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1、,高三第一轮复习说课,湖北团风中学 马玉红,Book 3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note,教材分析,【教材内容分析】,【课程标准分析】,教学方法,Curriculum criteria analysis,According to the curriculum criteria of senior English,the goals of teaching are:developing students integrating abilities to use language,improving students abilities to acquire

2、and deal with information in English,improving students ability to analyze and solve problems as well as the ability to think and express in English.In teaching procedures,teachers should try to train and improve Ss ability to use,such as completing sentences,doing multiple-choice,writing and so on.

3、,【教学目标】,【教学策略】,【学生分析】,【教学重难点】,【听写检测法】,【分类整理法】,【讲练结合法】,教学媒体,【多媒体】,教学过程,教学反思,Text analysis,The contents of SEFC Book3 are widely chosen with pure native English expressions and interesting topics,which are very helpful to improve students comprehension and ability to use.The topic of this unit is“The

4、Million Pound Bank Note”.It is the first time that students have exposed the play.They can know the history,culture,and society of America by learning this text.They can also learn how to use words and phrases to express the characteristics of people.I will review this unit in four periods.Period 1.

5、Dictation,key words and key phrases Period 2.Key sentences,tracking training Period3.Grammar Period 4.Writing,教材分析,【教材内容分析】,【课程标准分析】,教学方法,【教学目标】,【教学策略】,【学生分析】,【教学重难点】,【听写检测法】,【分类整理法】,【讲练结合法】,教学媒体,【多媒体】,教学过程,教学反思,Students analysis,教材分析,【教材内容分析】,【课程标准分析】,教学方法,【教学目标】,【教学策略】,【学生分析】,【教学重难点】,【听写检测法】,【分类整理

6、法】,【讲练结合法】,教学媒体,【多媒体】,教学过程,教学反思,Students have learned all high school courses,but the knowledge they have learned is fragmented(零散的)and isolated.So in the review process,the teachers should help students to summarize and sort to make it principled and systematic.Review time is limited,so to implemen

7、t(落实)the contents of the review,and be flexible to use is very important for them.,Teaching aims,1、Knowledge goals:Help the students master some important words(such as:spot,account,seek,contrary,bring up,take a chance and so on),some key sentences and grammar(noun clauses as the object and the pred

8、icative)2、Ability goals:Improve students ability to use language3、Morality goals:Raise students awareness of the importance of capacity building.,教材分析,【教材内容分析】,【课程标准分析】,教学方法,【教学目标】,【教学策略】,【学生分析】,【教学重难点】,【听写检测法】,【分类整理法】,【讲练结合法】,教学媒体,【多媒体】,教学过程,教学反思,Teaching strategies,In my opinion,the first round re

9、view is not a simple repetition of the textbook.We should help students to classify and sort out what we have learned.What is the most important is to let students use knowledge flexibly.So I designed the review plan by analyzing and explaining key words,key phrases,key sentences,tracking training a

10、nd writing,教材分析,【教材内容分析】,【课程标准分析】,教学方法,【教学目标】,【教学策略】,【学生分析】,【教学重难点】,【听写检测法】,【分类整理法】,【讲练结合法】,教学媒体,【多媒体】,教学过程,教学反思,Teaching important and difficult points:,教材分析,【教材内容分析】,【课程标准分析】,教学方法,【教学目标】,【教学策略】,【学生分析】,【教学重难点】,【听写检测法】,【分类整理法】,【讲练结合法】,教学媒体,【多媒体】,教学过程,教学反思,Enable students to master the basic knowledg

11、e of English and improve students ability to use language to meet the demands of NMET.,Teaching methods:,教材分析,【教材内容分析】,【课程标准分析】,教学方法,【教学目标】,【教学策略】,【学生分析】,【教学重难点】,【听写检测法】,【分类整理法】,【讲练结合法】,教学媒体,【多媒体】,教学过程,教学反思,DictationSorting method and inductionTeaching and practice,Teaching aids:,教材分析,【教材内容分析】,【课程标准

12、分析】,教学方法,【教学目标】,【教学策略】,【学生分析】,【教学重难点】,【听写检测法】,【分类整理法】,【讲练结合法】,教学媒体,【多媒体】,教学过程,教学反思,A blackboard Multi-mediaA learning plan for students,Teaching procedures,1.出生地 birthplace 11偶然地;意外地 by accident 2.奇遇;冒险 adventure 12衣衫褴褛 in rags 3.现场;景色 scene 13前进;往下说 go ahead 4.许可;准许 permit 14盯着看 stare at 5.过错;缺点 fa

