/u/,u,boy toy enjoy,i,oil coin voice noise soil,i,au,found sound about trousers brown how now cow,au,i,ear dear near tear hearfear clea

10、rdeer cheer beer here,i,e,hair chair fair where there wear care share,u,sure poor,u,g,get,go,give,girl,guess,good,glass,big,three thank thin baththink thing nothing,that,this,them,they,there,their,the,brother,father,mother,:=:,:c,u,i,au,i,=e,u,g,h,fish finish flash wish ship sheep she shoe show,plea

11、sure,measure,usually,tr,tree trip try traintrousers strawberrytrouble travel true,tr,dr,drive,draw,drum,children,h,how have has homehouse hope help who whose,h,r,red,read,ready,rest,remember,ride,right,room,river,run,reason,ts,streets carts artshats habits quiltsstudents subjects coats,ts,dz,beds,ca

12、rds,sounds,hands,heads,long,morning,evening,sing,English,es,ti:,ju:,vi:,dblju:,eks,wai,zed zi:,ei,eit,bi:,si:,di:,i:,di:,ef,ai,dei,kei,el,em,en,u,pi:,kju:,a:(r),ei,dei,kei,eit,ju:,dblju:,wai,ai,u,kju:,a:(r),es,eks,zed,ef,el,em,ti:,vi:,zi:,bi:,si:,di:,i:,di:,pi:,二根据音标写单词:blu:da:ns mu:n fa:laik geit t

13、ju:bflailend priti lesn hpi fmili plei fks tge menitaig,1开音节 1)以发音的元音字母结尾的单节。例:be,he,she,hi,go,so,you。2)以辅音字母(r 除外)+不发音的e结尾的音节。例:make,like。在重读的开音节中元音字母按字母名称读音。2闭音节 以一个或几个辅音字母(r 除外)结尾而中间只有一个元音字母的音节,称为闭音节。例:map,desk,is。,开音节 ei name,take,lake 闭音节 map,bag,开音节 i:be,he,she 闭音节 e egg,best,ten,let,sell,开音节

14、ai hi,like,kite,nine,闭音节 i bit,fit,pig,big,trip,开音节 u go,no,so,sofa,note 闭音节 dog,lot,sock,box,开音节 ju:you,cute,use,闭音节 bus,cut,must,u ju:,o u,i ai,e i:,a ei,1.课下练习用英语询问你知道 的事物的颜色。2.背诵字母Ss到Zz。,What color is it?,Period 2(3a 4d),Starter Unit 3,71,LearningObjectives,1.学习、巩固询问颜色用语。2.巩固A,E,I,O,U 元音字母的发音。3.

15、巩固本单元所学字母,单词及句型。4.学会将相同音素字母和单词归类。,red,yellow,blue,green,black,white,purple,brown,颜色,black and white,1.Say the colors.,Revision,colors,Listen and complete the chart.,3c,Listening,brown,a jacket,a quilt,purple,a pen,green,Pairwork,Make conversations using the things in 3a-3c.,Its a key.,K-E-Y.,3d,What

16、 color is it?,Its yellow.,Whats this in English?,Spell it,please.,Its,What color is it?,Its,Spell it,please.,Whats this in English?,Its a.,What color is it?,Its,Spell it,please.,Whats this in English?,Listen and sing the alphabet song.,Listening,4b,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,U,V,W,X,Y,Z.H,I,J,K,L,M,N,X,Y,Z-now y

17、ou see,O,P,Q,R,S,T,I can say my ABCs.,Listen and repeat.,Listening,4c,U,A,E,I,O,U.A,E,I,O,U.A,E,I,O,U.A,E,I,O,U.A,E,I,O,U.A,E,I,O,U.A in Dale,A in Grace,E in evening,E in green,I in hi,I in white,O in OK,O in no,U in ruler,U in blue.,Listen and read the chant.,Listening,4d,Explanation,一、字母Ss Tt Uu V

18、v Ww Xx Yy Zz的发音。1.辅音字母 s 在词首时一般情况下发 音。2.辅音字母t在单词中一般读作 音。3.字母u一般在重读闭音节里读 音;在开音节中发,如cute可爱的。,4.字母 v 在单词中一般读作 音。5.一般情况下,辅音字母w在单词中发 音。6.一般情况下,辅音字母x在单词中发 音。7.一般情况下,辅音字母y在词首或音 节开头发 音。8.一般情况下,辅音字母z在单词中发 音。,二、26个字母中有 Aa,Ee,Ii,Oo,Uu 5个元音字母,其余为辅音字母。下面我们一起来看一下它们的分类。1.字母Aa,Hh,Jj,Kk都含有 音。2.字母Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,Gg,Pp,T

19、t,Vv,Zz都含有 音。,3.字母Ff,Ll,Mm,Nn,Ss,Xx都含有 音。4.字母Ii,Yy都含有 音。5.字母Oo发 音。6.字母Rr发 音。7.字母Uu,Qq,Ww都含有 音。,Homework,1.按字母表顺序默写字母Aa到Zz的大写与小写。2.练习唱本节课上学到的英语歌曲。,字母所含的元音音素归类,/ai/(2个)I i Y yei(4个)A a H h J j K k i:(9个)E e B b C c D d G g P p T t V v Z z ju:(3个)U u Q q W w e(6个)F f L l M m N n S s X x,按字母的读音分类,e,U,课堂

20、练习,一、请用方框中的词填空,ruler,color,the,in,black,1.The panda is _ and white.2.I cant find my _.Could I borrow yours?3.What is this _ English?4.What _ do you like best?Blue5.This is an English book,and _ book is red.,二、根据句意或汉语提示填空。1.The dress is _(蓝色的)。2.That paper is _(棕色的)3._(拼写)it,please.4.Be quiet.I have

21、something to _(说)。5.The grapes(葡萄)are _(紫色的)。三、句型转换1.He can speak English.(改为否定句)He _ _ English.2.This is a red pen.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ a red pen?3.The quilt is green.(就画线部分提问)_ _ is the quilt?4.This is an orange.(就画线部分提问)_ _?5.ruler,this,your,is(?)(连词成句)_,一、1.black 2.ruler 3.in 4.color 5.the 二、blue 2.brown 3.Spell 4.say 5.purple三、1.cant speak【解析】含有情态动词can的句子,变否定句时,在can后面加not。2.Is this【解析】含有be动词的句子,变一般疑问句时,把be动词提到句首。3.What color【解析】对颜色提问用What color。4.Whats this【解析】对事物提问用What。5.Is this your ruler?,参考答案,


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