13、ult 15导致;做出解释 account for 6.慈善;施舍charity 16与此相反 on the contrary 7.礼貌;举止manner 17冒险 take a chance 8.确实;实在indeed 18至于;关于 as for 9.漫游;漂泊 wander 19.抚养;教育;呕吐 bring up 10.大使馆 embassy 20.打赌 make a bet,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,Writing,Exercises,Lets have a dictation,设计意图,Check st

14、udents how much they master the vocabulary and urge them to remember words.Vocabulary is the base of learning English.Only if the students accumulate a great deal of vocabulary,they can use it in the exams.,Teaching procedures,By teaching and practicing methods,it can help students accumulate and st

15、rengthen basic knowledge.More practice exercises,Ss can make perfect and improve their ability.It will lay a solid foundation for NMET,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,Writing,Exercises,设计意图,单词点睛,Book 3 unit3 key words1.scene n(戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色2.permitvt.许可;允许;准许 n.通行证;许可证;执照(可数)3.

16、spot vt.发现,认出 n斑点;污点;地点4.accountn说明;理由;计算;账目 vi.&vt.认为;说明;总计有5.seek(sought,sought)vt.&vi.寻找;探索;寻求6.contraryn相反;对立面 adj.相反的;相违的,Teaching procedures,By teaching and practicing methods,it can help students accumulate and strengthen basic knowledge.More practice exercises,Ss can make perfect and improve

17、 their ability.It will lay a solid foundation for NMET,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,Writing,Exercises,设计意图,1scenen(戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色 behind the scenes在后台;在幕后 on the scene 在现场 set the scene 提供条件 come on the scene 登场 quit the scene 退场,【活学活用】(1)这场戏的最后一幕给人留下了深刻的印象。The last scene of

18、the play was very impressive.(2)这座城市的夜景绝佳。The night scene in this city is quite fantastic.,单词点睛,Teaching procedures,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,Writing,Exercises,【易混辨析】scene,scenery,sight,view(1)scene指某地方或图画中的景色或场景。(2)scenery(总称)自然景物、天然风光,由多个scenes构成的自然风景。(3)sight景象、风景、名胜,侧重

19、值得看的事物或很难看到的东西或很可笑的事物;也可指视力、眼界。(4)view 景色、风景,侧重从人所处的角度(从远处或高处)用眼所看到的景色。用scene,sight,view,scenery 的适当形式完成句子(1)The cave is a very nice sight in that place.(2)From the top of the hill you have a nice view of the whole city.(3)Well take you to see the sights when youre in Beijing.(4)The scenery in the m

20、ountains is very beautiful.(5)Firefighters were on the scene immediately.,Teaching procedures,By teaching and practicing methods,it can help students accumulate and strengthen basic knowledge.More practice exercises,Ss can make perfect and improve their ability.It will lay a solid foundation for NME

21、T,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,Writing,Exercises,设计意图,2permitvt.许可;允许;准许 n.通行证;许可证;执照(可数)a drivers/driving permit 驾驶执照 permit sth/doing sth 允许某事/做某事 permit sb to do sth(give sb permission to do sth)允许某人做某事 permission 口头允许,许可(不可数)with/without ones permission 得到允许/未经允许 ask for

22、permission 请求允许,Teaching procedures,【温馨提示】permit其后非谓语形式做宾语时只用动名词或ing形式,不跟不定式,但可用不定式做宾语补足语,即permit sb to do sth 或be permitted to do sth 与permit一样,后面直接跟动词或跟带不定式复合结构的动词还有:allow,forbid,advise等。【活学活用】(1)参观者请勿拍照。Visitors are not permitted to take photos.(2)天气许可的话,我明天过来。Ill come tomorrow,weather permitting

23、.(3)她未经许可擅自使用了汽车。She took the car without permission.,.By teaching and practicing methods,it can help students accumulate and strengthen basic knowledge.More practice exercises,Ss can make perfect and improve their ability.It will lay a solid foundation for NMET,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key s

24、entence,Grammar,Writing,Exercises,设计意图,Teaching procedures,3spot vt.发现,认出 n斑点;污点;地点 spot sb doing sth 看到某人正在做某事 on the spot on the scene 到(在)现场;当场 put sb on the spot 使某人尴尬,使某人为难 spotless adj.没有污点的;纯洁的【活学活用】(1)昨天她在人群中认出了她的朋友。She spotted her friend in the crowd yesterday.(2)她穿着一件白底红点儿的裙子。She was weari

25、ng a white skirt,with red spots.(3)他就是在这儿遭谋杀的。This is the very spot,where he was murdered.,By teaching and practicing methods,it can help students accumulate and strengthen basic knowledge.More practice exercises,Ss can make perfect and improve their ability.It will lay a solid foundation for NMET,D

26、ictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,Writing,Exercises,设计意图,Teaching procedures,4accountn说明;理由;计算;账目 vi.&vt.认为;说明;总计有 account for导致;作出解释 on account of(because of)因为 open/close an account(在银行)开立/结清账户 keep an account of 记录,记载 take sth into account/consideration 考虑到某事 accountant n.会计【活学活

27、用】(1)我去银行开个新账户。Im going to the bank to open a new account.(2)长期的延缓是因为坏天气。Bad weather accounted for the long delay.(3)由于身体欠佳,她很早就退休了。She retired early on account of poor health.,By teaching and practicing methods,it can help students accumulate and strengthen basic knowledge.More practice exercises,S

28、s can make perfect and improve their ability.It will lay a solid foundation for NMET,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,Writing,Exercises,设计意图,Teaching procedures,5seek(sought,sought)vt.&vi.寻找;探索;寻求 seek for/after 寻求,追求 seek(sb/sth)out 找出(某人或某物)seek sbs advice/help 征求意见/寻求帮助 seek t

29、o do sth 试图做某事 seeker n.找寻者,追求者 jobseeker 求职者【活学活用】(1)他们正在找寻避雨的地方。They are seeking/looking for shelter from rain.(2)他征询医生的意见,但医生也没有给他有用的建议。He sought his doctors advice,but the doctor didnt give him anything useful.(3)他们竭力误导我们。They are seeking to mislead us.,By teaching and practicing methods,it can

30、help students accumulate and strengthen basic knowledge.More practice exercises,Ss can make perfect and improve their ability.It will lay a solid foundation for NMET,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,Writing,Exercises,设计意图,Teaching procedures,6contraryn相反;对立面 adj.相反的;相违的 on the co

31、ntrary 与此相反,恰恰相反(只作状语)be contrary to 与相反 contrary to 和相反;违反;不顾 to the contrary 相反地(的)【活学活用】用contrary短语的适当形式完成句子(1)The car isnt expensive.On the contrary,its quite cheap.(2)I will come on Monday unless you write me to the contrary.(3)Contrary to expectation,he didnt win in the match.,By teaching and

32、practicing methods,it can help students accumulate and strengthen basic knowledge.More practice exercises,Ss can make perfect and improve their ability.It will lay a solid foundation for NMET,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,Writing,Exercises,设计意图,Teaching procedures,Dictation,Ke

33、y words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,Writing,Exercises,.,1bring up抚养;培养;教育;提出 bring sb up to be/as 培养某人成为 bring sb up to do sth 培养某人做某事 bring about 引起;导致 bring back 归还;使回忆起 bring in 赚得;提出 bring out 出版;显现;生产【活学活用】请写出bring 相关短语在句中的意思(1)I didnt want to bring up the matter to him last night.(提及)(2)M

34、y parents brought me up to respect others.(教育)(3)He brought up his dead brothers children.(将某人养育成人)(4)Science has brought about many changes in our lives.(带来;引起),短语储存,Teaching procedures,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,Writing,Exercises,.,2.take a chance(take chances)冒险,碰运气 by c

35、hance(by accident)偶然地;意外地 give sb a chance 给某人一个机会 a chance of lifetime 千载难逢的机会 the chances are(that)it is likely that 很可能 have a good chance/no chance/not much chance of(doing)sth/to do sth 大有希望/没有可能/没什么希望做某事【活学活用】用chance短语的适当形式完成句子(1)The guide book didnt mention there being any hotels,but we decid

36、ed to take a chance.(2)You should never take chances/take a chance when driving a car.,短语储存,Teaching procedures,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,Writing,Exercises,.,3.go ahead前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说 go ahead with sth继续(做)某事 ahead of 领先;在前面;早于 look ahead 朝前看 ahead of time/in advance提前【活学

37、活用】用ahead短语的适当形式完成句子(1)After a pause,he went ahead with his speech.(2)The new bridge was completed ahead of time.(3)Could I use your bike?Go ahead.,短语储存,Help the students organize and store key phrases and enable them to use flexibly.,设计意图,Time:the first period,Teaching procedures,1The next morning

38、Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.【句型解读】句中when为并列连词,译为“就在这时”,表示一种未预料到或突然发生的情况,常用于讲述过去发生的事情或故事。【相关拓展】when常用于以下句型:(1)be about to do sth when正要做某事就在这时(2)be on the point of doing sth when正要做某事就在这时(3)be doing sth when正在做某事就在这时(4)had just done sth when刚做完某事就(5)had hardly

39、done sth when一就,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,Writing,Exercises,设计意图,佳句透视,Let students master key sentences in order to better use in completing sentences and writing,Teaching procedures,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,Writing,Exercises,设计意图,【活学活用】(1)他正要出去

40、时天下起雨来了。He was about to go out when it began to rain.(2)我刚做完试卷下课铃就响了。Id just finished my test paper when the bell rang.(3)那个小孩正在骑车,就在这时,摔了下来。The boy was riding when he fell off his bike.,2Indeed,sir,I hope youll come here whenever you like.whever 引 导的从句,【注意事项】(1)whatever,whoever,whichever,whomever既可

41、引导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句。,重点句型,Let students master key sentences in order to better use in completing sentences and writing,Teaching procedures,(2)whenever,wherever,however引导让步状语从句的时候,相当于no matter when/where/how。(3)“no matterwh”只能引导让步状语从句,可放在主句前或主句后。(4)whichever,whatever在句中还可作定语。(5)however作连词引导从句时,常置于句首,句

42、子使用倒装结构,即把后面的形容词或副词直接放在however之后【活学活用】(1)_ _(不要老是想到什么就说什么/不要信口开河).Think twice before saying.(2)_(每当我们遇到困难时),he always comes to help us.(3)_(无论是谁迟到了),he will be punished._,he will be punished._ will be punished.,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Exercises,Writing,Exercises,设计意图,Dont always

43、 say whatever comes into your mind,Whenever we meet with difficulties,Whoever is late,No matter who is late,Those who are late,重点句型,Let students master key sentences in order to better use in completing sentences and writing,Teaching procedures,1Though it is 20 years _we last met,I still remember th

44、e scene _we got separated on a snowy day.Abefore;where Bbefore;which Csince;when Dsince;where【解析】D考查时间状语从句和定语从句。“it is/has been一段时间since从句”为固定句型,表示自从上次干某事到现在有多长时间了;scene作先行词且定语从句中需要的是地点状语,故用where或in which引导定语从句。2He said that doing parttime jobs did no good to students,but few _his view.Aagreed Bperm

45、itted Cshared Dnodded【解析】C考查动词词义辨析。agree同意,赞成,为不及物动词;permit许可,答应;share分享,共享;nod点头。句意为:他说做兼职对学生没好处,但几乎无人和他分享此观点。,This part is aimed at testing the ability of students to use knowledge to meet the demands of NMET.,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,writing,Exercises,设计意图,跟踪训练,Teachin

46、g procedures,3I wonder why he has been acting so strange these days.Recent pressure at work may _ his behavior.Aaccount for Bmake for Cchange for Dstand for【解析】A考查短语辨析。account for“导致”。句意为:最近的压力可能导致了他的(奇怪的)行为。4Does it rain a lot in this area?_-,it hardly ever rains;the climate is like that of a deser

47、t.AWhats worse BIn other words COn the contrary DAs a result【解析】C考查交际用语。很显然,问句中的rain a lot和答语中的hardly ever rains是两个截然不同的情况,所以用On the contrary,意为“相反”。whats worse 更糟糕的是;in other words 换句话说;as a result结果是。,This part is aimed at testing the ability of students to use knowledge to meet the demands of NME

48、T.,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,writing,Exercises,设计意图,Teaching procedures,5His wife is constantly finding _ with him,which makeshim very angry.Aerrors Bshortcomings Cfault Dflaw【解析】C考查名词辨析。find fault with sb是一个固定用法,意为“找茬”。error错误;shortcoming缺点;flaw瑕疵,缺陷。句意为:她老婆老是挑他刺,这使他非常生气。

49、6She is very dear to us.We have been prepared to do_it takes to save her life.Awhichever Bhowever Cwhatever Dwhoever【解析】C句意为:她是我们的至亲之人,我们要不惜一切代价挽救她的生命。动词do为及物动词,其后跟宾语从句,同时从句中takes也缺少宾语,故此处填whatever。whatever“无论什么”,符合语境及句子成分;whichever表示“(有范围的)哪一个”,用在此处不合适。,This part is aimed at testing the ability of

50、students to use knowledge to meet the demands of NMET.,Dictation,Key words,Key phrases,Key sentence,Grammar,writing,Exercises,设计意图,Teaching procedures,7I hope my teacher will take my bad illness into _when judging my examination.Areason Bstatement Cstory Daccount【解析】Dtake into accounttake into consi


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